Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Nine Turtles on a Log

Sunbathing in a NW Wisconsin pond

So as I'm writing this, why is the song, 'Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall...' running through my head? They're turtles, and they're on a log. Sigh. I don't know why my brain works that way.

Anyway, this wee pond is in our neighborhood and one of the delights of summer is seeing the little turtles all lined up on that log. They're so cute!  I had to approach the pond very slowly and as quietly as possible. I was thrilled to get this photo!

 Milkweed by pond's edge.

When I took one small step closer to my subject, the turtles, in unison, quickly slipped into the water.


I used my zoom in order to look for the turtles. Aha! There they are, every man for himself, climbing onto the nearest clump of grass and hoping the stranger will go away so they can resume their positions on the log.

'So what am I? Chopped chicken liver??'

And wouldn't it have been nice if I'd managed to get the bird, A juvenile blue heron, perhaps? rather than the weed, in focus.


This post is linked to:
You're Gonna Love it Tuesday 


'Sweet Baby! Calendula'
...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

New Fall Soaps Are Ready! 


Unknown said...

That is the most precious photo I've seen in a while!!!
if one of the turtles should go for a jog
98 turtles left on the log LOL

Yenta Mary said...

My first thought was the song about the monkeys jumping on the bed! Now, "no more turtles sitting on the log" ... :)

Parsley said...

I love turtles! This is a familiar site to me.i grew up in a rural area with ponds. Turtles were always basking in the sun.

Anonymous said...

Judy~ how great that you saw them all and still managed to get that marvelous photo! Love it! There is a small pond where my husband and I walk and turtles there, too. I could spend all my walk time just watching them! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, that is fantastic! I'm so glad you got the shot of them too!!

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

What an adorable photo! How fun!

RebeccaT said...

We always look at that log when we drive by, just in case we might see some turtles!! So glad you got a picture of them. :-)

Eileen H said...

That's a great photo!
The song I know is :
Ten green bottles sitting on a wall...now I am singing it in my head LOL

Carla from The River said...

Cute! I love the baby heron! I have never seen a baby heron before, just mom and dad.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

We have turtles in the pond at the park, usually we spot them in the spring. There is also a Blue Heron that likes to summer there too. Your little birdie friend might be a crane, we have one of those in the park too. Right now I can't remember the name of it....... a green crane.....or something like that.

Olive said...

Great capture on the turtles. We cross the Savannah River at it's shoals and see turtles on the rocks and I so want to photograph them. Joe says I would get run over on the bridge.

vintage grey said...

Such sweet turtles and photos!! Love it! xo Heather

Amy Burzese said...

They are so sweet and cute just'a sittin' on their log.

Unknown said...

How cute - I love these photos a lot.
Great captures!

Have a lovely day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the focused weed, its beautiful. hate when that happens though and it happens to me a lot. i was thinking of the song slippin and a sliding splashing only I can't remember the rest of it.

Joyce said...

The color in these pictures is amazing!

Chatty Crone said...

I love turtles and I loved your photo - you need to send that into a contest some where - very rare to see that.


Mary said...

That is so fun to see those turtles on the log...and off. Those are wonderful pics.

Denise said...

Such cute pictures.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Great shot of the turtles!!

Candace said...

Awesome photos, Judy!! That first one is my favorite. What a great capture!

Judy S. said...

Don't you love the way turtles sunbathe? Great photos! I, too, thought of the bed-jumping monkeys. I'd love to know what kind of heron that was.....

Brenda "Disney Girl" said...

Seeing the photo of the turtles made my day:-)

Nicole said...

Those are great photos! Those turtles are so cute!

J_on_tour said...

These are really good with the opening shot being superb. I've never been successful with photographing anything like this.


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