Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Summertime, and the Hodgepodge is Easy

 Remembering a distant July, when I was taking a load to GoodWill.
Meanie Mr. C. stood the teddy bears in the back of the truck just to make me feel guilty about giving them away.

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post 
and join up!

1. Do you find yourself influencing your world, or is it more the other way around? 
I would hope that I'm influencing my world, rather than the other way around, but lately my world seems very, very small, like from edge to edge of a single bed and my only influencee being Tuppence, who's snuggled beside me. 

Tuppence, looking rather possessive, don't you think?

2. July 14th is National Tape Measure Day...the device was patented on this date in 1868. When did you last use a tape measure? Do you always know where to find one in your house? Tell us one way in which you feel blessed 'beyond measure'.
I use a tape measure often. The blaze orange one marked 'MOM' in bold Sharpie, that's supposed to be in the drawer next to the stove, is the one I use most often (if it's there).  What I measured most recently was probably a piece of furniture to prove that it could, indeed, fit through that doorway. I'm a pretty good judge of distance if it's inches or feet up to about 20 10 feet. Beyond that, I'm lost. Mr. C. thinks in yards, as in the mailbox being so many yards from the house, it's so many yards down to the creek, the garden is so many yards long. I suffer from a football-viewing deficit in my childhood, so I never got that idea of yards fixed in my head. 
 July of 2015
our favorite migrant workers

I feel blessed beyond measure that my hip revision (that means done twice now), was done in early June, although I was feeling pretty sad last fall that my surgeon was booked so far out. Now I see how blessed I am, that I can have the door OPEN between the library (which I'm currently using as a bedroom) and the porch, to feel the warm summer breeze, to go out onto the porch and view all God's gorgeous creation (even those perennials that persist in giving me beauty though I've not pulled a single weed since last year and not many last year), to look out at beauty instead of immense snowbanks, etc. know that the Creator of the universe loves me and cares about the details in my life. I am definitely feeling blessed beyond measure. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that bad things never happen or that God is somehow my fairy godmother, granting my every wish. If that were true, I wouldn't be in this seemingly interminable no-weight-bearing season of my life. But I see God's gracious hand in my life daily, and I'm so grateful.

3.The Plaza Hotel (Eloise), The Land of Oz (The Wizard of Oz), Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia), The Hundred Acre Wood (Winnie the Pooh), Wonderland (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland), or Never Never Land (Peter Pan)...which storybook land (on this list!) would you most like to visit and why? 
Narnia. After the thaw. When all life is joyously restored and horses and dogs talk once again. 
 Narnia, before the thaw (see that bright speck of hope?)

Narnia, after the thaw

4. Where and when do you get your best ideas? 
Either in the middle of the night or very early morning. After 4 PM, it's downhill. BUT, I do awaken very early, usually by 5:30 AM, although I don't actually get up at that time. I'll read my Kindle, pray, read, listen to Morning Edition on Minnesota Public Radio, listen to David Suchet reading Isaiah, on my phone, no less. (If I ever complain about technology, remind me of this.) 
5.  So what have you been watching on TV this summer? Anything good? 
Jericho just became available on Acorn, so Mr. C. and I started watching it last night. We got about 15 minutes into it and nearly fell asleep switched to watch a repeat of Vera. Although Jericho is set  in the most gorgeous Yorkshire, a good mystery keeps my attention much better. And Vera is exceptional. I'm going to try Jericho again at some point just because I want to see more of the Ribblehead Viaduct. George Gently (sigh) comes back to Wisconsin Public Television next Friday. We've probably already seen all of the episodes, but we love them and will watch them over again.  And of course we watched the season finale of Endeavour. Why are those seasons so short?? They better hurry up and make more, although that is one for which I have to turn on Closed Caption. Endeavour mumbles so fast! :-)) 
6. 'Don't swim for an hour after you eat', 'Dog days of summer', 'Knee high by the Fourth of July'...choose a summer saying from the list or share one of your own, then tell us what image or memory comes to mind when you hear it spoken.

We always had to wait an hour to swim after we'd stuffed ourselves with a picnic lunch at Silver Lake. It was just common medical science that we would get cramps and drown if we went into the water at 59.9 minutes after eating. 

Another Wisconsin lake

7. In a single sentence, sum up one life lesson you've learned.

If fear of people keep us from doing the things we'd like to do because we're worried about what others will think, the reality of it is that those 'others' are usually far too self-absorbed to be thinking about anyone other than themselves. It's pointless worrying about what others think.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

"Doubt is not at odds with faith; irony or cruelty does not cancel out beauty or truth. God knows all of me, including the darkest parts. Sometimes I can even see heaven easier for the clouds than for the perfect blue. And He loves me still?"  - From Surprised by Oxford, Carolyn Weber

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Joyce said...

I so hear you on the post 4 PM drag : ) I almost wrote that very thing in my answer. I'm not good for anything that requires deep thinking after 4 PM! I hope you're feelling better every day. Your pictures are lovely as always!

Linda said...

Always, always enjoy your posts, Judy. Than you for the smiles...and I can smell that peaches soap from here, smiles.(you have listed)---Have a beautiful day.

camp and cottage living said...

I hope your hip surgery recovery is a quick one.
You watch many of my favourite programs. I've not
heard of Jericho, I'll have to look that one up to
see what I might be missing.
take care-Kimberly

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, I hope you are recovering and feeling better. The first shot is too cute, we have been making several trips to the Goodwill. I think Tuppence is waiting to have another furbaby friend just like Narnia. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Wendy said...

I hope you soon make a full recovery Judy. Some sensible thoughts in your post and lovely photos. Tuppence must be a great comfort.

Arlene G said...

I remember checking the back of our old wardrobe at home to see if I could go to Narnia. I was influenced by the magic of books even as a child. And like you, my best thinking seems to come to me in the middle of the night. I am definitely a morning person and after noon, it goes downhill for me. Hope you are up and at em soon Judy.

Lynne said...

I awakened early this morning . . .
Just now I picked up my iPad . . .
An e-mail, newly found resilience, hodgepodge reflections . . . in a mater of minutes . . .
From each who I have met here . . .
Visible . . . yet I have not seen . . .
Gifts of Hope, Resilience, Peacefulness, Joy . . .
A Sacredness and Thankfulness swept over me . . .

Tape measure . . . I have several, in different sizes, kinds, places . . .
I know where they are . . .
I return them to "their home" when I am finished using them . . .
This reminded me of a "non tape measure moment" . . .
Years ago, I accidentally broke one of the small basement windows . .
Off I went to the local, small town hardware to purchase a new piece of glass.
Walked in, owner, who I knew, told him what happened, he asked, "what size" . . .
I held up my hands . . . and said, "oh, I think about this big" . . .

Need I say more . . .
Hardware store man never let me forget it and told the story again and again . . .

Hodgepodge stirred the memory and I am still laughing out loud . . .
It is good to giggle at ourselves . . .

I know where my tape measures are . . . and I use them!

Debbie said...

I totally get that post 4pm drag. And I too pop awake at 5:30. But I usually get up. Favorite time hands down of my day. Soo glad you have a wonderful view and attitude about your surgery recovery! Praying all goes well.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope you are healing and getting better each day! You always give me ideas on what to watch and I love that peaches and almond soap. I used my orange spice last night. Take care of yourself! Lots of hugs, Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the photo of After the thaw is just plain gorgeous, stunning even. I love that shot... truly beautiful and it made me feel good to look at it...
you are truly blessed to not be in your condition down here.. even with AC it is hot at times, while it blows it is cold when it stops to rest it is hot... you are where you need to be at the time you needed to be there... so glad for you.
we have several mesauring tapes, one in the sewing basket, the ribbon kind and several of the metal tapes, a couple of yard sticks.. he he on the yard part.. i know that that stick is 3 feet and that is it for me and YARD... Bob does the same thing, he will say about a hundred yards, then i try to break it down into feet..

Carla from The River said...

Loved reading your answers. I really like how you answered #7!
And the Narnia ... made me chuckle.
Love, Carla

Anonymous said...

The first photograph, with the teddy bears, stole my heart! I'd be the one to go into Goodwill and adopt them :) (I have a fondness for teddy bears)
Glad you are able to be thankful and positive during your recovery period. I hope each passing day continues to get better and better!

Suzanne McClendon said...

I enjoyed your post. You have such a positive attitude.

I love the teddy bear photo, too. It's great!

Have a blessed day. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Loved reading all your answers and I love the 'Teddy' Shot but I do think those Teddy's are trying to get out!!!

Stephanie said...

I must confess that I giggled when I saw the teddy bears...I, too, would have felt guilty about taking them - such sweet faces :)

As always, a lovely post, my friend. I had no idea the tomorrow is National Tape Measure Day. I think there is a day for everything!

Enjoy your Wednesday! Hugs!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

The teddy bear picture is funny. I shudder the thought of what would happen around here if we were to donate stuffed critters. They all have voices.

You are right. We should not care about what other people think about what we do. It reminds me again of something Audy Murphy said in the movie about him where he played himself.

"They can kill me but they can't eat me. That's illegal." To me this is a way of saying, there is very little anyone else could do to us.

Terri D said...

We haven't watched Jericho yet. We are through all series(seasons) of Doc Martin now, so discovered a new season of Midsomer Murders. We do love Acorn TV. I enjoyed your HP and am counting down the weeks with you, so you can start getting back to normal with a hip that works and doesn't hurt anymore! Keeping you in my daily prayers. Shame on Mr. C for lining up those stuffed animals!! LOL

TexWisGirl said...

i like your gratitude.

April said...

Peaches and Almonds soap? Almost sounds good enough to eat! Ahh...those teddy bears tug at my heartstrings just a tad. My hubby would have done the same thing. ;)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I thought it would be fun to go through the wardrobe!!! Praying that you continue to heal and will be up and about soon. ((Hugs))

Stacy said...

Loved the answer about Narnia after the thaw. :)

And I want to be that German Shepherd's buddy and hang out at that spot with him.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, your posts are always full of such interesting thoughts. I like to hear what you are watching as I feel that most tv is a waste of time. Take care and hopefully soon you will be walking and doing those things that bring you joy. ♥

Amy at love made my home said...

Interesting as always to read your answers to the questions. Those teddies would have broken my heart! I gave one away to a new home - I knew exactly where it was going, to a small child who would love it - and I felt so bad about that! I would have had to rescue all of those in your truck!!

Susie said...

Judy, I used to carry a 3 ft. measuring tape in my purse. I have use a dollar bill to measure lots of times. Hope you are feeling good and having some summer fun. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Empty Nester said...

It so nice that you have Tuppence by your side. :) I have such a time giving away stuffed animals. I just can't do it and we have a gazillion. I wish I'd never heard of that stupid book- The Velveteen Rabbit. Reni (our new mama) would go to Narnia with you. She still loves those books. I'll be reading them to Baby Marcy soon! Have a great rest of the week.

Judy S. said...

I use a tape measure frequently also and have at least 3 of the at-the-ready. Hope you've got some good books to help pass the healing process! Hugs!

Loris Glassworks said...

Judy, I very much enjoy your answers, you make me smile (today I really needed a smile). We recently downsized and I did feel guilty about giving away some of the items, including a teddy bear and gifts from friends and family...but I just couldn't justify hanging on to a 4' flamingo statue (we live in the mountains now), halloween costumes from the 70s and 80s or a box of hats and boas from theatre days...out they went. I'm also recovering from a health issue, bedrest was prescribed but I find it hard to stay in one place all day. I hope your recovery is speedy. Have a good week!

Chatty Crone said...

Love your photos - and all those animals that went to Goodwill - I am sure some kids will love them. I so agree with you with fear and thinking people look at you - they are too busy thinking about themselves! lol

Vee said...

Oh I never thought to label my tape measure "Mom." Wonder if that would work...

So this is not your summer of discontent nor disconnect....that's probably more the description of my summer. Grace, grace, God's grace. I need more and more of it and more and more of Him.

Your husband has a fun sense or is it a twisted sense of humor! Made me laugh.

Here's to more and more healing because you are eager to get some weeding in this summer. Love to you...

Jean | said...

Judy, so many things about this I could comment on! I'll just pick two. One: Without her unbeatable competition overshadowing her in my eyes, Tuppence is really growing on me; she's pretty adorable! Two: I love that Mr C lined up the teddy bears in the back of the truck like that!

Mitzi said...

Tuppence is beautiful! Love the back of your van with all those stuffed animals going to Goodwill...that is classic! Lovely photos.

podso said...

I always heard, after I grew up, that that 30-60 minute no swim rule was made by parents who wanted a break. I have used that #7 a lot. Also, no good after four. Also started Jericho last night and got through the first episode and will try the second. There IS a mystery in it. I like Vera but my husband is not as crazy about it. At least we figured out how to get the cc on Acorn and now it seems on for good. Loved hearing your take on why your June surgery.

Mama Hen said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE that first picture! I might not have ended up driving to Goodwill after seeing all those old friends peeking out the window. My sister always says that after a stuffed animal has been so loved that it should give us joy in knowing another little child will be giving it love. So nice to pass the love on. I just love all the pictures of your animals every time you post them! :-) Have a great weekend!

Ida said...

Well I had to laugh at the Teddy Bears...what a "guilt trip"
I'm so happy Tuppence is such a sweet companion for you as your recover.
Enjoyed reading your randoms.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

As always a beautiful post with lots of humor along the way. The Teddy Bears are too funny! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the shot of the teddies in the truck!

Tracy Batchelder said...

Our parents were sticklers for waiting one hour after eating before swimming. That was always the longest hour of our young lives! I'm surprised they didn't cave in and just lets us go, because I know we bugged them often by asking if it was time yet.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do love those teddies ... fantastic!

All the best Jan


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