Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Hodgepodging the End of March

Join Joyce and the Gang


From this Side of the Pond

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in!

1. What's a word that describes your life (right now)? POLLOCK 
A word you wish described your life? RAPHAEL

Tommy & Smokey

2. Back in my day we___thought the Soviets were going to nuke us. I was in junior high during the Cuban Missile Crisis and I remember my English teacher shaking in her boots, she was so terrified.

Bad Axe Independent Lutheran Church

And it's a beautiful little church down in the coulee
west of Westby, WI
I was glad to see a cross at the top of the steeple.
(I have at least two more posts of Westby/Viroqua photos)

3. When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food? Does a typical week at your house include takeout?

If I had the option of takeout at all, I'd probably go for Italian (after reading the ingredient list carefully to make sure there weren't any headache inducers included). We live out in the middle of nowhere, and a typical week certainly doesn't include takeout of any kind, except the trash.

4. Think about the people you most respect. What is it about them that earned your respect?

Integrity. A real love for God, moral courage, and consistency - a life that is lived the same in public as it is at home or when no one at all is looking on.

5. What's something your friends might see and say is 'so you'?

A German Shepherd puppy, any Columbia polar fleece jacket, or the UPS man delivering yet another book on theology.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Grandkids were here last weekend. I think what they might say is 'so you' would be a big house with a running circle where they can play chase and make noise, a sledding hill, and kitties. Or at least I think those are their favorite things about Grandma.

Taking a breather

Little Miss Cutie on the left has a birthday tomorrow!
She will turn FOUR.

Note: They all own socks and shoes, and there's still a lot of snow on the ground. But they love going barefoot in the house.


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Dicky Bird said...

Nice pictures! Cute grandkids too!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I remember the nuke crisis, now we have to worry the Russian will poison us and Korea nuke us. Your grandchildren are all beautiful, wonderful photo. Happy Easter to you and your family. Have a happy day!

A Joyful Chaos said...

LOL ... our takeout consists of taking out the trash as well. Wish I had thought of that when I was answering my questions. Clever. :)

Empty Nester said...

The first thing Marcy does when she gets to my house is shed her shoes and socks and I know she gets it from me because that's the first thing I do, too. :) I love that picture of the grandkids and I can't believe Little Miss is going to be 4 because I could have sworn she just turned 3. Give Tommy and Smokey a little pat for me.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I love the last picture. You should have them re-create it every few years. Have a wonderful Easter, dear Judy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i fully understand the barefoot kids, bob and i are always barefoot, on cool days we wear socks only in the house but we complain about having to wear socks.
i remember the drills in the 60's where we hid under our desk to practice what to do when the sirens went off, looking back, what good would a desk do if a missile came calling. my fear was being on a bus and not with my parents. we did bus drills also.
we do takeouts every other week, Salems fish for me, philly cheese steak for bob, and Noreens deli for a sub, have never done takeout for any of the list, and the only other take out is burgers and fries.

Julie said...

I so enjoy your pictures, reminds me of a calmer, simpler time. You have a nice set of grandchildren, congrats!

Debbie said...

My grands are just the and socks off, and let the running begin, lol. Enjoyed your pictures as always. Have a blessed Easter!

ellen b. said...

I should have said jeans for the answer to number 5. I really overthought the questions this week. Enjoyed your answers and photos along the way, too. Hope you have a joyful Easter celebration!

Carla from The River said...

Hello Judy,
Happy Easter!
I like how you answered #4! Well said!
I LOVE your photo of the grands.
xx oo

Jean | said...

Judy, I wish we lived in the middle of nowhere (with no takeout food possibilities) so that I would be forced to get my act together and replenish my supplies of homemade freezer meals!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I, too, remember those days of the Soviet threat! Some things never change. But as I see it life is good and so we must enjoy it! You have a lovely post! Thank you!

Joyce said...

My grandparents lived on a Colorado farm (with cats!) and we loved going for a visit. I'm sure yours are making wonderful memories with you and the freedom living 'in the middle of nowhere' allows. Happy Easter!

Cathy said...

What a cute picture of your grandkids and happy birthday to the almost 4 year old! Love the bare feet - so very cute (and just how I run around our house most of the time, summer or winter.)

When I think of you I think of red barns.

Happy Easter to you and yours.

Debby Ray said...

Who needs socks and shoes, anyway? They are all so adorable, bare feet and all! Love the "sinking barn" photo. Happy Easter!

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) A lovely selection of pictures. I love the pretty white painted church, the barns, cats, and the photo of your grandchildren is delightful. My answer to number four would be the same as yours. Have a Happy Easter!:)

Susie said...

Judy, Happy birthday to your sweet girl. I love the picture of the kids together. I always love your barn photos. Things that scared me as a youth scare me now...people in office who do not do their best for the majority. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Stephanie said...

A lovely and enlightening post, dear Judy. Your grandchildren are just precious!

I hope you have a most beautiful and blessed Easter. Hugs to you!

Terri D said...

I get your answer to #1 and it did make me giggle! Love that photo of the kiddos and happy birthday to that little sweetheart on the left!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Darling sockless grandchildren. I always tell the grands to get something on their feet. They ask me why? Because I'm cold is my answer. They look at me and of course say they aren't. Maybe if I ran around like they do I wouldn't be so cold all the time! Love your integrity definition, Judy. It's nice to see your snow is melting, my friend. ♥

maddie/cadesmimi said...

Our grandchildren all enjoy going barefoot, too. Happy birthday to your precious "little miss"!
Have a blessed and happy Easter,
Kathy (Reflections)

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't understand your two words - maybe I missed something. I remember our school had a fall out shelter - we were so worried too about the Soviets.
The white church with the steeple was beautiful with the cross.
So you eat home most of the time? We eat at home a lot too.
And I love integrity in people too!

Love, sandiae

Cheryl said...

What is it about kids and socks?! :) Oh, but they are a cute group sitting there on your sofa! I am sure you enjoyed their visit!

My OCD tendencies have me wanting to space out the letters on that sign.

Your definition of integrity is right on!

Vee said...

While Cheryl works on the Bake Sale sign, I’ll work on the church sign. 😉

What a perfect way to describe what’s going on in your life. You can be so descriptive with just two words. I take it that life is messy~chaotic and you’d like more order and beauty. (Perhaps it’s even more than that.)

Love the darlings all in a row and can’t believe that your granddaughter will be four. I am sure that this is a lament that will only continue as she continues to insist upon growing up.

Hope that many signs of spring are evident in your corner. Except for the huge pile of snow in mine, things are looking up.

Theresa said...

Great post, I always enjoy reading the "hodgepodges"! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

podso said...

I remember being frightened about the cuban missile crisis and my father looking concerned as he listened to the news. And our drills where we went to the inner hallways and sat with our heads covered by our arms, as if that'd help. And what about air raid shelters.
But there was much more pleasant things about the 50s-60s! Your grandkids look so cute and full of life and curiosity. My guess is they are rarely if ever bored. And I'm not surprised you don't do take out. But I bet you don't mind left overs.
Have a wonderful Easter. (miss you on IG) ...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have to help me with Pollock and Raphael. I Googled things that I thought might give me an answer but I don't have one. Did you know there is a doctor named Raphael Pollock???
How safe were we under our desks? Your random is so awesome and precious. They are so lucky to have you in their lives and you to have them!!

NanaDiana said...

As always, I love your hodgepodge answers, Judy. I hope you can get together with some of the family and enjoy a wonderful, blessed, happy Easter. xo Diana

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

I just could hardly stop looking at those precious children and their expressions and positions. What a joy that must have been you and them. He is Risen!

Lynne said...

Loved your #1 comment . . . brought a smile . . .
Love the bare feet . . .
Love the little church . . .
and your comment on “take out!”
Always enjoy your Hodge Podge . . .
Happy Easter . . .

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

LOL super cute barefoot grand kids :)

I had to meet my youngest son today at a car rental place / chinese takeout joint was close by...dinner tonight and soup for lunch tomorrow 7.50 / can't beat it! :)


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