Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hodgepodging Insomnia

 Getting the Christmas Tree

Join Joyce and the Gang

 She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and join in!

1.  What's something blogging has taught you about yourself?
I find blogging to be much more difficult with cats than with dogs.

Tommy, inserting himself into the conversation

2.  Leftovers...are you in the 'reheat and eat' camp or the 'put them in the fridge until they spoil and then toss them' camp? What's your favorite thing to have leftover? What can you not abide as a leftover?

I'm totally in the reheat and eat camp, as long as the leftovers don't get shoved to the back of the refrigerator and resurface later with fur on them.  I try to keep track of leftovers, but sometimes... I mean, when the refrigerator has a ton of produce in it, it's not that easy! ANYway, my favorite thing to have leftover is beef pepper steak. What I can't abide as a leftover is anything eggy. Ewww.

 View from Highway O

3. 'Me time'...your thoughts?

My 'me time' is divided between 'God and me time' and 'cats and me time' - in that order. I read a lot during the day - and again at night when I can't get to sleep or stay asleep. My brother told me that he read that sleep deprivation is the No. 1 factor (even above diet and exercise!) in predicting (or getting?) dementia. I wish I could figure out a way to sleep more and better. I also pray when I can't sleep, so at least that's a good thing. Now you know what I'm doing in the wee hours between 3:30 and 5:30, or for about two hours after I've had five hours of sleep. I then usually get another hour or so of sleep after that, before Tommy wakes me. What would be my favorite thing to do during 'me time'? Find answers.

An old barn near Hayward, WI

4. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?

I think they simply want someone who will listen to them, someone they know they can trust not to take the conversation beyond the two of us. And maybe someone who will help them mull things over and see things from a different perspective.

 Sunrise on November 28, 2017
The heavens declare the glory of God

5. If your childhood had a smell what would it be? Tell us why.

Well oddly enough, the first thing that came to mind was the solution used in the milking parlor to dip cows' teats in before putting the milkers on them. That iodine? smell mixed with whatever other cleaning stuff was going on in the barn. And probably cow bodies mixed in. For someone who spent little time in the barn except for occasionally doing milk dishes, it's remarkable that it was my very first 'smell' memory after reading that question. My second would be furniture polish. I was the designated polisher and had that job every Saturday morning before I could go play. I don't know what my younger sister was doing during that time, but maybe cleverly escaping Saturday morning chores. I might have been watching cartoons while dusting the living room furniture very, very slowly.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

So far I have the Advent wreath ready and waiting, the real Christmas tree on the porch up and lit, a star that a friend gave me last year is hanging on the porch wall, and the little fake tree is up in the living room. I have it decorated with lights only, but will probably take them down until the family is here at Christmas. Why? Because Tommy and Smokey enjoy getting into the tree, dragging the strings of lights down, etc. I really don't mind.


"You have heard of the supposed War on Christmas. But the real war is not about whether retailers use the word Christmas during December or not. In fact it is not even the Christmas season until Christmas day anyway. The real war is happening in many American churches. Its not a war on Christmas, its a war on Advent, and I want to enlist you on the Advent side. We need an Advent army that fights not with boycotts or browbeating, but with an invitation to a quieter, older path." READ entire article.

The chimes went wild yesterday.


Smokey, watching me make supper

I hope you're having a great week, everyone!


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Elizabethd said...

What a beautiful cat Smoky is.

Empty Nester said...

Kitties do love Christmas trees, don't they? Tucker likes to sleep under them. I haven't even gotten mine down yet but I hope to by this weekend. I've been crazy with the Etsy shop and my very smart decision to clean out the nursery closet while trying to set up the Etsy stuff in the other bedroom since Mother has gone back to her house. Yep. Right here at Christmas time. I'm brilliant. Ha! I love the picture of the tree in the red truck. I usually look for Christmas cards with snow, a red truck, and Christmas trees on them. Will you have all the family home this year? We will. I think that's part of the reason I decided on dealing with the closets so they can take the rest of their 'stuff.' I keep telling them I am not a storage unit. LOL Have a wonderful Wednesday, Judy!

Arlene G said...

I am also one who prays when I wake up at night and cannot sleep. It is good to know there are other night time prayer warriors.

Stephanie said...

Oh Judy, I couldn't help but giggle when I saw your cat inserting itself into the photo. Mine do that every time I pull out the camera to take pictures for my blog - HA! :)

Thank you for a lovely post, my friend. Hugs!

Vee said...

Oh I do not like that dementia~insomnia connection. 🧐

Your kitties are making life challenging. 😏 I have a fun video for you that you may enjoy. I’ll send it via email.

Susie said...

Judy, I always love your pictures. Your cats are so curious. :):) I had to laugh about the left overs. I truly hate wasting food. So we eat left -overs here and some I try to change up a bit. Any veggie can go into soup. The furry things, made me laugh out loud. I used to tease my daughters about saving things till they transform...then asking them," what were you going to name this little fellow?" LOL We have all done that I guess. I really try to go thru every container in the fridge. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
ps aren't we lucky with this good weather:):)

ellen b. said...

A nice combo of fun and deep answers to your podge. I'm not fond of fuzzy, either. Those awake hours in the middle of the night find me praying, too. Hope the rest of your week goes well.
~The Happy Wonderer

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with you on reheat/eat again. when I cook I always make something for at least 2 meals and 3 if I can. bob loves reheat food as good as fresh, and I don't like to cook, so that is a good thing. when I make chili or veggies soups, I make enough to eat twice and freeze for two meals. ha ha on the cats and the tree. I don't have a cat, but Jake interferes with my computer by nudging my leg, or nudging my hand off the mouse when he wants me to do his bidding.

Lisa said...

loved so many of your answers today!! I enjoyed all of your pictures. We have a cat that looks very similar to Smokey. Does Smokey love to sit in your lap?

Chatty Crone said...

Photos first - goes without saying. Your cats helping you are so cute. I watched my neighbors cats last week at her house - while allergic - I thought they were cute. I am not a big left over fan. Your Christmas tree I bet is beautiful. I am halfway through the book you suggested to me - you are much smarter than I am! LOL sandie

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I always look forward to reading your posts and enjoying today's was no exception. Loved seeing all the pictures and remembering those days when my Siamese baby would jump up in my lap when I was the most busy. She loved to assist with my sewing. Now, about the insomnia info. I have also started reading a paper book instead of an ebook after getting in bed to help me sleep and sometimes it works; however, last night I didn't get to sleep until almost 2AM. Some nights nothing seems to work. So, we may need to establish a special "home" for dementia blogger insomniacs.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

tommy and Smokey sound like trouble at Christmastime! Lucky they are so darn cute!

Mrs.T said...

I so enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge today, Judy! Have you tried melatonin at all for sleep issues? My hubby and I slept so well for years; even in the midst of extreme difficulty we could lie down and go right to sleep and stay asleep. But in recent years we have struggled with getting back to sleep after the inevitable early a.m. trip to the bathroom. We've been taking the 3 mg melatonin tablets, the quick dissolve type, just one. And it certainly does make a difference. We still do wake up to use the bathroom, but we get right back to sleep. Maybe too much info, I don't know, but it has really helped us.

And oh, that Tommy and Smokey!

I also love the tree in the red truck!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, I enjoyed your post today very much. The Christmas tree in the back of the red truck is lovely as well as the Highway O view. I must say I too am not liking hearing the lack of sleep associated with dementia! My lack of sleep is so distrubing.
I read the intesting article about Advent by the Anglican pastor. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel! Much food for thought there! ♥

Debby Ray said...

Oh, those darling kitties...I haven't had a cat in the house since i was a little girl and I do remember a few Christmas tree incidents! If you find out we can get more and better sleep, I would love to know...this is my issue as well. I am lucky to get 5 hours in and I can't stay in bed any longer than 5 am. I agree with your random thought! Enjoy the rest of your week, Judy!

Terri D said...

The War on Advent article is very interesting and it so happens we got our Advent candles just today. We DO celebrate Advent as a time to prepare for the coming of Jesus. It is a special season indeed. Spot on! This was a fun Hodgepodge and I enjoyed your answers!!

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Fun and thoughtful, as always. What are leftovers? Too soon to get our Christmas tree. And what happened to the Advent calendars you used to have before they invented chocolate?

eileeninmd said...

Hello, we enjoyed out leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner. Your kitties are adorable. I wish I could find something to knock me out, I do not sleep well. I have my fake tree up, I enjoy the lights at Christmas. I love your tree in the truck and the lit one on the deck. Your sunrise capture is lovely. I hope you enjoy your day and the rest of the week!

Cheryl said...

I have only one sleep tip: stay up late, late, late. The until-you-can't-hold-your-eyes-open-any-longer kind of late. I do that every single night and then I sleep like a baby. Of course, that might be because I have always been a bit of a night owl, so it may not work for everyone, but it works for me.

I am so happy that Tommy and Smoky (in utero) showed up at your door! They hit the jackpot!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the tree! Thanksgiving leftovers are the best. I love that you read a lot. I so much want to work that into my day.

Jean | said...

Judy, sounds like you're on the same sleep schedule as I am - but I can't go back to sleep after waking up between 3:30 and 5:30 or I'll just feel ill and groggy. Loved your answers. Great question that, about if your childhood had a smell - mine would be cooking aromas, as my mother was a fabulous cook, or alfalfa.

Lady Fi said...

Wonderful shots. Sorry to hear you're not sleeping well.

Deborah Montgomery said...

Insomnia is so very difficult. Ugh. Yes, my kitty loves to lay across my laptop when I'm blogging. Silly girl. We had the whole gang in for Thanksgiving, and will be having a very quiet Christmas, with very little prep involved. I'm thinking it will be a wonderful time to have a quiet Advent. Always wished we all celebrated the 12 days of Christmas starting on 12/25, rather than having Christmas all month, and being sick of it by 12/26. The slow way, the Advent way, is better. xo Deborah

Patti said...

I don't know how you get anything done with those two pretty kitties. Your sleep hours are similar to my hubby's. Must be a lot of folks needing prayer that time of night.

Aritha V. said...

I love your childhood smell :-)

podso said...

We love leftovers. Husband declares chili is better the second day. I've gotten to rubbing a little lavender EO on my wrists and now I go right to sleep. But I do wake up in the night and usually pray which puts me back to sleep--and if I don't, I have on occasion but on a bit more lavender. My husband often gets up and works for two hours in the night--like Edison, he says--but he is a napper! Your cats are so photogenic!

Cindy said...

When we had our cat, we would put the lights and ornaments higher up on the tree. It didn't look the best, but it kept Tigger out of it! Your childhood smell - I do think of my mom when I smell Pledge. :) For me though, it's a smell of metal the first time I use the garden hose each Spring. Growing up in San Diego in the 60's, when we were outside playing we drank out of the garden hose when we got thirsty!

Terra Heck said...

My cats like to "help" me blog too. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas season. From the sounds of it, I'm going to have dementia. My sleep patterns are way off.

Tanna said...

Loved the article on Advent, Judy. I'm right there with you on the sleep issue. blessings ~ tanna

Jean | said...

Judy, where are you? You okay?


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