Monday, June 25, 2012

Various and Sundry Monday

Passing time in the lanai

I love the collage look of this photo I took at Eric's house last summer. I'm hoping to get down to Westby again soon to see him and the town and the countryside and the Amish and... It is a beautiful part of Wisconsin!

 At the Westby Park
In the Driftless Region of Southwest Wisconsin


This week is VBS at our church. I don't know why craft ideas seemed like such a struggle this year. Hopefully we've come up with some things the kids and their parents will enjoy.


Misty is now blind, and although I try very hard not to step on her (as she's lying right at my feet at almost all times day or night) it's not easy! I have tripped over her a few times, and she has run into me more than once in her frantic effort to stay within 2 square feet of wherever I am.

 You can see how easy it is to cook dinner.
And no kidding, most of the time I try to stand in that little triangle of space, rather than making her move. Drives Kevin crazy!


The weeds in the garden have reared their ugly heads. I don't know why I thought it should be any different from any other year. My strawberry plants are gorgeous, although the berries had something seriously wrong with them. Maybe they got too much rain.  At the stem end they're great, but they seem stunted beyond that, with a ton of seeds at the bottom. Very odd berries. To make matters worse, although I put a net over the tops of the rows to protect them from the robins, many of the berries have little bite marks at the bottom. Someone out there likes those seeds. Are all the mice on the farm having a strawberry feast at night?? It must be Murphy's Law of Gardening: There's something out there to kill anything you may want to plant.

Okay, these few berries are the exception, I realize.

I watched 'Babe' last night for the first time. It was Mary's mention of the movie that inspired me. What a sweet movie! What a pig!  I kept expecting Charlotte to appear and start weaving a web above him.  Loved those Border Collies!

Time for the annual  bi-weekly vacuuming of the dog hair.
Hope you all have a good week!


'Mandarin Orange Spice'
...and more! Check out all my handcrafted soaps at


MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, what a post, first i sat here and turned my laptop side ways both ways trying to see what that first photo looked like. I LOVE IT. then i had tears in my eyes looking at your cooking triangle. poor Misty how old is she. blindness is my horror, my mother was blind for a couple of years before he died. then i got to the ART of the strawberries, and yes there is a murphys law that something kills every thing. did you know dragonflies kill butterflies? any way great post even if you did make me cry. kiss that pup from me. oh and i wash dishes and cook just like that, jake is not blind but he is a base hugger.

Eileen H said...

Poor Misty. Bless you for working around her, she needs to be near you. Your craft things are lovely, you're very creative. I'm sure they will be enjoyed.

Unknown said...

Poor Misty :(
I like your pictures a lot, the first one is so cute. Hope you're having a good morning so far. I am stuck at work [lol] but half my day is now done so it's not so bad. Have a great day.


Paulette said...

Vacation Bible School - such a fun time for children. I still have a burlap and yarn picture stitched by my youngest daughter, it's my treasure.

Unknown said...

Great post, Judy! Love the pictures. Poor little Misty - although I should be saying poor little both of you since you are the one accidentally tripping over her! I do that with my cats a lot..oops!

Deanna said...

I wouldn't make Misty move, either. I love that first picture!

Empty Nester said...

Poor Misty. But how lucky she is to have you to care for her! It's so hard- it's not like we can explain thing to our pets. The weeds are at a minimum here this year but that's because I put down a barrier. I was sick of those things! They truly try to take over the garden- with near success!

ruthie said...

My old dog, Rocky, does the VERY same thing. My kitchen is very narrow, and he lays on the floor right by the sink, taking up the whole walkway. He isn't blind, however, just deaf. I have a hard time getting mad at him. He just likes being around everyone, and someone is ALWAYS in the kitchen! Have a great day!

Denise said...

So sorry that misty is blind, she is beautiful.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Ah yes the kitchen! We have trouble tripping over EVERYONE in the kitchen trying to get a meal. It is THE place to be! Lol! Our pup has now lerned that is where eveyone is and she has joined the crowd standing in the middle!

Our strawberries never have a problem getting eaten by critters. I think it must be the location we have them. Your problem of berries big on top and tiny on the bottom must be water. A few of ours have turned out that way too, now we water. There is nothing like a strawberry right off the vine, warmed by the sun! Yum!

Unknown said...

Poor Misty but glad that she has you for company.. love the photos :)) Judyx

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I do the same thing with my deaf boy, Scotty. I hate to wake him up, so I work around him.

Gotta love our sweet fur kids, and all their fur...(I vacuumed today, too and had to empty the canister twice. Maybe I should vacuum more often??? lol)

Debra Hawkins said...

Poor Misty! She is lucky to have you, you are so wonderfully kind to cook in a little triangle!

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad Misty has you - and that you are so patient. And I am not sure at all what is going on with the strawberries - I love strawberries though. Very nice photos today.

Carla from The River said...

I am glad Misty has you and you have her!
Praying for you during your time with VBS.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Just finding your blog! Your strawberries are beautiful! Your soap blog looks fascinating! I'm following, so I can check back now and then. Nice to find you!

Lois Christensen said...

I have to tell you your photos are always so beautiful! We planted a garden, very small, this year for the first time in 3 years and I am so happy with everything except for the bugs trying to eat everything! I have been spraying, spraying, spraying nightly! I agree so much with what you said! Hope VBS goes well. Enjoy!

Joyce said...

We just recently saw Babe again. I haven't seen it since my girls were young and it is a sweet story!

My dog likes to lay right under the stove. It makes life in the kitchen tricky : )

Yenta Mary said...

Oooh, your sweet dog loves you so; and she trusts that she's okay as long as you're near ... :) Wasn't "Babe" wonderful??? Now I want to see it again! Be who you are, not what everyone else wants you to be! Recognize talent wherever it may be found! And it's just cute and sweet and eccentric, too ....

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Hi Judy...your sweet doggy touched my heart and how Misty stays by your side always. So Sweet!

Thanks for stopping by today to leave a nice comment about my vintage games post. It was nice to hear from you!

Unknown said...

So glad to have found your blog. We just finished our VBS. I'm now a Linky Follower. Grab some tea and visit me for a while. Linky Follow Back if you think the blog is something you'd like!

Thanks for the pic's

Parsley said...

Aww..sweet baby dog. Rosie is blind too. She has adjusted really well. You'll not move your furniture around for as long as she's with you, nor will you leave your shoes on the floor for her to trip on...but it's worth every moment to have our furbabies by our side.

Parsley said...

Oh...may I suggest a kitchen mat for her to begin to lay on. She will need it nearer the stove at first. Scoot her so she can feel it. Then slowly move it a few inches at a time.

Rosie learns where she is in the house by smooth to carpeted floor transitions.

Zoanna said...

Your picture of Misty brought tears. We adopted a 13 yr old dog a month ago. She has poor vision and can only hear low tones. Plus COPD, arthritis in every joint and her spine and tiny bladder.

You must bring pretty Misty such comfort. If she could blog, I bet she'd name her blog Love from the Triangle. ")


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