Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hodgepodging The Jalapenos

Preparing Jalapenos for the Freezer
(This time I remembered to wear gloves!
One tends to forget that only once.)

Join Joyce and the gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1. Something on your October calendar that makes you smile.

Besides the big picture of a German Shepherd?  two of our children's wedding anniversaries - one on October 1 and one October 17.  One has been married seventeen years and the other has been married four years. One is living in Wisconsin; the other escaped to Texas.

2. Food for the soul or music for the soul...which camp are you in? Tell us why.

Music for the soul. But isn't music food for the soul? I could last a while without my chicken salad sandwich, potato chips, and tomato, but beautiful music feeds my soul. One of my favorites:

3. What are two or three things you've learned recently as the result of an online search?

Most recently, finding the 25 most popular hymns of the 19th century; finding prayers of the early church; searching my own website for one of my favorite pork chop recipes. Then again, I'm always looking up stuff, from news articles to recipes to book reviews - and more.
4. Share your favorite game day recipe. You can describe it, post the how-to, or add a link to the actual recipe.

Game? Are you talking Hangman or Scrabble?

But I do have a recipe to share: Here's a link to my favorite pork chop recipe:

Blackened Pork Chops and Butternut Squash

'Blackened' sounds intentional and so much better than 'burned,' doesn't it. Oh well, they were delicious, and I used both black beans and cannellini beans, drained. The butternut squash was baked and set in the skillet for the photo. This made a great fall dinner.
5. What are your five essential steps for creating the perfect morning routine?

I should preface this with the most important step for creating the perfect morning routine, and that would be not waking (and staying awake) at 4:30 AM. That throws the whole day off key. Now, with that aside:

Bible and other reading
Coffee and protein bar
Morning news

Making soap

That takes me to 8:30, and from there it's up for grabs.

(Mr. C. is gone to work before I even awaken.) I hope my daughter will let me know if that is a bad sentence. :-)

 Jazzie, making herself comfortable

For any who were concerned last week when I mentioned that Jazzie's favorite bed had been moved to make room for the new door to the screen room, please note - Jazzie managed to find it on the other side of the library. She doesn't look too anxious, does she.

6. What small thing have you taken note of today?

The new battery for my computer. I was without computer for about a week, waiting for the new battery to arrive. Why is it the computer can't work on electricity, simply plugged into an active outlet, without the battery? That seems strange to me.

Makes me want to go barefoot

7. Sum up your September in seven words or less.

September - even better than May this year

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

This is a link to a Wisconsin Public Television short video describing the way many of us here in the Northwoods feel about winter - um, that does not include Carla. I think Carla is part Polar Bear.  Anyway, it's a cute video and aptly describes our daughter and her husband who abandoned Wisconsin for a better life (Ha!) in Texas and my sister who escapes each winter to spend half of her life in Florida. The rest of us stay here and try to muster up a good attitude.

We're now into the nights of predicted frost, which means dragging out sheets and blankets to cover flowers and house plants that are currently living outdoors. Squash and pumpkins can take a light frost, so they're toughing this one out without a blanket.

Garden's End
Pumpkins, Sunshine Squash, Butternut Squash
Peppermint in the foreground

 A cheery face near Westby, WI
How I feel before my morning coffee

This post is also linked to


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Have a great Wednesday, everyone!



Preppy Empty Nester said...

Good morning dear Judy! I was not worried about sweet Jazzie - I knew Jazzie's Mama would take good care of her. If they did a video on how I feel about winter, it would be rated "R" for bad language. BTW... You get a lot done before 8:30! Have a great one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Jazzie is most definitely not anxious. love that little cow face.. animals first is my THING... love the look of that recipe, sounds perfect. Ha ha on Katie R for bad language, that is how bob and i feel about cold weather to. we escaped to Florida full time.
there is rarely a day i don't learn many new things on the internet. to much to type here.
bob and i have a schedule, and we rarely skip any thing on it. and have for 30 years. the dogs are ridge, when it it TIME to go out, they both refuse to sit until we do it. they do not allow for 10 more minutes of a program or book, if it is Time it is Time.

Joyce said...

I'm going to have to bake some squash now. That looks so good! We sang Be Thou My Vision at my daughter's wedding. We had a cello and guitar accompany and it was beautiful!

wildirishrose said...

Blackened pork chops and squash sounds like something that should be on my menu next week! Looks delicious!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Love that photo of Jazzie.
Please post your or re post your Butternut Squash soup recipe. Thank You :-))

Carla from The River said...

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, I just watched the video. I laughed out loud about the way she described the winter sports peoples. Yep, that is me. It is the gear, you just need the right winter gear. Love it. :-))
Have a great week from your Polar Bear Buddy!!

21 Wits said...

Oh my now I know what I want for dinner! That looks just delicious too. That cheery face is just super adorable too! It was a joy stopping by, take good care!

Arlene G said...

Those pork chops look yummy!! Finally having some fall like temps here in North Alabama. This year seems to have flown by!!

April said...

Wow...those pork chops are making my mouth water! No frost here in Ga. yet. In fact, it's 80 degrees here...for fall!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, I'm with you on waking at 4:30 and staying awake--I just hate that. I used to sleep like a log--now my go to sleep and stay sleeping button appears to be broken! I'll have to try that pork chop recipe as it sounds great to a gal that always looks for new ways to fix them. Have a great week. ♥

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Those pumpkins growing along the grow are so cute. Have a wonderful day. xoox Su

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness what time do you get up??? And with a nice size family I bet every month has good memories. I think music and food is good for the soul.

Bricks & Laurel said...

Oh wow, that recipe looks AMAZING! Got to try it. And so glad I'm not alone in the 4:30 wake-up thing. Nothing is worse than lying in bed, trying to calculate how many hours of sleep I've gotten!

Sandi said...

Yummy jalapenos! But the sight of those seeds is making me sweat!

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

Love that!

I am with you on not waking up at 4:30!! Good grief, who needs that?

TexWisGirl said...

jazzie is adorable. sweet beefer face, too. your pork chops looked great!

Wendy said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your food looks good and your dog obviously has no trouble finding a comfy bed :)

Terri D said...

That was a very cute video. Cautiously optomistic....made me laugh. I am very happy to be in Florida these past 26 winters! I enjoyed your Hodgepodge post!!

Anonymous said...

Frost already? Wow, that's hard to imagine. We're still in the 80's.
As always, I enjoyed your pictures!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

I agree, it seems strange that a computer can't just run off electricity. Enjoyed your pictures!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Loved reading the whole post and learning more about you. you dog certainly seems very relxed adnI love that last shot so much. Hope you have seen the series I amdoing on 'milking' of 200 cows!

Jean | said...

Love your hodgepodge posts, Judy! I, too, hate waking up at 4:30; consider sleeping till 5:00 or 5:30 "sleeping in."

Alex said...

I have a teeny suspicion you might be a 'morning' person! Perhaps clue is in your blog title... Enjoyed reading this, Judy :)

Denise said...

enjoyed this

EG CameraGirl said...

The road to the barn does look great for walking barefoot. Yes, why does a computer need a battery when they also have a plug for electricity? Fun post.

Buttons Thoughts said...

The barn and cow shot make me feel like home:) I would love to walk to the barn not sure about barefoot:)
Hug B

Bruce Clark said...

Great shot of the peppers and I really like the one of the dirt road and barn.

Vee said...

=D These are always great...such nifty tidbits tucked in. I see that you're serious about the bean diet. I am very impressed with all that you accomplish by 8:30 in the morning. You're my inspiration!

podso said...

Wow signs of frost all ready? That actually sounds good to me right now but I know for you it means winter is coming. The pork chops look good. I used to make them often and should try them sometimes for a change. I'm with you on the music.

Theresa said...

I am enjoying my jalapenos from my garden too:) I also made a "No Glove" mistake only once! My eyes burned for days! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those pork chops look yummy. That is strange about your computer. My last laptop battery had been getting hot so I took it out and it works just being plugged in. Actually our daughter uses it (no battery) since I got my new one 18 months ago. Hope your having a nice week. Love the cow :)

NanaDiana said...

LOL- Yeah--- well, first off- we KNOW Carla is (sorry- hope she doesn't hunt me down). GREAT post, Judy. It is good to be back to blogging and visiting again. I have missed my Wisconsin cohorts. That pork looks good to me! I don't do peppers so no burning for me! Hope you have a great Fall Thursday- xo Diana

Stephanie said...

Hi lovely lady! Your Hodgepodge posts are always delightful and bring a smile to my face :) I had to giggle about the peppers...I know what you mean.

Happy October! Hugs!

Ida said...

Wonderful "Hodgepodge" post. - Yeah rubbing your eyes when handling jalepeno's ....not so much fun.
I bet it would be fun to go barefoot down that road.
Cute shots of your dog & the cow.

Pamela Gordon said...

You do all that before 8:30??!! You must be up at 6. Since the mornings are darker I've fallen into my old habit of sleeping in until after 7 and the odd morning after 8. Not a good thing! And my days are dragging on since we've returned from visiting the grandkids just a week ago. I guess I need some motivation. If my feet didn't hurt too much I'd walk barefoot down that dirt lane with you. Nothing better. :) Have an enjoyable weekend.

J_on_tour said...

You get through lots of stuff in the morning by 08:30.

I was professionally told recently that my computer at 5 years old is almost vintage. I went in for a new battery as it was dropping like a stone. I've already had one battery replacement about 2 years ago.

Cheryl said...

I'm late for the HodgePodge...but I always enjoy reading these posts so here I am!

I'd love to play a game of Scrabble with you! And maybe eat those pork chops too. :)

"Be Thou My Vision" is a favorite here too. (Kati used it in her graduation slide show.)

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It was habaneros and Scotch bonnets from the greenmarket that taught me to wear gloves when cutting hot peppers. My fingers were burned for 2 days!

carol l mckenna said...

Great post! The cow is my favorite!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Stephanie said...

Love the red barn and the cow image.

A Colorful World said...

That blackened pork chops and butternut squash dinner looks scrumptious! I've never frozen jalapenos...only covered them in vinegar in a jar. Sounds like a good idea for some recipes! The gloves is a nice warning! :-) Lovely shots and enjoyed the hodgepodge1

eileeninmd said...

Hello, happy anniversary to all your children! I love your cute pup and the adorable cow. Thanks for the recipe! I am sorry I am so late commenting, I've been away. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Have a happy weekend!


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