Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hodgepodging the Family Reunion

 Our Entire Family
(Minus the Thirteen Who Didn't Make it)

Since we don't all get together at any of the major holidays, I created my own in August, an excuse we would have for getting together during summer vacation.  Hopefully, next August everyone will be here. I did suggest that they write it in Sharpie on their calendars. Here we are, having come from lunch at Brit's Pub in Minneapolis, getting our pic taken in front the huge windows of Orchestra Hall. My other crutch must be perfectly aligned with my daughter's left leg!

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. Are you watching the Olympics? Your favorite summer Olympic event? I read recently a list of the most iconic Olympic moments in history...what stands out in your mind as a great moment from some past summer Olympic games?

I don't watch the summer Olympics at all, and minimally watch the winter Olympics. I like the downhill skiing, the ski jumping, and the luge. I have no interest at all in the summer Olympics.

 My favorite summer sport: The Family Hayride

2. Have you ever been to Rio? How about the place that started it all-Greece? Have you ever been to any of the Olympic Games in person? Is that something you'd like to do? Have you ever met an Olympian in person?

'No' to all of the above except for...

 My Favorite Olympian - Mr. C.
Who has been SO good to me, taking care of me, taking care of company, taking care of EVERYthing since I'm still unable (and not supposed) to walk without crutches. Hopefully, this too shall pass, for I should be putting full body weight on that right leg by the end of August. But I hope that Mr. C. won't stop being such a kind and nurturing person. Stay tuned for an update on that. ;-)

3. The ball's in their court (tennis), cross the finish line (track and field), on target (archery), make a splash (diving), on a roll (gymnastics), out of one's depth (swimming)...which Olympic-related idiom best applies to your life right now? Explain.

 Out of my depth

The ball IS in my court. I'm doing everything the doctor said to do, being the great rule-follower than I am; I will cross the finish line. I'm definitely on target at this point, I won't be making a splash anytime soon, I'm on a roll for watching SkyNews, Vera, and George Gently far too much, and I'm totally out of my depth when it comes to anything Olympic Games related.

4. What have you earned a 'gold medal' in recently?

This one is easy: enjoying the grandkids being here. We had the entire weekend together, which was wonderful fun for me. They're the sweetest. xoxo

Elton John and his admirers
at Brit's Pub

5. What is it (or who is it) that motivates you to eat right, exercise, and do what you can to be healthy?

I would say that the greatest factor is wanting to avoid having to be on medications of any kind. And maybe because my parents were a pretty good example. I also feel so much better when I eat right, that it's not worth it to indulge in junk food. I wouldn't say that Brit's fish and chips is exactly health food, but it's only an occasional blip on the food radar. I am looking forward to being able to exercise, but really just gardening, walking and hiking, and work. Did I say work? Yes, actually. I hate artificial exercise. I do think that as a child of God I have a responsibility for keeping my body as healthy as possible. I'm glad that includes dark chocolate, almonds, and an occasional fish and chips. It does, right?

 image from somewhere on the net
It's this kind of lettuce I use for the following sandwich
Bibb lettuce maybe?

A really good sandwich I've been enjoying for recent lunches is: 
1 slice Coborn's Gluten Free Bakery: Ancient Grains Bread
   (unlike other GF breads, this is soft and thick and doesn't fall apart)
Thick layer of GF hummus
Pepper cheese slices
Huge leaf of lettuce on top, instead of that second slice of bread.

...and sweet granddaughter

6. Are you young at heart or an old soul? Explain.

In some ways, I do fit the description of an old soul. Then again, I hope that I'm young at heart, for that's the only part of me that IS young (except for the brand new hip joint.) I gave up on coloring my hair, except for the occasional low-lighting (which is very overdue, as you can tell ), because otherwise I'd have young-looking hair on a headful of wrinkles. Who wants that??! And looking at the photo above, I see that I have my mom's eyes and my dad's nose. They say your nose never stops growing. I just had another birthday this past weekend (the excuse for the reunion), so this kinda scares me. I mean, look where we already are!

7. It's National S'mores Day (August 10th)...are you a fan? Will you celebrate with a s'more today?

The only thing I like about S'mores is the campfire. S'mores are way too sweet for me. I'll be happy with a piece of dark chocolate and a handful of almonds.

This photo sent to me by John, their dad.
It's at our house, from the past weekend, 
where the grandkids found Tuppence sleeping on our bed.
They love that cat!!

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

In spending time with the family, I am reminded of what a blessing from the Lord each one is. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday, and I hope that very soon I will be able to start blogging more often. Thanks for all your kind comments, my dear blogging friends. I totally do not deserve them, but appreciate every single one!

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Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Hi Judy... glad to hear that your recuperation is coming along so well. Your grandchildren are adorable. Looks like everyone had a great time at the reunion. Enjoy the rest of your week.

TexWisGirl said...

adorable kiddos and beautiful family. your crutch is forever part of family history, now. :)

Arlene G said...

I am so happy you got to enjoy your reunion!! Your sweet husband is a gold medal winner. Love the family photo!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, you have a beautiful family. The re-union looks like a fun time for all. I am glad you are following doctor's orders and on the road to recovery. Wonderful series of photos!

Have a happy day and week ahead!

Joyce said...

I love that you were able to get everyone together. So nice when everyone is spread out hither and yon. You look like you're recovering well and I hope you're off those crutches soon. Your grands are adorable : )

Tracy Batchelder said...

Great post, Judy! I love that picture of you and your family. It's wonderful that you are scheduling a time for everyone to get together.

I know you will be glad to finally say goodbye to crutches and resume your normal activities. I'm the same way about "artificial" exercise.

My plan is to let my hair go naturally gray, because just like you, I want my hair to match my face. ;)

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Judy...smiles...I enjoyed your Hodgepodge...have a beautiful day friend.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Looks like you are doing much better! A family reunion is always fun but there is always someone that doesn't come. I've been watching the olympics (that I didn't intend to watch). I'm amazed as always to see the gymnasts and swimmers. Your grandkids are adorable- isn't it a blessing to have them! I will be a first time grandmother in mid September! Keep taking care of yourself- I'm sure it's going to be a while before you feel "normal" more like a "new normal" but it sounds like you are on your way there so that's good!

Susie said...

Judy, I love the family picture. I always like to see your pictures. You and the Mr. are looking good my friend. Glad you are doing everything you can to get back to normal. I keep you in my prayers. It is hard to gather family. We used to all pretty much met up at my daughter's on the 4th of July...but some are just plain selfish about making an effort...This year not many came and my daughter was sad....I told her one day it will just be our own family circle. Me and my four daughters' families. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
ps...I watch some of the games and cheer on the USA

Cranberry Morning said...

The crutch marks an event I won't soon forget anyway: the second hip replacement on the same hip in 2 1/2 years, due to carelessness on the part of the first surgeon. I might send him the photo.

Cranberry Morning said...

And believe me, I've earned every one of those great hairs! :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

So glad to see you pop up here. Love that family portrait and I thought you were down to one crutch. You're number three answer is perfect. I love it. All of the family photos are wonderful such a beautiful family. Glad you had a happy birthday and what a great way to celebrate.

genie said...

It looks like you are improving. I love your suggestion of sending the first surgeon a photo. Pretty photo of the reunion. We are so spread out across this country that it is almost impossible. Maybe one day we will all get together. We did manage it for my eldest don's 50th, but that was the first time in years. genie

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Your timing is spot-on, CM; I was considering sending out enquiries by other means. Wonderful collection of pictures - and belated Happy Birthday. There seems to e pretty much wall-top-wall Olympic coverage over here and we watch a bit of it, but I can't imagine devoting entire days to watching sport - each to their own, of course. I want to know what beer they sell in this 'Brit Pub' of yours?!

April said...

What a great photo of you and your family, Judy! Great looking bunch, for sure! I can only imagine the fun you had together!

Pamela Gordon said...

Hi Judy, I've missed your posts this summer so thought I'd stop by with a comment today. Glad to know you celebrated another birthday with family and that your hip is on the mend. It's been a very busy summer for me but I have a break this week so am trying to visit around. Take care and enjoy the rest of August.

Terri D said...

So good to see your post today! Love the family photo and those other 13 need to make sure they get there next year! Precious moments and memories! You look terrific, Judy! Keeping you and your hubby in my daily prayers, so count on them! Only a few more weeks to go!!

Debby Ray said...

Hello Judy! What a lovely family and Happy Belated Birthday! Your birthday is a perfect reason to get everyone together. It looks like you must be recovering nicely from your surgery too. Has it been ridiculously hot up your way? I hope you enjoy the rest of the waning summer :)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, it's lovely to see you out and about. What a nice family photo. The ones with the grands are so sweet. I'm glad you are a rule follower, particularly pertaining to your recovery, dear one. Happy belated birthday! ♥

Stacy said...

I really enjoyed all your pictures. Such a nice looking family and the grandkids are adorable! Loved the beautiful scenery, too...especially that shady fish pond. I am sure that would be my favorite spot.

It sounds like you are a model patient so I hope your hard work and perseverance pay off and you recover quickly.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Aw! Love those beautiful family photos! It's so nice to get the family together for a group shot - I always love to look back on those. So glad to hear that you are looking forward to walking on your own soon. I've been glancing at the Olympics here and there as my Mr. loves to watch them, but I had to draw the line on the beach volleyball....Lol! I do love to watch the gymnasts and ice skating most of all. Makes me wish I was young again....sigh. It's so nice to hear that your Mr. is your sweet hero. I love that. Hugs xo Karen

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good family reunion time and I'm happy to read how well you are being taken care of. Hope the rest of healing and recuperation goes well. Visiting from HodgePodge!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

My first thought was that you were only using one crutch but then I saw a bit of the tip behind a foot. It was nice that you got a small crowd at least for the family reunion and your grandchildren are sweet.
Belated Birthday Wishes and prayers that all goes well for your month end expectations.

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE YOUR FAMILY PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool you have one every August - you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see you are your crutches - but it won't be long - I just love all your photos!

maddie/cadesmimi said...

Sending you belated birthday wishes! What a great family picture, too. In fact, all of the pictures are great. Hope you'll continue on your road to a full recovery, and it will all soon be a fading memory :)
Kathy (Reflections)

camp and cottage living said...

I love all of your family photos, Judy. And a late "Happy Birthday"
If you ever run across a good GF bread recipe would you please share it.
The breads I've bought that are available here are dry and gritty. the one homemade one turned out this way as well.

Lynne said...

Happy Birthday Judy . . .
Nice to see you and the family too . . .
Happy your hubs has treated you gently for these weeks.
Nice you recognized him here and gave him a Gold Medal!
All the very best for the rest of these August days . . .

Anita Johnson said...

Happy Birthday a bit late.....hope that hip heals correctly ...great pics...just fun to visit here. I love your answers to the questions

Lorrie said...

Hello Judy,
How great to have so many of your family members together. The occasional fish and chips is how I roll, too, along with the dark chocolate and almonds.
No Olympic watching here, either - I think we spend far too much time and money on sports with little societal or personal benefit. But that's just my rant.
Good to hear the hip is healing.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You must have had a brilliant time haveso manyof the family at reunion. and it is lovely to see all their smiling faces. Love sreadingall your answers.

Suzanne McClendon said...

Oh boy! If our noses never stop growing, then I'm in for it! It will take something more than 6 feet deep to bury me. haha

Your grandchildren are precious, just adorable. :)

I am glad that you were all able to get together and hope that it will work out next year, too. How exciting to look forward to.

I pray that your hip is healing well and that you're good to go very soon. I'm glad that you are able to follow your doctor's orders. Sometimes I have a problem doing that. :)

I am glad that Mr. C. is taking great care of you. :)

Have a blessed day!

Vee said...

You are so in love with your family. It reads in every line. Next year will be the big reunion! You are looking so well, Judy. Radiant and beautiful. Obviously, you and your caregiving Beloved are doing something right.

Have had another bout of the dreaded K S so am thinking diet all the time. Anything to avoid a recurrence because it will be worth it to feel well. I am taking all the supplements and using magnesium lotion plus trying to give up so many things....all chocolate, all cheese, all nuts, many kinds of vegetables, potatoes, lower amounts of meat, sugar, flour. It is a horrid, strict diet when I follow it. i was with a dear man yesterday who is on one of these strict regimes and he tells me that it is worth it to feel well. Course his clothes are nearly falling off him.

Enjoy these August days...Happy Birthday month!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

It looks like the grand-young'uns and the kitty were having a great time. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Anonymous said...

You look so pretty and I love seeing these sweet photos of your family. Wishing you a wonderful day. xo

Empty Nester said...

I was having such a good time looking at the photos that I realized I hadn't read anything and had to go back! Ha! We have a family reunion in August. It's a big one. My mother's father's side. I loved going to those so much when I was a kid but, these days, the heat is too much. I take it year by year. Did I ever ask you if you have castor oil in any of your soaps? I love castor oil in soap but have been using a liquid soap- black soap with castor oil. If you do, I'm going to need some! :)

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I think you are beautiful! I always tell the boys that and Jeremy! I want to be lovely like Judy!
Tuppence has a fan club!! Sam and Atticus love her too!
And they love your home. That is all they talked about on the way home last night, was how much they love your home and decorating.

Love you both!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing the photo of your family! I know you are happy to have any number of them together. I'm looking forward to seeing all 4 of my sons in a couple of months! I can't wait! Take care sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday! What a beautiful family. I just had a piece, well actually 2, of dark chocolate :)

Wendy said...

So glad to see you out and about with your family. Great photos of the grandchildren too.

Loris Glassworks said...

Makes me happy to see you out and about. Sounds like your sweetie is a wonderful man and your rock during this time of rest. I have one of those wonderful husbands too. Best wishes for the final stages of your recovery!
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

This N That said...

Nice looking family..Have a wonderful evening..

Cheryl said...

I love your idea for a family reunion at your birthday time...perfect! Hope those 13 will take the Sharpie suggestion and everyone will be able to make it next year. We mamas like when the whole gang is together, don't we? Oh, but that's a wonderful photo of your family and it's nice to see you out and about for the celebration!

S'mores are too sweet for me too. Marshmallows are particularly disgusting. BUT, when everyone makes s'mores, there I am making one too! What is up with that? The power of suggestion? Of course, I burn my marshmallow to a crisp and I like it better that way...and there's certainly nothing wrong with a little chocolate along with it...

You are doing so well with your recovery! I am glad that the second time around will be a different story!!

Lowcarb team member said...

So lovely to see the family photographs ... I always look forward to times like these.
Your grand-kids are adorable.

Keep recovering well - you are getting there.

All the best Jan

Jean | said...

Judy, love the fam photos and glad you're recuperating nicely. I'm with you on the s'mores -- way too sweet for me -- I'd rather just eat the graham crackers.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Judy I just love the family photos and seeing you all having a great time are recuperating with help from your best friend, hero and Olympian...and your family is just beautiful and full of love and joy
I pray that you continue to recover and strengthen you are clearly doing all along.
You have been through a hard and trying time and have only portrayed the positive all along; you have the most wonderful soul and inspiration to us all :)

podso said...

Better late than never. I'm finally getting to read this delightful hodgepodge. I am glad you had such a wonderful weekend with your family celebrating your birthday. And yes aren't we thankful for the health benefits of dark chocolate?

Judy S. said...

Great family photo, and so nice to see you up! Keep on keeping on!

This N That said...

The baby robins look pretty mature. I'm sure they are fine. Good picture


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