Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hodgepodging Across the USA

Sweet little Lucy, learning a game from Grandpa
She can't quite get the hang of how to hold her hands. :-)

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own post
and join in!
1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your summer so far? Why?
(1=eh and 10=best summer ever)
If anyone from Wisconsin ever rates summer an 'eh,' they need to be ashamed of themselves. Our summers are so short compared to our beastly long and cold winters, that I couldn't rate the worst of one anything lower than a 3. So, I'd say this summer has been somewhere between a 6 and 7. I've been out and about exactly twice, but have enjoyed our porch, the screened room, the wonderful views and glorious breezes. Okay, let's make that a 7. I'm hoping for a great August, September, and October, and most likely they will be rated a 10+.  Stay tuned for an update on that.
 Cute daughter and cute son-in-law
I put this on Instagram with the caption, 
'Green Acres is the place for me...'
In reality, they both love living in the city.
Driving our old Ford while here on the Fourth.

2. July 26th is National Aunts and Uncles Day. Did you have many aunts and uncles growing up? Were you especially close to any one or maybe all of them? Are you an aunt? (or uncle for the men who join here on Wednesdays) Share a favorite memory relating to one of your own aunts or uncles or relating to a niece or nephew who call you Aunt (or Uncle).
I have lots of fun memories of my aunts and uncles. My dad was one of eight children and my mom was one of five. My dad's siblings all had a fine-tuned sense of humor and I loved being around them. There was one exception, and that was when, at my high school graduation party, I opened a lovely box to find a pair of panties with the name Orlando Cepeda written on them (you'd have to be old and have been a baseball fan to remember him).. I never forgave Aunt Elaine for that. ;-) Actually, I loved all those aunts and uncles. They loved silly jokes, puns, saw the funny side of life, and laughed easily.

3. What's your favorite food dipped in chocolate? What's your favorite food dipped in cheese?
For chocolate, I'd say first of all that it *must* be dark chocolate, the darker the better, and dipped in almonds or Brazil nuts is quite wonderful. PLEASE do not get any cheese soft enough to dip anything in. That is a horrid thought. I like hard cheese, please. If I'm going to harden my arteries, I want to get it done fast!  I'll admit that when I was a kid, I did like Velveeta on rye with sliced green olives on top. Now I'll just take the olives (green, black, or kalamata) and a slice of Dubliner or Stilton.
My favorite sandwich when I was a kid.
Better when accompanied by a cherry phosphate.
Kinda nauseating, isn't it.

4. When were you last astonished by something? Explain.
I am astonished at how fast the body heals, when given half a chance. What a wonderful Creator, who thought up all the systems in our bodies and then how to make all those systems do what they do in order to cause healing. Just think of the last time you had even a paper cut. It hurt like crazy. And yet a couple days later, it had all but disappeared. All healed. Praise God! I mean, REALLY!

 Jazzie on the front porch

5. Surf board, paddle board, ironing board, Pinterest board, score board, clip board, bulletin board...which board have you most recently encountered?
None of the above. But maybe Jazzie looks 'bored' in the photo above. Really, she was enjoying being outdoors and observing her domain. I took this photo late afternoon on Monday, when that golden light was coming into the screened-in area of the porch. (The porch is L shaped.) I love that time of afternoon/evening. 
Speaking of bored, that's what comes to mind when watching the political conventions. It's the same old same old. I told a friend that I was writing in his name for President. I'm sure he thought I was kidding.
Cheery daisy

6. What's your favorite story from scripture? Why that story?
Hmmm. Well, when I was much younger, I think my favorite was the account of Jael and Sisera, where she drove a stake through his head while he was sleeping, pinning him to the ground (like never to awaken again). But that might have been when I was mad at Mr. C. about something.
Maybe the account I like best is of Rahab the harlot. Why? Because it shows that God is not playing favorites, but has his arms open to all who will put their trust in him, regardless of what they've done or not done in their past. And because 'he knows our frame, that we are but dust,' it's not like he's counting on us being shining examples of virtue even when we do choose to follow him. But what he does do is put his Spirit in us, that will cause us to recognize God in his grace and mercy and want to respond to him in praise, out of gratitude. And over time, miraculously, we want more to love people and less to drive stakes through their head(s). God is in the business of forgiveness, restoration, reconciliation, and making us more like his Son.

7. If you were to travel from the east coast to the west coast in your own country, which five cities would you most want to see?
Boston, MA; Beaver Falls, PA; Great Falls, MT; Flagstaff, AZ; San Francisco, CA.

The Mighty Mississippi River on a gray day in June

8. Insert your own random thought here.
 Jazzie is back for a visit while her family is on vacation.
She's enjoying being here, I think.
Note Mr. C's fashionable neon yellow construction shirt.


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TexWisGirl said...

love the last shot. jazzie is adorable. loved the 'green acres' shot, too. and i agree on never taking summer for granted in wisconsin. here in texas, i've learned to dread it but appreciate the mildness of winter. *sigh*

Linda said...

It seems, Judy, summer has dragged on here in western NY, like you, it usually is short lived...sigh. I was reading because of the drought, there won't be much of a fall--colors this year.

Enjoyed your answers and I liked the last photo of your hubby sitting there while the animals are awaiting him to drop food, LOLOLOL. Have a beautiful day friend.

wildirishrose said...

Loved your choice of Bible story! And I have to agree about our choices for President--I tried the same thing with a friend of mine (and I really do think he'd make an outstanding President) and he begged me not to.

Joyce said...

I'm so glad you're healing quickly and I know you're anxious to be up and around more. I love the Green Acres shot : ) Have a great day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm wondering what is in Beaver Falls that I missed! haha! And do you keep your camera handy while you are recuperating? Hubby must love that! Enjoy your day sweet friend. I'm praying for your healing. Hugs!

Wendy said...

Glad you are healing well and great photos in your post.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Jazzie looks so comfy on the porch.. i am with you on I want my cheese hard and none of the boards relate to me. as for east to west coast i don't have any cities i want to see, what i want is to see the wild wild west, all those places like Jackson Hole and AZ and the places they make western movies. Colorado and Montana and New Mexico and AZ but not the cities. good to see you on line today

Nonnie said...

Your pictures are all so enjoyable and your stories as well. I like the Green Acres pic and the panty story!!! Too funny. We took a cruise up the Mississippi River a couple of years ago and I was amazed at how big it is.

I guess I only chose cities because that was the questions. Really, I am not a fan of big cities. I prefer the countryside, mountains, rivers, valleys, waterfalls, etc.

Susie said...

Judy, Love the pictures. Especially grandpa teaching the little one. I would love to go to NYC, Charleston(S.C.), Chicago, SLC (Utah) and L.A.(Hollywood area). I have been to all of these...but you can not see everything in a few short days. Glad you are doing better. My summer has been good...plenty hot at times. But I want to love something about each day. Blue skies and flowers have been rewarding. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

20 North Ora said...

Great post!! My favorite Bible story is Noah and the Ark. Many years ago I got a plaque that said "God always keeps His promises" and had a small Noah's Ark on it. I started collecting Noah's Ark pieces and now, have a whole Christmas tree done in it. Love finding out more about you!


Stephanie said...

Loved the photo of your daughter and son-in-law :) Looks like great fun!

Fabulous post, my friend...I always love seeing your pictures. Hugs to you!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

It has been a nice summer this year. More typical then last year. We are on the hot HUMID August days now here in the "south". It cracks me up when we are up visiting how everyone mentions the humidity and I think what humidity?!? It isn't humid unless you are damp the moment you step outside! Lol!
I really wrote this comment to ask you about Beaver Falls, PA. Have you been there before? My grandfather and his family are from that area. I have it on my to-visit-someday list!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

LOve it as always Judy!! I think this summer has been really lovely overall and warmer and more "summery" then usual - so I might even bump it up to an 8. Lol But Fall in our area is an 10+ for sure!! I hope we get a long and lovely one too.

Love your photos and witty comments too! Blessings my Friend. xoxo

Loris Glassworks said...

What a great photo with your kids on the tractor...Love It!
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, you always make me smile. Your photos are lovely, but I especially love the one of your porch. What perfect light! Your daughter and son in law on the tractor is darling as well. It sounds like you are doing much better. Praise God. Take care, dear one. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute picture of Jazzie on the porch. Your welcome to write in a name only it takes away from a party that should win even if they are not the best! Enjoyed your photos.

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, I had to laugh about the Bible story, because that was a story we learned this year in Sunday School. And you should have seen the kids face when we got to that part. ;-)

Hey, that is a super comfortable chair Mr.C is sitting in, I am ready to sit and have peach ice cream in that chair soon. ;-)

Will Jazzie stay forever?

Tired Teacher said...

Reading your Hodge Podge posts is like visiting over a cup of tea. I truly love everyone of them.

Mama Hen said...

Loving the picture of Jazzy on the front porch! I absolutely love dark chocolate and with almonds or cashews is wonderful. I also love strawberries dipped in chocolate or date balls rolled in coconut dipped in chocolate. You are right about how amazing the human body is. Love the tractor picture too. Hope you are having a great week!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Yup, you had me humming the theme song to Green Acres when I saw your photo on IG. Except for lack of rain our summer has been pretty good too but I look forward to the cooler days of autumn.

Empty Nester said...

I love your pictures today! That little Lucy is adorable! Since you've had to stay inside, you should have come down here. It's too hot to go out. I haven't even been to the beach this summer to walk. It seems hotter this year. At least last year I could go out. Oh well, Baby M enjoys sitting inside with me. :)

Michelle said...

That is a great picture of the kids on the tractor. Nothing like a bit of time in the country :)

Terri D said...

I always love your photos! Joyce gave us a fun Hodgepodge today and I enjoyed your answers! Laughed at the soft cheese reference! I had cheddar cheese curd for the first time. Our neighbors brought some to us from their visit to Wisconsin last week. Lucy is adorable.

Theresa said...

The photo of Jazzy on the porch looks like a painting, amazing! Love your answer about your favorite story in scripture :)

podso said...

I think I like #5 the best since I live with a punster. All your photos are wonderful. That sandwich looks huge. Enjoyed your answers.

Barbara said...

LOVED the photo of Jazzie on your porch with the sunglow in the background! Really great.

Also appreciated your answer to #6, Jael and Sisera, Rahab -- wonderful Bible stories with much for us to learn.

BTW, I visited your wonderful state a couple of weeks ago, concentrating on Monroe, right along the Illinois state line. Had a very good time. Rolling hills of green green green.

Chatty Crone said...

Your photos are a beautiful 'story' in themselves. You are an interesting woman! I love chocolate - dark - dipped in anything. I do like to go to the Melting Pot and they melt cheese and you dip all sorts of things in there and it is delicious! Have a good one.

genie said...

What a wonderful collection of "happy feeling" fotos. Each one could stand well on its own, but together is makes for a lovely story today. genie

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the first and last shots are my favorites. Great answers! It has been hot lately so it really feels like summer to me. Last year our summer was chilly. I like dark chocolate and cheese, YUM! I hope you are feeling better! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Jean | said...

Judy, I love your sense of humor! Recently asked a friend how she was doing in the heat, she said she was "Butt Dust," and remarked how kids often make that mistake with that verse!

cloches and lavender said...

The little one with Grandpas was cute. You can tell she was posing and not following along. Your daughter and son-in-law look comfortable on the tractor. It is probably nice for them because they live in the City. Happy to hear you are healing. The last picture is cute them surrounding your hubby. They seemed interest in what he was doing.


Lady Fi said...

Jazzie looks adorable.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Oh what a wonderful porch you have. Looks perfect for relaxing and just thinking. The pic of your husband and granddaughter is adorable. I have to admit I love homemade pimento cheese. Just discovered it. yummy!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

It's always interesting to read these. I love that photo of Jazzie and the golden light! :)

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I always enjoy your photography and especially appreciated your answer to #6. I also have to agree with your answer about healing. It is amazing and astonishing how God enabled the body to take care of itself. My dad was a great believer in allowing the body to do its thing in taking care of injuries first before seeing a doc. He experienced some amazingly rapid recoveries.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

It's good to read that you're still enjoying your summer even if you aren't able to run in the fields yet! Take care of yourself!

Judy S. said...

Hi Judy! Enjoyed your photos as always; it sounds like you are on the mend and in time for fall in the Midwest, my favorite time of year there. How come the PNW wasn't on your list to visit? Lots to see here, especially when the sun's out. ;>)

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, An enjoyable read and such precious pictures. We have just moved and I am slowly getting around to my favorite blogs after being away for about a month. I hope you will have a nice weekend.

genie said...

What a wonderful collection of photos this week. That first one stole my heart. And the other one of your husband with the animals pulled at t he old heartstrings. genie

Summer said...

Awww! Such beautiful photos and family ♥

Lady Linda said...

Love the tractor shot! Always so fun to read these.Have a great week.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cute shot of the kids on the tractor. I agree about what is going on in politics. Some days I think I just won't vote, but I know I have to. It's just- gosh..I'm waiting for someone worth voting for!!

Anita Johnson said...

I always enjoy these posts. My husband says he went from Corp to crop. Green acres for sure. Now I am thinking about my favorite bible story. So grateful for His faithfulness.

Lady Jane said...

I love these posts because I get to know you better. If you get to see Flagstaff you will love the surrounding views but Sedona (not far from there) is the place to see. I don't live far from Boston and don't go there much anymore because I wont drive in there, lols... But it is a wonderful city with so much to see. Hugs, LJ


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