Friday, June 15, 2012

Anglophile Friday - Favorite Photos of England

 Sunken Road,
Just outside Dorstone

Obviously, this photo wouldn't be here if it weren't one of my very favorites. The sunken road, the wood fence, the take-your-life-in-your-hands road if you're driving a car and meeting someone, combined with the greens, golds, and browns of mid March...

 Cute Dorstone Sheep

...and of course, sheep! After I took the photo of the road, the curious sheep came running to the fence.

...and here they are.
'Smile, girls. It's another tourist!'

St. Faith's Church

There was something so charming about the Herefordshire countryside. I loved it, and would love to go back there some day. sigh.


Father's Day Special
on Handcrafted Soaps ends tomorrow.
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This post is linked to G'Day Saturday

Have a great weekend, everyone!



Eileen H said...

There are many sunken, narrow country lanes where we live and my heart goes in my mouth driving along them in case you meet another car coming in the opposite direction. One car has to reverse and hopefully find a passing point! Our sat-nav has an annoying habit of directing us to them. We've learned to ignore it!

I do like your sheep photos. I hope you didn't say mint sauce to them :-)

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures from the countryside :-) Have a lovely day and Happy Friday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am now filled with the desire to walk or drive down that road or walk up that one that goes up to he fence. it is a beautiful photo and a lovely place and add the sweet sheep, no wonder it is a favorite.

Unknown said...

The sunken road looks just how I pictured most of England being. And I love it. Although a bit frightening looking to the driver, it still gives me this quiet, relaxed feeling!

Unknown said...


Have a great weekend!

xoxo -Shar

Deanna said...

Oh, how I long to visit England. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Cranberry Morning said...

Yes, when driving through the English countryside, it gives one a feeling of peace and serenity - until that moment of sheer panic when you see an oncoming huge tractor and piece of farm equipment speeding towards you!

Eileen, please whisper 'mint sauce' very quietly. Those sweet sheep are listening! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love all your English photos and stories. I'm new to blogland ya know and find your lovely photos most fascinating!

Debra Hawkins said...

That first photo reminded me of the one you posted the other day, with the other lane. I love them both!

Sunny Simple Life said...

Oh beautiful England. Love those darling sheep.

Carla from The River said...

I enjoy all the photo's and history you post about England. It is so fun. Great photos! Love the sheep!

RURAL said...

There is the most interesting light in all of your English photos....


Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Kara at Petals to Picots said...

I love that first pic!

Heide at ApronHistory said...

Sheep! I love sheep. You should go to the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, just to look at the sheep. :) There is so many differnt breeds.

Love the photos as always. And I am sure you will get to England again, don't give up hope!

Ruth Kelly said...

We were at Dorstone and visited the church and a shop where I was able to buy a little history book about Dorstone. My 3rd great grandfather lived on Garway Hill and his wife was from Much Dewchurch. I have wonderful memories of our trip there. We even stayed in a railway station bed and breakfast at Pontralis.

Midwest to Midlands said...

If it makes you feel any better about not being in England, is we are having way too much rain this month. Just had some hail a bit ago. Why is it sheep in England are so adorable?

Robin said...

As always...fantastic pictures!! I love lambs, so those pictures really touched my heart. Hope you have a great weekend.

Denise said...

Fabulous pictures.

Amy Burzese said...

I see why they are your favorites. I love that road shot. Oh, and the sheep. We watch Midsomer Murders ( did I tell you that already? Sorry) andi love England's countryside.

Yenta Mary said...

Oh, it looks so peaceful! And I love all the sheep - reminds me of "Babe," one of my very favorite movies ... :)

Chatty Crone said...

Why does it look so peaceful there and so different there then around here - I bet your home is nearer that then mine - but it looks so peaceful and serene there. sandie

George The Lad said...

That first photo I love it, I would of pasted that by with my camera. The problem is I see roads like that all the time but you have just made me look at them in a different way :)
Thanks Jan

Mama Hen said...

I always love your posts about England. I love the pictures! I absolutely love the mandarin orange spice sample you sent with my order! I have to order that! It is great that you give a little sample, because I might not have picked that one and I think it is my favorite now! have a great night!

Mama Hen

Empty Nester said...

I really want to walk down that road! Let's go!

J_on_tour said...

Lovely set of images. The first one is well chosen as there is so much in it. If ever I drive along a single track lane like that with mud in the centre, it always says warning as thee could be a tractor coming & I have to make a mental note of where natural passing places are ... just in case I have a long way back to reverse ! I'm loving either the lighting or maybe just the ears on the sheep image... fantastic photo.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What an amazing country to visit. I love the sunken road and the sheep makes me want to watch the movie, Babe! I hope everyone ordered soap! I LOVE mine! I used the Vanilla bean last night! It's my favorite right now!

laurie said...

Such beautiful pictures. The sheep are so cute!

Debbie @ OtRD said...

These are great! So tranquil and lovely!

Joyce said...

I miss the English countryside in the worst way. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

Semi Trailers for sale said...

Nice photo! its cool.

Natasha in Oz said...

Your English pictures are wonderful. We are going to London in December but we won't be seeing much of the countryside because we still have so many things to see in the city. I was thinking of doing a train trip to Oxford for the day though, so I hope that works out!

Thank you so much for sharing this at my Say G'day party. I have featured this wonderful post at my blog today-I love it!

I hope to see you again this weekend!

Take care and best wishes,
Natasha in Oz


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