Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hodgepodging a Blue Moon

Join Joyce and the Gang

From this Side of the Pond
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. Did you watch the solar eclipse? Your thoughts? Sun Chips, Moon Pies, Starburst candies, a Blue Moon beer, a Sunkist orange, or a Milky Way candy bar...what's your favorite eclipse related snack on this list?

I didn't watch the eclipse, exactly, but watched 'dusk' coming early and going away again and saw eclipse patterns on the back boardwalk.

One of our sons and his family drove to the PATH OF TOTALITY and observed the eclipse. They thought it was a great experience. I heard that one kid laid a large sheet of white paper on the ground and held a colander above it. That was sure a clever idea! I'll do that next time around - although it would mean driving to the east coast, I hear. 

I'd take a Sunkist orange, or maybe the Starburst candies. Nothing can eclipse them in the sweet/tart/chewy department. Okay, that was lame.

As I was aiming my camera at these cattle, the owner hollered at me, 'There's an eagle nest in that tree. It's a lot more interesting than my cattle.' I hollered back, 'Thanks, but I have an eagle nest too, and I don't have cattle.' (particularly not beautiful Highland and Angus).

2. What are you 'over the moon' about these days? What's something you enjoy doing every 'once in a blue moon'?

I can think of nothing that I'm particularly 'over the moon' about. And once in a blue moon, I enjoy going to a good movie. I love having the family together, which is probably my most over-the-moon experience, and we'll get to see a lot of family this weekend when our granddaughter gets married in South Dakota.

3. Tell us about something in the realm of science that interests you. How do you feed that interest?

Physics interests me in that I can plug in the vacuum cleaner and it works. I try to avoid feeding that interest too often.

Medical science interests me in that joint implants have advanced so much since my dad had his first hip replacement in the Middle Ages. I suppose that might be physics also.

Anyway, I feed that interest (and the surgeon) by making sure to get one every couple years.

4. What are a few things you remember about going back to school as a child?

I remember going to Rice Lake with my mom for that yearly back-to-school shopping trip. My mom and I had differing ideas about shopping. She wanted me to try on ten blouses to find just the right one. I wanted to quickly flip through the rack to the one I could tell I wanted without all that trying on bit. But when I was a kid, I reluctantly used Mom's method of clothes shopping. Now I use mine. I'll know it when I see it. And I'll buy it. But not often. I hate clothes shopping.

5. I've seen several versions of this around the net so let's make one of our own...share with us five words that touch your soul and briefly tell us why.

Mom or Grandma (I shouldn't have to explain that to any mom - or grandma.)
Spring (I shouldn't have to explain that to anyone who lives north of the Mason/Dixon line.)

Forgiven (See graphic)
Joy (See graphic)
Peace (See graphic)

found on Pinterest

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Jazzie, the sweet grandpuppy, reached her expiry date last week. She was showing signs of waning health and being in pain. The cute pup you see on the left is how she looked shortly after we first met her at the local animal shelter, and the upper right photo is one I took during the family reunion at our place a couple weeks ago. Jazzie would have been 13 years old on Halloween. She was one sweet dog. Her family and we will miss her.


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Tommy & Smokey,
refusing to admit that they're getting too big for that box

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Tanna said...

So sorry for the loss of Jazzie. I know she will be sorely missed.

Love the photo of the Highland and Angus cattle!! The Highland is not a common site (at least down here). I'm with you... family gatherings take the cake. blessings ~ tanna

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Fun comment from the farmer. I love the photo of the cattle.
Best wishes traveling to the wedding.

Atticus tried the colander trick here. It worked.

Sending a hug about Jazzie, she was a beautiful dog.


Arlene G said...

I love that highland angus as well..they are so pretty! Sorry for the loss of your grand dog. He was a beauty as well. I love the picture of you grandson with him.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, so sorry about the loss of sweet Jazzie. My prayers for you and the family. Our furbabies are part of the family and will be missed. I love the shot of the cattle and the barn. We missed the eclipse, it was cloudy here. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have tears and my heart hurts for the loss of Jassy, so beautiful and I know the family hurts with her loss. I am with you on shopping for clothes. I look until I see one I want, I try it on and leave, sometimes I try 4 on and leave with none. I only shop for what I need, and don't like to flip through sale racks. my friend and I would go shopping 40 years ago and she would be flipping every hanger on every rack, even in smaller or larger sizes. made me crazy. I would have said the same thing to the farmer. I much prefer cows over eagles and think we should change our nation bird to national Cow, the one with the horns will do

21 Wits said...

"Life is always better with animals!" Even those cows are adorable looking into the camera. That red barn though is just beautiful. Enjoy everyday!

Empty Nester said...

I was fine until the end, then I teared up. Sooo sorry for the loss of such a sweet and beloved pup. We were in the path of totality. Before it happened someone asked if I would have driven to see it and I responded with a hearty nope. WRONG! That thing was amazing and I would have been upset with myself for not going. Thankfully, all I had to do was go outside in the front yard. :) I could have written your #4 answer nearly word-for-word. BTW- Maggie is in the hospital with a Pitocin drip and is at 4 cm. Looks like we'll have a baby today!

Debby Ray said...

Those crescent shaped shadows created by the eclipse were awesome. Several other folks I know captured some as well...why didn't I think if that? I know, because it was too sunny! Oh well...maybe 7 years from now, if I'm still kicking! I am sorry to hear about sweet Jazzie. It is always hard to lose one of our fur babies. I am sure she was well loved. Enjoy the rest of your week, my friend!

Mrs.T said...

From what I understand, 7 years from now will be a good opportunity for us in New England to see the eclipse. I didn't pay enough attention this time around, though my daughters did and -- I hope the one who blogs will post about what her family did. Those crescent shaped shadows were amazing and I wish I'd thought of looking for them.

Sorry to hear of the loss of Jazzie. Hope you will have safe travels and a wonderful time at the wedding.

Chatty Crone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cathy said...

So sorry to hear about Jazzie. She's so beautiful and it's so hard to lose our pets.

Love your pictures as always. I'd like to see the cattle and the eagles! lol

I don't like clothes shopping either and when I do find something I like, I usually buy it in several colors so I don't have to pick something else out.

maddie/cadesmimi said...

Aw, so sorry to hear about Jazzie. She was a beautiful dog.
Your pictures and answers are always entertaining. Thanks for both :)
Kathy (Reflections)

ellen b. said...

Ahh Judy, sorry about the loss of Jazzie.
Love the conversation you had with the neighbor.
Great words and explanation. That's a great quote from Wright.
Enjoyed your hodgepodge and yippee for a wedding this weekend! Congrats to all.

podso said...

Very sad about sweet Jazzie. What a pretty dog. I was noticing your collection of RIP pets on the sidebar. A beautiful red barn and lovely cows to gaze upon. I don't think anything can beat family time for over the moon things. Have a great time at the wedding!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I enjoyed watching the eclipse her. We had about 98% coverage. So sorry about Jazzie. xo Laura

Chatty Crone said...

We did get glasses and watched the eclipse - but we were 97% - I think I saw the whole affect on tv better. Some in your family got to see the real deal!
Moon pies - I am bad.
I love the things you said you did as a child - things have changed so since we were kids.
Love your words.
Your pictures are gorgeous as usual. Love the barn, the flowers, and the cattle! Your grands are so cute.
I was so sad to hear that your family had to put Jazzie down - I can't imagine our Disco's dying. Hugs to them.

Nonnie said...

I'm so sorry to read of the loss of that beautiful dog, Jazzie. I'm with you on clothes shopping. I know it when I see it. And I know what works for me. Your pictures are always beautiful. Sometimes on our way home from church, there is a group of Texas Longhorns by the fence. I'm going to try to get a pic of them to share. How cool to see an eagle's nest in your yard.

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear about the loss of Jazzie. Always so hard to lose a pet even if they have reached their expiry date! I love your story behind the picture of the cows! Have a great time at the wedding.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Didn't see much of the eclipse here, too cloudy, and my little paper thing with the hole in it didn't work too successfully. I've been enjoying seeing the pictures of it though. Sorry about your sweet grand- dog.
I love the back to school shopping that involves a new notebook and fresh pencils. I still get myself some every year!
Blessings, Deborah
ps. I had to look up The Four Yorkshiremen after seeing your comment on Debby Ray's blog. Funny!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Lovely eclipse photos in your neck of the woods, Judy. Very pretty shadows. We watched through a pinhole-I'm sure your family enjoyed the totality eclipse. That's awesome! So sorry about Jazzie. Such a sweet looking dog. Have a fun time at the wedding. ♥

Michelle said...

So sorry for the loss of Jazzie. Pets are like family.

Linda said...

Awww on sorry. I love the photo of the cattle. Enjoyed your answers, Judy. Safe travels, friend.

Terri D said...

Ah, so sorry about Jazzie. I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge!!

Lynne said...

Always enjoy your Hodgepodge . . .
(However, I do not remember everything for comments though!)
I saw a sliver through glasses. Quite awesome,
Chocolate covered peanuts
Enjoy granddaughters wedding
Sad about Jazzie
Makes me wonder about (the when) for Snickers
(longer sleeps, doesn't awaken easily has me curious)
Tommy Smokey pic scores again . . .

Creations By Cindy said...

I am so sorry Judy about the loss of Jazzie. Hugs to you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Theresa said...

SO many sweet pictures! SO sorry about sweet Jazzie:( Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Jean | said...

Judy, so sorry about Jazzie. Pets need a longer lifespan. Love the picture of Tommy and Smokey!

Linda Kay said...

Judy, such wonderful and clear pictures on your site. Thanks for sharing, and sorry to hear of your loss.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Oh so sorry to hear about Jazzie. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet.

As to the eclipse, my oldest is in Missouri / he traveled 2 1/2 hours to get to a totality site.

Here we were supposed to have 80 percent coverage so I thought that twilight would happen or something...went out with the camera and took a few shots of the sun around that time and they all looked the same and the only thing that happened was that the light changed a bit...a sort of yellowish glow that we might have during a thunderstorm.

Had WAY more drama the next day during a storm :)

Lady Linda said...

Good evening Judy...loved reading your post. The eclipse put on a big show here in Oregon. We were at 99% where I live. It was really cool. Sorry for your loss...hugs.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We only had a partial eclipse and they was so much hype about not watching that I decided not to. I'm glad your son went to see it. So sorry to hear about Jazzie.

Cindy said...

Oh, Jazzie was beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss. I work in a 3-story building and a bunch of us went up on the roof to see the eclipse. (We got about 93% here in Seattle.) We shared glasses and film negatives and cereal box projectors and colanders... it really was an exciting event! I love how the Lord used His creation to bring this country together, even if it was for just an afternoon.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sorry for your loss- I know my cat is just like a kid to me. I did a pretty blotchy job of capturing the eclipse, but I did try. Wasn't much to it.

Have a blessed week!


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