Monday, October 30, 2017

Mosaic Monday

Doesn't it  make your knees hurt to see her sit like that??

After I had almost recovered from our England trip, I spent a week with our daughter's family. It was so fun to be with them. My daughter had a room all ready for me - closet space, a drawer in the bathroom all to myself, and nice touches like plenty of Dove chocolates on hand. Who can resist that?

On the left side of the photo above, you can see our three year old granddaughter who will totally ace the pre-kindergarden screening when that time rolls around. She's still at the 'deftly cutting paper into tiny pieces' stage. We're hoping she eventually moves into the 'picking up after myself' stage. We're not holding out a lot of hope for that to happen any time soon.

On the right is her older brother who was teaching me a 'new' way to play Quick Cups. My job was to snap the ones in front of me, like you do with caroms, in order to knock down the ones on his side. When I reminded him that that wasn't exactly how the game is played, he reminded me ever so patiently that, 'This is a tutorial, Grandma.' :-)

It was a complete delight to spend time with them, and I read through all the Disney princess books multiple times, along with Jack and the Beanstalk and even William Steig's 'Solomon The Rusty Nail.' I was thrilled that Lucy loved that story, contrary to some of the reviewers who wrote that it would terrify little children. Really? Does anyone remember Grimm's Fairy Tales that I grew up with??  Solomon is NOT scary, and it's a really clever and fun story (like most of the William Steig books.) 

Well, well, well. I just looked up Solomon the Rusty Nail on Amazon and you can only get it on Kindle these days, unless you want to spend $50 to get a paperback copy! Good grief! His stories are so worth reading, especially the following:

Solomon The Rusty Nail
Doctor DeSoto
Brave Irene
Tifky Doofky
Farmer Palmer's Wagon Ride
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

The collage above is of scenes around our home this past week or two. I wish you could zoom in on the photo on the lower left. Tommy is totally chilling on that comfy chair!  And in the lower right, the two kitties, Tommy & Smokey (of Instagram #tommyandsmokey fame) were watching the snow (yes, SNOW!) last Friday. They were mesmerized. I was depressed. But at least it didn't stick around long.

However, on Saturday, we went to Rochester to visit a friend in the hospital there and the Rochester area still had a thick dusting of snow. Ack! Winter is coming way too early.

Blockley in the Cotswolds

More Blockley in future posts



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Linked to Mosaic Monday

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podso said...

Good morning, thoroughly enjoyed your grandkid tales. They sure sound like creative kids. My favorite thing to do with mine is to read to them, as long as they'll have me! It's gotten cold here and we had rumor of a few flakes further up in the mountains. But that may be the last of it until a few more flakes float down in real winter.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Love your mosaic. You have snow already?? We've just had our first serious frost. I'm pretty sure Mrs Britain would suggest that I haven't reached the 'picking up after myself' stage yet either.

Arlene G said...

Judy, I had to laugh at your grandson reminding you he was doing a tutorial! They are both as cute as can be!!

Gillena Cox said...

Happy Mosaic Monday, nice pics

much love...

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your grandchildren are so cute. I am sure your week visit with them was fun! I love the kitty mosaic. I am not ready for snow or winter.
Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your kitties are still adorable, and so are your grandkids. love the this is a tutorial remark. ha ha... I am sure you loved your visit . oh no on snow this early. we are COLD today. 51 going to 69... brrrrr. ha ha.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It does seem early for snow but I guess not. I've seen in snow in the mts of NC on Halloween lots of times. Love your cute kitties and the fun with the grands. Enjoy your day! Hugs!

Sue said...

Thanks for the memories of time spent with grandchildren Judy, ours live a far piece from the farm. I so miss these special memory making times.
The collage of your week is pretty, my kind of snow is here today, gone tomorrow. ~wink.
Have a blessed day.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

The grandkids are so darling, Judy! I haven't been able to sit that way since I was 4 years old. Love the mosaic of the kitties. Enjoy your week and I hope that there are plenty of Dove candies in your future!

Susie said...

Judy, The grandkids are so cute and funny. If I sit like that, I would need help getting up and something would surely be pulled. LOL I loved all the fall and cat photos. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Maggie said...

Judy, your grandchildren sound delightful, love the "it's a tutorial" reprimand! What a lovly visit you must have had and Dove chocs too.
Lovely mosaic, so cosy and comfy the cats faces are to die for as they watch the snowflakes, I agree with you though it's way too soon for snow.
Looking forward to hearing about your UK trip soon.
Happy Mosaic Monday.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I just love the "this is a tutorial, Grandma" quote. LOL
I do agree, I think we will be having an early winter! Does that mean an early spring?

Anonymous said...

I adore your cats! These are the cutest pictures. Oh, to be as relaxed as a cat and to be able to sit like your granddaughter! lol
I know you enjoyed your time with family, even the "tutorial!" ha
It has finally turned cold here in n. GA too. Of course, I know your winters are brutal compared to ours.
I wish you a nice week.

Lorrie said...

Hi Judy,
I have a couple of granddaughters a bit older than yours and they are still into the cutting paper into little bits phase. The clean up urge is slow to arrive. Grandkids are so much fun to watch.
Snow already! I'm glad it melted for you. That said, we get so little that I'm always thrilled to see some. Who knows what the winter will bring.
Your Cotswold photo makes me long to return to that beautiful part of England. Have a great week.

ellen b. said...

Those are some advanced cutting skills for a three year old! :) Haha how did you do on your tutorial grandmother? Too cute. Yes, please, more photos from the Cotswolds! Have a good week!

Terri D said...

This is a tutorial Grandma!! Made me laugh!! Love the photos and your cats are SO cute!

Angie said...

As we like to say, the problem is not getting on the floor - it is getting up again! I wish I had your granddaughter's flexibility. As noted by many others, I was tickled by your grandson's 'tutorial' comment - sometimes they are old beyond their years. The weather in Montana is about to take a serious turn on Wednesday; snow is in the forecast all the way through Monday!!! I am not sure my kitties will be watching it like yours - what a lovely shot of their adorable faces.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love that "it's a tutorial Grandma"... am still smiling . how fun to spend a week with your grands making beautiful memories for all! I've gotten so far behind on reading this summer; will come back to read about England trip (and probably drool with envy)>

Ida said...

It was nice to catch up with what you've been up to. How nice to have time to spend with your grandchildren. They both look and sound adorable. Don't you just love it when they "correct" you! - Nice mosaic. I loved seeing your kitties. Brrr on the snow. So far here only in the mountains.

UplayOnline said...

That said, we get so little that I'm always thrilled to see some. Who knows what the winter will bring.



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