Friday, June 29, 2012

Anglophile Friday - Eyes - Past, Present, Future

The Machinery
London Eye 

Now there is talk of New York City building their own 'Eye.' 

"The north shore of New York City’s Staten Island near its ferry connection with Lower Manhattan may become the home of a Ferris wheel bigger than the London Eye, according to a person familiar with the potential deal...

"The New York City Economic Development Corp. last year asked developers for ideas on developing two parcels on Staten Island’s St. George waterfront, which has missed out on the “huge opportunity” of New York City’s 8 million residents, according to the agency. The ferry connecting the island to Manhattan, 25 minutes across the bay, is the city’s third-most- popular tourist attraction and 70,000 daily commuters pass through the terminal. 

“It’s the greatest thing that has been proposed for Staten Island, especially on the waterfront,” James Molinaro, the borough president, said in a telephone interview. “This could landmark us. We have 2 million tourists a year on the ferry, so we have a built-in audience to use it, and it’s a different audience every day. Once you can attract them off that boat, you got them here.”

The Pod, London Eye
 Each pod seems huge, and can hold 25 people. There are 32 pods.

Contrast that with the first Ferris Wheel, assembled in Chicago for the Columbian Exposition of 1893:


"The Columbian Exposition opened on May 1,1893, while the steelworkers barely paused to watch, high on the growing Wheel. By June 9, the Wheel, as yet without cars, was ready for a trial run. At six o'clock in the evening with trusted men stationed at various points, Rice ordered the steam turned on. Slowly, without a creak or groan and only the soft clink of the chain, the great wheel began to turn... in twenty minutes, it had completed one revolution. When he got the word, Ferris, who was in Pittsburgh at the time, immediately ordered the 36 cars hung.

Visitors and participants at the Exposition had viewed the Wheel as an enigma, but the sight of it moving slowly on that summer evening galvanized them into action... from all sides crowds formed, shouting , gesturing... On June 10, one car was hung; by June 13, twenty more had been added and the offices and loading platforms practically completed.

The cars were 24 feet long, 13 feet wide, and 10 feet high, and weighed 26,000 pounds. Each car carried fancy twisted wire chairs for 38 of the 60 passengers. The five large plate glass windows on each side were fitted with heavy screens and the doors at each end were provided with secure locks.. firefighting equipment was carried as a safeguard.. Six platforms were arranged to speed loading and unloading, with a guard at each t9 signal the operator when his car was filled and locked. Conductors rode in each car to answer patrons' questions or, if necessary, to calm their fears.

On June 11, with six cars hung, Daniel Burnham arrived to take a trial trip and Margaret Ferris, who had often given words of encouragement to workers on the Wheel, also went along~the Wheel's first woman passenger. At six o'clock on June 13, Rice held a trial trip for the local press who were very enthusiastic in their praise... correspondents, particularly those from foreign countries, began making repeated requests for drawings and data, but Ferris appears to have been very reticent about releasing details. As a consequence, no copies of the original plans or calculations have survived."

London Eye, overlooking Westminster Bridge (over the Thames) and Palace of Westminster

London Eye - at Night
County Hall Building


Raspberry Swirl
...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at

This post is linked to 'G'Day Saturday' 

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Lois Christensen said...

Not too sure I could handle being in an "EYE." Enjoy your weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen or heard of the London eye, it is gorgeous and the view of the city is amazing. great idea for the brave people of this world to see a birds eye view. if they build one in NY i bet it will be really popular. not for me since i don't do heights, but there a millions who would love it.

Unknown said...

I don't know if I'd like to be the eye, but it does look pretty dang amazing!!

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

What a great way to get the perfect view!!

Eileen H said...

I've been on the London Eye twice now, son lives in London by the way.
Amazing to see across London from it,
and I'm not too keen on heights either!

Mary said...

The London Eye is amazing. We were to early to see it, as we traveled to London in 97. Seems like not that long ago, hahahah. I read in you profile a book in common...The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer. I mention it since I loved it, too.

RURAL said...

That is so massive it's hard to imagine how big just with photos.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Mary said...

Yes, it is lavender. In two weeks my daughter is going on a fun run at a lavender farm. I think I will go see, take in the sites and aroma. I have not been there as yet...but isn't it pretty in the pic.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Wow! didn't know the first ferris wheel was built for the Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Interesting facts.
I am not too keen on heights either, but I think I would try the London Eye, for the view.

Ruth Kelly said...

We never rode the London eye; the lines were too long so we went to the London Aquarium which was close by.

momto8 said...

wow..looks amazing! I would love the view!

Yenta Mary said...

I love the juxtaposition of the modern Eye peering over the centuries-old city ....

trump said...

Love your images, wow! Richard

SImple and Serene Living said...

I think it would be wonderful.

Denise said...

Wow, really awesome.

Chatty Crone said...

I went to London years ago and i don't think this was up - how awesome! sandie

Carla from The River said...

That is so cool, we are doing a summer unit on London and the Olympics. Guess what we studied today? Sightseeing and we had to look up facts about the London Eye..."we should have checked Cranberry Morning first, MOM!!" from the boys.

Unknown said...

Great pictures, can imagine the view from up there. Will have to visit London soon I think - it's not very far from here. Have a lovely weekend!


Amy Burzese said...

What fun! I would love to ride the eye. Wow. One day . . .

Maggie Ann said...

Wouldn't that be great!

Judy S. said...

Quite a conicidence, Judy, that you posted this on the day that the Seattle Great Wheel opened on the waterfront. We'd been watching its constuction all spring, and the first rides happened yesterday afternoon. Now to get the courage up to ride it!

Maggie Ann said...

Thank you for the Anniversary wishs! and...however did you put those two solid hearts at the end of your comment? Cute!

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

It looks like it would be a little scary for me, but I am sure the view would be excellent.

Maggie Ann said...

Thanks for telling me how to make the hearts! And those flowers on my header are petunias I think. My emails are always overflowing...thats why I don't add blogger to them...though some end up there, including pinterest. Hope you've had a restful Sunday. Happy 4th!

my little cottage said...

nice post thanks for sharing...blessings


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