Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dark and Stormy Night, Wisconsin Barns and Good Fences

Sunrise on OO
Although it started out like this at 7 AM
(from my cell phone, as I was taking Abby home)...

...within about ten minutes it had completely clouded over and we had a gray day, all day (below).

It rained off and on during the day, settling the snow a bit, and the winds picked up and became quite wild.  Mr. C. was out of town, and Alert Dog, although she's a wonderful, loving and snuggly companion, wasn't designed for security. She always alerts me to anyone coming onto our property, but she is, after all, your typical party animal, inviting anyone to come in and be her new friend.

Semper Vigilans
(not exactly)

After dinner, I had turned on the TV to watch an old George Gently and fell asleep on the sofa. Don't ask me how I can fall asleep during a George Gently, because it's my favorite. Maybe it's because I'd already seen that particular episode at least three times.

Uh-oh. Vigilance is turning to Drowsiness.
She's fading fast.

Fortunately, I had been awake about a minute before the following occurred: 

All of a sudden, there was an ***EXPLOSION*** that shook the house. No, really, it did. My brave Alert Dog came quickly trotting into the living room to leap up onto the sofa beside me. I lay perfectly still for a minute, imagining at first that someone had kicked in the basement door. Then I thought maybe a shotgun (or a cannon?) had been fired. Or maybe something Mr. C. had stored in the basement (like paint?) exploded. At last my more reasonable self kicked in and I thought, 'Ah, I wonder if a branch on that old maple tree broke off in the wind and fell onto the deck.'

Sure enough.  I looked outdoors at the tree in the dark, and there lay the branch, in several pieces on the deck. Even with a flashlight, I could not see whether or not it had hit the roof (that would not have been a good thing), but at least I had found the source of the huge explosion.

 With all the woodpecker activity,
we should have known that
it was only a matter of time.

After examining the fallen branch, Alert Dog and I returned to the relative safety of our living room and waited for Mr. C. to arrive home.  There's a lot more of that tree to fall down during the spring. We had it trimmed a few years ago, but the branch we were most worried about falling on our house was unable to be reached by the trimming guy. So I don't know what happens now. We had a new roof put on the house last summer, and I hope the tree doesn't fall on it.

I'm so thankful that the branch (which wasn't a giant redwood or anything, but still was about 11 inches in diameter) didn't fall into the leaded glass window, which it surely could have done.

 I would greatly miss that old window.

Why do dark and stormy nights always seem scarier when Mr. C. is away.

Do you like staying alone at night way out in the middle of nowhere?

When it's dark and stormy?

And windy?

And stormy?

And dark?

And the power goes out?  

Fence on D

 Barn on D

Do you have a favorite HOME ALONE story? Dredging my memory bank, I can think of a few from my childhood too, but will save those for another time. How about you?

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Loving Daylight,



Denise said...

I do not want to be alone at night during a storm. such a cute dog.

September Violets said...

I have an alert dog too ... now he even barks at people just walking past the house :[ So glad your house was safe after the big branch fell down. That's a beautiful leaded window ... yes, keep that safe! We have a large sprawling white pine in our backyard that loses entire branches in ice/wind storms. I keep thinking it's going to go over, but so far, so good!

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, I am glad the tree did not go thru your roof. Your sweet dog is a good companion while you are home alone. I was home alone a few times and had people banging on my front door numerous times when their cars break down or get stuck in the mud in the middle of the night. We live in a wooded area and there are not many houses. Luckily at that time we had three dogs, two labradors and one golden. They were barking so much, I am sure the people were scared to death. I did call a family member for them. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

Dicky Bird said...

I am always worried when windy too as we have 2 old maple trees very close to our house. We too had them "lightened" up...but, you never know. Glad it didn't take out that beautiful window. I like how you rationalized all the possibilities of what it could be...I can image your laying on the couch...thinking before moving. Looks like a or some busy woodpeckers.

TexWisGirl said...

glad you figured it out and all was okay (relatively!) laughing at alert dog! :)

Tracy Batchelder said...

For some reason, I've never been afraid to stay home alone, even as a child. Of course, that doesn't mean there haven't been a few scary things happen, like the time the big hail storm came through and it was just me and my young daughter at night...out in the middle of the country. When the strong wind and noise of hail ended and we emerged from the "safety" of an interior room, I tried to assess the damage outside, but it was pitch black and I could see nothing. The next morning, I saw the trees were stripped of leaves, the yard was pocked with holes, the newly planted garden was nothing but shreds, windows were broken, and we needed a new roof among other things. My husband was shocked to see the damage when he got home and very thankful we were okay.

Susie said...

Judy, You sound like me, I really would rather my husband be with me when it's nasty weather. We had a willow tree that had a few limbs like that...we called it the woodpecker condo. That tree's been long gone. Your dog has the right idea, let's just nap till the weather is nicer. LOL. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

Marcia said...

At least you found what made the noise. My problem is that sometimes I have no idea what has happened. Hunting through the house turns up nothing amiss even though I know the noise was in the house. Nerve wracking for sure.

Arlene G said...

Oh my goodness, I would have had a panic attack. I hope your roof is ok. Once as a child, I woke up in the middle of the night and a man was standing at the foot of my bed. I screamed, Mother came running and turned the light on. Well we lived in an old farm house and you had to go through our bedroom to get to the bathroom. Daddy had come in late and had put his jacket and cap on the cannonball bedpost at the end of my bed as he went to the bathroom. So no man, just a dressed Cannonball bed post. I can still remember just being so scared!! It is very windy here this morning , ushering in another spell of cool weather before spring truly arrives.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have too many home alone scary stories to tell here, but a quick one is at age 12 my brother got lost in the mountains of KY, we searched and searched, he was 8 years old and loved the woods. my parents decided to drive around and up the mountain they thought he had climbed, leaving he HOME ALONE in case he showed up. it was dark and fear is my middle name. they came home to me sittig on the front porch with daddy's loaded double barrell shotgun across my lap. they had my brother with them and he was in trouble for goint up the mountain and i was for loading the shotgun.
yes i would be nevous home..alone..dark..windy... and my first thought would have been the same as yours, some one kicked in the basement door..

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Omg, what a scare!!! Judy, I'm so glad that you and your sweet pooch are ok! Also, that gorgeous window. These things always happen to me when the Mr. is not home. Have a good week.

Cheryl said...

I am not afraid to stay alone...although I do not like wind whether I am alone or in a crowd!!

However, there was a time that I did not like to stay alone. In fact, I was just telling my daughter this story yesterday! I grew up living in neighborhoods and with overprotective parents who rarely left me alone. So on the first night back after our short honeymoon, Ron went to his night shift job, leaving me alone (yikes!) in an old creeky farmhouse (yikes!) out in the country (yikes!) that was only a couple of yards from the road (yikes...people out there!) with no curtains on the windows yet (yikes...people might see in!) and with spiders and egg sacs hanging there in said curtainless windows (yikes...arachnophobia!). Oh my, but it was a long night. I didn't turn any lights on (so that no one could see in) and I (quite literally) crawled to the bathroom when I needed to go. Imagine my new husband's surprise when he came home to a basket case of a bride!!

Jenny Woolf said...

I think I might invest in a Guard Dog to keep alert Dog company. Though, to be fair, nothing can guard against a rickety tree branch. It's good that you r lovely window escaped.

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

How scary! We are surrounded by trees and when it is windy I always am a little worried!

Elizabethd said...

That must have been very frightening. Good thing you had Alert Dog for company, if nothing else!

Joanne Noragon said...

Beautiful shots, as ever. That window is a treasure; hope you can remove the tree and leave it safe. The weather is moving across NE Ohio now. Hope of spring springs eternal....

Carla from The River said...

I am happy all is well.

I do love your window. I actually love your entire house and land. You have an amazing place.

When I graduated high school I was living with my aunt and uncle in Southern Wisconsin. I just got home from work and I was the first home. I thunder storm brewed up and a tornado warning was issued. "Help", said little me to myself. I was brave, I stood in the porch watching branches and lawn chairs go by. And then came my uncle Paul driving in. He knew I would be scared and he came home. Of course he asked me why I was standing in the porch and not in the basement. ;-) I, of course asked him how could he drive in such a storm. ;-))) I was so glad he did!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Ooh quite scary ... but so pleased all is well.

I do like all the photo's you have shared, and that window is just lovely ...

Take Care - keep safe

All the best Jan

DeniseinVA said...

Reading this gave me the chills, especially as I am looking at a very large tree overhanging our deck, and every now and again a 'small' branch breaks off and hits it. This has given me pause for thought. Your little dog is so sweet. Love all your photos, love that beautiful window and so glad you, your dog and that beautiful window are okay.

A Joyful Chaos said...

Love that barn!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, I'm so glad that limb didn't hit your lovely leaded glass window! There are many tales that happen around here when Grayden is away! Birds down the chimney into the house recall a night of terror for me. It seems silly now that I think about it, but I didn't want to fall asleep with a bird flying around the house. A friend came over and rescued the poor little thing from the crazy woman with a broom. ♥

Debby Ray said...

Wow...that is one scary story! Living in the woods with many very tall trees so close to the house is something I can truly relate to. So glad it did not damage your home or your deck and you are all safe and sound. So last week in hodgepodge I referred to my home alone/lock out story but speaking of trees coming down, it reminds me of Sept. of 2004 (I think) when Hurricane Fran came through here. Jim was working, I was home alone at night, the power had gone out so there were no sounds to be heard...except for the cracking trees as the mighty winds blew them over. Our home sits in a clearing just a little larger than the house itself and at any moment I was expecting one of them to crash on the house. I didn't know where the safest place was in the house since trees were on all four sides. I just remember lying across the bed and praying that one of them didn't fall. We did only lose a few pine trees that were way in the front, away from the house...thank the good Lord!

Rose said...

Oh, my, I did enjoy this. I love that shot--the second one. And I enjoyed them, love, love that barn. And the comments have been fun to read, too.

It has been a long time since I spent a night alone. Not since 2005 when my husband was in the hospital for 5 nights. I have never minded being alone before that...well, a lot of the times, the kids were here. But young.

But I think you are referring to scary about one when I am not alone. Here a couple months or so ago, Roger had done gone to bed. I am always up till all hours. Lets just say that to go to bed by 1:30-2:00 is good for me. I was in the kitchen getting ready to head on to bed...and there was just a little noise outside...nothing loud. I don't know why, but it absolutely terrified me for just a minute. I have never in my life been so afraid of anything...

I have alway been one to if I hear something, I go investigate. If it is outside, I get the flashlight, but I don't turn it on....I go outside and listen and look around, first, before ever turning the light on. If I don't see anything, then I turn the light on. It is amazing what you can see just by streetlight and moonlight...

Back to that night, I did not go investigate...really, there was nothing to investigate. the noise was so small. I still don't know why it had that effect on me...I thought to myself...'you are surely not going to become like that, are you?'....and gave myself a talking too.

Linda Kay said...

Judy, storms can be very frightening. I'm always afraid I'll be sound asleep when a storm comes through and whisks me away!

Lynne said...

Frightening . . . and it always seems to feel scariest when we are alone . . .
Happy the leaded window survived and of course you and the dog too . . .

I don't have any scary stories really but during my seventeen years living alone
after my late husband died, the one thing that kept me somewhat calm was keeping
his filet fishing knife under the bed. Now, do I think I would have ever used it,
I will never know, but it did grant me feelings of security during those nights alone.

~Pam~ said...

Hi Judy!
I am new to your blog, very nice..I will be back!
Take care!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Our dog is no comfort all during storms because he starts shaking and likes to hide. I got him for company at night when hubby was still working shift work at the firehall but as a protector - he's not.
The woodpeckers sure did a number on the branch that fell and I'm so glad nothing happened to your leaded window either.
As for a scary story, my dear friend who will be 96 this year lives out in the country in a house on her own. A few years back she could hear noises in her backyard and things being knocked over. Not afraid at all, she turned the light on and charged outside only to find half a dozen cows that had got loose from a nearby farm and were milling around in her yard. No way I would have gone outside. :-)

Terri D said...

No home alone stories to share, but our power did go out two nights ago. I am a light sleeper. When it went out, the back-up batteries on the computers in Joe's office started beeping and woke me up. No power in the entire neighborhood, including the street lights. I called in the outage (it was just before 1:00 a.m.). I went back to bed, to find Joe still sleeping. In about 45 minutes, the power came back on and that is when Joe woke up! LOL I wasn't alone, but might as well have been! Ha!

Red Rose Alley said...

That must have startled you, Judy. I was reading the whole thing til I got to the end, great story. :) It does look like a gloomy day, and even a bit foggy. I love overcast, rainy, and foggy days, but I'm right in the middle of town with lots of neighbors, so not quite as scary for me. Your dog pictures are wonderful. It looks like he's a loyal friend. I'm glad that old tree didn't do too much damage to your home.


Red Rose Alley said...

Ooooops, I just noticed Alert Dog is a she. :)
Love these pictures of her, such close-up ones.

Anita Johnson said...

Oh that alert dog. It was really windy here too and I said to my not so alert husband, " I think I heard a 4 shots near the house" . I finally said, at least mark the time in your mind, it was spooky. Sure enough, next morning we find a tree in the front yard, it's upper branches hitting the house as it landed. No damage....I think I wouldn't have been so calm if Bruce hadn't been home. Glad your window was safe!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Sounds like it was hit by lightning!

Your pup is so sweet. I am in PA and we warmed up to 60 degrees for two days / it is to snow today and back to normal but last evening we had a thunderstorm! Now before the thunder even hits my dogs sense it and immediately come running to me. Neither of them like it and in a summer storm I can't even go to the bathroom without them coming along.

This summer was not too bad....the one before it had several VERY scary storms with close lightning of them hitting a gas processing plant which was quite dangerous at the time!

Christine said...

Morning Judy and don't things always seem much less scary in morning?! I was born a scaredy cat and spent many nights in fear and trembling waiting for the shadows to morph into robbers and murderers and still don't like being home a storm...on a remote farm! So I know you'll sympathise when last night i got a call from hubby saying he'd missed the last flight home...
But all things work together for good and he's home safe now!

Pamela Gordon said...

I'm glad the tree limb, which was quite large, didn't do any damage to your house but I think the whole tree should come down soon. I have been alone at night many times during severe storms and don't like it one bit. I do a lot of praying for safety. It really is scary to be alone in the country but I'm grateful for good neighbours a stones throw away should I need them. Take care.

Karen said...

I know that scary feeling at night. We had a tree fall on our house many years ago. I couldn't imagine what it was because it wasn't storming!

Tanya Breese said...

oh my gosh, how scary! i'm glad that that window wasn't broke either, or that you were hurt! no, i don't like sleeping alone in the house, at any time!

Jean | said...

No, I would not like being alone out in the middle of nowhere on a stormy night. I cannot sleep on a windy night. Like Cheryl, I just don't like wind.

Debbie said...

i love storms, safe storms....lot's of rain and i don't mind thunder and lightening. i like having the hubs home, not because i am afraid, just because i like having someone to cuddle with!!!!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful wintry shots and fence ~ favorite though is your doggie~ precious!

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Stephanie said...

Oooh, I would much rather have my husband with me. I enjoy storms, but I enjoy them much more with the love of my life by my side :)

Your photos are always a delight. Enjoy your day, dear Judy. Hugs!

This N That said...

You're probably as safe there as you would be in the city on a night like that..Ones imagination tends to make it worse than it is sometimes..Falling limbs don't help much..That limb looks pretty hollow..We have had some doozy storms lately..ENjoy your day...

Anonymous said...

Love the blush in the sky. And your dog is sweet.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, so glad nothing was seriously damaged and you are not hurt! Your heart must have stopped beating for a bit there.....I know exactly what it is like to be alone out in the middle of nowhere when the power goes out.....And things always happen when the Mr. is traveling far away. I used to have mellow dogs like yours, but my two American Eskimos are too vigilant...usually when I am alone and they will bark all night long. You learn to be brave, as you well know! So glad your beautiful window is safe and that all is well. Lovely photos of the countryside and your sweet companion. xx K

Anonymous said...

My goodness - what a scare! But you crafted it all in a wonderful story:) My favorites among all your great shots are the first one because of the contrast of sun and snow in one pic, and the glass window in the door - beautiful!
With your last comment to me you caught me in a mistake I made with scheduling my posts I had that one planned for a few weeks later, so I will come back to that, because you brought up a very interesting question!

LV said...

That definitely would be a wake up call. I do not have a dog, but am a light sleeper. I keep my trees trimmed for this very reason.

Ida said...

Oh my that tree limb falling would have scared me too. So happy for you that it missed your house and that gorgeous window. Your dog is so cute. Nice fence shot. I don't mind being alone at home (most of the time). I think the worst time I ever had was when I accidentally locked myself out of the house at night and had to figure out a way to get back in. Thankfully one window in the house was cracked slightly and I managed to pull it open and crawl back inside.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

It is Murphy's Law that those things always seem to happen when the hubby is away, isn't it?

I have a funny tale from babysitting days as a teenager. I was babysitting 3 kiddos - a set of twins about 5 years old and a baby. I had gotten them all down to bed and was watching t.v. I think it was something scary as I remember feeling freaked out and jumpy already. And then I kept hearing sounds upstairs that sounded like heavy footsteps and other movement coming right from the baby's room. In my mind it was an axe murderer for sure - but of course I was hoping it was just one of the twins up and about. So I grabbed a frying pan (truly) and went up the stairs. I looked in on the twins and they were sound asleep. I heard the noise again coming from the baby's room and thought I can't let anyone hurt that sweet little bug - so I was amazingly brave for 14 and went charging into that room ready for war! Turns out - the baby rocks back and forth in her sleep and was rocking the crib around. Thanks so much for informing me baby's parents!!! I swear I lost 10 years off of my life that night. But when i look back I think I was darn brave to go in - instead of calling my Dad to come do it. Lol Hope you can get the rest of your tree issue worked out before it hurts your roof - or your security dog!! ;)

Daniela said...

I wonder how frightened you felt, my darling, a storm is always so alarming !
But you were in good company, weren't you, my dearest Judy ?!?

May your weekend be blessed with joy, sending so much love to you and to your so tender Alert Dog !
Sending hugs across the Ocean, with so much gratitude

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, I love your sweet furbaby! Great post and photos.Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

Lea said...

My husband once worked for the electric power company, so he was often called out at night when severe storms came through. I certainly didn't like being alone, but over the years I learned to tolerate it.
Beautiful dog photos! Nice barn, too.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Good thing the tree did not injure anyone when it fell. Gorgeous new header. xoxo Su

genie said...

I do not know where to begin...I could write an epistle about this post, but after reading so many comments I will cut it short. Your leaded window is to die for. What I would give for a beautiful one like it. And then the woodpeckers. We lost a tree to them, but it was out by the barn, thank goodness. The one that fell across the Bridge to Somewhere did not hurt the bridge, again thank goodness. That winter scene is heavenly. It makes your rugged weather all worth while in my mind. It’s beautiful. Finally, the barn. Are those stones for the foundation and lower section? If it is, all I can say is WOW! I have yet to have seen one like that around here that I can recall. Hope all is well with you all and your “protector. Have a happy and sunny Sunday. genie

Tom said...

Thanks for sharing those cold winter Wisconsin scenes. That window is a delight. Judy please hurry on back soon.

Martha said...

Did you have to check to see if you were still wearing skin after that huge explosion? I'd have probably jumped out of mine and found it still laying on the couch upon my return to the living room.
Love the barns

A Colorful World said...

A scary night indeed! And Alert Dog sounds like a real pussycat! :-) Glad the branch didn't hit the roof or that beautiful glass window!

Judy S. said...

I was home alone during our last earthquake which was 15 years ago. Actually I was more worried about family who were at work and glad that I'd stayed home from a sewing class that morning. It was weird to see our car jumping around in the garage though.

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty window. Hubby never seems to be home when odd things happen. Like the time we got straight-line winds (a tornado without the circular motion), when a neighbor's large air compressor left his garage via the roof, and when lightning struck near our house, the power went off (and I happened to be in the garage for some reason and it sounded like a direct hit) and our alarm siren went off above my head! Thankfully, I've never been "in the middle of nowhere" in the middle of the night. Beautiful Alert Dog. I remember when I was home alone as a kid (teen), and I was sure someone was going to get into the house through the basement. I had nightmares about that basement for years!


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