Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sports? What's Sports? Hodgepodge

I can see that I need to get a new photo editing program for my computer. Even Snapseed, which I use for some of my photos  Instagram, is far better at helping me display an image that is closer to what my eyes actually see. The photo above was taken last evening when the sun was almost down. The soybeans were glowing - which can't be proved by this dull photo. I'm sorry, but I guess if you want to see glowing soybeans, you'll have to visit me on Instagram. @cranberrymorning. The view is from the edge of our yard looking south.

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in.

1. What's changed in your life, home, or community since your last birthday?

My husband and son visited England (without me) and had a whirlwind tour of York, the Yorkshire Dales (and meeting a famous author), the Cotswolds (which was packed with tourists), and London. My granddaughter spent the week with me studying, working on an art journal, taking photos, finding coffee, and in the evenings we watched old movies: Roman Holiday, Charade, How to Steal a Million, High Society. I got my hair cut a bit too short. The soybean field is turning golden. I sprained my next-to-little toe. It's not funny. (My birthday was in August, so not a lot has happened in the interim.)

 Rudbeckia and High Bush Cranberries
Experimenting with different settings.

2. September is Classical Music Month. Do you like/listen to classical music? If so what's a favorite piece and/or who is a favorite composer?

Yes, I love classical music. Bach and Prokofiev would be the two favorites that come to mind.

 Cattle on an Amish farm.
I wonder if they know they're Amish cattle.

3. Besides The Bible, what's a book that has positively changed your life, relationships, career, or perspective? How so?

'Surprised by Hope,' by N.T. Wright. Definitely changed my perspective about heaven, about the Kingdom of God, about the mission of the church. You'd have to read it, but I encourage you to do so.  It really does make one think.

 Our barn and pink petunia

4. I read (here) these ten hobbies will make you a musical instrument, read voraciously, meditate regularly, work out your brain (puzzles, sudoku, board games, etc), exercise often, learn a new language, write your feelings down (blog, journal, just write), travel to new places, cook different kinds of meals, participate in sports actively

Are any on this list your current hobbies? Which hobby on the list would you be most inclined to try?

I'm always reading; I do play the piano, but rarely and not very well; I meditate regularly (pray, actually); work out my brain through trying to figure out how to make my sprained toe stop hurting; exercise is something that seems in the distant past, but I do hope to do in the future; haven't learned a new language, but am trying to understand English speakers; I don't write my feelings down, for I don't believe in leaving a paper trail. I pray instead; I'd love to travel to new places; I'm not good about cooking new things, because I usually don't think to shop for the specific ingredients, and if I don't have the ingredients on hand, I'm not going to drive 25 miles to get them; never participate in a sports activity, unless picking tomatoes and peppers is considered a sport.

 Taking New Soap Photos

5. What sports traditions does your family have?

No sports traditions, although our two youngest boys get together and watch football on TV and play softball.

 Dallas Pond and dam

6. In a few words, weigh in on the current football/National Anthem brouhaha. Keep it family friendly please.

No sports interest, although with this particular case, I'll state that I believe in defending the First Amendment. Still, I get annoyed with those who get a sudden interest in even a legitimate cause and use it to take a stand against something they know little about, and for reasons they are ill-equipped to defend - most of which seem to be selfish and attention-seeking.

7. Where do you have loads of patience, and where do you most lack patience?

Most patience - animals. Least patience - hip, knee, toe.

 Winters past.
R.I.P. Misty & Bridger
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Sorry my Hodgepodge answers are even more random than usual. Lots going on, and I'm still working on walking. Everything seems to take way more energy than it did prior to June. I'm going to try to visit my blogger friends, but unfortunately cannot make any promises. I hope you have a good week and maybe we'll meet here at the Hodgepodge again next week. Thank you, Joyce, for providing the Hodgepodge questions.


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Joyce said...

Hey gardening is definitely exercise! And you are exercising. Walking after surgery requires the same mindset and energy as many sports. Lovely photo!

Sylvia said...

Good questions and answers. Hope you are getting around better soon.
Have a good day!

Arlene G said...

So glad you are feeling well enough to do a hodge podge Judy. I understand about the energy required. Resting as you have had to do can deplete the energy for sure but you will build back up once you are more mobile. And I am a classical music lover too. It is what I listen to in the car...calms me down in crazy traffic.:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you did a great job of answering the questions while still recuperating from your surgery. know you missed not going with your family, but good you had someone with you to watch movies and for company.
I like all the photos, the one of the basket is beautiful and I do love cows. I don't do Instagram so can't see the glow. phooey. the only comment on the brouhaha I have is if the media would stop talking about it and take the cameras off them they would not do it. they do it for attention and the media keeps it stirred up as they do with any and everything.
the only sport tradition here is I read while he watches sports. tennis, racing, football,

TexWisGirl said...

i loved all your photos. beautiful. i've heard other bloggers complain about the quality of photos uploaded to blogger getting reduced from what they were. keep the faith on your healing and recuperation. :)

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I did mention you in my Hodgepodge today. If you are not able to visit, I will let you in on it ... it is about Cross Country skiing and Winter. :-)) Hee Hee, I just knew you would want to hear the word Winter.

Sending HUGS, I know this road to recovery is a long, slow one. You Can Do It my Friend.

Love, Carla

Empty Nester said...

I've noticed that everything, no matter how big or small, takes forever to heal these days. That was a problem my grandmother had, wasn't it? Sheesh. Aging is not easy. Anyway...Sorry about the toe. I absolutely hate ramming my toe into things. It hurts! Not much you can do either. You take care of you and don't worry about anything else!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy... your new soap photos are great!! So sad to see your 2 pups that past away. I'm sure they are playing in the snow up in heaven. Enjoy your week.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I hope you are recovering well and feeling good. You have some great answers and beautiful photos. My photos on blogger seem to be different than on my files. Not sure why they changes. I remember watching most of the movies you listed, they were all good. Have a happy day!

Loris Glassworks said...

I love reading your blog posts, so many lovely photos. I'm in love with old barns...I've pinned your barn photo to my Pinterest board "Barns Great and Small". I hope it brings some traffic to your fabulous blog. I don't know how it happened, but I have over 24 thousand followers on's amazing to me, I'm just not that interesting! If you don't want your photo out there just let me know and I'll remove it...If you want to take a look at my board here is the link:

Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

podso said...

I can sense your frustration and am sorry--the broken toe you did not need as you are working on walking. Hearing you talk makes me dread another knee replacement soon--for I will be two years older and I've been commenting lately on how long things seem to take to heal compared to a few years ago. I'll have to see if hubby has that one by NT Wright.
Take care of yourself.


Love those photos. Made me hear a road trip in my future.

Theresa said...

Do the cattle know they are Amish, ha! That is funny. I know hurting a toe is no joke. It's amazing how something so little can hurt so much. Feel better.

21 Wits said...

Well whatever Blogger does, I think your photos are always wonderful to see!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

How wonderful that they got to visit England. My husband is leaving tonight for the UK. Love the barn and pink petunias. Love your soaps! My family watches football. I just don't care for it that much. I can relate with you energy levels. Since I was in the hospital I am not back to where I was and I'm disappointed in that. Also a knee injury has flared up and I'm seeing an orthopedic specialist on Monday. Pain with every step I take. I will be praying for your improvement. ((HUGS))

Susie said...

Judy, You always have so many great pictures. I love them. I went back thru some posts I have missed. Henry is adorable. Love the basket of tomatoes. The autumn scenes them. Hope you are doing well and enjoying yourself. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Terri D said...

Your photos are always so beautiful. I forget to check in at Instagram until someone mentions it. I did go find your golden field, but I think both photos are wonderful. This was another fun Hodgepodge and I enjoyed your answers!

Nancy's Notes said...

Your photographs are just wonderful! I'm crazy about barn and yes, cows! Hang in there, nothing worse than hurting and waiting for it to subside!
Enjoyed your post.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness Judy how I love your photos - all of them - love the basket one too. I am sorry you are so tired - how are you walking and did the hip replacement take?

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello my dear Judy! Always love catching up with you here, reading your answers, enjoying your humor, and your beautiful photos.

Praying for your continued strength and healing! It must be so frustrating for you. Keep kicking butt and doing your best just taking it one day at a time.

Blessings Friend. xoxo

Wendy said...

I always enjoy your posts and the lovely photos. It's amazing how such small things as toes can cause so much pain and I'm sure it's frustrating you as you continue your recovery. I hope it all improves soon.

Barbara said...

Thanks (again) for the book recommendation and also for the old movie ideas. Love your soybean field, even if the picture didn't turn out on the blog quite as you wanted.

Hope the toe heals quickly. Such injuries are terribly painful. Stay off your feet and read a book. Hugs!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy,I'm so sorry to hear about the toe injury! You certainly didn't need that! I adore the glowing soybean field--It surely shows the golden sunlight of Autumn approaching. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your granddaughter in spite of the injury. Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts and prayers. ♥

Cheryl said...

Oh dear. Spraining a toe is not funny, particularly when you're still recovering from hip surgery.

Hey, don't worry about visiting...and certainly don't worry about commenting! Life events change our patterns, I have found. I still find it challenging to find the time and mental energy to blog and read and comment as much as I used to. Moving threw me for a loop! I am happy in our new house and all is going well...and yet, all of my patterns and habits are different and I just can't find a rhythm. (I know I'm not the only person who has ever moved, so it seems silly even to me, but I don't have any other explanation.)

Enough philosophizing.

It is nice that you got to spend time with your granddaughter while your hubby was traveling! That time is golden!

Linda said...

I enjoyed catching up with you!
I love posts like these. Sorry about your toe....toes are more important than we think - until we hurt one of them!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Sorry about the slow progressfor yur healthy. You sound a bit frustrated by that as I would be. Loved all your answers adn must try and get that book yoou recommended.

Vee said...

Are the men already home from England? Your granddaughter already returned home? Unbelievable how quickly good things come to an end.

My eye prefers the bloom setting on my camera. Apparently, I am not into reality at all and prefer an other-worldy spin. I do try to keep this in check however.

You keep working on walking and don't worry about visiting, me anyway...less than nothing going on in my corner.

Jean | said...

Judy, just think how many injuries you'd get playing sports! I like your idea of sports - picking tomatoes and peppers! Can't wait to hear more about Mr C's trip.

Lady Fi said...

That first shot is stunning!

Ida said...

I've been wondering how you've been doing. - The toe issue sounds not so fun.
I enjoyed your answers & photos very much. - Loved the one of the pink petunias and your barn.

Mama Squirrel said...

Oh, I like that basket arrangement! Very fall-like.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like the photo of your soap! And I know it's been a crazy summer for you and you are anxious to get going! Take care of yourself! Sweet hugs, Diane

This N That said...

Is Snapseed available for Mac?? Is it free? I have been looking for a program other than the one on my computer (came with)

This N That said...

PS...Sorry about your toe..Seems like there is always something to heal..Hope it's quick!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh I do like the Rudbeckia and High Bush Cranberries arrangement, what glorious colour.
Also those pink petunias and your barn are a lovely sight.
Just take care of yourself ...

All the best Jan

Anita Johnson said...

I do,love these posts....we are not sports people either. Maybe I should try to learn a new language...but which one! I pray too! Best use of time!

Summer said...

Love your photos! Hope you are having a great weekend ♥

Lynne said...

Always enjoy your hodgepodge answers even when I am reading them 3-4 days later than your writing.
Hope the toe is better . . .
Stubbed toes hurt . . .
Empathy from me . . .
Caring about the patience you have had to endure since June . . .
Hugs . . .

Anonymous said...

Love the barn and pink petunia photo. I like your idea of sport/exercise--picking veggies!


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