Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Bits of Life Wednesday

 Pay no attention to the weeds.
Just look at the pretty little rudbeckia growing next to our little garden pond and stream.
Can you hear the stream as it rushes over the three wee water falls?
(I do have the video on Instagram)

Thanks for stopping in again for my Bits of Life Wednesday. I'm sure something of significance must have happened since last Wednesday, but for the life of me, I can't think of what it would have been. So just bear with me. I have a few photos to share with you.

 A walk along Fifth Avenue reveals three layers of plants.
Foreground: yellow rocket
Middle: cattails
Upper: corn, a great crop this year!
And of course a box elder tree to frame it.

 We're keeping an eye on those hops I told you about.
They're turning brown.

 The neighbor's pretty little milkhouse
on their lovely farm with draft horses
(shown a couple weeks ago, but just in case you forgot,
here they are again:)

 Three adults and two youngsters

Soybean field south of the house
Photo taken from the front porch

It was very warm Monday until the wind switched, and within about ten minutes I had switched too - from wearing shorts and t-shirt to wearing polar fleece pants and jacket!

Yesterday I accompanied Mr. C. to a remote location and got these pics of an old weathered barn, ready to be used as a fire training burn. He has to sample all this stuff and send it in to the industrial hygiene lab in Minneapolis.

No, not the plants.
Just window glazing compound,
and that kind of stuff.

 Someone on Instagram suggested that I 'acquire' this mailbox, but we're very big on personal property here in NW Wisconsin - even if it's in a remote location and no one would notice if I took it.

 I do love the dark blue berries of the Virginia Creeper (?) that was abundant on the corners of the old building.


On Monday morning, I took my coffee and journal to the screen porch, but when I went to sit down at the table, look who was in my spot:


So I decided to sit on the other chair.

 Okay fine! I'll sit on the glider.
These two!

Wait!! Just kidding. This was from 2017.
They can only be in one place at a time.
I think.


Just made a loaf of soap today that will be in my shops in a few weeks.
Any guesses?


And the weather will soon be perfect for making this kind of loaf:

Who doesn't love the crust, right out of the oven, with lots of good ole Wisconsin butter!

And now it's time to see if there's a George Gently TV mystery I haven't memorized.


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Have a fabulous Wednesday, friends!
Join me on Instagram @cranberrymorning 



Preppy Empty Nester said...

I can almost smell that bread from here Judy. My eyes are trained automatically to not see weeds. Otherwise, I would never be able to look at my yard. Enjoy the rest of the week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you could do a cat blog, and only post photos of these two and I would never miss a post. they are so beautiful, apart or together. seems you do have a seating problem. I LOVE the glider and would love to have one just like it. is the mailbox on the burn project? if they are going to burn it I would save it. sad to burn it down, to me it is beautiful.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
What fun those two kitties are.
I will not tell anyone if I see that mailbox at your house the next time I visit. Do not let it get destroyed, it is too cute.


Cathy said...

I love all your pictures Judy, but Tommy and Smoky always intrigue me. Love that they were in your chairs and Tommy especially looks like, no way am I getting up, just go away. lol

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

It's always lovely seeing your views, Judy! Tommy and Smokey are the cutest two kitties. It seems like they adore each other. Your bread looks wonderful! I need to bake a couple loaves as we are down to the last loaf. Love the spot you see when you journal---how beautiful. Have a great day. xo ♥

Marcia said...

Love your photos. Your comment set up allows me to use google to comment. That's not the case with other formats.

Terri D said...

I always love your photos and especially those of your two precious cats! That bread looks delicious!! Time to get my bread machine out, I think!

Chatty Crone said...

Again I enjoyed this - I saw that every time I read your posts.

Love your two kitties and they must love each other too.

Boy those red vines were something you do not see everyday.

I understand about the mailbox.

It is still hot here - 92. I can't wait til fall.

Did you know Terri started a new Wednesday blog?

Love, sandie

Michelle said...

Your area looks like fall is on the way. Mine, not so much! 91 degrees here today...still. Love seeing your cats taking up your space. They are unique friends.

Lynne said...

I love your photos . . .
I see little stories in each picture.
And you helped tell some of those stories . . .
Virginia Creeper holds such color vibrancy . . .
I too loved that old mail box
I like your porch furniture fabric.
Did you make the covers?
And I like the Smokey gray and yellow Tommy touches too!

podso said...

That's quite a drop in temperature! Sounds wonderful to me. Your porch views are beautiful--including the inhabitants!

Vee said...

Yes, the weather here switched just like that. Now it is cool and seasonable not sticky hot summer. You could do a coffee table book with all your scrumptious photos... The Barns of Whatever County...that title seems familiiar. I love a person who can’t boot a cat from a chair. Do you love a person who can? 😉

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh Dear Judy, these pictures are beautiful. There are several that I would have to frame. So very pretty. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jean | said...

Judy, your beautiful photos of country life always make me sigh. And, of course, photos of Tommy and Smokey are a must for me!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your photos are all so beautiful. I heard about that sudden change in temperature! Hope life it treating you well. Take care.


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