Monday, July 6, 2015

July Fourth Weekend

Sweet little pea pickin' granddaughter

Not getting minimum wage

Hi everybody,

I've missed you guys. I wish I could tell you that while on my blog break I accomplished something major, like decluttering the house, but actually, I never quite got around to doing that. What I did manage, however, was being kind to my back by NOT sitting at the computer, along with visiting the grandkids (and their parents) while they were here, and getting some fruits of our garden labors. I have a ton of photos, but lucky for you, won't post them all at once.

The past weekend our daughter and her family were here. I'm sharing just 'a few' of the photos. Then I've got to try to get back into this blogging groove.

So did you travel over the holiday or stay home? Do you do fireworks at home? We didn't get to the fireworks in Rice Lake last night, but several of the neighbors around us had their own fireworks parties, so we heard lots of booms and pops until late at night, and Jazzie hid behind the recliner until morning.

'Grandma, that truck is dirty.'

'You can wash it off with the hose, if you want.'



 Enjoying allergen-free 'Enjoy Life' chocolate chips!

Camping in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard


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This post might possibly be linked to one of more of the following:

Mosaic Monday and Roses of Inspiration and  Treasure Box Tuesday and Tuesday with a Twist  and  Tweak it Tuesday  and  Good Fences and  Freedom Fridays  and Vintage Inspiration Friday


Linda said...

Oh how precious your photos are, thank you for sharing. Missed you while you were gone ( and I understand). We went to the parade, had a BBQ, then hubby was kind enough to take me to the fireworks (which he detests) at 10 pm (yes, 10--thanks to the fact it doesn't get dark here until after 9:30). Have a lovely Monday, Judy. Blessings

Anonymous said...

So nice to see an update from you! I love these photos this morning. You have a beautiful family.

We stayed home and had a quiet holiday. We've had a lot of rain here.

Look forward to you sharing more pics. Hope your back continues to improve.

Deb said...

What a fun post, Judy. Here in Canada we celebrated July 1st, Canada Day with fireworks, too. Those grands are so cute. I loved the cleaning of the truck. haha! So typical of a boy. Your garden looks amazing. How wonderful to enjoy the fresh veggies now. With our construction going on we put off a veggie garden 'til next year. I only grew a few beans and tomatoes and a small amt. of herbs. I can just imagine the wonderful meals from your garden. Glad to see you back but do take breaks for the sake of YOUR back. Hope the sun is shining your way. Deb

Arlene G said...

So glad you are back with us Judy!! Looks like you had a fun time with those sweet grands. We stayed home and watched our neighbors fireworks. It was quite the show.

Theresa said...

Beautiful post and no better way to spend the weekend! Love that camping in the backyard pic! Have a blessed day dear Judy, HUGS!

M.E. Masterson said...

I love seeing the pics of the kids....allowing them to Be Kids! So many don't! Thanks for sharing...
Ps your garden looks wonderful!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cute kids- I bet they had a ball at your house.
Have a great week! (I hope your back is better. I've got my neck hurting because of the way I sit at the computer)

Debbie said...

LOVE the photos! Soo cute. I especially like your little pea picker! We had a nice BBQ'd dinner at my son's house but headed for home before the fire works this year. Though we saw several displays in the skys from the car on the way home, lol. Hope you have a good week!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Camping in the backyard....ahhh! You have a beautiful home to share with your sweet family! Looks like fun for everyone. Is there room in the tent for me? lol Hugs, Diane (we stayed home)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

still smiling at the hose collage. love it... i used to love to play under the hose in the summer time... your photos show us what you were doing and all the fun you were having. that pea picking baby is soooooo cute... and free labor to boot. she is just the right height for the bushes.

Joanne Noragon said...

I do love grandchildren who leave a ring in the tub at night.
Camping out in the backyard is repeated from generation to generation, I know.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Wonderful shots, CM - full of smiles. The hose sequence was particularly good and makes me want to go outside and water the garden in my own, inimitable, style. How come your sweet peas (the plant variety) are so big?? Ours are tiny - pah! PS As you may know, Britain is still trying to work out the best way of celebrating 4th July!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I enjoyed all the photos. Looks like you had a perfect time with you family over the weekend!

Cheryl said...

Welcome back to Blogland! It looks like you had a lovely weekend. I got a chuckle out of the "truck washing"...there is just something about a kid and a hose!! :) Sweet photos of your family! I'll look forward to seeing some more photos of your break.

Stephanie said...

Looks like a wonderful weekend filled with family and fun :) Family is such a blessing.

Have a beautiful week, Judy! Hugs!

Alex said...

Love the photos of your grandchildren, the wee girl with her fingers poised so gracefully to pick a pea is so adorable. I predict a ballerina!
The view from your garden is so enticing and green!

Tired Teacher said...

Your photos are precious! You captured some powerful memories with your camera. The water sequence is delightful and made me chuckle.

Linda Kay said...

Such lovely pictures of the grands. They are adorable, and picking peas! priceless.

Snap said...

Great images! I giggled at the cleaning of the truck ... amazing what a little water can lead to and what fun! It's getting hot here and I may remember to just go outside and play in the hose! :) :) Adorable kids and love those peas! Happy Monday!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time with family, Judy! I just love the photo of the pea picking granddaughter and the truck washing grandson! Who wouldn't want to camp in your beautiful backyard? You could maybe tempt me to do it! ♥

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Family and fun over the weekend. Wonderful to see them all.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I enjoyed these pictures! My kids used to play outdoors like that and I miss seeing their innocence and discovery of doing something the first time. We didn't go in town to see the fireworks but some nearby neighbors were letting them off so we got to see some afterall! That picture of your granddaughter pickig peas is too cute and the grandson giving that dirty truck a good wash!

Diane said...

Looks what! What kid doesn't like a hose in the summer??

SImple and Serene Living said...

I watch the neighbors fireworks too. Such a beautiful family. XO Laura

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

WOW- your garden is so healthy and awesome!

I laughed out loud about your grandson and the washing of the truck, haha.

Your little pea picker is adorable!

The view of your backyard is WOW!!!!

Have a wonderful week - and keep taking care of yourself.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Welcome back, Judy. Your backyard is stunning! Love the pics of your grandchildren. They are so cute!! Enjoy your week and take good care of your back!

podso said...

Don't kids love to play with hoses! Looks like you had a very fruitful blogging break and good 4th.

Hootin Anni said...

Like the Hallmark card....PRECIOUS MOMENTS!!!
[love any gal that goes barefooted....she's cute, sweet pea pickin' granddaughter!!]

All so full of wonderful smiles....sweet family Judy.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Nothing beats time with family, Judy. I'm glad you enjoyed your break!

Sue said...

I love to see families making memories, you certainly have some great one, Judy, looks like a great break for you. Thanks for sharing.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

So, is the back better Judy? I hope the rest has helped you.
Boy, the pea pickin' granddaughter sure is dainty with her picking, isn't she? I could see where the truck getting washed with the hose was heading and sure enough, a soaked boy...but clean truck. Too cute!
We celebrated here for July 1 which was also our wedding anniversary so dinner out and a concert Saturday night. When my dad was alive, we used to have fireworks at his place, he was a big kid at heart.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your break. I enjoyed the family photos. There's nothing like having fun with the family. Glad you're back blogging.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
We enjoyed Thursday - Sunday at my parents. My aunt and uncle also visited. My sister and husband stopped in for the 4th. My parents loved all the company and we all enjoyed each other.
Your peas look great. I am excited for fresh veggies. We are eating Butter Crunch lettuce out of our garden, but nothing else is ready. I think with this rain we will be harvesting soon. :-)

Empty Nester said...

Well, that's it, then. I'm moving in with y'all. The kids are cute as they can be and your back yard will be perfect. LOL Looks like a fabulous time was had by all! said...

So sweet! You had lot of help in the garden!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Looks like it was a beautiful time with your precious family Judy! Those kiddos are adorable!! Your produce looks awesome from the garden - those still my heart!! yum!!

Blessings for a beautiful week ahead. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Now that's a back yard worthy of camping! Your little grands are so darn cute! We stayed home for the 4th since we had our son's wedding the weekend before! Have a wonderful week!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, it looks like some one was having a ball ... what cuties. ( :
what a perfect place to camping out in. i love how you are starting the young ones out picking veggies very early ... that is smart. great idea!!!

Miss Havisham - i had to look up - i knew the name but for some reason thought it was from a tv show ... not a book. oops. i am with ya now. ha. ha!!

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Good grief. You and Mr. Cranberry must have done a bit of deep space travel for you surely got younger over the break. (Perhaps in the WABAC MACHINE. Do you remember Mr. Peabody and his boy, Sherman?)

Vee said...

You do put them to work at an early age! Cutest little pea-picker ever. I like the truck washing story, too. Your grandson gives it his all. We had the same experience with bangs and pops well into the night. We forgot we had a cat there for a while. It all started up again last night and we have been hearing some tonight. Not a fan of personal fireworks. Idyllic summer week...

Anonymous said...

Adorable and fun!

Michelle said...

Hi, Judy!

I enjoyed looking at the photos. Awesome 4th!!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

LOL give a boy a hose....

All photos are just precious!! :)

Unknown said...

Hi friend, I love these photos , especially the ones of Henry, as they are priceless and so typical of a kid with a hose. Hmmmm...who got a bath Henry or the truck?! Also loved sweet little Lucy picking peas. She is adorable. Great post!

Debbie said...

disconnecting, obviously, it's a beautiful thing!!!

Rose said...

That looks like a fun time to me..your daughter is beautiful. The grands adorable.

Debby Ray said...

Oh how fun and look at that little darling picking the peas! Your garden looks so lush and beautiful too. I remember the old days of summer when all you needed was the water hose to have fun...adorable and precious memories you made! :)

Cynthia said...

Those kiddos are too cute. You can't have a dirty truck, grandma. Was he soaked from the hose. One cleaning and one picking, very cute labor


Donna said...

Looks like you were enjoying your family and they were enjoying being with you....and that little one looks like a future gardener.

Conniecrafter said...

Having that time with your precious grandkids, that is the most important thing!!

Ida said...

Welcome Back! - We didn't travel at all for the 4th. It's been far to HOT & DRY to really enjoy being outside. We did eat dinner outside and Coleen went with her parents to watch the city fireworks. I sat outside in a chair along with my mom & watched the neighbors set off fireworks. It was like a "war zone" with all the noise.

Your little grandkids are totally adorable. Loving the Pea Picking shots & my that was a lot of work to wash off that truck but oh did he have fun.

Judy S. said...

Your "littles' are adorable. Sounds like you had a great holiday.

Pamela Gordon said...

You've had a wonderful break Judy, spent with your sweet family. I love the mosaic of your grandson washing the truck and the others of the kids. They are adorable. I've been at the computer all day catching up too and I realized that my shoulder problems may be computer related after the break I had. Hm. The view from your porch in the rain or sun is so beautiful. Enjoy!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Had fun catching up -- I've been on a blog break myself as we moved to the other coast for the summer. Wonderful family pictures (I take absolutely lousy people pics... I wish I were better).... Your grands look like they are having so much fun on the farm -- picking peas and everything else too. Hope your back stays better.


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