Sunday, April 22, 2018

Celebrate That Fact and Pray for Them and Teach Your Heart Out

 Durham Cathedral

A couple of things that keep me sane during Wisconsin's long winters are reading good books and watching interesting YouTube videos.

Because I thought it was such a great answer, I transcribed part of a YouTube video of a Wheaton Theology Conference. A young person had asked the question,

"Is teaching in the local church worth devoting my life to?"

N.T. Wright's answer was the following:

"Of course it’s worth devoting your life to teaching in the local church, if that is your primary calling. For some people, that is their primary calling.Some wonderful great teachers have devoted themselves to this. You just don’t know.  Who are these people you’re teaching? You have no idea what God is going to do through the glimmer of new insight that by God’s grace will come through your teaching into their hearts and lives.

"I live in a part of the world where we honor people like Cuthbert and Aiden and Bede. And Bede was a little boy in the monastery in Jarrow when they had the Plague. And the only two of them that were left were Bede as a little boy and one elderly monk. And they would sing the Psalms together. And Bede grew up to be the single great scholar in the Europe of his day : an astronomer, mathematician, Biblical commentator, etc. etc. etc.

"Who would have thought, seeing that monastery on the wild coast of northeast England, that here would be somebody that would be this great teacher, you just don’t know who you’ve got in your congregation. Celebrate that fact and pray for them and teach your heart out."


And since Wright is from northern England in the first place, and since he was Bishop of Durham from 2003-2010, he was able to pull that nifty little history lesson right off the tip of his brain, without hesitation. I loved that answer.

N.T. Wright is currently Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland -  and author of a gazillion books, of which Surprised by Hope, The Day The Revolution Began, Jesus and the Victory of God, The Meal Jesus Gave Us, Simply Christian...are just a mere fraction, and all worth keeping in your home library.

(You will find other posts about Cuthbert, Bede, and possibly even N.T. Wright if you type their names in the search box on my sidebar.) 

Have a blessed Lord's Day, friends.



Sandi said...

So true. You don't know what someone will become or the effect they, or you will, have one day (and sometimes even the effect we are having now.)

The foundation of the building in the header photo looks a lot. Like matzoh to me!

Linda said...

Judy, I really appreciate reading this post. You just never know the power of our words, examples and influence. We all have a message to share. It’s what we are here for and God’s purpose for us. I truly believe this.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there are those who teach who should not and those who don't that should, i have know a few of each of those. and i agree we never know who is listening to a teacher and how much it can effect in a positive or negative way. there was a woman who taught in our church, and i have often wondered just how many she negatively impacted with her teaching... teaching is a God given talent, and of course some are more gifted than others... the power of words is wonderful and a blessing and also can be a curse. of course i am rambling on and not talking about prayers like the one above.

Terri D said...

Pretty powerful stuff!! Thanks for the post!

Creations By Cindy said...

Such a sweet post Judy. Oh dear friend, Being a woman that teaches Ladies Bible studies in my own church, I always pray that my words will be HIS! Not mine but His. I always pray for guidance and His leadership. I will pray before each class, 'Lord hide me behind the Cross". I cannot imagine not being a part of a bible, believing,teaching church. Oh yes, so many out there now that are sheep in wolves clothing. All the more reason we best pay attention to the Word of Christ and look for those. I have had mentors in my life that has taught me so much about God and His Word within the body of Christ. Enjoyed this sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Buttercup said...

Fabulous post! I've read about Bede, but never knew the story of his upbringing. Wishes for a great spring week!

Anonymous said...

Good one! Thanks for sharing:)

Lorrie said...

I just copied Bede's prayer into a little notebook I keep for prayers and poems that seem to be prayers. I didn't know his story of survival and of the teaching of that nameless, faithful monk. A great lesson here. Thank you for sharing.


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