Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Vintage Rusty Stuff, Rust-Colored Iris

Not going anywhere anytime soon
Note the flat tire

I managed to get the 21 tomatoes and the 8 peppers mulched this morning before our predicted rain - which never materialized. I'm hoping that by planting Early Girl tomatoes I can get fruit before the inevitable blight sets in. I look forward to canning tomatoes in September. One can never have too many jars of canned tomatoes on the shelves.

 Vintage laundry basket - 
Another of Mr. Cranberry's found treasures
This one doesn't include rubber rats, thank goodness!

I scrubbed out that laundry basket pictured above with a combination of ammonia, water, and a little Ajax dishwashing liquid, then set it in the sunshine to dry. It's fun to have a hefty vintage basket like that to use for laundry instead of the ugly plastic ones.

I doubt this is one of those 
100-year metal roofs that are popular now,
but this one has seen many years come and go.

My happy rust-colored iris
So glad that June is here.

This month does not feel like June, for we've just started getting our May weather. I guess the real proof is the June bug that flew at my face and got stuck between my eyelid and my glasses last night as I was entering the house. It's a wonder I didn't break my glasses, the way I ripped them off my face to dispatch that June bug as quickly as possible!


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties: Inspiration Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday and A Favorite Thing Saturday


Denise said...

I love the laundrey basket, and the iris is lovely.

Trace4J said...

Awesome basket.
We have had some good rain this week.
My tomato plants are just starting to take off.
They always start slow since I grow from seed.
But I can't wait to have a tomato sandwich.
Love it if you shared your tomato canning recipe.
Sorry about your June bug adventure but it made me smile .hehe
Woolie hugs

Roan said...

My dad had a tractor like this one. It's the first tractor I ever drove and it wasn't easy. Old Alice Chalmers. Haven't seen one in years.

Pamela Gordon said...

I love the laundry basket and the nice old barn. A June bug behind your glasses?! How gross! I nearly knocked my glasses off trying to get blackflies off my eyes last night. They were ferocious. It was 31 (90F) here yesterday. Our hottest day yet and it's early for that here. I think it's going to be a nice summer. :) Have a good day Judy.

Vee said...

Ohhhh...I do loathe June bugs. What a nasty thing to have happen. Only you, my friend, would have a rusty-colored iris. It sure is a corker!

The Cranky said...

Your iris is gorgeous, love the colour!
My grandfather always soaked pennies in lukewarm water with just a small handful of Epsom salts, then he'd spray his tomatoes with the mixture. I don't recall him ever having problems with blight.

Anonymous said...

I love all your photos, especially that pretty iris. LOL on the June bug - they can hit you before you know it!!!

Susie said...

Love your new basket.:):)Love the old rusty roof. xoxo,Susie

Debby Ray said...

Hmmm...that tin roof looks pretty doggone old...it wouldn't surprise me if it was ancient. Who would have ever thought that folks today would consider that stuff beautiful? My son and DIL are in the process of building their dream home on 30 acres and bought a bunch of the rusty tin roof off an old barn to use as the ceilings of their porches...can't wait to see how cool that will be :) The iris is a gorgeous color...don't think I've seen one exactly that color!

Balisha said...

What a pretty color on that iris. Oh, dear, my laundry basket is vintage!

Primitive Stars said...

Love the rust, nice hinge, great laundry basket too, Blessings Francine.

Terri D said...

Our cats would claim that basket as their own - there would be fights over which one gets to sleep in it. Seriously. :)

Love the beautiful rusty iris color! And you are so right about those canned tomatoes! I have canned spaghetti sauce in the past. Haven't done that in awhile. Hmmmmm.

camp and cottage living said...

Ha-funny June bug story, Judy!
You can't beat old woven laundry baskets, that's for sure. And look how long they last...
Just thinking about a real, juicy tomato is making my mouth water!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the laundry basket, love the rusty hinge even more...and you are so right about the tomatoes.. but alas mine are in cans marked Delmonte. LOL

marilyn said...

like all your photos today and especially the one showing the basket ...so much good texture in that one...

TexWisGirl said...

sweet old tractor. we see a lot of rusty roofs here in texas. :) love the old basket!

Eileen H said...

I do like your laundry basket.
I really dislike flying insects, I still have some midge bites from my holiday by the river.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Bugs yuck!! We have so many spiders around!
Great photos!

Debra said...

Love the photos. I love the old tractor and barn. New follower to your blog (and I also have an etsy shop)

Rose said...

Nothing like an old rusting tractor! Even with a flat. And I like the laundry basket and your irises...I need to start picking up a few new colors.

With me, it is nothing like home canned tomato juice! It is simply the best. A couple years ago when we all ended up sick right after new years, it was one of the few things I could stand to drink.

living from glory to glory said...

Hello Judy, so nice to meet you!
I enjoyed my visit here today. I am your newest follower. I hope you will come visit me also. Your blog was home loving and made me happy!
The picture of the tractor was great and the laundry basket is a wonderful addition. As really those plastic laundry baskets have no appeal whatsoever!
Blessings, Miss Roxy

Valerie said...

I love your laundry basket! I have been asking my husband for the longest time to install a clothesline in the back yard. Nothing like laundry that has been dried in the sunshine.

I love canning tomatoes too! My mother taught me how to can several years ago...it is a skill that I treasure.
Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

Tanya Breese said...

now i have to have one of those laundry baskets!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ackkk- I would have slapped myself silly getting that bug off of my face! Love your vintage laundry basket...I used to have one years ago, but it eventually fell apart. Wish I had taken better care of it.

NanaDiana said...

Love that basket the Mr.found, Judy. It is perfect. I just bought one tomato plant as I don't can, and I can't eat tomatoes but MyHero can.

We were laughing this weekend about the time a Junebug got caught in my daughter's long thick curly red hair. OMGosh- It was a riot watching her-she was about 20 I think. lol

Hope you had a great day. It is dreary here but no rain. xo Diana

NanaDiana said...

ps. The irises are gorgeous!

podso said...

I love that first photo, and also your rustic iris! And the basket is quite the find. Your husband has a good eye. Mine also, but not all men even like to look through junk for treasures.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Irises are beautiful! I'm writing a series of blog posts about no longer dyeing my hair. I noticed you hair is a beautiful variation of grays, and I wondered if you would share your thoughts on that. It's hard for women to accept gray and the aging process. I'm looking for input from all age groups. You can comment on my blog. I'm trying to grow a dialogue about this issue, and encourage women to feel comfortable in their natural hair. :-)

Cheryl said...

Love the antique laundry basket! What a find! Lovely irises. But the June bug in your glasses...eeek!

Little Wandering Wren said...

There is something incredibly appealing about old tractors even ones with flat tires! I have never seen Irises that colour they are great - enjoy your June with Summer around the corner, we're in winter :(
Wren x

Dicky Bird said...

I don't like June bugs either!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I too have some Early Girls planted :) Mine are in large containers...about 3 of them. The rest of the tomatoes are heirloom seeds started from seed and I just put them into the ground a few days ago.

Your iris and other shots are beautiful! :)

Thanks for your comment on Homespun :) I couldn't keep two blogs going and moved over to 'just' a photo a day on HS / I want to see how long I can last at that, ha ha :)

Amy Burzese said...

Your hubby brings home some nice finds! And that's a mighty fine tractor too.

Cranberry Morning said...

BTW, Mr. Cranberry is far too busy on the job to look through junk. These treasures (more or less) are in corners of old, abandoned buildings about to be demo'ed. Yesterday he brought home an old card catalog - although that one needs a bit of work. I'll show it when I've repaired it. :-)

Sarah said...

That's a great rust photo - love the laundry basket too. I've just planted out tomatoes and runner beans in the garden so fingers crossed for good weather!

Unknown said...

Ah don't you just hate those bugs. I love your rusty and vintage items. That flower is beautiful.
The weather has been weird this year, we've had lots of rain, but for now it seems pretty ok. It's not really hot yet, it varies from 10 C to 20 C.

J_on_tour said...

Nice to see you are having better weather albeit a month behind. I like the contrasts in the barn shot, good photo.


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