Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cow Pasture at Hodgepodge Corner

Ladies' Convention
Location: Rasmussen Farm
Topic: Loving May Pasture


Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Post them on your own blog,
then join in!

1.  Did you do anything 'memorable' this past weekend?

I forget.

 Beautiful Wisconsin

2. Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying-

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."  

Your thoughts? Do you somehow acknowledge and appreciate the freedoms you enjoy? Did your upbringing contribute to that sense of appreciation? If you're a parent, are there specific things you do to pass on this sense of responsibility and appreciation to your own children in regard to the freedoms they enjoy?

Yes, I do think that my upbringing contributed to my need to think. things. through. And to think things through in light of a risen, living Savior.

We discuss life, worldview, politics, and we vote. We vote for the candidate who most closely represents our beliefs and desires for our country. Freedom is precious, and I think it should be protected thoughtfully.  Jesus said, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.' 

[Gospel: The Good News that Jesus is Lord of the Universe, has conquered death, and has opened the door for all to be freed from the enslaving power of sin and to be reconciled to God. That's real freedom.]  

He did not say, 'Go into all the world and force people to submit to your will with the threat of swords, guns, and bombs.' American lives (like all lives) matter. We shouldn't be sending troops here and there, putting them in harm's way because politicians want to make a name for themselves. And when they tell us it's for 'our national interests,' they better be ready to explain exactly what that means.

3. Loudest noise you've ever heard?

The fireworks that are one single, huge, deafening big bang.

 Trilliums. They're everywhere.

4. What was the last thing you ate that might be considered 'junk food'? Did you enjoy it?

I rarely eat junk food. The last thing would be a small bag of fruity gummies. I enjoyed all 8 of them. Immensely. I love gummy treats. Not the rubbery ones, like icky gummy worms, but the gummy ones like Dots. But now I try to stay away from them because they always lie to me. They tell me that they'll satisfy, but in reality, they only make me want more. And more. They're wicked like that.

I might eat a Butterfinger candy bar later in the week, now that I'm thinking about it.

5. When was the last time you were somewhere the crowd felt 'packed in like sardines'?

The London Tube, late afternoon.

 Yes, I know you've seen this photo before.
At certain times of day, it's so crowded that there's not
enough room for anyone to drag out their camera and annoy people.

6. Are you organized when it comes to packing for a trip? Do you make a list weeks in advance or toss items in last minute? Are you a carry-on only sort of packer or do you need an entire suitcase for your shoes?

I am extremely organized when it comes to packing. I'm an ISTJ, remember? I have a list, I love lists, I make lots of lists! (Unfortunately, I'm a little better at list making than I am at task completion.) I don't do last-minute packing, but pack a few days to a week ahead of time and try to figure out what I can unpack to make my carry-on lighter. As I've stated before, next time I travel, I won't even take a regulation-size carry-on (21x14x9). It will be a kid's school backpack. That's it. Never again will I lug around  even a standard carry-on.

I told you I have Word Association Syndrome

7. What was the last sporting event you attended in person? Did your team win? Did you care?

The last sporting event would be our sons' softball game. I don't remember who won, but it was fun only because they were playing and a few grandkids were with us, watching. Nothing that requires me to sit on bleachers for more than 3 seconds is fun. Sports are not my thing. And, bleachers are definitely not my thing.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Summer is here, for all practical purposes. Wisconsin is beautiful, with clean, green hills and valleys. You should come and visit! But you probably shouldn't consider moving here. I'm sure you wouldn't like it.  ;-)

 We're like Yorkshire, 
but without castles, abbeys, drystone walls, 
blackface sheep, and narrow roads.
Other than that,
we're practically identical!

Moooooove along now, there's nothing to see here.


Have a great Wednesday, friends!


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Sylvia said...

I love the cows in the pasture, staring at you.

Deb said...

That was fun, Judy. I loved your Yorkshire comment. You really do live in a piece of paradise.
It's really warm here and the day looks promising. Enjoy yours. Hugs, Deb

Michelle said...

The scenery in those pictures - gorgeous. Enjoyed reading your answers.

eileeninmd said...

Judy, fun post ! I enjoyed reading your answers. I wish politicians could explain why they do the things they do. Most of the time it does have "the People" in mind. Sorry, I can not go on that rant here. I love your images, especially the last cute cow. Have a happy day!

Cheryl said...

Hahaha!! Well no need to move to Yorkshire then! :D Actually, I'd consider moving to Wisconsin if you could promise me cooler, less humid summers. But unless my whole family would move too...

I guess I'm staying put.

Love reading your weekly Hodgepodge answers!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, a delightful hodge podge this morning, and your pictures from Wisconsin are so beautiful. We just returned from a trip to Illinois, so I understand the "lush" appearance. But we actually have had so much rain in Texas that we even look lush.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Judy... love your answer to #1!!! Your pics are fabulous as always. I love gummies so much, I take gummy vitamins! No guilt. Probably no health benefits either. Enjoy your week!!

Linda said...

Beautiful. I always enjoy reading your answers. Love the photos, thanks for sharing. Blessings

Arlene G said...

Judy, I will just enjoy your photos of Wisconsin. I know that I would not make it in the frozen north!!We are headed off on a trip next week and like you, I pack a bit at a time. I do take a Vera Bradley carry on with all my meds and important things inside.( underwear!!). My husband got stuck in Washington DC once when he was traveling and he says from now on he takes extra underwear!lol I agree about bleachers...when we watch our grands games we take our canvas chairs. Much easier on the tush and back.

The Cranky said...

The photos of your environs... and I had to give a loud huzzah (which startled the four pooches, lol) at your answer to the second question.

TexWisGirl said...

sweet cattle. :) i've never liked gummy candies before but the last couple of years i've gotten into ike and mike. yes, they do lie, too. :)

Theresa said...

Great answer on freedom and giving the Gospel! Wisconsin looks beautiful. I have a friend who recently moved there and she agrees. I'm not one for bleachers either. I love Butterfingers although I haven't had one in years. Enjoy :)

Carla from The River said...

I love your answer for freedom! Well done Judy!
I do not like bleachers either.
My favorite part of this post is the random thought. FUN!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love your cow photos. Judy. Cows are just so serene. xo Laura

Tired Teacher said...

I look forward to your Hodgepodge responses and photos that accompany them. Well done.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful photos and interesting topics today. When we bought out house 38 years ago there was a herd of cows in the pasture behind and beside us. This city girl got a quick introduction to country life real fast. I still like seeing cows gathered at a fence even though it's not in my backyard anymore. Have a beautiful day!

Sandi said...

I think those cows at the top are plotting a hostile takeover! Just saying.

Great quotes on freedom!

Love the pic of the vacant road. It seems familiar to me somehow.

Joyce said...

Isn't it wonderful to see so much green? It's our reward for slogging through a long cold winter : ) Enjoy your day!

April said...

I truly never knew that WI. was that beautiful! In fact, one of my friends that surprised me this weekend is from Kenosha, WI. I think we need to plan our next reunion there!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one convention I wish i could have attended.. mooooving to me.. the photo of WI is beautiful is stunning as is the flag photo.. loud noise, thunder night before last. the roof and windows were rocking... my favoirte junk cookie would be Oreo and my favorite salty snack is ruffle potato chips, i try really hard not to eat either one. last sporting event was in 1961, high school football game. i am not into sports live or on TV..

21 Wits said...

Wow, this sure was a delightful collection of picture perfect photos! The cows never looked better or happier. Lovely views all the way through, and good reading too.

Joanne Noragon said...

Beautiful pictures of your beautiful state.
I heard a noise this weekend, louder than all the firecrackers at once. First time since 9-11, fighter jets from I do not know where scrambled and the sonic booms rattled crockery here in bucolic NE Ohio. I wonder if they were part of the back up for the international flight with a threat over the weekend.

Cathy said...

I love all your pictures. So very beautiful!! We took the girls to Wisconsin Dells a few years ago and we all loved it. You do have a very beautiful state.

Susie said...

Judy, I loved the cows in the pasture. I just hate seeing cows in dirt...I do not know why that bothers me. Seems boring I guess. I love all your great photos. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


There is nothing cooler than cows in a pasture. Yesterday we had cows coming down our road...time for a 911 call....the owner managed to corral them up before someone hit one.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes those fireworks can be very loud! I rarely eat junk food either but sometimes you just need to be bad!!! Yes the London Tube will definitely make you feel like a sardine but I thoroughly enjoyed it. What an amazing system of transportation.

Terri D said...

I enjoyed your answers, Judy. We agree on so many things! I would probably like Wisconsin during the summer, but come winter and snow....I would be out of there!

podso said...

Always fun to read these and appreciate your sense of humor. Last photo is especially good!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Love all those cow pictures! Your "just like Yorkshire" comment is hilarious! But I always thought landscape wise it is true.
I agree with you on the no bleachers. I think the last time I was on bleachers was to watch the local Lippazan horses or it was either the rodeo in Spooner.... Can't quite remember which! So much more interesting things to do, like sitting on your own front porch and watching bunnies or kids.
May seemed like a really quick month, and it was rainy here. Maybe June will be better? I have a feeling though we will move right on into hot and humid.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love cows. curious - your profile picture.... is your cat smelling your hair? that is too cute. you could even use it for a shampoo/conditioner commercial. love it!! ( :

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Those cows are so cute- such a pretty rural scene. I miss Nancy's Rural Thursday meme. Anyways, have a lovely week!

What Karen Sees said...

Sometimes the captions are as great as the photo. I love the cows gathering in the pasture, and your caption is the icing on the cake. This was a fun post, to read these questions and your answers.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Welcome to Wisconsin.
Now go home.

Wendy said...

Sounds like you want to keep Wisconsin for yourself ;-) Nice picture of the tube train - that one's practically empty! I can vouch for what they are like when really busy.

Debby Ray said...

Love these beautiful cows...especially that little sweetie at the very end :) Awesome photos, Judy!

Lily Whalen said...

Great answers; I especially enjoyed and agreed with your answer to question 2. So important to be educated about politics and government and to get out and vote!

L. D. said...

Another fun read. Thanks for sharing.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree and support number two - we had better appreciate our freedom and the USA or we won't have it much longer like it is....

Anonymous said...

I'm with you about watching sports! I would love to visit Wisconsin but in the meantime, I sure enjoy your lovely photos.

September Violets said...

You crack me up!! I too love the cow pic (first AND last). My neighbours (when I was still living with my parents) all had holsteins, and they would all go home for milking through our creek (the cows, not the neighbours). Our horse took exception to their mysterious looks in the shadows of the willow trees lining the creek. And I've got to say you've convinced me. I'm going to visit Wisconsin ... one day ;)

Zoanna said...

The Word Association Syndrome! Hahaha. Good one. And yes, I'd love to visit Wisconsin but am not one bit tempted to move there--even it's practically identical to Yorkshire. Ahem. I am also much better at list making than task completion, but I did get to cross off a lot of things today, so I'm feeling all smug now.

Zoanna said...

The Word Association Syndrome! Hahaha. Good one. And yes, I'd love to visit Wisconsin but am not one bit tempted to move there--even it's practically identical to Yorkshire. Ahem. I am also much better at list making than task completion, but I did get to cross off a lot of things today, so I'm feeling all smug now.

NanaDiana said...

I always love to read your answers from a fellow Wisconsinite! AND I, too, have Word Association Syndrome- I just never had a name for it before.
Beautiful pictures and now I am craving a Butterfingers-thanks a lot! xo Diana

Jean | said...

Judy, that cow picture needs to be on a magazine cover! It looks like a painting! I think it is THE best cow photo I have ever seen, and that is no exaggeration. Some of the nicest people I know are ISTJ (but I'm an INFJ).

Anonymous said...

Such lovely shots.

Lois said...

Cows are such interesting subjects to photograph. I love the way they are looking right at your camera!

Lynne said...

I am adopting your backpack travel solution and invite my husband to carry it . . .
What do you think . . . good idea.
By the way . . . that Rasmussen name goes WAY BACK to my Wisconsin days . . .

J_on_tour said...

That second shot of Wisconsin is breathtaking with the colour and textures.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Wisconsin with those of us who've never had the opportunity to see it.


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