Wednesday, July 20, 2016

TIME for the Hodgepodge

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own post
and join in!

1. Pokemon Go...your thoughts? Are you playing? Do you even know what it is?

Pokemon Go Find a Job.  Really, the more I hear about this, the more I wonder why people don't have anything else to do. There are people actually crashing cars into trees because they're busy playing this game? Kinda like texting and driving. Anyway, no, you'll not find me playing.

2. What was something you collected as a child? Do you still have that collection? If you're a parent what's something your own children collected? Have you ever camped out, stood in a crazy long queue, or paid a ridiculous sum for a 'collectible'?

I collected baseball cards. Lots of them. The ones my mom pitched when I left for Bolivia. But really, it doesn't matter. Besides, who even knows who these guys are anyway: Juan Marichal, Orlando Cepeda, Roberto Clemente, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Stan Musial, Bobby Richardson, Hank Aaron, Sandy Colfax...
(PS It's okay, Mom. I really don't care. None of them ever saved *my* picture anyway.) 

3. "Collect moments, not things"...tell us about a moment you've added to your collection this summer.
My favorite moments have been with the kids  here for July Fourth weekend. But I've lots of other great moments too, when people have stopped by for a visit, when I've had breakfast with Mr. C. out on the porch, when I realized two days ago that I'm already in Week Seven of my Eight Week Exile.

4.  What's something collecting dust in your home right now? Any plans to do something about it?

Are you kidding? Absolutely everything is collecting dust. When the granddaughters were here over the Fourth, I enlisted them to dust the furniture, since it hadn't been dusted for a month at that point. Bless their hearts, they did a fine job. Unfortunately, they went home. But without the dog here, we at least don't have dog hair piling up on the rugs.(That is soon to come to an end, for sweet Jazzie is coming to stay with us on Saturday!)

5. A favorite song relating to time?
It's Howdy Doody Time!  Okay, not really. Probably Time in a Bottle, but I mostly like the sound of it.

Eric's lanai
We miss you, Eric

6. What's been your most frightening or your most interesting encounter with wildlife?
My most frightening, horrifying encounter with wildlife was when a mouse crawled up inside my pant leg. I am not kidding. It is a wonder I lived through that experience. And I'm not kidding about that either. In fact, it was the topic of one of my very first blog posts.

 Mickey Mouse
This was not the one who climbed up my pant leg.

7.  On July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong set his foot down on the moon. If you could travel to the moon would you go? Why or why not?
I have no idea why anyone would want to go to the moon. From what I've seen of the scenery there, I'll be happy to stick with Wisconsin's woodlands, rivers, lakes, and green, rolling hills. Besides, where would I get dark chocolate? And coffee? I'll stay right here, thanks.

 Moon landscape

Landscape I see from my porch

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Is anyone else watching the Republican National Convention? Last night the PBS/NPR hosts couldn't keep quiet long enough for us to hear the speakers. The camera was mostly on the panel and they were constantly talking over the speakers. At least tonight (Tuesday, as I write this) we actually heard Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Donald Trump Jr., Ben Carson, etc. We must not have been the only ones who complained to PBS. 

And yes, we'll be watching the Democratic National Convention too and be expecting PBS/NPR to let us hear the speeches there too. As ridiculous as both campaigns have been this time, we really can't afford to turn a blind eye and wish it would go away. After all, politics does matter. It affects us all.


We received a response to our complaint to PBS.  Read and remember that it takes us speaking up:

Thank you for contacting NPR.
We appreciate the opportunity to hear your feedback about NPR’s coverage of the 2016 election. We’re grateful for your input, and your thoughts have been shared with NPR’s newsroom.

We’ve heard from a number of listeners, like you, who were disappointed with the amount of commentary included during live speeches. We agree that the format was not ideal. NPR’s newsroom has been made aware of listeners’ concerns and is working on improvements for future coverage.


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Linda said...

NON of the channels kept quiet long enough...I was getting quite is exciting to see and hear the states/delegates to cast their votes. I am so glad to of heard our great state of NY -61- out of the 62 counties casted votes for Trump! Us upstaters have had enough of the democrats.

ANYWAYS---digressing, enjoyed your HP, and praying that your healing is going well. Smiles

Arlene G said...

Judy I have found a new news station called One America that I am enjoying on Uverse. They have one person reporting the news with no commentary. I have not watched the convention on tv for just that reason. I hate the talking heads. I know who I am going to vote for and the media has intruded into our lives so much that I am sick of them. I watched Inspector Lewis on Masterpiece theater

Tracy Batchelder said...

Let me start by saying that I now feel justified in keeping my feet off the ground (as much as possible) when there's a mouse in the house. My husband has always wondered what I'm so fearful of. " A mouse running up your leg?" he asks, like it is so far fetched it could never happen.

And those baseball cards...oh well...

Yes, we're watching the convention. One of the stations (CSPAN, I think) has live coverage with no commentators. Of course, you need cable or satellite for that.

Joyce said...

I so agree with you on the commentators!! Super annoying, and it seems to be all the stations. Gotta get their .02 out there before the speakers are finished speaking. I would have been right there with you on the mouse-yikes!!

Lisa Laree said...

'Pokemon Go Find a Job'...hahahaha! My kids tell me they've had some great conversations with folks when hunting Pokemon; I'll just take their word for it.

You have some beautiful pictures here!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Love the pics today and glad you are in your last week of recouping.. I collect nothing, once i had a santa collection but gave it all away. everything in my house is covered in dust but the worst is the fans, ceiling and floor. when i read this i got up and took my floor fan to bob and now he is at the kitchen table cleaning it. i could not get the screws out or would do myself... it runs at night for me.

Cheryl said...

A mouse ran up your pant leg? Horrors!! I am not really afraid of mice, but I do think that I might perish if one ran up my pant leg!

And to think that you may have been independently wealthy if your mom hadn't tossed those baseball cards... ;)

About politics. All I can say is that I am thankful that this world is not my home.'re on the home stretch of your "exhile"! Hooray!

Debbie said...

Well a mouse up your pants leg definitely beats mine coming under the bathroom door while sitting on the toilet. Goodness there is NO WAY the screams could have been muffled on that one, lol. And if you think a mom tossing baseball card colletions is hubby's step mom tossed his signed football that he got during his first ever Nebraska game! Can you imagine? Should have passed down to sons and grandsons etc. We never mention that around here. And I am with Cheryl...soo glad that is not our permanent home..yay! One week to go! Enjoy your day

Carla from The River said...

I am super glad you lived!! I will say I now understand the fear you have of the rats Mr. C places around the house to scare you!

Yay! Week 7 ... you can do it!
Love, Carla

Tired Teacher said...

When I was younger and living on the farm, I had mice run up my pant legs whenI went into the grainery to fill buckets of oats for the horses I pleaded to have my chores reassigned, but that didn't happen. .

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Oh the MOUSE !!! That is a heebie-jeebies moment for sure!

I know one thing about the RNC so far...the comedians are having a field day and I am getting a good dose of laughs watching them on the Net in the morning.

So far they've had plenty of fodder to work with; I can only hope that the Democrats provide some as well when it is their turn.

Empty Nester said...

I would love to go to the moon. Mostly, just to look out at the vastness of space and at the Earth from that viewpoint. How amazing it would be! There's plenty of dust around here too. And I have no excuse other than I don't want to deal with it. Ha!

Sandi said...

LOVE the photos! Fantastic.

"What's something collecting dust in your home right now? Any plans to do something about it?"

Me! (Does that count?) And, no. :)

Christine said...

Your Wisconsin views are wonderful and hurrah that you're nearly at the 8 week mark!

Terri D said...

So glad to get that little tid-bit of an update that you are in week 7 or your 8-week rehab! You remain in my daily prayers and I've been wondering how you are doing. I enjoyed your HP answers and chuckled at the mouse story! Yikes! Nice that the grands could help with the dusting!! I always enjoy your photos!!

Mary said...

Hu. Wonder if it really did change the way they handled the convention. I caught part of it last night.
A mouse up your leg??? OMG, I would've been screaming my head off!

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

We have Direct TV and they have designated a station for just the convention with no commentary. We have actually enjoyed watching it. Mouse up the pants leg? Chills! I had an encounter with one many years ago, in my newborn's nursery that sent me flying into the crib with her after knocking over a rather large rocking chair while in flight. Not my finest hour! Trust you are doing well and I can identify with the count down. I'm hoping to be released from my neck brace this week after six weeks. If I had that view from my front porch, I would never leave. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you're in week 7 already! Soon all of this will be a distant memory :)
We haven't watched a lot of convention coverage, just a little on the first night (Mrs Trumps speech) but would've been mad, too, if they'd talked over the speeches while we were trying to listen! Good for y'all for complaining.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I agree, Pokemon seems dangerous! Howdy Doody time, love that answer. Oh my, a mouse up my pants leg would really freak me out. Nice that you got a response from PBS. Many stations were doing that which is just wrong.

Wendy said...

Lovely photos with your post and glad to hear you are nearly at the end of your initial post op recovery (I went back to check out the original post. It must have been scary opting for a second replacement but it seems you did the right thing so I hope all goes well from now on.)

Theresa said...

Okay, your wildlife memory is the worst! I can't even bare to think about it too long! Mickey is so cute on that shower curtain. Good for you for writing to PBS. I noticed the same thing but we watched on a cable news channel. Your recovery time is almost over, glad it's gone well :)

Marcia said...

That mouse story was hilarious and scary.

As to the convention not watching it here. Can't stomach Trump!

TexWisGirl said...

love your view. laughed at the mouse. love the fence and daisies, too. pokemon go is generating a few 911 calls of folks reporting suspicious behavior, vehicles, trespassers, etc. grrr...

Amy at love made my home said...

Good to read your answers. I would say that I hope you can soon get back to the dusting and housework, but really we would all prefer to give it a miss and for it to just magically happen wouldn't we. Scary animals - being attacked by a load, and I mean a load, of biting ants in Yosemite some years ago. I could definitely have lived without that!!

Empty Nester said...

Hey, Judy- I have already commented today but, I just noticed our blog titles are the same this week! LOL Great minds...!

Susie said...

Hi Judy, I agree about Pokie....too crazy for words. Where does one find the time . I like the baseball cards too . About going to the moon...when I was young I wanted to see and do everything thrilling..scuba dive, sky dive, fly planes, drive fast cars. I did have a fast car but didn't want any tickets so never drove more than 5 miles over. LOL. Did take a couple flying was thrilling but too time consuming. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hey Judy!! I'm still having fun making the rounds and playing catch up. It's so blooming hot today it's a good for hibernating in the a/c and foregoing kiddo activities to catch up a bit.

I just so love these posts. You never cease to crack me up (Pokemon go get a job - love it!) Lol

I can't believe you actually had a horror mouse encounter like that!! Aaaack!! I'd have passed out for sure. We used to have a kitty (Wilby) and he once tried to bring me a LIVE mouse up on my lap. Thankfully I saw him coming and stopped him before he got that close!!!

Hope you're staying nice and cool and still healing up beautifully. Love our insta time!
Blessings Sweetie. xoxo

Linda said...

I decided to check out your blog today, since I enjoy your Instagram photos and appreciate when you like my photos. Sorry to hear you have been having medical problems. My broken foot situation last autumn was nothing like what you have gone through. Strength in your last days of recuperating. My husband and I are not Trump fans, but keeping up with American politics has become a "hobby" for both of us. We, too, are amazed that some convention speakers get little air time and not full convention attendance. But from what I am hearing at this moment, maybe I should read a good book instead of watch television. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I've seen some me of your political woes on the news here and wonder if there will be a happy ending? LOL I remember some of the old ball players you mentioned although I didn't collect cards.
A mouse up the leg would have me pretty squeamish too!

Jean | said...

Judy, I don't even know what Pokemon is! I remember it was all the rage a long time ago, but I didn't realize it was currently popular. No idea what it is! And I so agree with you about going to the moon -- doesn't appeal to me at all.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Dear Judy, I'm so glad you have those six weeks behind you and now are moving forward in your recovery. Your lovely view from your porch would make anyone feel better. A mouse up my pants leg would put me in the hospital for sure--just the thought freaks me out. Have a wonderful weekend. I'm praying for continued healing, dear one. ♥

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Argh - for some reason, I can't leave a comment from Bloglovin. I really need to get this following thing sorted out! Anyway, enjoyed your 'hodge-podge', as usual. I'm with you on the Pokemons and those pictures are great - especially the October scene. What camera do you use? Interesting politics on both sides of the Pond - very impressed with Mrs Trump's speech; we need honesty and sincerity in public life.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay I will probably have people hate me - but what is Pokemon and WHY??? I don't like it.

Love, just love your blue bell jars - the aqua is just my all time favorite - you are blessed with those.

A mouse ran up your leg - think I would pass out.

And I am against Hilary - sorry - she is a criminal. Just hate to say it.

Lynne said...

Loved your moon, evening views . . . seeing the moon is enough for me . . . no travel plans.
Pokemon craze . . . I just "don't get it!"
I collected Nancy Drew and any other series of books when I was a child . . . Reading is one of my favorite "moments."
Listening to bird tweets while sitting on the porch is very relaxing . . .
I can't even begin to fathom the "mouse story" . . . I doubt I could survive . . .
Happy NPR listened . . .
Listening takes a bunch of practice . . .
I always enjoy your "hodgepodging!"

podso said...

Glad you are so close to freedom (of a sort). And good for you to write NPR. We found every station more interested in their own voices than what we wanted to hear so we mostly watched c-span. So did you live in Bolivia for long? Speak Spanish?
The mouse story--my worst nightmare, unless it could be made worse by a snake. Hope you are having a nice weekend and some pretty summer weather.

Lowcarb team member said...

I think it was amazing that on July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong set his foot down on the moon ... it is an image that will always be with me. However, I have no burning ambition to go to the moon!

Enjoyed reading your post and lovely photo's too.

All the best Jan

handmade by amalia said...

If i could save time in a bottle :-)

Anita Johnson said...

I love this....Need to start at the top and re- read. Wisconsin scenery beats the moon landscape hands down.

Anonymous said...

Yay for you for making your voice heard regarding the programming. Love purple coneflowers! I'd much rather see your landscape than the moon, too!


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