Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Valentine's Day Homemade Soap Sachet GIVEAWAY

Lavender Bud (l).......Amber Romance (r)
Homemade Soap Sachets

This giveaway is for FOUR HOMEMADE SOAP SACHETS,  perfect for Valentine's Day or any day!

2 each of Lavender Bud Sachet and Amber Romance Sachet - That way you can keep one for yourself and give the others away! Isn't that brilliant! :-)

This giveaway is running this week, FOUR DAYS ONLY:  Tuesday morning through Friday night.

Entrants must be followers of Cranberry Morning via GFC followers or Linky followers. Please leave a comment telling me through which of these you follow Cranberry Morning.

Winner will be chosen at random by Rafflecopter and announced here, at Cranberry Morning, on Monday, January 21.  Winner please contact me by January 25 with your postal address so your prize can be mailed.

Have fun! Thank you so much for entering the giveaway. And please help spread the word!

P.S. Giveaway open to U.S., Canada, and UK residents only.

Giveaway over.
Thanks to all who entered!


'Oh Matthew!' and 'Lady Mary'
Downton Abbey - Inspired
Homemade Vegan Soaps

 Check out all our handcrafted soaps at


and at

Our ETSY Store 


This post is linked to:

Adorned From Above



Denise said...


Unknown said...

Can I enter Judy?
Can I, Can I?

Samantha said...

Judy...(said in a French accent), with zees giveaway, you are spoiling us :)

I'm assuming you do have the Ferrero Rocher ads there otherwise you just think I'm a bit odd. :)

J said...

mmmmm, these would be heavenly to win! Thank you for the chance!

Trace4J said...

Oh heavens to betsy..
please enter me I love your soaps.
woolie hugs


Kerry locke said...

Loving your Soaps - please enter me in your lovely giveaway

Anonymous said...

I would love to win some HOMEMADE SOAP SACHETS - and yes I would keep at least one for myself!

Unknown said...

The perfect giveaway for valentine's day!! (I hope I win!!!)

Carla from The River said...

Hi Judy,
I just put both of these soaps on my favorites at my Etsy shop Sunday evening.

We all love your soap at the TePaske house.

Thanks for chance. :)

Parsley said...

Oh fun! I'd love to be entered.

Unknown said...

those romantic soaps are just beautiful for Valentine's Day!! thank you for your generosity!
^)^ linda

Terri D said...

Love your soaps, Judy! Thanks for the contest! What fun!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a great giveaway. so exciting!! ( :

MadSnapper said...

they are beautiful, but i am allergic to scents and perfume..

Realia Mazing said...

these look fabulous!
daniellex at gmail dot com

Deborah said...

Wow what a nice giveaway. I would love these! :-)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How exciting! And just in time for my birthday! I would be thrilled to win! Thank you! Enjoy your day!

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

Love the Valentine red one!! You make such delicious soaps!! and a giveaway woooo whoooo!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How fun. I follow you on GFC. They look so pretty! Thanks for sponsoring, it should be a lot of fun. :D

Anonymous said...

I love, love,love lavender...and am amxious to try the amber as well, Are you going ro concoct a fragranced soap for poor Lady Edirh who was left at the altar by Antony? Perhaps "The Downtrodden Downton Bride"?

Nancy Narma

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Linky.

Nancy Narma

Deanna said...

How lovely. I attempted to order some of your soaps before Christmas but had trouble accessing my Paypal account - the husband is the one who usually uses it. I'm really eager to give them a try.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Oh, these are lovely! Lavender is my favorite scent. It would be a wonderful birthday present. My birthday is the 13th.

Debra Hawkins said...

I love your soaps! SO amazing!

Ruth Kelly said...

Would love to win. I enjoy the soap I've ordered.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful sachets, beautiful blog, and my favorite was the Word that I glanced over to at the top of your sidebar the minute the page opened. :)
Would love to enter your giveaway. Jan 21st is a very special date for me.
Following on google and on linky.
Thank you for stopping by the shop. ;)

The Charm of Home said...

Oh, awesome soap. I would love to win!

debbie bailey said...

I follow you with Google. I'm a big fan of your soap and would love to win the sachets. Thanks, Judy!

Anonymous said...

heather says: i would love to win this so bad
hg temp addy at hot mail dot com

20 North Ora said...

Those soaps look wonderful. Please enter me in your great giveaway.



kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor said...

Judy, thanks bunches for inviting me! What a fun give away...yay!

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I'm in! I'm in! Thank you for the great giveaway. Perfect for Valentines Day!

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! Definitely would love the Lavender Soap! Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway! Big hugs, xoxo

Crafts a la Mode said...

I love the name of your blog! Lovely. Following you on Facebook. Linda

RURAL said...

Oh, what a amazing giveaway...I follow you through my Google Reader...and just figured out that you are on Pinterest, so I am following you there also.

Thanks for letting me know about this, I've been so behind with other stuff I've ignored blogging.


Lois Christensen said...

Thank you so much for letting me know. I have not been feeling well lately and have not been visiting many blogs. :)

The Thriftiness Miss said...

Thanks so much stopping by The Thriftiness Miss and for letting me know about this awesome giveaway! Got my entries in now :) Have a wonderful day!

jackeline said...

These sound yummy! Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Those soaps look wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
Bethany @ Whistle and Ivy

Donna said...

Sounds great! How sweet of you!

Kali said...

The little sachets are so cute!! And I already know your soap is wonderful :-)

Had to figure out how to do GFC - but I did! (can you tell I'm new to that? lol) Learn something new every day ;-)

rachel said...

Both scents sound awesome!

Nicole said...

These look terrific! Really hope I win! (and if I can, can I keep all 4 for myself? hehe)

Ana Love Craft said...

How fun! Love your soaps!!!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Hugs from Portugal,

Ana Love Craft

laurie said...

What a fun give away!

GingerG said...

These scents sound great, I'd love to try your soaps!

GingerG said...

oh...also forgot I follow on GFC (Ginger) gingerbrooks85(at)gmail(dot)com

Jess said...

Love love love your stuff!

Annie said...

What a fun giveaway!! Thanks for posting!

Ruffles and Relics said...

I am a gfc follower and would love those pretty soap sachets!

Teagle said...

Yummy!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Unknown said...

Love this giveaway. Thank you.

Jen J said...

You have some wonderful things!

Anonymous said...

Did you know rhat im the Victorian era, Lavender meant Mistrust--I love the scent of it anyway!!
Nancy Narma


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