Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday Evening Ramblings, September 22, 2019

Happy Lord's Day, everyone.
This is a photo of the beautiful St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Boyd, Wisconsin, where Mr. C. just happens to have done a roofing job (stripping the old roof off that steeeeeep roof, so that the steel roof could be installed) some years back. It's just off Highway 29, so we see it each trip we make from Dallas to Wausau (or vice versa).

Terrible light from this angle, but I thought you shouldn't be cheated out of seeing the front of this church. The 300 steps seem a lot steeper than they look in the photo.

 "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake their way, and the unrighteous their thoughts; let them return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." From Isaiah 55.

A few mornings ago, I rushed out of the house when I saw that pinkish sky and quickly took a photo from the front porch. The beautiful skies lasted only about a minute before the clouds covered them and brought a dreary and wet day. But the sky was so gorgeous when it first greeted us.

 Standing in the soybean field north of the house and looking across the road at the Neighbor Henry's field (where his cows like to roam).

 One of Henry's cows, where she belongs.
She looks innocent, but she's plotting.

 Yes, I know we need to get the lattice up along the front of the porch. I promise it will happen - at some point. Right now, I'm very happy to report that the star which died a few days ago, was resurrected with a new string of lights. I'm so glad. I like to have that star shining day and night, just a reminder of God's grace - and the star that led the wise men to the new King - who is still King and will be forever and ever.

 This is Rita, our new little Amish neighbor. Henry calls her his 'trotting pony.' I always think of ponies as being chubby, but Rita looks more like a sleek and beautiful horse, only smaller than average. I'm not sure what she is called in the horse world, but she's a looker.

"Sweet Little Rita, you'll know her if you see her,
Blue eyes and a pony tail."

 We met Rita and Henry on our walk the other evening. I left the road to get a photo of the sun setting over the huge hay bales.

Only two weeks until our Masrud Early Thanksgiving. I'm hoping for a beautiful October day so we can have a hay ride AND a bonfire in the evening. We'll see. Whether or not those materialize, it will be wonderful to have the family together.

I hope you've had a blessed Lord's Day.

Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning



Cindy said...

Any day with family is a beautiful day! Loved this post! Happy Sunday to you!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Such beautiful photos!! I especially like the photo of the sunset!! It's amazing!!! Thank you! and have a wonderful week!

Terri D said...

Always uplifting and beautiful, Judy. I always love that you have your family Thanksgiving early, in October. Such a great idea!

Lynne said...

Beautiful pictures . . . they sing glory . . .
Non chubby Rita . . . looks sleek!
I hope you didn’t watch your husband working high on those steeples. WOW
Walking those 300 steps each day, would be a great exercise for me!

Elizabethd said...

A ;ov;ey glimpse into your beautiful scenery. Rita looks very smart!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a beautiful sky! And seeing the fields makes me want to get out in the country. I thought of you today when I published my post! You'll know why when you see it! Happy Monday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you already know how much I love your house. I did not know about the star until today. will you take the star with you when you move? I love the sunbeams and the hay bales...

Creations By Cindy said...

Just beautiful pictures! I LOVE THAT HOUSE!!!!! Happy week to you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Cathy said...

As always, you have such beautiful photographs. I love the idea of the lit star being up all year to remind us of Jesus birth. I may have to steal that idea from you. Have a blessed day!

ellen b. said...

Enjoyed your Sunday ramblings. The sunset shot is really spectacular. Love the look of that church, too. Happy Fall to you!

Chatty Crone said...

I enjoyed going through your Sunday ramblings. Gosh the steeples he put on were amazing - how did he getup that high?
That sunshine shot with the hay bales- oh my goodness - awesome.
God is good all the time.
Love, sandie

podso said...

Glad you got the star going again. It's beautiful as is the sunset. And the church. I like rambling posts!

Cheryl said...

Just getting ready to say that I like rambling posts when I look up and see that Dotsie has already said it! (But I do!)

Love that verse from Isaiah 55. What an amazing thought: an abundant pardon! Your home looks beautiful! Will you be celebrating your early Thanksgiving in your new place or one more time in your old home? Either way, it will be wonderful to gather with family and give thanks to our God!


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