Sunday, February 7, 2016

Praying for Others

 Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Wausau, WI

I was feeling quite inadequate last week when many of us took part in a special prayer and fasting for John, 'Nana Diana's' husband (see post). After all, although I'm a firm believer in God and his Son Jesus, and although I read my Bible and pray regularly, I still am me. I've got a silly sense of humor, I often laugh when others don't see anything funny, and my thoughts aren't  particularly what I would expect to find in a book entitled, 'Seriously Spiritual Thoughts.' 

One would expect the people who are at the top of the list to get a real audience with God, to be very sober, always heavenly-minded people. Surely they have a special 'in' with God when it comes to prayer and fasting.

But when I have those feelings of inadequacy and doubt, I have to always come back to this:  Jesus is human. He can relate to this, my life, me. Yes, he is also God, but He didn't stop being human when he ascended into heaven. That is so reassuring to me. He was human. And he is still human. Being human, he knows exactly what it's like for us who live in this fallen world. He's experienced the kinds of things that bother us, the doubts and fears we all feel. Being God, he knows all the thoughts of our minds, the intentions of our hearts. And he loves us. 

So we are told to come boldly to the throne of grace. Yes, even believers who feel totally inadequate to intercede for another.

I've been reminded that no one has a special deal with God because they're special. We have a special deal with God because HE is special. He knows our frame, that we are but dust, so it's not like he's waiting for us to accomplish great things for him. It's more like, when are we going to forget about ourselves, trust him, and let his Spirit work in and through us.

So I will continue to pray, although sometimes I'm tired and don't feel like praying; sometimes it feels like my prayers get stuck at the ceiling; sometimes I feel discouraged. But that's just feeling, not reality. The reality is that we have a merciful God who cares about us, and prayer is how we talk to him and share the concerns of our heart.

There are so many who need our prayers today. And although God doesn't need our prayers to motivate him, He has told us to pray, and does mysteriously work through the prayers of his people.

Matthew 20:1-16  reminds me that God doesn't have favorites, does not esteem one above the other, but is abundantly and amazingly gracious to ALL who put their trust in Him. So let's pray, remembering that we're not praying to the tooth fairy. We're praying to the Lord of the Universe.

Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Because that's what it's all about.)

Have a blessed Lord's Day,




The Cranky said...

Something to keep in mind: if God didn't have a sense of humour we wouldn't have creatures such as platypi and echidna... not to mention people. And consider the blue-footed boobie, that bird is surely the result of God chuckling. Frankly the best, most spiritual, people I've met are nearly always smiling and laughing... as one pointed out, the Bible does say to 'Rejoice in the Lord always.'

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amen and I agree 100 percent with every word spoken here.. the good news is Jesus is THE intercessor and also God and He is open to our every thought and word.

Susie said...

Judy, I love the church photos. Very beautiful church. I feel that when God hears us praying for others that it makes Him happy. He wants us to care for one another. Gosh some times when I am praying is almost routine, my daily prayers...I end up talking to God, like He didn't already see my day laid out before me. But since I was small, I have felt He is with me and always listening to me. I pray to be the woman He wants me to be. I pray for strength to be able to help others. See ???, I can't even talk about praying without going on and on. Now this prove God does have a sense of humor. ;) I love Him and He loves me. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Unknown said...

Thank you for this devotional! It was just what I needed to hear this morning! A gentle reminder that others feel "inadequate" too....and why we really aren't in God's eyes! Blessings, Angela

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

God's amazing grace pours out to us in everything. Thank you for your beautiful, honest thoughts about your walk with Him. ♥

Sylvia said...

Well said Judy! We are to pray for one another,leave it to God and trust Him because only He knows what is best for us.

Lorrie said...

"We have a special deal with God because HE is special." So very true. Great thoughts, Judy. Thank you for sharing.

Gayle said...

You captured the church architecture at its best.
Two things I relate to (among several)
Marching to a different step in the crowd: Christian writer and speaker,Joyce Landorf, always professed to the same and I always remember the gist of her prayer when her daughter brought home a boy: Dear Lord, is the this the one I must love?
And somewhere along the years I read this: When I can't pray, I become the prayer and God hears me. I find comfort in that.

Tom said...

lots of spires on this one

Alex said...

What a great post, Judy. I so identify with all you said, and love the way you say sometimes your prayers get stuck to the ceiling! (Like pancakes, at least when I try to toss them ;))
There's a song I like called One Hundred Thousand Angels By Your Side, in the Lyrics it describes how they (the angels) are there, but it's not realised... but I prefer to think of it being Jesus, we are not always aware, we think our prayers are inadequate often, but He is so close, right by our side.
Also, intention is everything.
We'll keep praying our prayers for Diana, John, and many others in our lives, and leave it to the Spirit to make them good! Solidarity, sisters!

Elizabethd said...

HE is special indeed, and loves us all equally, even when we feel unworthy.

Anne Payne said...

Beautiful photos of the cathedral!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

"Because HE is speacial"- truth! Lovely shots of the church. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Sunny Simple Life said...

That is an absolutely gorgeous church.

podso said...

Good thoughts here. It's not about who we are or how we act-it's about who He is! And lovely pictures of the church too.

Rose said...

You would be amazed at how often I think some of these thoughts...I guess we all do. But it was good to hear someone else voice them and the feeling of inadequacy.

Michelle said...

A wonderful post for this Sunday.

Sandi said...

Beautiful church!

Prayer is powerful.

Denise said...

very good post

Anonymous said...

Amen and amen!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous. i love the spires & they are so decorative. hope you are well. have a happy week! ( :

Deborah Montgomery said...

I like the verse that says the Holy Spirit intervenes for us when we don't know how to pray. Sometimes I really don't know how to pray for a particular situation, so that is comforting to me.

Anita Johnson said...

Amen, Judy. Keep praying. I do!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A nice church looks very pointy. A nice post

Cakes by Mother said...

Hi Judy,
Lovely to read this devotional this morning. We do all seem so insignificant when compared to the glory and wonder of our Heavenly Father. I am currently working on a talk for church as part of a set of talks on the life and times of Elijah. I have been studying the story where Elijah is holed up in a cave feeling very sorry for himself and God comes in the 'still small voice'. I have been very struck by the fact that Elijah, a great man of God who had achieved so many amazing things could still feel down, lost and a lonely. In that time God came in a gentle way and reached out to Elijah. What a comfort it is that he understands our ups and downs and our many inadequacies and continues to reach out to us. God bless.

J said...

One of the beautiful treasures that comes from blogging is the prayer community we share. I have been praying for Diana and John as well, and commend Debra for her fasting/praying initiative.

Cheryl said...

I appreciate the thoughts you have shared here today. All by His grace...

Daniela said...

How loving you are, my dearest Judy !
Have a blessed Monday,
sending love to you

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos and your message was spot on.


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