Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Hodgepodging a Birthday Thank You

From a 1912 Men's Suit Manufacturer's Catalog
One of Mr. C's many finds, discarded as trash.
He wasn't dumpster diving; this old catalog had been used as
insulation in the attic of an old house he was working in.
I've photographed all my favorite pages.

 It will be another month before we see these again.
Winter is very slow leaving Wisconsin.

Join Joyce and the Gang

She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog post
and link up!

Thank you to Joyce!

1. What's something you resolved to do this year? Have you done it?
I guess I resolved to downsize. I know, you've heard this before - many times. But downsizing for us, who have lived in the same place for 33 years, is different than for someone who moves frequently. We have been downsizing at the same time as we've been creating an apartment in the Wausau house and doing renovations to the Dallas farmhouse. As Mr. C. says when I get discouraged and want to escape to someplace beautiful in the English countryside, 'We're getting there.'  Sometimes I just look at him like, 'yeah right,' but I do love the fact that he is steady and solid and always willing to keep going until it's done. God gave me that man for a reason. And I'm so grateful!

He makes a good grandpa too.

2. Where do you go to find quietude?
There is plenty of quietude at the farm. And social distancing is not even an issue out there, because we have no near neighbors. I've been living that way for a very long time, so when the social distancing thing is lifted in Wisconsin, it will be a new thing for me to have neighbors on either side. And quietude in Wausau is achieved simply by being home. It is a quiet neighborhood. To be really alone, however, to pray, for example, I go to the bedroom.

 Sorry if you've seen these before

3. A friend asked this question on her Facebook page and said I could borrow it for the're only allowed to buy 5 things at the grocery store, and all must start with the first letter of your first name. Whatcha' buying?
Oh boy.  There's hardly a thing in my refrigerator or cupboards that begins with J.

 If I didn't make my own gluten-free pizza, I would definitely buy it.
But it doesn't begin with the letter J either.
With Kalamata olives and Feta and pepperjack cheese, I could eat this every single night of the week
(if Mr. C. didn't have an issue with that - or even if he did)

4. The television show Survivor, the Gloria Gaynor song 'I Will Survive', survival mode, survival of the fittest...pick one and discuss.
I guess my choice would be, 'I Will Survive,' because actually, almost everywhere you turn, there's talk of this Corona virus outbreak. I hope people will proceed cautiously in opening up businesses, however, and keep the social distancing and masks in place until we've got it figured out. To open the bars and restaurants at this point seems foolish to me. I did listen to a very thought-provoking discussion this morning with a Dr.Reed Wilson, a cardiologist from LA. He is one of the few voices I've heard lately that seemed reasonable, non-political, non attacking, etc. So refreshing. Quiet, reasoned discussion. A rare thing these days.

5. Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.

I hope all of you are able to attend church services online. If not, here's a great resource for you:  Besides the Sunday morning worship, they also have morning and evening prayer every weekday and Bible studies Tuesday and Friday. What a blessing they have been to us! 

(photo from Sunday, actually)

I also have to share with you a really great article by Bishop Robert Barron from Word on Fire. It begins like this:

"Last week, Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, made a rather interesting theological observation. Commenting on the progress that his state has made in fighting the coronavirus, and praising the concrete efforts of medical personnel and ordinary citizens, he said, “The number is down because we brought the number down. God did not do that. Faith did not do that.” I won’t waste a lot of time exploring the hubris of that remark, which should be obvious to anyone. I might recommend, out of pastoral concern, that the governor read the first part of Genesis chapter eleven."  Read the remainder of this excellent article HERE.

Sorry about all the stuff you're being bombarded with, but I didn't make it to the Hodgepodge last week...

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The best birthday gift thank you came in the form of a video from our grandson in Minnesota (whom we cannot see because of the safer-at-home order, wah wah wah.)  BUT, this was so fun to receive, especially because he has the greatest facial expressions when trying to convey his response to the birthday gifts I sent him. BTW, he shares a birthday with Her Majesty Queen Eliabeth II  - just in case you wanted to know.

Oops! Gotta go.
I'm getting a phone call.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone.
Join me on Instagram: @cranberrymorning


Stacy said...

Thanks for the link to the article about Cuomo and God. It was a good read. Had those words come out of my mouth I'd have been waiting for the lightning bolts to hit me...or some such thing. Love how you handled the grocery store question. Very clever! Have a blessed day!

Elizabethd said...

I couldn't think of anything beginning with J either! But I like your ideas!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

precious thank you video. kids are so grown up these days. i don't think i talked like that when i was his age. i dont have time to watch the other video but will mark it for later today. if i don't forget. the virus lockdown has stolen my brain. you could just say Jack Cheese. ha ha.... i had a terrible time with S and finaly cheated and ask google for food with S... i thought of one J for you, JELLY...JAM...Jars of whatever. there not one but 3. stay safe out there.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i closed the post i saw that wonderful photo at the beginning. i would love to find and old catalog like that. the clothing in this one is very much like what people are wearing now. mens pants now have really narrow legs and women let it all hang out. ha ha

Stephanie said...

Stephanie here from the hodgepodge and our blog Lolinministry. I actually laughed out loud at your grocery list. 🤣 And your grandson's video was so adorable!

Debbie said...

Oh my soo glad I popped over and saw that darling little thank you video. What a little doll. That would have made my whole day. 🥰

Joyce said...

Thank you for sharing the videos and the article too. Yes, data from China. ahem. Your grandson is a cutie and I love that people are finding clever and creative ways to stay connected. Its not the same as an in person hug, but it is sweet and special and memorable. Enjoy your day!

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, I just love that little guy. I remember our moon walk with him and his brother.
I enjoyed your answers today Judy. Especially what you had to say about Mr. C.

Debi said...

Your grandson's thank you video was so sweet. Our grandson's birthday is today... he turns six... and we are missing it because we are under "house arrest" in NY and he is under "house arrest" in Virginia. Stay safe and well...

Mrs.T said...

Wonderful post today, Judy! Both videos were great ... the grandson one so sweet and the one with the doctor so reassuring and encouraging. It's nice to hear a voice of calmness and sanity.

Theresa said...

I am so embarrassed of the governor of my state. He is blinded. Praying for God's mercy.

Bobbi said...

The substitutions for the letter J cracked me up! I always think it's so interesting to hear people's functional theology flow out of their mouths. So many still not brought to their knees...screaming "I did it my way!" Praying for mercy and repentance.

Sue said...

Enjoyed the videos, I have book marked the Prageru to watch again, so informative. Dr Wilson is so encouraging and he makes so much sense.Cuomo should be ashamed.
Your quiet place looks so peaceful, Judy,

Your grandson's video was so precious,
Thank you for sharing.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You're doing a great job on your downsizing. LOL at your food choices with the letter J! I will survive is a great choice and I love your quote. I adore the video from your grandson.

Wendy said...

Love your shopping list lol. And a great video from your Grandson. It's things like that that keep me going during these difficult times.

L. D. said...

Your grandson is so wonderful. That was such a good thank you.

WW said...

I work at a library and we're starting to talk about what we're doing when we reopen. I read an article with a plan on how to re-open in steps. The first is starting with mail services and then slowly opening up parts of the library before we open the whole library to everyone. We're also talking about putting up sneeze guards and I fully expect us to have to wear masks.

Terri D said...

I listened to all 28 minutes of that video and will be sharing it. Thank you! Your other video was much shorter but SO SWEET!! I loved seeing your pictures. My quiet place is my kitchen table in the morning before Joe joins me (I am always up first). I enjoyed your post!!

Theresa said...

I always enjoy reading the answers on the HodgePodge. I think JUICE is the only J I have:) Also Jelly! My entire house is a quiet place and we have no neighbors to visit, that's ok but I sure miss my family! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Creations By Cindy said...

What a precious "thank you" video! Just made me smile! Enjoyed reading the post and going back to listen to the video by Dr. Reed soon as I can. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Robin said...

Love the pictures of your new home. Bonnie’s daughter and her husband moved to Ohio. They live about 100 miles north of me.

podso said...

Thanks for the link to the good doctor. I listened and appreciated it. And what a nice video thank you!

Cindy said...

Cute bedroom. It looks warm and cozy, a perfect place to pray!

Jean | said...

Lovely post and photos, Judy. And we're in the same boat with the "J" -- must be one of the most difficult letters for this list. I could only come up with three J foods I would buy: jicama, jalapenos and jam. I don't buy juice or Jello or jawbreakers.

NanaDiana said...

Finally!!! I am getting here for a visit. Like you I am disposing of 'collections' from 45 years of marriage. OMGOODNESS! Who knew I had so much 'stuff'?! I have sold a ton of furniture and donated and given away things my kids don't want. I hope someday my grandchildren do not say- "I wish I had Nana's......" But, it is what it is and children don't tend to hold onto things like our generation did.
Glad to see you are hanging in there and I know that you, too, will survive this crazy time. Our county is now the epicenter for WI with the meat plant being shut down because of all the CV19 cases that came out of there.
Also-2 of John's co-chaplains have the virus. One has been in ICU for 3 weeks and one was diagnosed yesterday. Such a scary time for all of us. John is not going into the hospital at all now that is a good thing.
Take good care and stay safe! xo Diana


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