Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Big Maple Got a Haircut Yesterday


One of those huge branches leaned quite close to the house, just above our bedroom. It was only a matter of time before a wind storm would put that thing right through our roof. Time for a trim.
Still, a little hard to see so much of the old tree cut away.



I remember going with my parents to see the aftermath of the Colfax tornado many years ago. After the tree was trimmed, it reminded me very much of the Colfax tornado. :-(

Most of the leaves you see here are from two other maples.
Hopefully there are enough remaining leaves for the big maple to survive.

MISTY: 'Is it safe to come out now?'

Until the trimmings had been cleared away, I had to put a lead on blind little Misty when taking her outdoors, so she wouldn't run into branches. She was very confused. Bridger had been listening to that chain saw all day and had no desire to go out and confront it.


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Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

One of our trees needs a small haircut, too. I think we will wait until next year, though. =)

My Clay would hate the chainsaws...

Unknown said...

Wow.. that is an incredible looking tree.. even after it's trimming! I miss big trees like that :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful old tree, i do so hate to see them trimmed back. hope it survives the trim. poor pups, Baby is not happy right now, we are on the sofa and a loud noise started just outside and i got up to see that they are removing the blacktop off the roadway to repave it. talk about loud noise and this will be for several days. i am hoping hubby can get home from flying his little planes, and me get out at 11 to go to the doctor. baby hates all loud noises

Eileen H said...

That's a big job cutting back the tree, hope it survives. You need to be safe so it had to be done.
Poor dogs not knowing what was going on. My Annie hates the vacuum cleaner and tries to confront the beast every day :-)

Debra Hawkins said...

What a magnificent tree, even after all the trimming! I always wanted trees like this in my yard growing up! they are beautiful!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That is a monster tree! It's fun to watch the pros do something like that! They are good!

RURAL said...

Good idea to do the trimming before it takes out a window.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Empty Nester said...

We have a magnolia and two oaks that are in SERIOUS need of hair cuts. The husband can do it himself but hasn't. We have a friend who owns a tree service, but the husband wants to do it himself. And so I wait. And wait. And nothing gets done. ARGH!!!

Denise said...

Beautiful tree.

laurie said...

It doesn't look like your leaves are changing colors yet...ours already are beginning!

Chatty Crone said...

Do you have all that big equipment? Now what made you decide to cut them down now? Those were some big trees!


Candace said...

What a majestic old tree, Judy! I bet it is spectacular in the fall. I know it was sad to have to trim it like that; but, you made the right decision. You definitely can't take a chance with it being so close to your home.

Amy Burzese said...

That's a beautiful tree. I'm glad to see that it got a symetrical trim. I hate it when they split it down the middle because of power lines.


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