Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday Medley in the Snow

If you squint really hard, you can pretend it's a phone box in England.
But in reality, it's a trash can in Madison, Wisconsin, where we got a lot of snow in the past day! One nice thing about a city, however, is that as soon as it stops snowing, the roads are plowed and clear, quite amazing, really, unlike rural Barron County where they become snow-packed and slippery.

Join Terri and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and join in on Terri's Blog

Okay, okay. I'm going off calendar a bit.  The National Days for Wednesday the 13th are National Cheddar Day and National Tortellini Day.  We did food last week and I can't let Valentine's Day go by without some attention.

VALENTINE’S DAY – February 14

Valentine's Day - February 14


Valentine’s Day began as St. Valentine’s Day, a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus.  February 14th, Valentine’s, Day first became associated with romantic love during the High Middle Ages as the tradition of courtly love was then flourishing.  During 18th century England, this day evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery and sending Valentine cards.    
Get something special for your Valentine and use #ValentinesDay to post on social media.
Credit is traditionally given to Pope Gelasius for declaring February 14 as Saint Valentine’s Day around the year 496 to separate the church from the Roman celebration of Lupercalia, an ancient pagan fertility festival which occurred on February 15th.  
I love the way the Church supplanted pagan 'authority' wherever they went. Some of my favorite cathedrals are built on earlier pagan worship sites, basically saying that no, that false god that kept you in the chains of addiction and fear and despair, does not reign. Jesus Christ, Creator, Redeemer, Son of Almighty God, HE reigns! In Christ we celebrate LIFE and LOVE and HOPE, not fear and death.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." - John 10:10

1.  I think St. Valentine's Day is for everyone, whether you have a romantic love interest or not.  I received a Valentine card from my sister (thank you Patti!) - case in point.  It is all about LOVE, not just romantic love.  What are your traditions for celebrating Valentine's Day?
I usually remember last minute to get cards and money sent out to the grandkids, unless I send them Valentine cookies I've made. I suspect the lucky ones are the ones who get cards and money. LOL
 Personally, I think Valentine sugar cookies are addictive!
But they taste SO GOOD!  And yes, I had to test one.
2.  When you were in elementary school, did you decorate a shoe box and deliver those little valentines to all your classmates?   Perhaps in Sunday School?

Oh yes, we always did that. And Valentine cards were lots sturdier and of a far better quality than the ones available now. Of course, maybe that's because they were hand-carved from pine, long before super heroes, Disney characters, and the printing press came on the scene.
3.  Do you enjoy playing Cupid?  Have you ever introduced a couple who really clicked?
Oh I would love playing Cupid for someone I'm thinking of right now, but no one ever listens to me anyway, so... (All the sudden I heard Rodney Dangerfield in my head!) But no, I actually never have played Cupid. It's probably a good thing.
 Lots of snow and really big drifts west of Wausau, WI
4.  Which traditional Valentine's Day gift would you rather receive:  Chocolate, flowers, or a card with a personal message?
 I'm glad one of the choices was an 8 week old German Shepherd Puppy, because that's by far what I'd rather get for Valentine's Day, rather than chocolate, flowers, or a card. 
 I'd take the one on the right.
5.  What is the best movie to watch on Valentine's Day?

An oldie but goodie, has there been anything better made since You've Got Mail ??
photo from the internet, but I forget where.

6.  Tell us something random about your week!
With our son tending to Tommy & Smokey at home, of course, we're in Madison, Wisconsin just in time for their Really Big Snow. But that's okay. We get to see our daughter and son-in-law while Mr. C. gets his Wisconsin contractor/inspector, etc. licenses renewed.
 Home Sweet Home
All of Wisconsin is under a heavy blanket of snow.
 Tommy & Smokey
who are much too big for that box 
It's so handy that this motel has a great kitchen just a few feet away!
(Yum, my favorite!) 
Thanks for another great Wednesday Medley, Terri!


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Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning 



Sandi said...

"no, that false god that kept you in the chains of addiction and fear and despair, does not reign. Jesus Christ, Creator, Redeemer, Son of Almighty God, HE reigns! In Christ we celebrate LIFE and LOVE and HOPE, not fear and death."


Love the snow too!

Stacy said...

All those winter pretty to look glad I'm not living in it! Ha! Those cookies look pretty good to me. :) Oh, the husband wants a German Shepherd so much, but is putting it off because of our work schedules. Gosh, those two are cuties!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enjoyed my Snow Viewing Day with all your beautiful photos, the beauty without the cold. all of your photos are beautiful today.... and I like the restaurant at your motel... a place I would be happy in... we don't do Valentine day, I stopped that as a child and I always had a box and valentines to drop in everyones box... my Bob Valentine never says a word about anything I buy for myself. yesterday I went to deposit a check at the bank and came home with new capris and a blouse. his only comment was I LIKE that, a lot.... if he says it's ok, I always take it back. I prefer to buy what I want when I want... that said, when my son who will be 54 tomorrow on v day, was here, he always brought me flowers from WM back then they were 4.00 now 15. and I loved those

Sue said...

WOW Judy, that's a lot of snow you have there! I was in Wisconsin years ago in a big snow storm, Dh and I were amazed at how soon the highways were cleared..

I agree Valentine's Day is about showing love to all, thanks for sharing the thoughts on its beginning.

I still enjoy buying children Valentine cards, especially the vintage ones, which are very hard to find. I also remember sharing cards in grade school with my classmates, so much fun.
Have a blessed day.

Marcia said...

I used to have the sound track of You Got Mail. It was an excellent movie.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

We have similar tastes in Valentine Movies. Your 1st choice would have been my 2nd. We may just watch both of them tomorrow night. How's that for celebrating big time! Enjoy for your beautiful snow for me too. This crazy Louisiana weather will go from 30 this morning to 70 tomorrow. Happy Valentine's Day!

Schotzy said...

THose cookies look smashing.. I wish I had some to share tomorrow with my prayer group... I would have chosen You've Got Mail to watch every year, if Hubs would do that with me... Happy Valentine's day!!!

Mrs.T said...

Those cookies look wonderful! I had been thinking I just might have to make some Valentine cookies and ... now I'm pretty much certain of it!

Snow day here today too, though nothing like what you have in Wisconsin. How nice to have a restaurant you enjoy close to your motel. Fun to be posting a Wednesday Medley from the big city!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I did play Cupid a few times.. for some reason, it never works out for me. Once was for my sister about 20 years ago. Good thing she dumped the fella I set her up with and married her sweetheart Josh. And then there was my friend Bonita.. lets us just say that was a real funny try .. LOL .. AND IF I start to talk about playing Cupid again, I get the EYE from Jeremy.

Who are you thinking about playing Cupid on?

Annsterw said...

Your cookies look absolutely delicious!!! Yummy!

Nonnie said...

A hearty Amen to your statements about Jesus! I didn’t even think about making valentine cookies. Maybe I might do that tomorrow afternoon! Yours look so good. Wonderful photos of the snow there. I wish we could have just one good snow before seeing. Maybe I need to rewatch You’ve Got Mail. I have always preferred the original with Jimmy Stewart The Shop Around the Corner.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

I'm trying not to think how the UK - and England in particular - wouldn't cope with all that snow... I like your take on Valentine - it should be about love in general, not just the romantic kind. We were never as organised about it when I was at school as you have been over there (and that's still the case!) You're probably right about 'You've Got Mail' - a remake of an earlier movie, I think; and very sweet. A bunch of us watched 'Casablanca' last night; here's looking at you, kid! Though I can't figure why they never made 'Casablanca II'.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Judy

I think your homemade cookies are a wonderful Valentine' Day gift. They look delicious. Your snowy scenes are pretty, A bit too much for me. We have had our share of snow, ice and rain.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours. Wishing you a happy day!

Vee said...

Oh Lord, please help Mr.C in finding that German Shepherd puppy. ♥️ See? Somebody’s listening. 😊

Oh I had never thought of the churches sitting on pagan lands that way for those reasons. It was a thrilling thought!

Happy Valentine’s Day! 💌

Robin said...

I agree with you, getting a puppy would be better then anything else. Great pictures.

Debby Ray said...

Wow...that is some snow! I agree with you on the sorry quality of the Valentine cards of today. Your cookies look really good and I'm sure they were enjoyed by everyone receiving them. Do Tommy and Smokey ever come apart or are they stuck that way? Not that I'm complaining....they are just too precious!

Wendy said...

Your cookies look delicious. That is a LOT of snow but it's definitely not a UK phone box lol. Those pups are too cute to pick just one. Enjoy the family time.

Terri D said...

Oh my - that snow!! And those cookies look delicious! Thanks for joining in today!!

Lori said...

I love your snow pictures! I am a little jealous of them. We haven't had hardly any snow where I live in Missouri.
I love sugar cookies too! YUMMY! I would rather have a puppy too! So cute! Loved your answers! Happy Valentine's Day!

Chatty Crone said...

Those cookies do look good - I think Valentine's is a fun holiday - and you can even give a Valentine to yourself!!! I remember doing the shoe box and the Valentine's - the kids don't get to do that anymore - it was so much fun it seems sad to me they don't. Boy does it look like a lot of snow there - are you stranded??? I think I will take CHOCOLATE! And the cats are adorable of course. Sandie

Creations By Cindy said...

Love all the pictures and especially that pretty red garbage can against that blanket of white snow. All the pictures are so pretty and those cookies....YEP. I sure would love one of those with my coffee this morning. Happy Valentine's day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's a lot of snow! It's a good thing you know how to drive in it and got home safe and sound. We had a little layer of frost on the roofs this morning and it was fun to look out and see it! lol Hope your day is filled with happiness...and a few of those cookies! Sweet hugs, Diane

This N That said...

Happy Valentines Day Judy..

Theresa said...

Oh girl, those snow pictures are beautiful! I hope your Valentine's day brought lots of smiles! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS

Susie said...

Judy, I am cold just looking at all that snow. Oh those loving cat make me smile , they are so darn cute. A couple of those pretty cookies and cup of coffee would be nice. Blessings, please stay warm and safe. xoxo, Susie

Cindy said...

Love all that snow! Seattle is digging out of about 10-12 inches of snow. We usually get 2 inches each year so this has been surprising. The last time we got this much snow was 1996. I love it but most people are done with it. :) Your cookies look delicious! Happy Valentines Day!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

That's a lot of snow! Fortunately, we've gotten through without much of it so far this winter. I'd take a puppy, too, over the other gift choices, but if I had to choose, it would be a meaningful handwritten note. And some jelly beans.


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