Friday, November 10, 2017

Scenes of Canterbury, UK - Anglophile Friday

Train Station

I'm finally getting started on blogging about the12 day vacation we took to England with my brother and his wife in late September and early October. After arriving at Heathrow, traveling by Heathrow Express into London and taking a train to Canterbury, we walked the short distance to our hotel and settled in. The following is a series of photos of street scenes (or hotel scenes) of Canterbury. At this rate, this story might take years to finish.

Westgate Towers, Canterbury
Falstaff Hotel, 1403
(and that's not the street address)

Mr. C's Full English Breakfast at the Falstaff

My Full English Breakfast

Falstaff Hotel,originally a coaching inn, established 1403.
Meandering and interesting hallways.
Click HERE for a little history of the hotel.
It was the perfect place for us in accommodation and price!

 And I loved their addition of pigeons on the tile roof!

The heated towel rack is one of the best British inventions ever!
I can almost forgive them for not always having a central spigot in the sink.

 Street market.

I heard that the Black Plague is making a resurgence.

 The canal that runs alongside the Old Weavers' House

I came across some Emma Bridgewater, but I'm not a fan of polka dots.

The best fish and chips.

The cutest scene I saw in Canterbury!
Just across from our hotel.

Okay, that's all for now.
Eventually I'll get around to another installment.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Wonderful shots, Judy; you have an eye. Is Morelli's (ice cream parlour) still there? What's a central spigot? - it sounds dodgy. I hope you (or Mr Cranberry) tried some Shepherd Neame - Britain's oldest brewer and with an ale called Bishops Finger, how can anyone resist?!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love all the archtecticure buildings with my favorite the old sweet shop and the bishops finger. I love rustic best of all. neither breakfast is anything I would eat, I wonder if they have biscuits, like real biscuits since the call cookies biscuits. what do they call a white flour biscuit. a wonderful trip. I have always wanted to ride a train in Europe, one of the fast ones and also one of the double deckers buses

Jenny Woolf said...

It looks charming. It is a long time since I was in Canterbury and don't think I had enough time to look round fully, but we did enjoy staying in the lodgings in the cathedral. At night the huge medieval gates were closed and it was a cool feeling to be in there with such a close view of the cathedral! Looking forward to reading more about your British trip.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Neat-O! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful photos of things I'll most likely never see in person.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great photos, as always Judy. Loved seeing your breakfast vs. your Mister's. I need a heated towel rack!! Have a great weekend.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

We have never been to Canterbury, so I'm looking at these photos with great interest! Darling photo of the children on the sidewalk. I'm sure you went to the cathedral and I do hope you will share your photos soon. I can't wait to hear and see more. I'm going to take forever sharing and I hope you do as well! xo ♥

podso said...

Just love seeing your pictures. Why don't we have heated towel racks. You could certainly use one today!

Michelle said...

I am all about Mr. C's full breakfast! lol I would eat that everyday!

Susie said...

Judy, You always show the nicest photos. I saw you good looking husband in a couple. His breakfast looked bigger than yours. :) That was such a sweet pictures of the children. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Marcia said...

Love the tour of Canterbury. Wonder if I'll ever get there. I am working my way through my Scotland photos, posting is going slow because of lack of time.

Anonymous said...

That last photo is precious! Each picture is beautiful, just like a postcard. The food looks delicious. Have a lovely evening.

NanaDiana said...

Oh- I love ALL the pictures but that last one is just too precious for words. It looks like you had a great spot to stay and I bet the fish and chips was fantastic. Much better than we do it here, I'm sure.

I think I need to take a trip "over there" as my father used to xo Diana

Cheryl said...

Oh, I so enjoyed visiting Canterbury with you this evening . . . pigeons, heated towel bars (mmmm), fabulous buildings, and all! Mr. C's breakfast looks delicious, but it's 10 pm here so I'll have to wait. Precious photo, that last one!

Terri D said...

That cutest scene is indeed CUTE!! I'm with you on the polka dots. I would not put those on my table. Not my thing at all.

Anita Johnson said...

Love those two kids too, I would probably skip the polka dots, but on a cold night like this, who wouldn’t want heated towel racks. Great pictures!

Vee said...

Yes, I see that poor young man has quite the case of Bubonic Plague. 😳 Now I must grrroogle to see if there’s also a veiled message here. The Mister’s breakfast looks terrific; yours not so much. I am comparing trips to England between yours and Martha Ellen’s. You folks arrive and head straight for London. They arrive and head directly for The Cotswalds. 😉

Maggie Ann said...

What a wonderful trip you had, i loved seeing your pictures!

21 Wits said...

Oh lucky you, this is a wonderful collection and what lovely places and quaint buildings! I am so wishing and wanting to return to England again too. Talk is in the works! I hope you share more for us!

SImple and Serene Living said...

It is all so lovely, Judy. I hope to someday get back to England. xo Laura

ellen b. said...

Love, love, love. I want to be there.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful views of the city and hotel. The breakfast looks yummy. Looks like you had a wonderful trip to England. I enjoyed your photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!


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