Wednesday, November 22, 2017

It's the Hodgepodge, Thankfully!

 Thanksgiving (October) 2016 hayride
Our non-traditional Early Thanksgiving
This is the difference between celebrating Thanksgiving mid October
and celebrating it early November, (cold, drizzly, yukky) as we did this year.
Hopefully we can go back to October for next year.

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and Join in!

Thanks, Joyce!

1. tightly do you cling to tradition when it comes to holiday gatherings and celebrations? For instance do you always do the cooking, never eat at home, always go to grandma's, never miss the parade, always watch football, never change the menu, always eat at 2 PM, etc.? Have you ever celebrated Christmas or Thanksgiving away from hearth, home, and family? How did that feel?

I'm not sure how tightly I cling to tradition, for my goal is to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family, whenever most of them are available to get together. Thus, our Thanksgiving this year was on November 4. What's taking the rest of you so long?? ;-) BUT, If Thanksgiving is going to be celebrated at our house, there will always be turkey and stuffing. It works out well for Mr. C. and me to roast the turkey (with stuffing) and ham here, cook the potatoes and squash, and ask the others to bring the other sides and dessert. We don't ever eat out for our family Thanksgiving. Never ever watching football is a time-honored tradition, and usually eating at 1 PM works best for us.

One year Mr. C. and I flew to London on Thanksgiving Day evening, although the kids who were left here at home had already had their Thanksgiving dinner with us before we left. So we were at St. Paul's Cathedral for the First Sunday of Advent. How did that feel? Pretty wonderful!

 Yesterday at 11:30 AM
From the Porch

 Yesterday at 1:30 PM
Same porch

2. it easy for you to ask for help or are you a do-it-yourselfer? How is that a good/bad thing?

It's not particularly easy for me to ask for help. I was raised to be a self-sufficient type, as were my parents, and I think we passed that on to our kids, which I now kind of regret. I say 'kind of' because I do love that they are responsible adults, thankfully. I don't think there is a fine line between being able to ask for help and being totally unable to do anything for oneself, but you know that old slippery slope.. I err on the side of self sufficiency, I guess. Not that I don't ask Mr. C. for help moving boxes of books (among other things), but you know it doesn't count that I ask Mr. C. for help. :-)  

On the other hand, I constantly ask God for his help and mercy. I would say 'often,' but I think constantly is slightly more accurate.

3. Abundance...what is there an abundance of in your kitchen?

Refrigerator magnets, mostly photos of the family, some souvenirs. This is limited to the refrigerator, thankfully. Oh. And coffee mugs. Yeah, quite a few. And I keep meaning to do a blog post on those mugs.

4. Name...the smallest thing you're thankful for? the biggest?
 She put on her builder hat and asked me what she should build.
I said, 'Build me a castle.' This was her response.
3.5 years old. What a fun age!!

The smallest: the Micro SD card for my camera. Technically, I'm sure there's something even smaller that I'm thankful for, like microsurgery. But...
The biggest: our family

But the by-far-way-biggest: God's grace in the person of Jesus Christ, Lord of all.

5. Key...What do you think is the key to living a more grateful life?

I think that every American should visit a third-world country to see how most of the world lives. That helps a lot. When you see the majority of people (including children) who struggle daily just to survive, it reminds us how trivial many of our 'needs' truly are.

6. State your own random thought here.

The you-know-whats are not allowed on the table or countertops, but it was sure nice to have Tommy's company as I was sorting through books yesterday in one of the bedrooms.

I'm thankful that Tommy doesn't have to be considered a meal.

 Happy Thanksgiving!


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I needed supervision.


A Joyful Chaos said...

I didn't even think of SD cards when I answered the question for the smallest thing I'm thankful for. I'm certainly thankful for them too!


Preppy Empty Nester said...

I bet Tommy is grateful for the same thing. Your granddaughter is just precious! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Judy.

Arlene G said...

Happy Thanksgiving Judy....we will be eating turkey in Georgia then heading to Atlanta on Saturday to watch Ga Tech get clobbered by Georgia unless there is a Thanksgiving miracle.

Mrs.T said...

Love your porch photos, Judy! Yesterday was beautiful here, also. I enjoyed reading all of your answers today!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, great answers and I love your photos. You have a beautiful view. Your granddaughter is a sweetie, cute photo. The SD cards are amazing, I love the digital cameras.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your answers and I am so much like you! The first picture is AWESOME - with the beauty and a little hole to Heaven - can you imagine how wonderful it will be? Your cat looks very similar to the one we are babysitting this week! Happy Thanksgiving. sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the morning smile I got when the last photos of the sleeping TOM Tommy popped up. I do love looking at sleeping pets. wow on your fridge full of family fotos... you do have a big family and what a great way to see them all every day... I could think of nothing small until you said micro sd card, woo hoo for mine and also for micro surgery that removed my gall bladder through a tiny hole... there is much to be thankful for, to much to list here. my sight and health top the list

Linda said...

Great post! My fridge looks a lot like yours!

Nonnie said...

LOL on that last comment! Your photos are so beautiful and the theee year old is precious. Your answers are always enjoyable and I didn't even think about all the magnets for the fridge and the collection of unused coffee cups which I can't throw away because of their sentimental value. Loved that first photo from 2016! Just wow!

Happy Thanksgiving, no matter what day you celebrate!

Debby Ray said...

Oh...those front porch views of yours...just glorious...and I love fast moving clouds. Great answers, especially #2. I happened to notice that pretty wallpaper and lovely old dresser where sleeping Tommy was lying. Is that the wallpaper that you are wanting to remove? I think it is so soft and pretty. Anyway, even though you have already celebrated, have a blessed Thanksgiving Day tomorrow!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't believe we have ever gone out to a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. This year it is just Mark and I. I'm making the full dinner as usual only we bought a small turkey this year. I hear you on constantly asking God for help! Ever since we moved into this house 11 years ago I am not able to put anything on my refrigerator. I miss that so much. I haven't done a box in a few years but I did make a donation for boxes to be made. Happy Thanksgiving!

Trudy said...

Samaritan's purse is such a worthy project. It is fun to put together the boxes, and imagine the recipients response to them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Tommy melts my heart!
These days, it's just the two of us for Thanksgiving but I have fond memories of family time together with all the traditional dishes. I would dearly love to see your coffee mug collection. Our frig is covered with appt. reminders for us and our 6 cats! lol
Sending hugs across the mile for a blessed Thanksgiving.

Susie said...

Judy, This is a wonderful post. I love the little builder's response. LOL The fridge makes me think of my SIL...he says there's so many on their fridge it is caving the sides in with all that magnetic pull. :):) Blessings to you and yours for a happy thanksgiving day. xoxo, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like all of your magnets! I'm glad I didn't have to answer any of these questions. I'm at a bit of a low this week missing my boys. At least they are all together. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family. Hugs,Diane

ellen b. said...

The best expression from your little builder! Glad you already enjoyed Thanksgiving, we have enjoyed one already, too, and will be with friends tomorrow. I enjoyed reading your answers!

Joyce said...

We've had a couple of gorgeous days here too. Hubs might go for a pre-dinner water ski if the sun is out tomorrow. It's not that warm but warm enough and he'll wear a shortie. I'm glad you had your family gathered round not long ago. That's what it's all about!

Vee said...

The not-a-castle builder’s expression is perfection and cracks me up. Joyce did a great job with questions this week...clever girl that she is. I think that this Hodge Podge elicited some wonderful responses from all the participants. Wait! You what? Cleared out books? (An October Thanksgiving seems perfectly sensible to me. 🍂🧡 That hayride in the golden wood...ahhhhh...)

podso said...

You do have a lot of magnets! It's wonderful when they are photos though! I too like to keep photos of friends and family where I can see them. So are you having a quiet day today?

Michelle said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

Jean | said...

Judy, sweet Tommy is just the kind of supervisor I like! Yes, I'm sure we would all enjoy a post about your vast mug collection! Soon.

Lady Fi said...

What a lovely hayride!

Stephanie said...

Oh, how I love seeing your photos! You always capture God's beauty perfectly :)

I hope you had a most blessed Thanksgiving, dear Judy. I am thankful for you! Love and hugs!

Lynne said...

A family hayride sounds, looks delightful . . .
Love your porch views . . .
Tommy is wise . . .
He knows where not to catch a nap . . .
Happy Thankful Miss Judy . .

Terri D said...

I'm passing through the Hodgepodges late, but here I am. Enjoyed your photos and that little one with her hard hat on is SO cute! Of course, I love the kitty supervisor! Happy Saturday!

Cindy said...

Your granddaughter is so cute! And I love that your cat found a warm place to nap! I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving!

Judy S. said...

And I thought our fridge has a lot on it! You winn! Sounds like you had a nice holiday.

Cheryl said...

As always, I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge answers! I so love your family's tradition of celebrating an early Thanksgiving!

Great supervisor, that Tommy. ❤


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