Monday, July 27, 2015

Wisconsin Barns and Good Fences

Barn on D
It sounds like the title of a musical composition, doesn't it.
Anyway, it refers to Highway D in Barron County, WI 

This barn has many components that appeal to me: Stone silo base, rusty roof, weathered wood, glass block windows, green roof, and it's within five miles. The not-looking-too-stable part doesn't appeal to me, but then again, it's what happens to barns in this climate that go unheated during the long winter. Once all those warm cow bodies are no longer keeping up the interior barn temperature, the ravages of our harsh winters take their toll on the foundations, and the barns begin their descent to destruction. Very few owners can afford to pay taxes on those structures, let alone keep them heated just for olde time's sake.

Neighbor Cows 
Note the fly swisher-offer on the right

Just Chillin'
Not a care in the world.
Only an occasional pang of sympathy for those mega-dairy cows who never see pasture.


And, the following photos for Theresa's



 The neighbor's covered wagon,


Oh, and just because I'm sure y'all need to see a happy little grandbaby who's just discovered scrumptious fresh raspberries from the garden...

 Photo by Mama


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 Have a good Monday, everyone!



Buttons Thoughts said...

I have to say my favourite is the Grandbaby, Just look at that face. Nice barns and yes the up keep is very hard to do it is a never ending expensive thing owning a barn here in Canada too. Love your fence and the wagons. Hug B

Sylvia said...

How precious is your Grandbaby.There is nothing better than grandchildren to bless a grandmothers heart!
Love all the photo's of the barns and cows. I'm a country girl!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Judy, I think your adorable grandbaby stole the show on this post. What a cute happy face! I do love the barn and the cute cows. I do think the farmers should be given tax breaks, much more than the rich corporations that are taking credits. The covered wagon is cool! Awesome photos and scenes. Happy Monday, have a great new week ahead!

Arlene G said...

Well I enjoyed all the photographs but as a Nana I have to vote your Grandbaby as the winner!! What a cutie pie.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

That little grandbaby is too cute for words! The photos of the barns are so pretty. Enjoy your week, Judy!

Dicky Bird said...

I love that barn for all the same reasons you do. I still like to see cows pastured!

Tired Teacher said...

Oooh, I love your neighbor's chuck wagon. I wonder how many cattle drives it was called into service.

The barn on D is a real beauty. The glass blocks are a clever addition - providing light and insulation from the cold.

Cheryl said...

Lovely pastoral sights!! Massive barns, contented cows, uncovered wagons...and a darling little raspberry-loving grand!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

It's a shame the old barns are leaving. It's so expensive to have them repaired and of course to your point heated! Beautiful photos, Judy. Lovely little grand covered in raspberry juice! ♥

Linda said...

Your grandchild is just so precious, Judy!! I love old barns, would like to convert one to live in it. Beautiful photos for this hot Monday. Blessings

Gayle said...

UhOh,Most of the cows were laying down - not a good sign for fishing that day. At least that's what I was told as a child???
Raspberry Cutie!

21 Wits said...

Oh goodness, just loving your last photo, too cute. That wagon even uncovered is just beautiful! I wonder if they will or have put flowers in there too? I have a neighbor that does that in the summer and in the winter, she fills it with boxes wrapped in Christmas joy!

Unknown said...

I love old barns! That one is really different. I wish there was a way to preserve these as they are a part of our history. But the expence is so high.
The baby is a doll! So happy looking!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the grandbaby photo....too cute!
I am in love with the barn you shared.
Have a wonderful week.....

Pamela Gordon said...

That's a beauty of a barn but sad to see the buckling in the end wall. I wonder how much longer it will stand? Sweet picture of your raspberry loving baby grand. Enjoy this last week of July! Where did it go??

L. D. said...

The grandbaby is so pleased with that new experience. My grandson just discovered corn on the cob, watermelon and strawberries. Great barn photos here. I enjoy every photo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that raspberry grins is PRICELESS and so sweet. love the old covered wagon and the barns i had not thought about why they get so old, no heat... down here farm and all agriculture get big tax discounts if they have livestock of any kind on the property. love those black and white tale swishers.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Your grandbaby is adorable. Love that covered wagon. We have a lot of old barns deteriorating here too. xo Laura

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, sweet raspberry kisses! Look at that precious face! I did not know about the heat keeping the barns 'alive', and it makes perfect sense! Every barn seems to have it's very own personality - all charming in their own way. Love seeing the covered wagon and the peaceful cows. :)

Lorrie said...

That's a beautiful barn and it's sad to see barns disappearing. The raspberry loving grandbaby is the sweetest!

podso said...

Love that raspberry face with the sweet smile! And that is a gorgeous barn. There is so much character to it and so much to look at in your photos of it. And an uncovered wagon too. One never knows what they will see or learn on your blog!

Michelle said...

A great combination of stone and rust on that barn!

Empty Nester said...

I was all excited about the barns until I saw that adorable little face! What a sweetheart!

Denise said...

really enjoyed the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Judy, what a sweet sticky face!

Love your pictures. I'm kind of wishing I was one of those cows just lounging around!

Deb said...

Aw - he's adorable, Judy. I'm sure there's lots of fun going on at your place these days. This is a great time to build a lasting bond with this special guy. Love your barn shots. There is so much history in these vintage barns. Hope you are enjoying your summer and it's not as hot as it is here in Ontario. Deb

bj said...

ahhh, so many great things in your them all...especially the little cutie pie with a red mouth...
and, hey, you could throw in some CRANBERRIES into the bread batter and it would probably knock your sox off.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Judy, wow what lovely cows and barns. I love that last photo with the baby and red mouth too! Have a wonderful week!
Julie xo

Terri D said...

Well, grandson and his raspberry smile is beyond adorable!!

I can imagine how majestic that barn on D was at one time. What a gorgeous structure and for all the reasons you love it. How sad that it is falling apart. Your documentation is historically important!

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the wisconsin memory of highways with a single letter name. :) and the dose of holsteins, too. :)

Audrey said...

Hi Judy ... oh my, I love your photos of the old barn. I have been thinking of collecting pictures of old barns for a wall in our home. Just love old barns and the one with the green roof is beautiful. Thanks for stopping by Timeless Treasures with a nice comment.
Audrey Z.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love all the barns, wagons and cows in your area but your grandson's photo really make me laugh out loud.

Trace4J said...

Just what I needed some awesome barns and a darling granny boy smile covered in berry happiness.
Woolie HUGS

This N That said...

I have a grand daughter pic similar to that only it was Spaghetti sauce..Love the old barn..Super pics...

Vee said...

Bovine bliss on parade... Why are these barns being taxed so much?! Someone needs to address that issue right across the country. Such punitive taxing is the beginning of so many woes.

On a more pleasant note, that grand's face and expression is sweetness itself!

Debbie said...

those barns are gor-geous....but grandbaby steals the show!!!!!

Carla from The River said...

I love those eyes!! What a cutie.

Great photos as always.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

It is so sad these beautiful old barns can't be more easily preserved or salvaged in some way.You know I totally understand about the taxing situations and our cold north, my neighbor.

I love the beautiful mosaics and that grand baby face is beyond precious!!
Happy week to you Judy! xoxo

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Judy - my first visit to your blog ... I've come across from Carla's.

What lovely photo's, my two favourites are the wagon and your gorgeous grand baby.

Hope you have a lovely week, they go too quickly sometimes.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that sweet grandbaby loves those berries! Precious.

I love the barn photos, cows and fences. Rarely do I see barns like this in our part of the country. Aren't the rocks pretty?

Anonymous said...

How cute that little face is! and a happy little face at that! :) Your photos are just so beautiful - love the barns and all of the black and white cows. That's the way I always picture a cow in my mind! Thank you for popping in to my travel blog!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Hannah said...

The old barns are fascinating, I can't help imagining someone actually doing the work to build them. That is a big structure. The cows do look happy chilling in the pasture. Raspberries are a messy but delicious food for little boys, he looks like he had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Black and white cattle were made for a background of green grass. Nice photos.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, this was such a fun post but the last photo was the FUNNEST!! :))

Rose said...

Oh, how I love that last shot! Such a sweet, sweet baby!

I love the other shots, too...but that last melts my heart.

Quiltdivajulie said...

SO enjoy your barn photos but that last happy face photo really made my morning!

Lynne said...

I always enjoy your Wisconsin barns, cows in the green, swishing tails, good fences and
smiling raspberry baby faces . . . too! (Delightful picture Judy!)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love the green roof. so tall. what a cute jelly (or was that jam?) face. what a cutie!! ( :
i love Holstein cows. i think i spelled that right? any who hope you know the cow i mean. my other fave are the Oreo cows. they are neat coloring too.

Debby Ray said...

Your photos are just wonderful these peaceful, rural scenes. And that last one...well it just doesn't get much cuter than that! Happy Thursday :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Awww, he's a cutie! Love the barn and rural scene also, but the baby stole the show today!

Ida said...

That is a fabulous barn. I really enjoyed the photos of it.
Great shots of the cows/fences. I bet flies are annoying to cows, I know I find them annoying.
What a darling baby and such a cute shot. I agree raspberries are that yummy!

Cathy said...

What a cool looking old barn and what an adorable grandchild!


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