Monday, July 14, 2014

Vintage Rusty Stuff, Wisconsin Barns

Inside a trailer.
Track for locking in retaining bars.
No idea why the padlock is hanging there. 

Here's the latest collection of rusty stuff to share with y'all. It's funny how some things look beautiful (to me) all by themselves, but somehow, when they're sitting in the yard with other like objects, the beauty disappears and it looks like a good start on a junkyard. Today I'm going to focus on the beauty of these individual objects.  Someone once asked me to show a panorama photo of our backyard with the pond garden. I have done that, but this year because of back issues, I'll show only closeup shots. My gardener is AWOL, so I tend to have many more uninvited plants in my flowerbeds this year.

Old rusty bolts

One of the 'feet' of the huge dumpster
No, the dumpster is not vintage.
I think it was the green and gold that appealed to me.

I believe this was a chicken coop in its day.
I think the chickens flew the coop.
(I can hear my dad say that. In fact, I can hear my dad's voice in a lot of stuff I say. You can blame him for my silly sense of humor - and for an absolute faith in a sovereign God of love, mercy, and justice.)

 On the airport road

Did I tell you that we have been getting regular rains and warm temps? (up until this newly-forecast Polar Vortex, that is). It's been great garden-growing weather! We had a total drencher on Saturday. It laid my petunias flat and filled the pond right up to the top of the surrounding brick!

 Late June, Water Hyacinth

The strawberries will need to be picked again tomorrow. I've been picking, but I know I shouldn't. It's very difficult to not pick berries.  I can let weeds grow, but letting berries ripen and spoil in the garden? That's asking too much.  The green beans are finally starting to climb the fence. The raspberries are plumping out and should be getting ripe by the second week of August.

I planted Early Girl and Brandywine tomatoes back in June. I actually see tomatoes the size of golf balls on the Early Girls. I hope they don't get discouraged by the few cooler days ahead. I'm looking forward to a bumper crop this September, so I can replenish my canned* tomato inventory. I bet I'm down to about 40 quarts. Dangerously low, in my book.

*canned:  Our daughter always wondered why they weren't referred to as 'jarred tomatoes,' since they're processed in jars. Good question, isn't it!


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Although I usually forget to do it, there is a chance that this post will be linked to one or more of these great linky parties: Inspiration Monday and Make it Pretty Monday and  Making the World Cuter Mondays and It's a Party at Creative Princess and Artsy Corner Thursday and Treasure Box Tuesday and KatheWithAnE and Rubbish Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist and  Knick of Time Tuesday (vintage)  and   Tweak it Tuesday and Adorned From Above  and All Things With Purpose and Home & Garden Thursday and Good Fences on Thursdays and  Time Travel Thursday and Freedom Fridays and Junkin' Joe and Vintage Inspiration Friday and A Favorite Thing Saturday


Roan said...

I love your rusty stuff. Great texture and composition with the padlock and love the green and gold of the dumpster wheel. Your daughter brings up an excellent question. Were canned veggies called canned befoer or after the canner was named? Hmm. Food for thought. Thank you so much for participating.

Pamela Gordon said...

I LOVE your rusty junk photos. Who knew rust could look so beautiful. The old chicken coup is beautiful in it's greyed and weathered boards. I also wondered why it's called 'canning' too. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it in the garden. Blessings, Pam

Tom said...

Great shots. I've done my strawberry jam and now onto pickles! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Terri D said...

Great photos (always). I couldn't let the strawberries go either, Judy, but do be careful!!

Your daughter's question is a good one! They are in jars, not cans. My mom canned tomato juice every year. So good in vegetable soup and chili, on cold winter days. I used to can spaghetti sauce, but haven't in a long time. Joe doesn't like pasta like he did, and we don't have that much company requesting "Italian". It's sure nice to have those beautiful jars sitting on the shelves of the pantry.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm a big fan of rusty stuff too and you've taken some fun photos of old stuff here.

Trace4J said...

I love visiting you.
I do love those wonderful rusty old treasures too.
I've been canning pickles.
I love the question about jarring instead of canning.
So true.
I do find such happiness jarring and preserving.
Oh the thrill of the ting.
Another Rusty Fan

Carla from The River said...

Fun photos. I bet your pond looked cool after all the rain.
Take care of your back, sending prayers.

September Violets said...

Rusty relics seem to be abundant at your place. Maybe you could consider getting someone to weld a few bits & pieces together to make a sculpture. Maybe a few! Love that old chicken coop :) Nicely weathered boards. Enjoy those berries! Wendy x

Primitive Stars said...

Oh yes, I do love the old rusty treasures, the lock is wonderful. Nice red barn too but also like the old chicken coop, Blessings Francine.

TexWisGirl said...

jarred tomatoes made me laugh. :) love the chicken coop and great rust.

Vee said...

Yes, she has a point!

Hope that the berry picking goes well. Perhaps it can be done a little at a time the way I clean or garden around here.

Enjoy the Polar Vortex. It's pretty steamy our way.

Thought of you as I took a picture of a rusted bell. =D

Cheryl said...

I'd say that's quite a legacy from your dad!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i cant tell you how many times i asked my mother why the jars were called canned.. i have never canned or jarred anything, but growing up i was required to pick and chop and shell and HELP while she did all the jarring....40 quarts ? you are surely in danger.. LOL...

Suzan said...

Beautiful Barn!! That shingled roof is interesting. I always thought that canning is the same as jarring??

podso said...

Only 40 jars left? That sounds serious to me! :-) I am this moment simmering tomato sauce from our garden abundance, but I will freeze it, not "jar" it.
I really appreciated your rusty photos today especially the one with all the color. Truly it does enforce the thought that there is beauty in everything if you just look for it as you did.

And don't we hear out parents in our talk? My husband is always saying "you sound just like your father" or, "your mom would have said that." It does bring them closer to us.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are excellent rusty photos, I love them! Way to go on the canning. I have never canned anything :(

Maude Lynn said...

Love that shot of the barn!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Loving your rusty photos and love that coop! My mom used to can, and I think I might take that up someday....

Susie said...

I always love seeing your pictures, Wow, that barn is huge. My SIL's too much like being a pilgrim to me...I don't think I could ever do it. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Debby Ray said...

Great photos of some great rust! I love the green & gold that patina or paint...either way, it is beautiful. My dad always used to say funny sayings too and I catch myself and my son saying them too! Have you ever heard the one "In back of whose barn?" It is just a funny way of letting someone know that you didn't understand it the first!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Your photos are INCREDIBLE I LOVE the rusty bolt and the barn. Take care of your back OK. Hug B

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Hello Judy!
Thank you for stopping by my blog the other day and commenting on Josephine. What mother isn't just chuffed at a compliment of her kid/kitty?
It's also great to meet another Christian in Blog Land!
I have family in Mt. Horeb, WI about 2 hours southeast of you. Nephew and his wife and two little girls. I'd love to get out to see them someday soon.
I hope you have an especially fruitful week! :) maureen and josephine aka josephina ballerina or simply, jb :) :) :)

Nancy Shuman said...

Love the photos, as always... oh, that wonderful barn! And why NOT jarred tomatoes?! A good question.

Rose said...

I love your photos of 'old', and really, really love that barn.

Anonymous said...

Canned tomatoes, I love your shot! I hope to have enough from my garden to can a few jars this summer...

Unknown said...

Great old rusty stuff, and good luck with your tomatoes. I turned my excess into chutney and relish.

Unknown said...

Some cool pictures of the rusty things, and that chicken coop looks pretty deserted ;-)Great pictures.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your close up pictures of rusty old things. But, I do like them all. I think I my favourite here is really the chicken coop.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Love rusty photos!! Thinking about strawberry jam...

Tanya Breese said...

i never understood the term "canning" either since it is done in jars lol...i laughed about the chickens flying the coop :) you got a lot of great rust there!

RURAL said...

You have the most gorgeous barns in your part of the world...that barn is stunning.

I love rust too, when my family sees me taking photos of it, they just laugh.


Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

Nice pictures. Glad you got some canning/jarring done

Valerie said...

Your pictures are stunning as always. =) Those canned tomatoes look lovely. I've been canning pickle relish this week. Take care and don't over do! Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

Anonymous said...

Chickens flew the coop, perfect. Your dad must have been a very special fella. You did find some nice rusty items. Hope your back is better. This has been a great season to be a weed, ours are quite lush this year! Canning does seem an odd term for "jarring." ;) Nice photo of your jars, too.

Donna said...

Love the rusty things you feature on a regular basis!

J_on_tour said...

"Uninvited plants" ... love that comment ... may have to adopt it :-) although ..... I have a 2014 plan to keep the front publicly viewed garden up to scratch and any time left over is spent in the back garden.

The Barn on the airport road has similar characteristics to an aircraft hanger ... maybe it's just the shape of it with errm rocket launchers at the ready !


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