Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Waving Goodbye to June on the Hodgepodge

Garden Lighting in the Basswood
Note the globes filling with rainwater.


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Thanks, Joyce!

1.  Speaking of 180...when was the last time you 'did a 180' on something?

I know, I'm incredibly boring, but 180s are rare, and I don't recall the last one.

2. It's Independence Week in the US of A! What's your favorite thing about America right this very minute? Favorites only! Let's hear what you love about America.

 If you're playing along today, and you're not an American but have been to America, what do/did you like best about this country? If you've never been to America, do you have any desire to visit? What's the number one thing you'd like to see?

What I loved about the America I grew up in was that it was a melting pot, with many ethnic groups represented, but a common language eagerly learned by those who wanted to assimilate - to become Americans. Also, the ability for hardworking, frugal, persevering people to achieve their dreams, start a small business, become independent, and provide for a family on one income. It was possible, and many did just that. Check out Terri's post about her husband Joe and his family.  It really is a must-read post. You'll see what I mean.

What I love about America right now is that because of the Interstate I-35, it's only a 20 hour drive to visit our daughter and SIL in Texas. Imagine how much longer it would have taken on state roads prior to 1956.

On Hwy. SS

3. Stars or stripes? Red, white, or blue? Watermelon, homemade vanilla ice cream, or blueberry pie?

Blueberry pie. Check out the one on A Creative Princess. What a gorgeous pie! And in stars & stripes, no less! Pretty clever.

Reminds me of my horse, Shammar,
but missing white sox and blaze on face.

4. When did you last see stars, figuratively speaking?

Maybe when I was a kid and was thrown by my horse. Definitely more than once.

5.  'Clear as a bell', 'with bells on',  'lots of bells and whistles', 'saved by the bell'...which phrase 'rings' truest for you lately?  Have you ever seen The Liberty Bell?

None of those currently applies to me in any way. Anyway, yes I've seen The Liberty Bell. We took the kids to Philadelphia when we lived in Pennsylvania for a while. Philadelphia is a great place to visit, along with so many other interesting towns in Pennsylvania. Beautiful topography and scenery, so much interesting history.

 DCI Foyle's car

6. Are you caught up in World Cup fever? Have you watched a lot or a little or none at all?

I have absolutely no interest in the World Cup. If it were on any of the 4 channels our TV gets, I would put in a Campion, Foyle's War, or Downton Abbey DVD.

7. Bid farewell to June in 10 words or less.

June I hardly knew ye.

(And that is so true. It flew by incredibly fast.)

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Reading Paulette's blog about her decluttering project, I am sitting here thinking about my great need to declutter this house. I can spend a lot of time just pondering where to begin. I'm sure the only reason I'm not considered a hoarder is because our house is big enough to accommodate our stuff. Time to go find boxes and start moving it to GoodWill - or eBay. Or the dumpster.


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Joyce said...

De-cluttering is as much mental as it is physical. We get attached to our stuff for a whole lotta reasons, some perfectly valid, others not as logical, but still we attach meaning and significance to our belongings. Good luck with your project. Getting started is the hardest part! It always feels a little overwhelming.

Happy July 4th to you!

The Cranky said...

Appropos of absolutely nothing, I would love to lay a blanket beneath that tree and laze away an afternoon.....

Empty Nester said...

It does me no good to declutter a dang thing because that man goes behind me and pulls stuff right back out. I have started putting some of it in the trash can on Wednesday mornings before he's up and about so the trash man can take it off. This is working but it's really slow. Ha!I spent June feeling sorry for myself. That man had an accident and has been out of work since the last week of May. He can't go back fast enough to suit me. I'm trying to be sympathetic/empathetic but he's messing up my summer break. LOL

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I may need to join you in the decluttering task but for now, I'll keep sewing! lol Love that beautiful black horse. Enjoy your week sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

De-clutter- it seems like every time I do, I just move it from one spot to another. My goad is to downsize...yes..I keep telling myself that. :)

retired not tired said...

I am the keeper in the house and DH is the thrower. It works as we are a team. Good luck with your de-cluttering.

Unknown said...

oh, that big tree by the river looks SO inviting... seriously, I could take a soft blanket and a good book and happily laze away my day there! Sigh...
Thank you for your sweet words of advice on my Hodgepodge this morning - your prayers are so treasured... a good reminder that, yes, right now I need to surround myself with prayer warriors - there is a lot going on in our church right now, and I'm on the front lines receiving every call and visitor... it's not always like this, thank the Lord!

Vee said...

Now I passed this HodgePodge up because I would have given the nearly same answers you did! I am amused by your dry wit and have been chuckling throughout. I did, however, see stars the day I stubbed my toe in that freak accident.

Have you seen the ongoing troubles that Meriam is having? Still praying. (Still crickets from the admin.)

You provided some interesting links today so I am off to follow.

Decluttering is best accomplished with an unbiased friend. Call her up and bribe her with lunch out or something. All the best...wonder who I might call...

Anonymous said...

I SO need to begin a declutter project of my own! It's on my list of things to do...

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness...June flew by for me too!! And I only managed a small amount of decluttering. I need to pick up the pace these next two months...

Blueberry pie works for me too. A 20-hour drive, not so much.

Debby Ray said...

June who??... :) I love the tree pic...I want to go get me quilt and eat a brown-bag lunch under it.

TexWisGirl said...

june did speed by. and yay for interstate travel!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like those lights in the first pic, water in them, hummm I like that... out of all the bloggers doing the hodgepod, i have found no one that says they did a 180... i have done a few 360's in my life but can't think of a 180 at all

Nikki said...

I am not watching the world cup either.. I had been watching team USA but i can't stand sitting through an entire game. I'd rather be playing! Hope you have a happy 4th!!

Cathy said...

I need to de-clutter too. But who knows when I'll ever get to it. lol

I loved all the pictures on this post.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such a pretty scene - I think I need a picnic soon - Lots of things to think about in this post, I am dizzy! I love America for its beauty. Where else can you see two coastlines, multiple mountain ranges, prairies, deserts, farmland and cities in one place? Oh, and what it stands for - freedom. So many die for the chance of a taste of freedom. I never take that for granted. As for de-cluttering, that is something I can't keep up on. Just the mail alone......Happy 4th! xo Karen

Rebecca Jo said...

my husband & I are devising a plan to try & get our basement from looking like one of those Hoarder shows...

Terri D said...

I love your Hodgepodge, and thanks for tagging my blog about Joe's folks. Those were the days. Now, so many want to come to America and just turn it into what they left. We should not have to press 1 for English in this country!! I need to continue to declutter. Got a little done a few months ago, when we painted and put in new flooring, but there is still so much more!

Romi said...

Decluttering is in fashion in Japan, too. I want to declutter, but my father doesn't want to throw away anything that might come in handy some day. I will only work on my own 'territory.'
Have a great rest of the week.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I am going through stuff and making a box for Goodwill today, also.

Hootin Anni said...

Me too....I've slowly been decluttering. And I feel good about it.

Yep, you and I are quite alike in so many ways. Great minds think alike it's said. lol

I must go see the pie now.

September Violets said...

I love blueberry pie, and cherry pie, and apple pie, oh & let's not forget raspberry pie! I enjoyed reading your answers here. I also like that pretty black horse of yours. Decluttering has been pressing on my mind quite a lot lately. I don't know where to start either, but something's gotta give. Have a great 4th of July! Wendy

Judy S. said...

Fun post, Judy. These past six months have to be the fastest yet! Have a great Fourth!


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