Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hodgepodging in Quarantine

Reflecting the Dragon Wing Begonia

We brought the houseplants back indoors the other night. They're not in their winter locations yet, but at least they're not going to freeze overnight. That Dragon Wing will (once again) drop it's blossoms because it doesn't like being moved, but I'll cut it way back and it will eventually return to sprouting beautiful red blossoms once again. It's a wonderful plant to have indoors during the long, dreary winter.

Join Joyce and the Gang

Thank you, Joyce!

In black, Joyce's questions.
In blue, my answers.

1. Do you manage your own money or do you have a financial planner who helps in some way? Do those kinds of conversations stress you out? A lot or a little?

Do you work for the FBI, CIA, NSA, IMF, or Homeland Security?

 Tuppence, my little pal, catching a few Zzzzzzzz.
It's a tough life.

2. The second week of October is Pet Peeve Week. Off the top of your head, share TWO of your current pet peeves.

#1. Hunting as a sport, rather than to feed a family. I don't get people who take pleasure in killing an animal.

#2. People who get a dog and get mad at it because they (the people) didn't take the time and effort to train it.

#3. People who get a cat, but seldom scoop the litter box. Don't want to scoop the litter box daily? Then don't get a cat. It's that easy.

(#3 was for extra credit.)

Beautiful Creatures In Our Neighborhood

3. What is one thing you'd like to learn right now, this very week if you could?

There is really nothing I'd like to learn this week, except how to crochet that cute little Viking baby hat. I'm getting lazier. If I really wanted to put the time and effort into it, I would learn some of the sheet music I have around here. Maybe this winter. 

Waiting at the Airport
Don't touch anyone.
Don't touch anything.
Don't breathe.

4. How concerned are you about the recent health related news concerning Ebola? How about Enterovirus D68?

It does make me think twice about travel, especially in and out of airports. I expect that soon ebola will be airborne, then it will be almost uncontainable.  I am concerned about the enterovirus and the children affected by it, along with the strange paralysis that some are experiencing. Anyone remember polio?

One more thought on this: Since our President is trying to convince us that he's not putting 4,000+ troops (other people's sons and daughters) in harm's way by sending them into ebola-affected countries, I think the Obama daughters should accompany them as a humanitarian gesture, helping where needed, kinda like candy stripers. What better way to show the American people that we've nothing to worry about.

5. Garfield, Nemo, or Tigger-your favorite orange cartoon character?

Actually, it would be The Great Pumpkin. Second would probably be Tigger, although his enthusiasm would wear on me.

6. I'm going to see Gone Girl with my neighborhood book club this week. So often books made into film are disappointing. What's a book turned film you thought was well done, in that the casting was 'like you pictured' when you read the book, and the film plot remained mostly true to the book plot?

A while back, Vee mentioned on her blog (A Haven for Vee) the movie 'The Giver.' Since it sounded interesting, I bought the book, read it aloud to Mr. Cranberry, and then we went to see the movie. We both thought they did a great job keeping the movie  true to the message of the book. Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep were outstanding. We also thought the subject was very timely! Every middle schooler should read the book (and then read it aloud to their parents.)

7. What is one story your family always tells about you?

I don't think my family tells stories about me. If they do, I'm too far away to hear them. My siblings are very spread out geographically: one in Florida, one in Colorado, one in Texas, and I'm here in Wisconsin. As you can see, I'm the only one who remained loyal to our state (which I complain about from January through March.)

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My only thought is that I'm not getting enough sleep, which leaves me tired and less likely to get to other blogger's posts and emails, for which I am very sorry. Also, the waning daylight hours are getting to me. I'm inching closer to hibernation mode. I don't understand people who want to go out after dark, especially in the winter.

Is it bedtime yet?

I'm definitely a morning person.


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Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Judy Yes I also am a morning person. I went to see Gone Girl on Monday, it was a bit gruesome in places. Loved reading your answers and yes there is a story the family like to to tell about me! that's another story!!! (needs actions)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Good MORNING / most of this had me laughing ! :)

Wonderful moon shot..exquisite. Mine's covered with clouds ...can't see it and couldn't see it hours ago either :(

Arlene G said...

Glad to hear that you liked the movie, The Giver. I wanted to see it in the theater but never made it there so I will check it out on DVD.

Linda Kay said...

What a fun post, Judy...Enjoyed your answers to the questions. Have not seen the Giver or read the book. I can't see the moon either this morning. And I chuckled at your Ebola comment. Oh for the days we could believe what the government in general is telling us.

Joyce said...

What an awesome moon shot! I haven't seen The Giver, but agree with you on the book. I'm not sure I understand your answer to #1, but my sleep tank is also quite low today : ) Happy Wednesday!

retired not tired said...

Great thoughts! We have booked a cruise to help us get over our winter blahs! I have started a meme on Mondays called Memory Monday and would love to have you join in. You have lots of wonderful memories.

Rebecca Jo said...

I said the same thing - I think its going to be airborne soon. My daughter is a scientist & says its not that contagious... I'm thinking she's crazy...

But love your idea of sending the president's daughters over... one camera man is coming back with it... how many of those 3000 men do you think are coming back with it?!?!? ... I think that's the whole plan.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

This was the first I've heard about The Giver. I have added it to my "to-be-read" list.

I agree on #2.3 - my grands constantly beg me to get a cat, and the litter box is reason enough not to! ha! A dog ... now that's another story. Just waiting for DH to be ready for another dog. ;-)

The thought of Ebola being airborne is a frightening thought.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had trouble stopping my laughter at answer number 1 in order to read the rest of the post.. still smiling while i type..
i will never catch anything in an airport since i don't fly and never will,.,
pet peeve for me is people who get a so called pet dog and chain it outside or shut it in the back yard to bark 24/7 because no one ever gives it attention. we have 2 neighbors like this.. i hate a and chained dog.
pet peeve 2 is even though we live in the city limits and we have a Leash Law people still put their pets out on the streets alone or even with them.. dangerous for the pets and for me when walking..

what i want to learn is how to speak Spanish

April said...

The killing of animals for sport boggles my mind, too. I can't imagine shooting a deer...they're such beautiful animals! Love your moon photo, captured it well!

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, I cannot or will I ever understand the killing of a animal for sport, saddens me. Love the picture of the moon and Deer, your post is great. Blessings Francine.

TexWisGirl said...

jealous of your coolness (right now). hit 94 here yesterday and dallas tied for all-time high on record.

podso said...

I'm so glad its your plants in quarantine and not you. Good answers!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

I know what you mean about hibernation is creeping in. I wonder if this is just a northern clime thing? But come December, I have no energy after dinner, just enough to crawl in bed with a book! While during the summer months it feels like I have half a day after dinner!

Country Girl said...

You have such an interesting blog! Lots of questions and food for thought! Your photos are also very good. ~ I too am a morning person and so I am much more productive in the AM. Thanks for sharing.

Terri D said...

I agree with your #1,#2,#3 of the #2 question. I agree.

I've not heard of The Giver, so will have to look for it, now.

The enterovirus D68 has hit Lakeland, an there is a big "scandal" because the school wasn't informed by the health dept and therefore, the parents of all the other students didn't know to take extra precautions. Thankfully, the student is recovering, but the school should have been informed immediately (in my opinion!).

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your moon picture is gorgeous! And so is Tuppence, what a great name? You are a fan of Dickens? I never heard of the Dragon Wing variety, it is beautiful and full! WHY have there been Christmas trees in the stores for weeks now?? Hey, they could at least wait till after Halloween!

Hootin Anni said...

...and to think when we [at least for me] I used to stay out until 2 a.m. when young and single. Now it's 9 p.m. and I can't wait for bedtime. LOL

Love the scenery you shared...beautiful images.

But, I'm trying to figure out where the viking hat to crochet it in a photo and I missed it?

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh, I enjoyed your post very much.

Re your pet peeves, ditto for me on every point.

I'm looking for The Giver... sounds wonderful.

Had a good chuckle at #1 answer.

Wishing you a beautiful day... hibernation is good.


Donna said...

Oh, I think the whole First Family should pack their bags and go do some volunteer work where the ebola outbreaks are located. Yessiree, let's see some proof that there's nothing to worry about!

I appreciate the tip about the book. I had not heard Miz Vee talk about that one. I've put a hold on the Kindle copy at our county library.

You should go into full hibernation mode when the time changes the first weekend in November...

Chatty Crone said...

Well we have not gone to a financial planner and it is one of the biggest mistakes we've ever done!

And I totally 100% agree with you - stay out of the crowds this year!

I am not after two weeks just getting over something.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your thoughts on sending our troops into Ebola affected areas! Great idea to send the Obama girls along as candy stripers :)

Rachel said...

JUDY!! I've missed you!! I hope you are doing well! I agree with you- I don't like people who get mad that their dog isn't trained. And don't get me started on people who don't scoop liter boxes- blek!

The whole Ebola thing is a little scary (especially being in Dallas). I flew last week and might fly next month. It's a little nerve wracking at the moment.

Lorrie said...

This was a fun read. I doubt that ebola will be airborne anytime soon, but it is a concern for the world. Glad you enjoyed the movie The Giver. The book is so great and so often the movie detracts from the magic.

Sunny Simple Life said...

Yep the man with Ebola died today. Very scary time. Just found out today my daughter was repeatedly exposure to whooping cough at school by a TEACHER. Yep that's right. All the kids have to be vaccinated but not them teachers. Scary thing is my daughter is not fully vaccinated to it because of a severe reaction to the pertussis shot when she was a baby so that was the one shot the doctor would not ever allow her again so we had to immediately put her on a z-pac to help prevent her from coming down with it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy! Now I've not heard of that movie or the book! I guess I don't get out much anymore! ;) I enjoyed your answers. Thanks for popping in to see me and you're always a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Carla from The River said...

I always enjoy reading your answers. I read out loud your Ebola comment to the men here at the house. Well said!!

Sending prayer and keeping our eyes on Jesus.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

My husband is flying three weeks in a row this month. I texted him yesterday to remind him to wash his hands every chance he gets! I wanted to see The Giver but it didn't hang around very long.

Ida said...

These are fun to read.
Loved that sleepy kitty.
I must admit we are sometimes "guilty" of #3 around here but we do keep them cleaned atleast every other day.

Michelle said...

I love, love, the pictures of the animals. I love animals in general.

I agree, President Obama's children could travel with him to help in time of need.


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