Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hodgepodging Various and Sundry

Bright-eyed baby robins

Baby robins, must be mama's second batch, were found by Mr. C. on a rung of one of the ladders leaning against the wall of the work shop. We thought it would be another week or so before they flew the nest, but they were all gone this morning. Nest is still intact, so I don't think there was foul play involved.

Join Joyce and the Gang
 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own post
and join in!

Correction to last week's Hodgepodge: I forgot to include the 'Never Any' roasted turkey from Aldi in that favorite sandwich recipe. It's a pretty important ingredient.

1. I read here four creative activities to try this month. They were-calligraphy, make your own cookbook, dance or learn a new type of dance, and letter writing. Which activity on the list appeals to you most? Will you add it to your August? 

I went through a calligraphy phase years ago, I've kind of written my own cookbook (several ring bound cards of my favorite recipes) which I gave to my kids, I won't be adding any kind of dance to my August, and I'm not sure what is meant here by letter writing. If you mean actually hand writing a letter, I don't know that anyone would prefer receiving in the mail something they  have to struggle to decipher over an email which has a very legible font. I could start sending cards with a short message in my own hand, I suppose. But anything longer would tax one's patience in the reading of it.

Cherry tomatoes coming on fast

2. Bertrand Russell is quoted as saying, 'To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.' Agree or disagree? Explain. 

More importantly is taking time to examine those wants. Am I craving love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, and mercy -  or do I think I can't possibly live without a new pair of jeans or a piece of pottery?  I could probably do without the next book I want, but then I was given two Amazon gift cards for my birthday, so... But overindulgence is never good, and material things are never what brings lasting happiness.

Should I keep the gift cards or give them away? Hmmm. Please don't ask for a follow-up on that.

Our barn and silo, needing some serious TLC

3. August 17th is National Thriftshop Day...are you a 'thrifter'? If so, tell us about one of your best or favorite finds. 

I'm not a thrifter, in that I don't get out and about to garage sales or thrift stores on a regular basis, but probably one of my best finds has been the several copies of Richard Halliburton's Complete Book of Marvels that I've managed to collect (and give away all but one) over the years.

 Our beloved old snowplow, waiting for winter
I'm afraid it won't have long to wait.

4.  On a scale of 1-10 (with 1= almost none and 10=loads) how would you rate your sense of wanderlust? What kicks your wanderlust into high gear? 

Wanderlust?  Probably a 10.  There are so many places I'd like to go: England, Italy, Montana, Colorado, Montreal, Quebec, San Diego, Spain, Normandy, Provence. Just thinking about it is fun. Planning a trip is one of my favorite things. I love getting all the accommodations arranged, tickets for transportation lined up, places to see, things to do... I love pouring over maps, Googling everything about a place, going over packing lists, etc. And all of that is before ever getting out the door!

What kicks it into high gear is a drop in airfare or the exchange rate being slightly more in our favor. Or seeing a photo of someplace I'd like to go.

5. Has life felt more like a marathon or sprint so far this month? How so?

A marathon or a sprint? More like a slog. I hadn't realized that when the two months of no weight bearing were over, it would still involve at least another month on crutches, then learning to  retrain knee, leg, and foot muscles that have been mis-trained for 2 and a half years. But I'm not whining. 

Okay, I am.

Grandson at our local totally Americana cafe

6. What do you need to get a jump on before fall officially arrives? 

I'm planning our mid-October Family Early Thanksgiving. Now that all the kids are living in two adjacent states, we can resume our tradition of early Thanksgiving. It makes so much more sense in Wisconsin to have Thanksgiving in the most beautiful part of the year, IMHO, when the weather is crisp and cool, the woods give us a magnificent display of color, bonfires are more appropriate to the weather, and snowstorms and icy roads aren't preventing anyone from being able to participate.

7. What's the last thing you did with friends or family where you lost track of time? 

Normally speaking? That would be time spent in a used book store. But more recently, literally losing track of time, would be the other evening when I fell asleep watching a movie (now there's a rare event for you - just ask my kids) When I woke up, it was dark out (have you noticed how quickly we're losing daylight now?? We're spiraling down toward the shortest day of the year.) Anyway, it was also dark in the house, but I could hear Mr. C's  soft voice faintly mumbling off in the distance. I glanced at the clock. 2:45. I hobbled to the living room and there he was, sitting in the dark, talking on the phone. I asked him sweetly who on earth he was talking to at 2:45 in the morning. He laughed and informed me that it was 9:15 and that he had just finished the movie. Ok. So fine.That's what's deceptive this time of year if you take your cues from what you see out the window or on the hands of the clock. 9:15 PM and 2:45 AM look exactly the same. Well, they do.

 View of the front yard maple tree from the porch

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

The Great British Baking Show is on Wisconsin Public Television again. I was wondering who gets the job of cleaning up what Paul and Mary don't eat. I'd be happy to take on that job. Anyway, it led me to remembering the delicious fresh fruit tart I enjoyed at Cafe Latte in St. Paul, and after I had Googled that and printed out the recipe, I also somehow ended up with a recipe for hummingbird cake, which I'd never heard of before, but which I'm going to make soon. All the pecans sold me immediately on this idea. Oh. and cream cheese. And it's several layers. Doesn't that sound wonderful?!

Grandson and I made a batch of Florentines yesterday, after watching an episode of The Great British Baking Show on Netflix. They are so easy and SO good!

Our grandson at Sand Creek
I love this kid!!

All of the photos in this post were taken on my itty bitty mini droid smartphone. They look a lot better on Instagram, believe me. But for those who aren't on Instagram, I decided to post them here. They pretty small because they look really grainy if they're enlarged. I will be getting back to using my real camera soon.

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Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Love that photo of Robin's kids - amazing. I'm intrigued by this idea that bloggers, in general, have time for trying any more creative activities. Are you kidding? Unless you're plugging a particular theme, like I do, the majority of fellow-bloggers seem to be incredibly creative (and busy) already - baking, stitching, photographing, gardening and what-not - oh, and coping with Life. You're not whining, CM. Really. Fabulous shot of your grandson. I enjoy reading the hodgepodge thingies. TTFN.

Arlene G said...

Judy, I cannot imagine two months with no weight bearing...but I know it will be worth it when you have complete healing. I tried Calligraphy too...I still use it occasionally. And a used book store can always cause me to lose track of time.

Stacy said...

Beautiful photos as always. I am with you on October being the most beautiful time of the year. Your family gathering sounds wonderful and like it's lots of fun.

Theresa said...

Our cherry tomatoes are really showing themselves here too:) Love that picture of your Grandson by the water:) Have a blessed day dear Judy, HUGS!

Linda said...

Thank you for the smiles...enjoyed your Hodgepodge, Judy. I am so looking forward to the change of seasons, however, with the severe drought we are experiencing here in western NY--they say we won't get much of the colors this year....smiles

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Judy! Your cherry tomatoes look wonderful. I always enjoy reading your hodgepodge and answers. I also love to plan trips, the planning is almost as much fun as going on a trip! I hope you are doing well. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Lynne said...

Love the hodgepodge . . .
Remembering "each and every" was impossible for me . . .
Here is on thought that stayed with me . . .
Nothing like a hand written note in the mail . . .
My handwriting used to be a "good one" especially when I was charting along with the docs in the hospital.
Ones scroll holds identity . . .
My brother and I write notes back and forth weekly . . .
I love "seeing his hand" in the mail box . . .
I think he likes seeing mine too . . .
(We are both slipping in the legible department . . .)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet grandson ad i like that creek he is admiring... i am a zero on wanderlust. i much prefer email than letters, i was never a letter writer and always felt guilty when i got one because i did not send one. i love the geek mail now.
repeat after me.... I do not need the Amazon Card. I do not need the Amazon Card. I will mail it to Sandra now, I will mail it to Sandra NOW.... to me an Amazon card is the ultimate in gifts... except of course cash... that card is my most wanted item..
did you mail it yet? i am waiting. that is a long time to go to relearn what you lost and go ahead, whine. i would and have and always will.

Empty Nester said...

Well, of course 9:15 and 2:45 look exactly the same on the clock. Who doesn't know this? LOL You're a riot! I got my soaps! I used the antibacterial one already. I love how clean your soaps rinse off. This one made my skin feel so soft and did not dry it out. LOVE!

Cheryl said...

I am fascinated by your "Early Thanksgiving"! I think it's a great idea! For years, I have wanted to change the 4th of July to September. My husband's extended family reunion is held on July 4th. The date is significant because that is when his grandparents and another family drove from North Carolina to Maryland (with the five children they had at the time...AND with another family with two ONE car!) to start anew. But I think it would be SO much better to celebrate without heat strokes.

I love your story of 2:45!! :D

Praying for your continued recovery! You've come so far!

Elizabethd said...

We often wonder who eats up the dishes on Mary's TV Bake off! I think it must be the photographers!

April said...

Aww...those baby robins are too cute, Judy! Once again, you've impressed me with your beautiful photos. I simply can't pick a favorite...I love them all! What a great idea to have an early Thanksgiving!

Carla from The River said...

I love the planning of a trip too. I Google good places to eat, map out roads to travel and shops to visit. I love it!

I think you are wise to have an early Thanksgiving. Great idea!

Chatty Crone said...

Some good questions there. I do think going without makes life better in the long run. Love the story about the birds. Love all your photos too.

podso said...

I just disagree with your letter writing thoughts. I enjoy writing letters--or now, more often notecards, and love to receive a letter in the mail, which rarely happens anymore. So I'll take email; it's the communication that's important. But being a fan of history I'm so glad we have it recorded in zillions of fascinating letters. I'm enjoying reading my grandparents' letters to my parents, But then I might have been happy living in another century. :-) I too am intrigued with your early Thanksgiving--what a great idea also for those who have to coordinate with in-laws' celebrations, etc.

Debby Ray said...

Oh...those baby robins...what a great shot! I think the idea for the early Thanksgiving is a good thing for your family. Something about being able to enjoy the colors of fall is a little more fun than singing "I'm Dreaming of a White Thanksgiving" :) I hope you are continuing to heal well!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The photos look great! Fun to see the kids enjoying summer! And of course those baby birds. LOVE to talk about wanderlust! What an interesting word! lol Hugs!

Jill said...

Such a lovely post and I love the photos, especially the baby birds.... Have a wonderful day!!


Joyce said...

'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers' said my favorite book character ever : ) Never a bad time to celebrate a grateful heart and all our many blessings. Keep on keeping on with your recovery. It's a process, and you seem to be managing it well.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Another delightful Hodgepodge, Judy! I'm with you on the wanderlust scale. Hopefully we'll be planning and scheming another trip. So much fun! Your grandson sure looks like he's enjoying his time with you and Mr. C. Our younger grands have been with us the last few days and it's been wonderfully tiring! The hummingbird cake is a winner, Judy. It's been years since I've made one, but you've planted a seed. Ha. Continue doing well with your recovery, dear one. ♥

Terri D said...

Your photos look fine to me! I enjoyed our HP answers today and the photos your shared in-between! So happy that you are working on getting that leg back to 100%!! Your October thanksgiving celebration will be here before we know it! I think that is a great idea!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy, my favorite pic is of the birds in the nest. So pretty. Love your loss of time story. Enjoy your week!

GretchenJoanna said...

That picture of the baby robins is fantastic!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed reading all your comments in response to the questions. What a great pic of the baby robins. We won't be asking anything further about the gift cards. :)

Thanks for a lovely visit.

TexWisGirl said...

i love your home views. hoping your continued healing and strengthening will come quicker than you think! :)

Anonymous said...

Love your answer to the quote and I'm with you on the wanderlust response. I come alive when planning an adventure! Peace and blessings to you and yours...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What N. Ireland isn't on your counrty to visit!

Vee said...

If anyone is entitled to a titch of whining...and especially if all that had not been spelled out clearly. One day soon, you will be better than ever and this time of recuperation will be way back in the rearview.

My family also did an October Thanksgiving for many years. I love October Thanksgivings. Okay, we also did a February Thanksgiving as well with the extra turkey put back in the freezer. How the holiday landed in November...I could probbaly research that. Anyway, the Pilgrims certainly didn't celebrate it in November. Yes, I do like the way you think.

I've been looking at your Instagram photos...a fun way to share photos without too much commentary.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I hope you heal quickly. Speaking from the same boat...I do not like being down. I keep trying to get out and about just to change the view, and then I suffer for it when I get back home. But it does get better and hopefully will for you too, and soon. Love the photos. My iphone pics are usually horrible, but I am trying them out on Instagram.

Jean | said...

Love all the photos, but the one of the cherry tomatoes has me drooling -- I knew when I procrastinated too long to plant tomatoes that I'd regret it! :D Love that you gather the family when YOU want to rather than when "Hallmark" tells you to!

Robin said...

I've been watching The Great British Bake Off, I love the show.

Deborah Montgomery said...

So much good stuff in this post from the baby robins to the beautiful view off of your front porch. An early Thanksgiving sounds like a good idea, esp as the fall weather is so beautiful here in Wisconsin/Michigan. I am looking forward to a little cooler weather, and a beautiful autumn! I'm sure you are tired of hobbling around. I'm sure you'd love to do some of that traveling. All those places sound great to visit. Hope you get to go.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Oh Judy as usual a wonderful post all around but I am left with the grandson at the creek which I just loved :)

What a hard summer for you that you are bearing up greatly under.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hey Lady!

Love catching up with you as always. ;)

I"m with you on the wanderlust thing and so many places I'd love to go visit!! Why do places have to be so far away and cost so much? Part of the adventure thing I guess...otherwise it wouldn't be as exciting.

I personally think you're brilliant to do early Thanksgiving. Makes total sense to me!!

I LOVED the British Baking Show this time and so happy Nadiya won! I would take the clean up job as well - no doubt.

Wonderful photos as always - especially of your grandson. Of course I love my regular fix on insta. ;) Blessings on your weekend Judy!! xoxo

Lady Fi said...

Those baby robins are adorable.

genie said...

What a sweet post. Isn't it wonderful to have grandchildren that you love with all of your heart....and are still young. I only have 3 left that are young The rest have moved on to bigger and better things. But I still have my one girl, Eloise, and my two little boys, ben and Thomas. They mean the world to me.Seeing your grandson at the creek like Eloise and I do at out creek really pulled at the d heart strings. And the wee birds. soooooo cute. Hope all is well at your end of the worldThink of your often. genie

Anonymous said...

I thought for sure Mr. C was going to say it was "Jake, from State Farm." When those young birds get a chance to go, they seem to all go at once. I guess the nest gets a little crowded. October makes a lot more sense for Thanksgiving where you live. Hope you'll be through with the crutches soon.


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