Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's a bird - It's a plane...

It's Superboy!!!

Our daughter sent us this photo of Henry (2 yrs) with the following caption:
"Oh hey, look! For the first time in a year and a half, he’s wearing a bib without ripping it off!" 

I'm missing that little guy. They won't be home for Christmas this year, so I'm hoping we can travel (10 hour drive) to see them the first part of January. He's growing up so fast and we haven't seen him since the first part of August.


Our Advent service had to be cancelled due to a snowstorm Sunday, so Kevin and I had our Advent service, just the two of us - lighting the first and second candles, having our devotions and prayer time - trying to ignore the dog who was playing with a squeaky-toy tennis ball. 


 This photo was taken last year, 
but it looks just like this again today

Speaking of snowstorm, we got over a foot of the white stuff, our first real snow, after a long autumn. Now it's 10 degrees F. and we're looking at April before we're really out of winter. I've got to make this a good winter, instead of merely enduring it for the next few months. I see that the first seed catalog has already arrived.


I hope you all have a good week. I'm going to be working on Christmas projects, including baking, knitting, and decorating. I'm not promising to accomplish much, but I'll at least make an effort. My first project will be to put away the stacks of books and papers that are surrounding this laptop on my desk! I cannot believe how quickly this stuff accumulates!

If I remember, I'm going to back up my photo files (note to self).


The banana nut bread in the oven is smelling pretty good. I decided it was either use those black bananas or throw them out. One more day and the decision wouldn't have been mine.


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Life Happens said...

How cute that he's wearing his bib like a cape. ha! My little guy is almost 2 and the only time we use bibs is if he's going to be eating something messy like spaghetti. He doesn't like wearing them. I guess now that he's a toddler, bibs are for babies. :)

Rachel said...

Can you please send me some of that banana nut bread? I think I can smell it all the way here in Texas! :)

LOVE the snow picture. You would have laughed at everyone in Dallas (Texas) freaking out over some snow flurries yesterday morning. We take what we can get.

Love the pictures of the little one, he's getting so big!! I hope you get to see him soon!

Hope you are doing well!!


Unknown said...

What a handsome young guy-love the bib-cape! Funny thing is that now I wish I had a bib with those long front pockets to catch the debris-lol.
We have snow now too-April seems far far away but maybe I'll get my desk cleaned off this winter, too (or not)

Terri D said...

What a precious little superhero! They do grow up too fast. Hope you can make the January trip.

I just can't imagine that much snow anymore. I've been in Florida almost 24 years! No snow here, and I'm fine with that!

Wishing you good luck with your projects!! Stay warm!

Eileen H said...

Such a nice photo of your grandson, he looks so proud to be Superboy.
I hope you get to see him soon.

Olive said...

Henry is darling. I would not know what to do with that amount of snow. I will settle for an inch.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

at least Henry will not have any food stains down his back..LOL... so cute. yum on the banana bread smell and yikes on all that snow. hope you get to go for a visit

Anonymous said...

Such a precious pic of your grandson. Your snow is very pretty and oh, the bread must smell heavenly baking. Enjoy your day.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Lol! That is too funny little Henry won't wear a bib unless it is backwards!
I am a wee bit jealous of your snow. It seems like so long since we have had any.... I know you would gladly send some our way if you could! ;)
It was snowing out over the Lake yesterday, such a waste!

Chatty Crone said...

Now I have to bake banana bread tomorrow. I have three bananas calling my name.

That is one heck of a lot of snow. It would scare me to death.

How sweet you and hubby did your own service.

And your grandson using that as a cape - brilliant. How old is he again? And I hope you get to see him in January.


Paulette said...

Such a handsome little boy. I love his super hero bib/cape. So far we have escaped having snow in our area, but I'm sure it is on the way, I live in Wisconsin and cannot escape the fluffy white stuff. I can almost smell that banana bread, yummy.

jennyfreckles said...

Aw, super photos. He looks so pleased with himself. And all that snow! Wow. It's very cold here but no snow yet.

Anonymous said...

Precious little one with his "cape". They do grow up all too soon. And that's quite a snowfall, wish we had some, well wish we had a little! Happy cooking and have a warm, cozy,blessed, Merry Christmas.

Carla from The River said...

I do hope you can take that visit.
He is a cute little superhero.

I am working on projects too. And like you not sure if they will really get done... :)

Unknown said...

We had a snow storm too. I will not complain either we had a pretty mild weather so far. Seed catalogue!!!! Makes me so exited!!
Your little cutie made me laugh. I have never been able to have my kids keep a bib on never. He is so cute!!!
Enjoy Christmas season.

Unknown said...

lol.. I think little boys will always make caps out of anything they can! That is adorable!
And remember, you get tired of that snow (although it is quite lovely), the desert is wonderful this time of year!! lol (as I sit here freezing because it's only 37 right now!! BBRRRRRRR)

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Deborah said...

Henry is a cutie! I am glad you will see him in January and when you get back maybe we can have our business meeting. lol! Lovely photos of the snow too. (we did get a lot didn't we?)

Deborah said...

Henry is a cutie! I am glad you will see him in January and when you get back maybe we can have our business meeting. lol! Lovely photos of the snow too. (we did get a lot didn't we?)

Judy S. said...

What? He's almost two? How did that happen? What a cutie. Sounds like MPLS got the same snow you did...or at least Cambridge where my sis lives did. Good knitting weather, eh?

Debra Hawkins said...

I love that caption! So perfect for such a cute photo!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I'm attaching the huskies to the sled and I'll be right over for some bread. Your grandson is adorable and so happy to see he has found the right way to wear his bib :)


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