Monday, February 18, 2019

Wisconsin's State Capitol Building

 That, ladies and gentlemen, is [the unofficially nicknamed] Miss Forward, atop the Capitol building in Madison, WI. I'm not sure how she got that reputation, (but of course you know I'm kidding. It's to promote the idea that Wisconsin is progressive, I think, and marching ever forward. (But if they were really smart and progressive, they'd find a way to make shorter winters, right?!) And actually, the statue atop the Capitol is officially named 'Wisconsin', but that doesn't seem very creative to me.

 I had the privilege of meeting a couple great Instagrammers this week, one of whom took me to the Capitol to tour that beautiful place (I hadn't done so in several years) while poor Mr. C. was busy taking continuing education courses (and tests) to renew his many licenses connected with asbestos remediation. He's done this kind of work for over 35 years and of course gets 100% on his tests every time. But still I felt a little guilty (not) in going off with and having a fun day with a new IG acquaintance (Bob @bob_b111) and later in the day, being joined by another Instagrammer, Jackie (@amfmgirl) who was also a delight.

 A little lending library, outside a pretty Episcopal church (whose doors, unfortunately, were locked so we didn't get a chance to see the interior.)

 Okay, back to the Capitol.
If you ever get there, ask Tate to give you a tour. She is one amiable, talented, and knowledgeable young woman who knows her Capitol history!

 From a distance, Bucky the Badger, the UW mascot, looked remarkably like a bear to me. Okay, give me a hard time, but he's huge. I've not seen a badger that big.

 Photo taken in the Assembly Chamber
See the eagle?
Do you know the story of Old Abe, our famous feathered friend?

"The eaglet that would later be known as Old Abe was captured from his nest by Ahgamahwegezhig (Chief Big Sky) [*you will not be tested on the spelling or pronunciation of these names] of the Flambeau Band of the Ojibwe Indians. Ahgamahwegezhig traded the bird to the McCann family of Chippewa County, Wisconsin, in the spring or summer of 1861. When President Lincoln called for troops to fight in the Civil War, the McCanns sold it to the Eau Claire militia for $2.50. The militia carried him to Madison where he became part of the 8th Wisconsin Infantry. Captain John E. Perkins named him Old Abe after President Lincoln."

Old Abe was carried on a special perch throughout the War. You can read the entire article at Wisconsin History. 

*inserted by me, of course.

Gorgeous Corinthian capitals on Greek verde antique marble columns

and bronze lamp posts.

 You wouldn't look happy either if you had to stand in that position all day.

 "Justice," in mosaic
(beautiful in person!)

Did you know that Wisconsin also has a Liberty Bell?
The one in Philadelphia is cracked, if you'll remember.

"The Capitol holds a replica of the Liberty Bell, given to Wisconsin by France in 1950 as part of a savings bond drive, and quite a bit of controversy." Read the rest of the article HERE.

 I had no idea that Jackie, another Instagrammer (and great photographer!), was taking this photo. It was fun to meet two Instagrammers this week!
Yes, I know I need a haircut. Hopefully, by the time you read this, it is underway.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
And if you have the opportunity to visit the Capitol building in Madison, WI, take it! It's an incredibly beautiful building. We're proud of it!


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Dicky Bird said...

Our capitol building is beautiful! I love that your shared it and some links to our history! Good job!

Wendy said...

What a beautiful building. You are right to be proud of it.

Theresa said...

SO much beauty in this post! That building is GORGEOUS inside and out! Enjoy your day dear friend, hope it will be sunshiny where you are! HUGS!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never seen a capitol building in any state and I have lived in 3 states. yours is really gorgeous. now I am wondering what FL and GA looks like, will have to investigoogle.. I bet it is not like yours... I love that little library, in fact I want it.. ha ha… what fun to meet online friends who like the same things you do

Annsterw said...

What a beautiful building! Thanks for sharing the history also - very interesting! I agree with you that the badger is a bear - HA!

Terri D said...

That is a beautiful building! How fun to meet up with a couple of IG friends while you were there! Perhaps the badger is that big so it looks like a normal size from down below? Enjoy the rest of your week!!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Very beautiful Capitol building of your state, Judy! Love the bear, oh I mean badger. ♥

Sue said...

Such a beautiful Capitol building, and what fun to be able to meet IG friends, One day I hope to meet either a blogger, or IG friend. Thanks for sharing some history!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing some of the history of the Capitol Building. I know I have seen the building when I was in Madison, WI for a weekend back in 1970 but have never been inside.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
Fun to meet up with two IG friends.
I think the Wisconsin State Capitol is a true treasure.
The story of Old Abe always makes me sad on how he died.

Unknown said...
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Lady Fi said...

Gorgeous building!

Cindy said...

Beautiful architecture! And those sad eagles... I had to laugh at those!


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