Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Oh Look! It's The Flowering Hodgepodge!

This Week, In The Backyard

Flowering Crab

Join Joyce and the Gang for

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Answer the questions on your own blog,
then click on the button above
to link your post.

1. When is your next big deadline? What's it for?

That's what's missing, a deadline!  I now know why it is difficult for me to get  housework and de-cluttering done (or started). I'm not working with a deadline. As one who works much, much better under pressure, I need to start setting deadlines for myself. Hall closet: Deadline Friday. Clothes closet: Deadline May 30, etc. etc. Knowing me, this will help a lot.  Thank you, Joyce!

2. May is National Barbecue Month. Do you prefer cooking indoors or out? What's the best thing about a barbecue? What's the last thing you cooked on an outdoor grill?

I love cooking outdoors, and we wait several cold winter months to do it. The best thing about a BBQ is the taste.  Everything seems to taste better on a charcoal grill. I think it annoys Mr. C. when I say that I like the taste of lighter fluid. He 'patiently' explains that it's the charcoal flavor I like. :-)) I think the last thing cooked on our grill was chicken.

 Grilled Cheese With Basil Pesto

I found this while searching for 'grill' in my photo files. Check out my recipe, from a previous post. It's an amazing sandwich, although I did not 'grill' it on the charcoal grill.

Note: Homemade white bread is best, of course.

On one slice of bread I arranged enough pepper jack cheese to cover every square inch of bread. We always have pepper jack on hand, for it's one of our favorites. On the other slice I spread the fresh basil pesto liberally (quite uncharacteristically, I might add). On top of that I arranged fresh, warm-from-the-garden tomato slices.
I then melted a little olive oil and a little butter in the skillet, turned it down to low, set the sandwich in the skillet, and covered it with a lid.

A few minutes later I flipped the sandwich over and covered it with the lid again.

Two more minutes maybe...enough so that the bread was golden (okay, a little past golden, maybe) and the cheese was partially melted.

3. What is one thing on your "never again" list?

Never again will I drag a carry-on suitcase through an airport or train stations or down sidewalks. If I ever travel again, I will use only a school-type backpack with a couple of changes of clothes in it. You think I'm kidding.

4. What's something that annoys you about people your own age? Something you love about your generation?

Nothing annoys me about people my own age. In fact, even when I was young, people my age (now) were always easier to get along with. People my age (then) always seemed to have something to prove. What I love about my generation is that most of us are more comfortable with life, know how to do things, know how to work, are reliable, don't spend our time keeping track of celebrities, and don't seek or expect wisdom from fools. Also, most of us have mellowed a bit and have figured out which things are truly worth going to battle. Uh, perhaps some of us have mellowed a bit more than others. :-)

5. Lilac, iris, hyacinth, pansy...your favorite purple flower?

I love lilacs and iris, my favorite being the purple iris that came from my mom's garden (or maybe my grandma's garden - via my mom.)

See those lovely roses? They're going to meet my favorite garden tool after they've bloomed this year - RoundUp. Those roses are a weed, totally invasive, and are beautiful for only one week out of the entire year. The rest of the year they are an ugly, thorny thicket that spreads to every surrounding plant and tries to strangle it.

6. Whats a song that always calms you down?

Probably my favorite album is 'Be Thou My Vision,' sacred music by John Rutter.

And, as far as one song that always calms me?  That would be 'The Solid Rock.' It often pops into my mind. And it is truly calming, knowing that regardless of my circumstances, God is in control and is trustworthy. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand. All other ground is sinking sand!

  My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

  When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

7. What's the last thing you donated?

Clothes. Remember the ones I dragged around the airport in that carry-on? Actually, I have much more that needs to be donated.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Springtime is wonderful this year. The driveway is flanked by wood violets and dandelions, which I love and which look so pretty together.

The bleeding heart is in bloom.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends!


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podso said...

Wow spring is in full glory at your house! Beautiful blossoms. I agree with #s 1,3,4 and 6. I never heard that hymn called Solid Rock and am trying to remember what our hymnal titled it. It might have been My hope. Oh dear, will do some research today.
Funny, having somewhat adapted to living in the south, when I hear "barbecue" I think of the food, not the process. They call that "grilling." Barbecue is either chicken or pork cooked for days with a wonderful choice of sauces.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

That grilled cheese looks positively delish!! Love all your pics of your beautiful flowers. Enjoy the rest of the week, dear Judy!

eileeninmd said...

Your garden is looking beautiful. And the grilled cheese does look yummy. I love the taste of charcoal bbq, but hubby is the bbq cook. I wish I could travel with just a backpack, it sounds much easier..Great post and answers, enjoy your day!

The Cranky said...

I'd love to wander through your garden. Via pictures of course - wouldn't want to sound stalker-ish!

Theresa said...

Gorgeous flowers! That sandwich looks so good, my mouth is watering:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto your answer on number 1.. i have no deadlines in my life, and i love it, but i do need to make a few

grill last used 2 years ago, need a new one bob will not buy one because he doesn't want to use it. love your sandwich

I sang the song both verses, be glad you can't hear me... when i need to calm down I say

Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will comfort you and strengthen you, I will lift you up by my right hand.

in 2001 my Suv rolled three times and landed upside down. the emt said they could not move me until my BP came down. i said this verse 3 times and when she checked it again it was normal. she said what did you do and i told her. she looked shocked.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, you stirred up some great memories of the farm in Illinois with your post this violets and dandelions. That grilled cheese looks scrumptious!

Pamela said...

That sandwich looks amazing! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Joyce said...

I immediately thought of hymns in #6. I love iris too. My mom always had a huge iris bed on one corner of our yard growing up. People used to drive by or walk over just to see it in bloom.

April said...

That sandwich is calling my name...looks delish! Don't you just love all the colors this time of year brings? I can never get enough of flowers!

Barbara said...

Your spring flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing their pictures! I like your comment about our generation not seeking wisdom from foolish sources. There are some definite advantages to knowing the difference! I enjoyed your choice of music, too.

Rebecca Jo said...

That grilled cheese sandwich... oh my gosh! I live for great grilled cheeses... mmmm....

Arlene G said...

I want one of those sandwiches Judy!!!

Junebug said...

One thing I've found with people my age is they retire and sit. Good Grief Charlie Brown, there is so much to do. Get up and live!!

TexWisGirl said...

loved your photo hodgepodge. :) i love lilacs and wood violets, too! miss them both!

Tired Teacher said...

I agree completely with you on the generation description. As life gets easier (thank you technology & science), people seem to withdraw and are more self-centered. I love that my generation was giving and wanted to make the world a better place and worked to make positive changes in society.

I love your floral photos - iris and lilacs are definitely my favorite spring flowers.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your flowers!!!!!!!! So pretty. And that sandwich - I am going to make one. Did you make your own basil pesto sauce?? Recipe???

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, How blessed you are to have your mom's irises growing. The lyrics to the hymn have always been a favorite of mine, too. Like Jacqueline in her comment, I'd love to walk around your garden! Have a great day.

L. D. said...

I enjoy reading your responses and the white and blue iris are so wonderful to see with the flowers in the background.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

What a garden of color profusion you have! Just beautiful! I enjoyed and agreed with so many of your answers today. Thanking God for our Solid Rock.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Great answer for number 4!
I love the smell of the charcoal grill. I just like to sit on the deck and smell the grill as it heats for cooking.
LOVE your photos today.

Wendy said...

I'm with you on #1 - I put a similar reply on my list. Lovely pictures. Sandwich looks tasty.

Nikki said...

That grilled cheese pesto looks so good, my mouth is watering! :)
I agree with your generation answer! I had a similar input.


Loved those gorgeous flower pictures.

This comment has been removed by the author.
Heide at ApronHistory said...

Isn't it lovely to have spring flowers! It is rather funny, you would think we should be a bit ahead of you (being at the south end of the state) with flowers and foliage. But the crab apples have just started to bloom and we still have the last of the tulips. Haven't seen any iris yet. We have been having a cool cloudy spring, which is average for here next to the Lake.
Today we are enjoying Sun!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the purple and yellow! And the iris and rose. Your yard is gorgeous!! Your sandwich looks so luscious, and what a mouth watering picture!

21 Wits said...

A fun hodgepodge this was! I totally agree on the luggage too, we learn as we do right! Your flower photos are lovely!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! What an awesome hodgepodge of beautiful flowers. How lovely! The song that calms me is: "Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine!"
I enjoyed your posting very much.

Theresa said...

What beautiful flowers! I don't often eat sandwiches but the kids and hubby made me a grilled cheese with bacon and tomato for Mother's Day lunch and it was outrageous. After seeing your photo now I'm in the mood for another :)
I love that hymn. Another one that soothes me is "His eye is on the sparrow".

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I work better under pressure too! Your sandwich sounds delicious. The wild violets are lovely.

Linda said...

I so enjoyed reading this post!
Your garden flowers are gorgeous!
Flowers, hymns, cooking, homemaking - you are obviously a happy contented lady and that just shines through and through your blog!!

Sunny Simple Life said...

Must be beautiful there this time of year.

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Your photos are absolutely beautiful! I loved looking at them!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like your thoughts on 'people our age'. I know I'm much more content and happy with life. And thanks for the travel tip! Hugs, Diane

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Goats. You need goats to eat those rose weeds. Lotsa goats.
:) m & jb

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh my house gets a good cleaning when I have a deadline, like company coming. We have a propane barbecue which doesn't have the same taste as charcoal that's for sure. We've only had 2 barbecues so far this spring. Too cold most days. I tried a backpack for my computer and camera when flying but my new camera is too big to fit in it so I've resorted to the pull case again. And no clothes will fit in it!! Have a nice evening.

September Violets said...

My husband and I toured around England for 2 weeks with only carry on luggage. It was great! No waiting for luggage anywhere. Love all your springtime flower shots. A beautiful array of colours. Too bad about the rose, but if it's invading plants you like better ...

Rose said...

I really enjoyed your hodgepodge...I need to remember to check this meme out sometime. Maybe answering questions would be easier than trying to think of 5 random things.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful flowers!!! I didn't know that May was BBQ Month! I'm so glad there are 31 days in May! :-)

Michelle said...

I love the Bleeding Heart. My MIL always grows some.

Lynne said...

Looks like spring flowers are bursting around you . . .
Very pretty . . .
Back pack only you say???

Vee said...

Always interesting, never dull! So what's the deadline for the roses? Gosh, they're quite lovely. I'd be thrilled if either of my knock-out rosebushes looked that good. What about giving them away? Can they be dug up by anyone who might want a chunk? Fellow parishioners perhaps?

I always liked people the age I am now, too. Wonder why I don't like me any better? Oh! I remember! I'm getting cranky and creaky. =/

Spring looks lovely at your place!

Deb said...

Love those purple iris. Glorious.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Amazing pictures of wonderful flowers with your post!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

This was a nice hodgepodge of things to read about. We use natural gas for our BBQ on the deck and there's no flavour from the cooking other than what we add ourselves. I've never grilled, hubby always does it.
Pesto on a grilled cheese - I'll be trying this for sure, recently I started adding bacon to the sandwich as well.
I like people in our age group too, they've mellowed by now and can be really nice and friendly.
When I went to Ireland last summer my carry on was a backpack that held my camera and iPad. I don't think I could do a whole trip with just a carry on although I know many do.

Ida said...

Great post. Loved the flowers, so pretty. Be Thou My Vision is an awesome hymn. I love BBQ of almost anything.

Lorrie said...

A fun hodgepodge, Judy. Lots of great spring color at your place. I work best with a deadline, too. Without one I flutter around and don't accomplish a lot. Even a self-imposed deadline often helps.
What a scrumptious looking sandwich. Cheese and pesto = YUM.

Terri D said...

Cruising through and trying to catch up with my blogging friends! Great photos and I enjoyed your answers!


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