Monday, October 3, 2016

Meet Audrey

 Meet Audrey

I know that I shouldn't name a cat that someone obviously dropped off at the end of our long driveway because they thought no one would notice until they were out of sight (which is true, of course), but this is such a sweet little cat, it seemed that she was at least deserving of a name. We think she is young, and we've already observed her hunting abilities, for she actually caught and ate a red squirrel, leaving only the bushy tail as evidence.

 I think the resemblance is in the eyes.
Do you see it?

Mr. Cranberry, the man who does not want to be tied down to animals, is the one who immediately started feeding her and giving her water. We're not quite sure what we're going to do about Audrey at this point. She rubbed up against the outside glass of the patio doors, and when Tuppence saw her, she became as a cat possessed, trying to kill the cat on the other side of the glass. I think there was enough reflection on that side that Audrey hardly noticed and went on being sweet natured as Tuppence went on trying to kill her.

At this point, we don't dare have the door to the screen porch open, or it's pretty certain that we'd have a huge cat fight and screen shredded to bits.

IF we keep Audrey (and you know it's harder to part with a sweet cat you've already named), we would have her spayed and then somehow, very slowly, introduce the two cats separated by doors and walls at first.

Anyway, that's the exciting news here at Lake Woebegone.

 Cornfields and bins

Other than that, it's been the beginning of the colorful northwoods for which NW Wisconsin is famous (among other things like serial killers, beer, and brats). I think peak color will be in a couple weeks, but we're getting a nice preview of coming attractions.
 Sumac and birch against a blue sky

What did I tell you?


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TexWisGirl said...

laughed out loud at the what wis is famous for. yup! :)

i love audrey. she's beautiful and sweet. i hope tuppence will adjust to her presence!

Sylvia said...

It's good to have a cat that will hunt and get rid of unwanted animals. Hope your two cats will learn to tolerate each other.

Deb said...

Well, I don't need to tell you how fun I think having Audrey at Cranberry Morning will be. She is gorgeous and there is no hunter like a tabby cat. I think the M on the forehead stands for Mass Murderer in the cat world. We have a tabby boy named David that visits from next door and i have to stand guard over Simon, the chipmunk, when he is here. He knowss the rules here now, though. I think your new-comer will be happy to be an in-door cat once the colder weather arrives and the poor wild-life can relax a bit. I'm so happy for Audrey, Judy. It's so sad the amount of cats that get dumped. It's one of the things that breaks my heart the most. I hope your Audrey is as charming as the diva that lives here. Hope to see lots of your Audrey and I have a few tips when it comes time for the big introduction. Sumacs in the fall are so pretty. We have lots here at the mouse-house to enjoy. Deb

Anonymous said...

Audrey is a doll. She does look very young. All of our cats were "dumped out" as kittens. They've been the best pets ever. I've had a couple of pets that it took a while to make things "agreeable" but eventually it does happen. Deb will be able to give you great tips on introductions.
I love your photos and this time of the year.

eileeninmd said...

Audrey looks like a sweetie, I did not know there was an animal that could catch a squirrel.
They are usually quick movers. Pretty images, I hope the two kitties become friends.

Happy Monday, enjoy the new week ahead!

Lynne said...

Liked this read . . .
with style and fun . . .
Audrey has found a good home . . .

Preppy Empty Nester said...

It was Audrey's lucky day when she was dropped off at the end of YOUR driveway!! She's beautiful and her name is well deserved. Have a great week. I have a feeling you will be at the vet's for shots.

Arlene G said...

Well you know I like the name Audrey as I have a sweet granddaughter with that name. She sounds like a keeper to me.

Empty Nester said...

Well, ew. LOL Audrey is a lovely name for a sweet kitty. Hope things work out before that harsh winter sets in. Is this early for your fall or right on time? We're still hot here though they keep dangling cooler temps in front of us like a carrot in front of a jackass. Anyway...we do have a rather large hurricane looming in the Atlantic and possibly heading our way. Fingers crossed that the thing moves out to sea and bothers no one. Lake Wobegone! LOL LOVE Garrison Keillor! I hate to see him retire but he seems to be quite impressed with his replacement. We shall see. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sumac and birch is Awesome... so is the left over fox tale.. good girl Audrey but how do you know it is not Aubrey? did you check? LOL... poor Tuppence, guarding the territory. I do see the resemblance in the eyes...

Lowcarb team member said...

Audrey looks adorable ...

Your photo's are lovely to look at - thanks for sharing.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

Of course Audrey is there to stay!! She and Tuppence will figure it out eventually. The three we have now don't really like each other (no snuggles) but they tolerate each other and eat together and sleep within 3 feet of each other on the bed. It can work out with patience.

The leaves changing are gorgeous! Please do keep posting your Fall colors for me...we don't have them in Florida, except for brown lily pads in the lakes. Ha!

Susie said...

Judy, Now you know...your hubby is an old softie...he wants to keep that cat. LOL. It is very cute. I agree about the screen. :):) I love the brilliant red of sumac trees. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

Tired Teacher said...

Audrey will definitely be a good mouser, and every country home needs a mouser!

Cathy said...

Hopefully, the cats will become friends in time.

podso said...

A bit of excitement at your house, and lots of color already, I'd say, even short of "peak."

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Audrey is a pretty little kitty and I'm glad she found a good home. We have several feral cats that have found their way to our house. Probably because they know we will feed them. :) I love the sumac, ours hasn't turned red yet but in won't be long. I love fall and all the wonderful colors! Have a nice week!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, my little brother is in the field now, so I'm sure he is storing grain in his silos...the corn price is awful at the moment. Your post definitely looks like fall.

Lady Fi said...

Aww - she is cute!

Robin said...

Audrey is a cutie. Your pictures are beautiful. I would love to visit your area in the fall and enjoy all the beautiful fall colors.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Audrey is a survivalist for sure, Judy. I think your plan to introduce them slowly but surely will work. I love her name and Audrey must be cousins with Miss Hepburn.
I see autumn is coming your way. The sumac is so pretty dressed for fall. Have a great afternoon. ♥

Donna Wilkes said...

Audrey needs a little cat hat to complete her Hepburn look. I learned that Wisconsin is known for serial killers!?! I always think red barns and cheese. We gradually introduced a new cat to our cat by switching their bedding each week to get used to the smell.

Anita Johnson said...

Glad you hid the tail. Naming a stray is trouble....we helped a neighbor put up extra window screens in their house so the cats could get used to each other. Good luck....seriously. The cat is perfect. And you are ahead in color !

L. D. said...

Your cat may have been out on her own for a long tie if she is hunting for food. Our farm cats did that as we didn't feed them only table scraps when they were available.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Enjoy your color changes!

Joanne Noragon said...

Does Mr. Cranberry know he's already tied down to Tuppence? Ease Audrey on in.

Cheryl said...

Awwww...I'm a sucker for a stray cat. Both of ours were drop-offs, but they quickly forgot. :) Pretty soon, Audrey will be Queen of the Castle...or maybe she'll be the princess, as you already have a queen in residence. :)

Beautiful, beautiful fall!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Audrey is so pretty and I never thought a cat would eat a Squirrel. Lovely autumn colours

BeachGypsy said...

Oh she is a beauty!! I hope you keep her! She needs a home and winter is on it's way.

cloches and lavender said...

Audrey is cute and I personally like the name. Happy she found a home before your frigid winters set in she must have known s he was going to a home.


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, her name is perfect! I do hope she has found her forever home, either with you or with someone else equally worthy! She must have been very hungry to eat a squirrel! Love the photo of the grain silos (if that is what they are:) in the corn field. Fall is my favorite time of year! x K

This N That said...

Audrey looks just like my Abby..She preceded Max....Good luck with her..The more the merrier..

Carla from The River said...

I love Audrey. What have you decided? Does Joe need a cat? ;-)


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