Friday, March 16, 2018

Wisconsin Countryside Friday

I've been thinking that I might try to alternate between 'Anglophile Friday' and 'Wisconsin Countryside Friday'. We'll see how it goes.

In Wednesday's Hodgepodge, I mentioned visiting Westby again, and this time, instead of driving out into the countryside east of Westby and Cashton, we drove south to Viroqua and explored the area west of Viroqua (see route below). It was just as beautiful, and fun to take a different route.

Traveling south from Westby, we took 27 (14, 61) to J. Turn right onto J, Turn right onto C, turn right onto B, turn right onto 27, turn left onto 82, turn right onto N, then there will be a jog onto Norwegian Hollow Road to N again, jog right onto 56 until you can turn north again onto O, turn onto K into Chaseburg, then 162 into Coon Valley, turn right onto 14/61 back to Westby. Besides Westby and Viroqua, some towns (or settlements) you'll go through are
Folsom, Towerville, Fargo, West Prairie, Purdy, and Newton. All of this is just in case you happen to be in SW Wisconsin and are looking for some beautiful scenery, including lots of barns and little country churches.The whole trek, with a break for lunch, took us about 3 1/2 hours because, as you can see, there were a few stops for photos. More coming in another post.

 I always thought it would be fun to have one of these in our backyard.

 If you happen to have attended Folsom School,
your reunion is coming up this summer.
Put it on your calendar.

And about two minutes down the road is
Franklin Lutheran Church,
which you most likely attended if you attended Folsom School.

 There are no Anglicans to be found in this neck of the woods.

 Why did the raccoon cross the road?
I don't know, but evidently at some point in the past
he had tried, and it didn't end well for him.

I mentioned in Wednesday's Hodgepodge that Tommy & Smokey had their annual wellness checkup scheduled for Thursday morning.

 Well here are Tommy & Smokey at the vet's office.
Yes, it worked fine to put them both in the same cat carrier.
The vet put them both on a diet. Oh the indignity of it all!

 'Never let them take me back there again, Tommy!'

They were so beautiful!
And curious.

Linking to Saturday's Critters


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Have a great weekend, everyone!



Susie said...

Judy, Those cats are precious. I love the little saying. :):) You got some wonderful farm country pictures too. I always love to see church spires. Beautiful. Blessings for a great weekend. xoxo, Susie

Lynne said...

Love your countryside posts . . .
(Been there!)
The beauty of SW Wisconsin . . .
even the curvy roads . . .
Beautiful . . .
Churches, schools, bells . . . sights . . . so much more . . .

Oh my Tommy and Smokey . . . a diet!?
Not fair at all . . .
Snuggle up darlings . . .

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Wisconsin is such a beautiful part of the country. I've only been to Milwaukee where friends and I would frequent a place called "The Keg." I went to college in IL where the drinking age was 21 but right up the road in Wisconsin, the drinking age was 18. That was a hundred years ago. Have a wonderful weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that silly vet doesn't know what he/she is talking about. these cats ARE BEAUTIFUL to me... glad they could ride together.
i have been through todays photos twice. i can't pick a favorite. I LOVE THEM ALL... the bells the bells, oh my how i love them... and the spire in the middle of the road. Wow... i vote for more country side post.... bring them on I AM READY TO READ AND VISIT

Marcia said...

A beautiful tour. Is that one room school house still in use?

Christine said...

Beautiful rolling countryside in SW Wisconsin! I love those old white church buildings & one room schools!

Angela said...

It looks like you had a great drive in the country. Your pictures are fantastic!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

You still have a lot of snow. I especially like the photo of the country school! Thank you for sharing photos of your cats they are a delight! Have a wonderful weekend!

Cathy said...

I was just thinking earlier about asking hubby to go for a drive out in the country this weekend. We so love doing that! And your pictures today make me want to do it even more. I really enjoyed traveling with you today.

Poor Tommy and Smokey...dieting...ugh!!!

Have a great weekend.

podso said...

Such beautiful road views. Good eye to catch the church up over the hill ... A diet for the kitties? At least they have each other for comfort. As long as I could take my preacher and people with me, I would love to go to that little white church and sit in its wooden (undoubtedly) pews.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Lovely shots, Judy - the countryside is easy on the eye, attractive barns, pretty church and cute ponies. Presumably the prison is just down the road from Folsom School. And it seems you're running out of photos of dear old Blighty? Time for a revisit, perhaps? :-)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Lovely countryside, Judy. I see Mike took my line above about Folsom School. Poor Tommy and Smokey--they look perfect to me! The horse photo is grand! Have a nice weekend. ♥

Robin said...

Beautiful pictures as usual. Your cats are so adorable. Have you read the book, Felix, the Hudddersfield Station Cat, he’s a real cat. Beautiful black one, they post a lot of pictures of him on Facebook, but you google him to see him.

NanaDiana said...

You got some really great pictures, Judy. That is one area of WI I have never explored. Bet is pretty in summer, too. LOVE that caboose!!!
Looks like you had a great trip...however, sorry the trip to the vets meant a "diet" for the you-know-who(s).... lol xo Diana

Terri D said...

Those cats!! And those horses!! Beautiful photos. I will look forward to seeing more of your lovely state!!

Cindy said...

I'd love to be a wall flower at the reunion! They were probably like family, intense fighting at times, but such a deep love for one another. What a great road trip!

Vee said...

Taking a road not taken before is my favorite adventure if I have someone along. It is my least favorite if I am alone. 🚗

Tommy and Smokey do not look too heavy in the least to me. Hope the diet is easy on them.

Ann said...

Oh I miss scenic drives! Having grown up in WI till I was 29, it's something I loved to do, but in AZ, there's not much for that in my neck of the woods. I've never really seen the western part of WI in all those years, but I do miss WI's beauty. The church reminded me of a trip I went on when I was young and I never knew what little church my class had visited or for what reason, but you also jogged that memory. LOL on the racoon! Love that map! I just love your blog and pics!

eileeninmd said...


A diet, oh no! Poor kitties. Cute photo of Tommy & Smokey! I love your countryside ride, the scenes with the barns churches, school and the horses are all beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) Beautiful scenery in your part of the world, and adorable kitty and horse captures.

Victoria said...

Tommy and Smokey are adorable, so sad they must be on a diet!

Betty J. Crow said...

Love the barns and the kitties are beauties. I'm partial to the horses, though. I would love to turn the caboose into a tiny house and live in it. A dream. Have a great rest of your weekend.

Kate said...

Reading your blog and enjoying photos makes me feel like I’ve been on a mini-vacation.

A Colorful World said...

Love the barns, the school, the church, the horses! What a great post! Enjoyed it all so much.

This N That said...

fun post..Love the Caboose ...and the horses...great picture of the kitties...thanks for the adventure!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love all the photos from your adventure!

Little Wandering Wren said...

That looks a great drive - you have it all, lovely scenery, picturesque buildings, and a school reunion - I wonder how many people they'll get?! Stopping by from Saturday's Critters so I'm admiring your cats too - diet, what diet?
Wren x

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I loved your earlier post about heaven. Very interesting indeed, and one that I've often thought about too. It is hard to reconcile all the images of heaven that we have traditionally had, with the NT writings. Thanks for sharing that book, I will have to look it up. And this post, well, it is just beautiful Judy! I love your sense of humor, poor kitties having to go on a diet! LOL! And the lovely pictures of barns and countryside was so enjoyable. Always fun to take a new route, and explore! Looks like Wisconsin is full of roads to explore! Have a blessed weekend :)


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