Thursday, September 5, 2013

Deer and Patio Doors - to Grid or Not to Grid

July 2013
Broad daylight
At the edge of our yard, having just sauntered down the driveway

Just Before Dawn
Checking out the apple tree, the Big Mc(Intosh)
August 2013

Same morning in August,
finishing off what she hadn't eaten during the winter
Poor little McIntosh apple tree.
Happy deer.

So here's the problem:  We have an abundance of deer in our area. Well, not exactly a problem, because I love to see them bedding down on our front yard at night, like seeing the deer trails here and there, and don't mind them eating the apples we intentionally set out for them.


We're putting on addition that will have 12' of patio door across the south end of the living room - two doors that open and one on either side that is fixed. See photos below of samples.


Do you think we need to get patio doors with the built-in grid to keep the deer from thinking it's a wide open space and crashing through them?

OR, can we just leave them like this? (which is what I'd like)

We have a nice view, and I want as little in the way as possible, so I'm not eager to get the doors with the built-in grid.

What if we put up a short raised-bed flower bed just beyond the patio area. It would be mostly a visual barrier, but partly a short physical barrier as well. Do you think that would deter the deer from trying to join us in the living room?

And don't suggest hunting. I'd like to live peaceably with these deer - to a point.

What we'll see through those patio doors
unless we end up looking at shattered glass and bloody deer.

Early morning, August


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Susie said...

I love the grids. But I also understand you want to see clearly through the glass. I have read stories of deer crashing through windows and doors...I would never want that. Maybe some garden flags around the patio. Good luck.xoxo,Susie

Anonymous said...

What a dilemma! I am useless, and have no practical solution, although I think a raised bed might at least make them pause, and hopefully decide not to come closer.

Unknown said...

I don't know Judy - after the squirrly summer I've had - I'd say go for the grids lol

Unknown said...

Definitely a tough decision - I think I would go with something out in the garden to hopefully detour them away from the glass door. Good luck!!!

Paulette said...

I don't reall have an opinion about the doors, but either way you have an awesome view from those windows.

Muffy's Marks said...

Oh, go with the ones without the grids. The odds are so slim that they would come crashing through. It seems about the only times they go through window is when they panic, like when they're trapped on a city street, and can't get to the woods. That's not the case where you live. I also like your idea of flowers around the patio. Plant the ones deer like, they'll stop to eat before coming up to the window. Good luck.

Artsy VaVa said...

I'd leave the grid out. You're view is too gorgeous to obstruct it. And as for the raised flower beds...that will just attract the deer. Try to find plants that the deer don't like. They kept jumping our fence to eat our garden. We planted castor plants and they stopped. They still come around but they don't go near our garden.

Deanna said...

We have a lot of deer around our place but none have ever come close enough to the house that I'd worry about them crashing through the glass. I suspect Muffy's Marks is right about the circumstances under which that happens. I'd go with the ones you prefer. What a gorgeous view you're going to have!

Bossy Betty said...

I personally like the no grids. I understand your concerns though!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

You have to get the doors without grids. You don't want to obstruct your beautiful views. We have deer too and I choose to live happily with them. My windows don't have grids. Good luck on your decision.

TexWisGirl said...

that's tough. we don't get deer here but i can tell you, the non-gridded 8' sliding glass doors and windows on both sides here get plenty of birds smashing into them. sad...

Ruth Kelly said...

We have a lot of deer in the mountains and on my trip east to visit my daughter, I passed at least 3 lying along side of the road that had been hit. It always reminds me that this is their home.

Jean | said...

Judy, did you just hear a huge sigh, one like you've never heard before? That was me - looking at the photo of your view! Get the doors without grids. I don't think the deer will be a problem.

Terri D said...

Oh my, I can certainly see why you want to keep that view unobstructed! Your idea for a short planter might work. I was also thinking of something like a flag/banner that would move with the breeze, or a decorative windsock hanging from the roof somehow. I have no experience with deer, but do know they will break through glass and get into a house (and then panic and cause a terrible mess). Gorgeous view, though. Would it be worth the extra money to make sure the glass is tempered at a higher break level (like hurricane proof). That might be safer. Good luck and let us know what you do, please.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Is it a common occurrence to have deer crashing through patio doors? I would think if you had a patio with chairs, planters and what not cluttering it up the deer would get the idea that was not the way back to the woods.
I like the doors with the grids but if I had a view like that I don't think I would want to obstruct it either!
We had a glass patio door growing up and Mom would buy window clings to put on it so we could tell if it was open or closed. We all ended up slamming into it at one time or another. Not fun!

podso said...

Gee, what a view! Personally I prefer the grids as I like French doors. The raised bed might help. Not sure though. Around here they are getting so comfortable with us (and we live in an urban area). Yesterday they were in the yard in late afternoon and didn't even stir when my husband walked by. That's a first. They usually scatter. Maybe they had missed their afternoon caffeine fix and were drowsy.

Judy S. said...

What a great view you have! I can see why you'd want it to be unobstructed. Around here we have deer in our yards, but they seem to stay away from the houses and focus on their "salad bars". It might be different though when you have acreage like yours. It will be interesting to see what you decide!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like both doors and if it were me i would go with the grid. safe and beautiful and you can still see your view. i love the deer and have never seen one in the wild, i am for the animals first and humans second..

Olive said...

I think you can leave the grid out. We have a lot of deer here. They come close to the house and eat in the flower garden but do not come near out deck.

Noelle the dreamer said...

Hunting's out I agree but I know well the strength of a buck or doe...
Me thinks something should be clear this is not a gateway Judy...And I am partial to the grids Dear, sorry about that. No help, right?

Denise said...

Hard decision.

NanaNor's said...

Hi, I can understand your quandry. I would think a raised planter at the end of the patio-with something the deer won't eat(like flowering garlic or azaleas). Maybe if you have sheers or a shade you could drop it, so they would distinguish between the open space and your living room. But that would also destroy some of your view. I love the look of french doors-but also the clean unobstructed view. Let us know what you decide.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a beautiful view you'll have! If it were me, I'd go for the grid. That should deter the deer and hopefully the birds that will want to fly in, too.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I've never seen the grids but I see a few other bloggers have some answers. The deer are beautiful and I know you want to enjoy them and keep them safe, too! What a beautiful place to live!

Phyllis said...

Hi there,

Don't forget about the birds. They will fly right into the reflection and that causes a lot of bird deaths.

Even if you don't put up a grid you should put decals of birds or flowers on the windows so the birds don't crash.

If it was my place, I'd put the grids up. You will get so used to them that you won't notice them looking at that view.

hong kong property said...

i don't like having the grids since it can ruin the scene. about the deer... hmmm... i really don't know what to do with the deer. maybe you can lure it to another part of the house? haha

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Judy I think by now and with all the comments, you can decide yourself what to do best for you and the deer.

Lynn Blaylock said...

I think you should go with what you like(open glass) but definitely do the raised bed. I know it's a possibility but I do think it is a slim one.
Good luck with whichever way you go with your chose.

Cynthia said...

Well, I would get the grids. We had them in the home we just sold and had a great view. They didn't take away from it at all. I'd rather be safe then sorry. I know what those doors run. Good luck with your decision.


Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Oh, see, that's a question I never asked myself. I think you should go with what you really want, but find a way to "explain" the deer that there's some danger here!

Amy Burzese said...

I would go for the grid. You're going to have a great new space either way!

Donna said...

That would be a beautiful addition! I think you can safely chose the style without the grids. The statistics are in your favor, and there should be an infinitesimal chance of a deer crashing through. When they bolt, they bolt for cover, not to a building. And limit the flowers nearby to ones that they don't eat.

J_on_tour said...

Wow, that's a great view & it would be a shame to spoil it with the massive dilemma that you have. Some would say that you would have to work with the countryside but fencing in the garden would be impractical unless of course you can think of a deterrent to keep them off your immediate garden next to the house.

Unknown said...

I agree with Phyllis. You’re more prone to have birds flying directly into it than have a deer crash through the glass. As for the deer problem, why not put some patio furniture just in front of the door so they don’t have a direct path to the glass door, if ever. And you have a place to sit and enjoy the view when the weather is nice outside.



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