Saturday, January 5, 2013

Celebrities Speak Out Against Gun Violence

More and more, our children's heroes are characters they've seen in movies - or the celebrities themselves. Who are your children's heroes?

'Do as I say, not as I do.'

Lets steer our children away from violence and toward real heroes.
Whom do you consider a real hero?
It's worth thinking about.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking the best plan would be to take our movies and tv shows back to the 50's... and i can not think of one person as a hero...

Anonymous said...

Wow, now that was some food for thought....however it left such a bitter confusing after taste, if you know what I mean? That's what's wrong with "Hollywood", it's just not producing ANY real heros these days that I'm aware of.
The heros of tomorrow will be PARENTS of today that have enough backbone to say "NO" to viewing such awfully violent media that is so available via tv, movies, games etc. I'm thinking NO can ba a good word!

Anonymous said...

NO can be a good word, really it can BE!

Debbie Jones said...

Very thought provoking to be sure. It is appalling how we are teaching our children that killing is fun and exciting. Our society glorifies violence far too much. Thanks for sharing this!

Carla from The River said...


Keeping our eyes on Jesus!

Thank you for the post!

Ruth Kelly said...

There is way too much violence on TV, movies, games and even music. Too many parents let their children rule them without giving them the discipline and guidance that they need.

Suzan said...

Totally agree!!
The kids see so much now and take part in it with their video games - "They" say it doesn't affect the kids to watch violence --- then why is there sooooo much more and a younger age? They see it everywhere.

Sharon @ Hiking Toward Home said...

Amazing isn't it? They make millions off violent movies and then have the nerve to cry gun control? How about they start starring in movies that have morals and don't promote murder, drug abuse, etc. Oh yeah, that wouldn't make them as much money.
I applaud actors like Kirk Cameron who takes a stand for even not kissing anyone but his wife. Go Kirk!
Another common thread with all these murderers who massacre innocent kids/people: they all have massive collections of violent video games... haven't heard anyone comment on outlawing them either.
I am also irritated that the media keeps referring to them as 'shooters' and 'shootings'... lets set the record straight and call them what they are: murderers and massacres. And the innocent until proven guilty? um they knew they were guilty that is why they shot them selves too!

Terri D said...

I agree with Sandra. Back to the 50s would be good. We grew up with Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver. Sheriff Andy Taylor had guns, but used them wisely!! Hollywood is so phoney, and most will do anything for the money. Ronald Reagan was the last great hero. I am stuck trying to think of anyone today.

Video games are worse than the movies. We give them to our children to keep them occupied. When was the last time you saw kids out in a vacant lot playing softball? It just doesn't happen anymore. Very, very sad.

Unknown said...

You know, on the farm we have need to use a gun on occasion. I really want our girls to be able to shoot and progress from bb gun to pellet to 4-10. There is a line though. I truly see no reason for any person to have a repeating, semi-automatic, or automatic gun/pistol/rifle. We use our guns to hunt and put down animals that are beyond our help. Yes those guns can hurt humans, but my girls respect their parents and our choice of use when these guns come out. They are never brought out in anger or with thoughts of revenge or pain.

Chatty Crone said...

Kelly just had a mini power struggle with Andy today not letting him get some T rated games. I couldn't agree more. And my hero would be Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. sandie

Denise said...

Amen, totally agree.

Under Her Wings said...

Thank you for posting this, Judy. It is such a travesty that one would support "gun control" when he is on speaking with his mouth. His heart is violent beyond words. Gun control begins with the heart, how we use them and what our motives are. The saying, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns," is unfortunately true. And as for our children seeing the terrible things thrown at them carelessly on TV, it's a travesty. No wonder a young person will go out and kill 25 people!

tlcukjourney said...

I watched from start to finish. Made my stomach turn all that violence, but I think the point was very well made. Thank you for sharing this...

Anonymous said...

amazing. These same people who make the 'killing' movies and then have the audacity to say WE should be disarmed have, themselves, either carry-permits or armed guards, and their childred go to schools that have armed guards. (Rahm Emanuel and B. Obama, too). Different folks, different rules. The second amendment is for us to protect ourselves from tyrannical government, not duck hunting with a single shot shotgun. Dark days ahead, I fear.

bloggerkk said...
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Candace said...

We have become so de-sensitized by what we are consider to be entertainment. It's truly a sad state. I don't know that there are any real "heros" that we can be comfortable with our kids looking up to these days. Good food for thought, Judy.

laurie said...

Makes one think.....


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