How would I describe Angela?
- Loving
- Respectful
- Courageous (as noted in a former post)
- Organized
- Punctual
- Responsible
- Persevering
- Logical
- Intelligent
- Undemanding
- Considerate
- Comfortable to be around
- Analytical
Two of my favorite photos from when Angela was a kid:
How I love that smile!

Here's Angela with Jane, her first horse. She was totally responsible for Jane's care from the time we brought Jane home. I remember telling Angela that we would get her a horse, but if the horse started interferring with her piano lessons, it would be the horse that goes. I don't know if that was just a horrid threat, but she never let horse business keep her from piano practice. And she went out day and night, blistering heat or sub-zero, rain or shine, sleet or snow to take care of that horse! (It's a wonder she didn't grow up to be a mail carrier.)
I can't wait to spend time with you in March, Birthday Girl!

Love, Mom

Awww, thanks! :D
Thank you for being such a wonderful mom, and for suffering through that awful, painful event 36 years ago today to bring me into this world!
You do have a wonderful daughter. (and very beautiful too.) I remember that horse and I remember how much she loved that horse. I thought it possible that one day she would grow up to train horses. Thank you for sharing the beautiful collage. (you did a great job!) :D
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