Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hodgepodging Power Ballads and Dental Cleanings

Freeze-dried nightie? Yikes!
It was about -10F that morning
Our Amish neighbor's house

Join Joyce and the Gang

From this Side of the Pond

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1. When's the last time you had a heart to heart talk with someone? A change of heart? Experienced figurative 'heart failure?'

Well, the heart-to-heart talk would have been with Mr. C. about the important things in life, to which he usually responds by smiling, slowly shaking his head, and muttering, 'You're going to drive yourself crazy.' There are times he seems to be channeling Andy of Mayberry. Can't you just picture that!

A change of heart? Over the past decade, I'd say they're too numerous to mention.

Heart failure: When I was carrying laundry downstairs the other morning and Tommy went zipping past me, nearly causing me to lose my footing. Thank you, Lord, for rescuing me...yet again.

2. Champagne, chocolates, flowers...what's your Valentine pleasure? Any special plans for the day?

My St. Cuthbert's Cross trumps any flowers, candy, or champagne. See last Friday's post. And yes, we have plans to visit Madison, WI

Someone gave me this in...2008 but I've never been able to throw it away because it's got so many charming full-page pictures!

And no, I've still not cleaned out the house, but I've been reading lots of tips on how to declutter. That should help, right?

I wonder what it means that I stop to take a photo when I just happen to notice the sunlight shining on the wood floor and like the way the magazines and books just happen to be lying in the basket on the coffee table. Oh well.

3. Are you a hopeless romantic or do you fall more in the category of practical and pragmatic? What's a gesture you find romantic?

I'm definitely not a hopeless romantic, (am I???) and think that I'm more practical and pragmatic - in most areas. A romantic gesture? A long walk in the woods, a view from a green hill, a view high above a river, etc. Spending the evening beside a beautiful fire might be among those romantic gestures, except that it's been a nightly occurrence for the past three months and has just about lost its charm. I'm ready to move on to spring. So ready to move on!

At last, a space to nap without Tommy

4. Do you ask a lot of questions in life or are you pretty content with what you already know?

Do I ask a lot of questions in life? You should ask Mr. C. about that. I ask a lot of questions and always have. Not having questions is incomprehensible to me. Fortunately, I grew up with a dad who would answer my questions honestly, rather than brushing me off or giving me spiritual platitudes. But Dad's gone. Now I read books.

Is anyone content with what they already know??

A gift from our loving and awesome Creator
when coming home from a dental cleaning yesterday
American Eagle

Which reminds me: The new dental hygienist who cleaned my teeth yesterday was an absolute angel. She was kind, funny, gentle, understanding, and not at all like the dental hygienist I deliberately avoided - who I swear could have worked for Dr. Mengele. My teeth cringe at the thought of her getting near them again. My next cleaning is scheduled for August. The angel hygienist even suggested scheduling it on Tuesday so I could go to Casa Mexicana first for Taco Tuesday (which Mr. C. and I had done today). Believe me, I will phone ahead to make sure that Angel hygienist, rather than SS hygienist, is working that day.

5. Your favorite power ballad?

I actually had to Google this term, then I looked up a list of power ballads. The only one on the list of about 20 that I even recognized was House of the Rising Sun by The Animals (which I loved back in the day!) So Gordon Lightfoot's The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is just a ballad rather than a power ballad? I don't get it. Anyway, I guess power ballads just aren't my kind of music. Does John Rutter have an album of power ballads?

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Things I'll be pondering this first evening of Lent.


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Empty Nester said...

First of all, nice coasters in that last picture. LOL And that eagle! What a sight! I'm so glad you didn't lose your footing when that little stinker ran past. That could have been bad. Reading tips on decluttered will help once the spirit moves you to get busy. Until then, just remember the tips you agree with. :)My granddaddy always answered my questions honestly and I loved that. Nowadays, it seems the answers I get are more opinions than facts so I read a lot, too and turn to one person in particular when I need honesty and how sad is it that I only have one person to whom I can depend on for that? Sheesh. Have a wonderful day, Judy! I'll wish spring for your area but not here because we're already having it. Cheated of winter once again. Sigh.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I googled power ballad too. I'm a big fan of Andy of Mayberry! Have a great Valentine's Day, Judy. Tell Andy I say hi!!

Robin said...

Have a wonderful day!!! Great pictures as usual.

Nonnie said...

So many good things today in your blog to comment about. I also had to google to make sure I understood power ballads. Mine had to go all the way back to the 60's and I see yours did, too. The House of the Rising Sun was one of my favorites back then. I have to think you're a person who enjoys and wants to capture the little joys in life. Sometimes I wonder why I want to take a picture of something no one else will appreciate. It's just a moment that I want to save somehow. Happy Valentine's Day. I continue to read about decluttering as well. I threw away a stack of magazines the other day. Haha!!

Debby Ray said...

Oh yes Judy, I do think we are more alike than we know...I had to google power ballad as well...LOL! After I realized what they were talking about I thought, "Wow" what a crazy term for a simple song. And about the dental hygienist...being in the dental chair is my most vulnerable better have a soft touch with me or I will come right up out that chair...been there and done that. So glad I have a great one now! I need that chair of yours that Smokey is lounging in for my farmhouse...had one very similar when I was little. Enjoy your V-Day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea what a power ballad is, so skipped that on other blogs, since i have no favorite song at all, power or otherwise. i would stop to take a pic of the magazines to and Tommy is just to handsome and cute and looks way to innocent for shooting around you in a dangerous move.. If i could move the Amish house here, I WANT IT. love love love it

Elizabethd said...

The Amish house looks enchanting with its rows of frozen laundry!
I know what you mean about dental technicians! We do have a pleasant one, thankfully.

Cathy said...

I love seeing laundry hanging out on a clothes line. I've taken a picture or two myself of that. I didn't know power ballad was a thing. Maybe I should have asked a question. lol Guess I'll have to go look it up on Google.

Joyce said...

House of the Rising Sun was one of the first songs my brother learned to play on his guitar and he played it a lot. A LOT : ) I love to see clothes hanging on a line. That smell when you bring them in is heavenly!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love House of the Rising Sun. I would love to be able to hang my clothes out to dry, but not when it is that cold. OUCH!!! xo Laura

Mrs.T said...

Great answers today, Judy. Those questions were challenging ... at least I found them so. And your photos are wonderful as always. I think you stopped to take that picture of the magazines because 1)you have an artist's eye; and 2) as someone said above, you see the beauty in little things.

I don't hang my clothes out in winter because (among other reasons) we heat only with wood and my clothesline is invariably in the path of the chimney smoke. I have hung laundry outside in winter during seasons when money was particularly tight, and the clothes invariably smelled of smoke.

Chatty Crone said...

So you had a nice heart to heart with Mr. C - wonderful.

I love your aqua barn - is it really aqua?

I love to ask questions - it is the only way we can learn.

You cat is just so pretty - as all your other photos - but you know I love them.

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sandie

ellen b. said...

You powered through this hodgepodge nicely. So you have an Amish neighbor. I was thinking the clothesline looked like the Amish ones I saw in Indiana and Ohio. How nice that your father took the time to patiently answer your questions. Happy Valentine's day to you!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, what a spectacular photo of the eagle! What an amazing world we live in. The frozen clothes remind me of growing up and getting the clothes off the line after school. We never had that cold temperature where I lived, but in the winter they certainly would freeze dry! Have a wonderful Valentine evening. xo ♥

Cheryl said...

A "power ballad"? Never heard of such a thing. And since it is so late as I am writing this comment, I don't think I'll even google it. (Oops. Does that make me one of those people who is content with what they already know?) :)

I love the term "freeze dried" for the laundry that is frozen stiff.

Our nephew is our dentist. He is so good, and so very gentle. The hygienist? Not so much. Every time I sit in her chair I think, "I do not have to do this anymore. I don't think I will do this ever again." I wonder if I could come to Wisconsin for cleanings . . .

Jean | said...

Judy, you're too hip for me (who knew?!) -- this is the first I've ever heard of "power ballads!" Found a list of 50 on Wikipedia. "House of the Rising Sun" is definitely my fave - with "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins a distant second. Love that clothesline in below zero weather!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I need to declutter as well, and I am running behind. It is usually done by this time of year. I hold on to thing with cute images as well. If there are only a few I like, I take a photo and part with it .xoxo Su

Creations By Cindy said...

Loved all of your answers. Enjoyed reading this today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Terri D said...

I am so far behind in reading blogs but am so glad I got here. Enjoyed your HP and am still giggling at your visit to the dentist!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my on your neighbors laundry!!! Glad you caught yourself on the stairs. Mary Engelbreit's drawing are the best. I finally got around to doing one project. Cleaned out under my bathroom sink. It's a start!! I Googled the ballad too. House of the Rising Sun is a great choice.

Shannon M. aka "Auntie" said...

I'm a child of the 80's and still had to Google what a power ballad was. I think the one I picked was unusual, but it qualifies. Taking pictures of what inspires you and makes you happy is all that matters. Besides, I liked your photos.

Hope you have a great week.


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