Sunday, April 16, 2017

Springtime and Easter Sunday

 The Vultures Across the Road
(I mean real vultures)

There are huge turkey vultures that soar above our place from time to time. They often perch for a while on Neighbor Bill's barn (above) to scope out the landscape below. They're really great ugly birds, but fun to watch. And I'd just as soon stay on the good side of them. I've seen what happens to miscalculating deer.

On this evening's walk, we saw turkey vultures, an eagle's nest high in a pine tree, and heard the repeated dive warning of a nighthawk. I love the countryside.

 From upper left, clockwise:

Our daughter and kids finding the first spring flowers in our woods
Oliver, reading to his puppy (photo by his mom or dad)

Henry, blowing bubbles to entertain the kitties
Tommy, checking out the birds in the front yard


On Resurrection Sunday we went to church in the morning and then came home where kids grandkids, and some 'borrowed grandkids' joined us for dinner. I think the little ones will sleep well tonight. Lots of fresh air and running around the yard, hunting for Easter eggs should have worn them out.

 The weather was gorgeous for Easter Sunday
The kids taking their Gustafson's Boutique Easter Baskets
out on the hunt.

Son and grandson on the hunt
See how it's really starting to green up in Wisconsin!

Hummingbird Cake for dessert
My first ever, made from Jean's recipe,
although I made it in a 13 x 9 pan, rather than layers.
It was delicious!
(At least three people asked me how many hummingbirds it took.)


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I hope you had a wonderful Easter celebration.,



Vee said...

With the exception of the turkey vultures, it truly was a beautiful Easter day in your corner. It was the same here, right down to the turkey vultures, except the greening has not yet taken place. We are on our last shreds of snow. There were a number of 80° days, though the temps will slide back to 40s and 50s this week. So glad that the cake was good. I baked a lemon cake and it was not well received. Guess it will be my breakfast this week until it's gone. =}

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I hope you and your family had a very happy Easter! The grandkids are all adorable, I especially love cute Oliver with his puppy. Sweet kitties. The cake looks delicious. Wonderful photos and mosaic. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Lynne said...

Easter Day sunshine sounds perfect . . .
Interesting on the "greening up" . . .
Wisconsin's "Judy farm" looks quite green . . .
We drove a bit south and east to our grandsons for Easter Day . . .
Very green there, like ready to mow.
We are still somewhat stunted on the "greening up!"
Bright sunny Easter Monday will help, I am sure.
Looks like there were many eggs hidden in your "green patch!"

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful family day Judy...happy the weather cooperated was a perfect day for an Easter egg hunt.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the cake has my mouth watering since I have had no sugar since Jan 26.. the kids are so cute running around in your beautiful green grass. Tommy steals the show once again

Arlene G said...

What a fun Easter Judy, thanks for sharing your pictures with us. And I will have a slice of cake please!!

Maggie said...

What a lovely family Easter you all had together, I love to see little people on the hunt for eggs, the joy on their faces when they find one is always a delight.
The cake looks very moreish, would love a slice. How many hummingbirds did it take, anyway? (Only joking)
Happy Mosaic Monday.

Creations By Cindy said...

Judy, sounds like you and your family had a wonderful Easter Sunday! Love the pictures. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Snap said...

Good Morning, Judy. Looks like you and your family had a wonderful Easter weekend. I always enjoy seeing kids and the egg hunts -- so much fun! So, how many hummingbirds does it take to make a hummingbird cake???!!!!!!!! Ha! They are delicious -- the cakes! I bet the kitties enjoyed the bubbles, too! Happy Monday!

This N That said...

Looks like a lovely way to spend Easter..The Hummingbird cake looks moist..Have a wonderful week..

riitta k said...

Cute kids & kittens - Happiness!

Lady Fi said...

That cake looks amazing!

Cathy said...

Love all your pictures. The kids are so cute hunting for eggs. Love that picture of Tommy looking out the window. We've been seeing a lot of those vultures around here lately. They line up on the roof of the building next to our post office and also in the trees. I'm not sure what it is they like there, but there certainly are a bunch of them some days. Like you said, they are ugly, but interesting to watch.

The Hummingbird cake looks delicious!

Jean | said...

Judy, so glad you liked the cake! And "how many hummingbirds did it take?" -- I love that! As adorable as the grands are, nobody can compete with cats! Those kittens are growing up fast -- what are they, teenagers?

Lorrie said...

Little ones intent on finding Easter eggs is a fun thing to watch. Moreso than the turkey vultures! Wouldn't want to get on their bad side. Sounds like a wonderful Resurrection Sunday was had by all in your corner of the globe.

Terri D said...

The little ones sure do make any holiday more fun! Great photos!! Looks like everyone had a great time!

Empty Nester said...

How many hummingbirds---LOL What great fun y'all had! I'm glad you had green instead of snow white. Did the kitties love the bubbles?

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a lovely time was enjoyed at your home, Judy. The grands enjoying the egg hunt is so nice to see. That is a huge tree in your collage! The hummingbird cake looks absolutely delicious. So glad to see it greening up in your world. Have a great week. ♥

Judy S. said...

Loved your Easter photos, Judy. Sounds like you had a nice Easter. I had no idea vultures can be found in WI!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such cute photos of the grands and the kitties! Looks like you had a wonderful Easter. Great shot of the vultures, too. xx K

Tanna said...

Such JOY to see the kiddos! And, your Hummingbird cake looks amazing! The vultures... yes, I'd want to steer clear. LOL! blessings ~ tanna

Cheryl said...

Celebrating the Resurrection is such a joyful thing!! Loved seeing your photos and the happy faces! (Eek . . . what are those vultures doing there?)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a lovely day for Easter. So fun to see the little ones searching for eggs. Our little neighbor comes here to blow bubbles and has the best time!
I hope you will have a nice day.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Looks like a great Easter in the books Judy! I've been loving the milder weather & green grass too. Although today rain & cold.

Love that cake (& the bad joke)! Lol
Blessings on your week Hon. Xoxo

podso said...

It is green there! It seems like Sunday was beautiful weather in many parts of the country, yours included. Somehow egg hunts look a lot prettier when the grass is green. When we lived in Africa and saw vultures circling in the sky we knew it was either road kill or animal sacrifice. Such ugly creatures--but created for a purpose! Glad you had a nice day with your family.

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh wonderful photos of your Easter gathering. It looks so nice and green there too! We have turkey vultures here as well and they return from the south in spring but I haven't seen any yet. Have a great week Judy. Blessings, Pam

BeachGypsy said...

looks like a wonderful Easter! i love the bubble picture!


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