Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday Evening Ramblings, October 6, 2019

'Where can I go from your spirit?
    Or where can I flee from your presence? 

 If I ascend to heaven, you are there;
    if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. 

 If I take the wings of the morning
    and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, 

 even there your hand shall lead me,
    and your right hand shall hold me fast. 

 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
    and the light around me become night,” 

 even the darkness is not dark to you;
    the night is as bright as the day,
    for darkness is as light to you.'

- From Psalm 139 

That can be terrifying, disquieting, or extremely reassuring, can't it. 

Good Sunday evening to you. It's been a wonderful Sunday, starting with church in the early morning and in the afternoon stopping at the local pumpkin patch for pumpkins and squash. I baked a squash to go with pulled pork and a salad for supper tonight. Topped it off with a gluten-free lemon shortbread cookie (or two or more). Remind me that I don't like pulled pork, pulled beef, or pulled anything else. I'll make pork chops, steak, or baked chicken next time.

 The pumpkins and squash were gorgeous!
And the squash were only $2.00 each.

Then there's the work on the house that's happened in the past week:

I have some progress to report, which is the lattice installed at the base of the front porch, and a lot of the house repainted (continuing this next week if the weather cooperates).

Our family's Early Thanksgiving was called off abruptly as family were actually on their way here for the weekend. No family problems, just a sewer issue that could have been disastrous if Mr. C. had not noticed it when he did. I don't know if we'll be able to re-schedule or not, since there are other family scheduling conflicts in the weeks ahead and we're trying to get the Wausau house ready to live in and the Dallas house ready to sell. There just might not be another opportunity before moving to the big city of Wausau.

 Some of you might actually remember this photo from October 2010, taken in Harper's Ferry, WV. There was a 'bloody hand' lying in the flower bed, and the look on our grandson's face was just hilarious and priceless. I'm so glad I caught this with my camera!

Even though we no longer have dogs (or cats, a very sad state of affairs), I keep this sign that my dear friend Deb gave me in 2012.

I'm planning to move the cookstove (beast that it is) to the Wausau house and the hutch shown above has already been moved there. All the mugs are packed and the mug rack will also be moved and installed on 10' of the big beam that runs the length of our living space.

My most recent 'selfie,' taken so I could ask my daughter if she wanted this dresser with mirror. She didn't, even though I offered to throw the old lady in for free.

We now have a bathroom framed in.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch,
it's dark and I'm tired.
I think I'll watch an old George Gently.
An old movie usually helps me fall asleep.

Have a good evening, everyone.

God bless you,


Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning


Vee said...

Well who would leave a bloody hand just lying around?! Your poor grandson...such things to cope with at a tender age.

Oh I am so sorry about the troubles that meant calling off Thanksgiving. I am hopeful that your family will prevail and somehow your traditional family Thanksgiving will indeed happen.

Such a huge task you have embarked upon. Praying that everything comes together without further snafus.

I have always found the verse you shared to be comforting, deeply so.

Susie said...

Judy, I always love to see your pictures. Mr. C is a worker. You must be also. I hate the thought of ever moving again, but I know it's coming. I love the look on your grandson's face. Such a good shot too. You are very good with your camera Judy. Hope all the issues of home repairs works out well. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is a blessing your hubby can do all that work, would cost a fortuen to hire it done. your old house is looking good, sorry for the sewer problems that canceled your plans.. a priceless memory captured forever... i might have looked a lot more scared if i saw a bloody hand.

Chatty Crone said...

Love that look on your grandsons face - i bet he laughs about it now. I love your photos as usual. You are taking a huge undertaking moving and you have so many nice things. I am glad your hubs can do all that and is willing to do all that.

Sandi said...

I love those verses at the top! Yes, they are comforting.

Michelle said...

I know that I don't "know" you, but I have thought of you and your move, often lately. I hope all is going well.

podso said...
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podso said...

Oh how busy you are! Makes me tired thinking of it all. But the progress sounds good on both domiciles. So sorry to hear of the Thanksgiving plans canceled.

Terri D said...

You do have so much going on in your life! I don't know how you have time to blog. So sad that your early Thanksgiving had to be called off at the last minute. Hopefully a reschedule will work before the house sells. One last big get-together to hold dear. Keep us posted!!

Lynne said...

What an adventure you are on.
Plenty of work on each day. PLENTY!
No doubt about it . . . sleep would be calling me at day end.
A bloody hand . . . amongst the leaves . . . quite the scary tease you are granny!

Cheryl said...

Oh dear. A cancelled Thanksgiving is a sad thing (Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year!), but those things can't be helped. A sewer issue and a house full of people . . . well, it would not have been a "Happy Thanksgiving." And you obviously have LOTS to do to (more than) fill your time! Next year, you'll be celebrating Thanksgiving in a new place! In spite of all the work and discombobulation, you must be getting very excited about your new home.

Robin said...

Lovely pictures! Your home is beautiful. Are you moving your?

Jean | said...

Boy, Judy, Mr C is a many-skilled gem. Can I borrow him for a couple weeks? He could whip through my list in that short a time if he applied himself! :D I can't believe the enormity of this two-town task you've taken on!

Judy S. said...

Loved seeing your photos of my home state as well as catching up with you.! Have a great weekend.

Barbara said...

Beautiful autumn photos.

My, you've been so busy. But moving does that to us, doesn't it? It all looks good.


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