Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hope and a Future

Death, Life, Hope

I was taking a photo of the old, rusted tricycle, but when I uploaded it yesterday and saw that green leaf of the dandelion, it reminded me of the overwhelming destruction in Oklahoma, and yet the life and hope that still exist and move on and grow.

Praying for the people of Moore, Oklahoma.

'...hope and a future.'  - Jeremiah 29:11



Sunny Simple Life said...

It has been so sad to watch. My heart breaks for those families.

Paulette said...

Prays for all the people who were touched by this tragedy.

Trace4J said...

Just perfect.
Thankful we know the great HOPE!

TexWisGirl said...

really sweet.

Eileen H said...

So heartbreaking.
My heart goes out to the people of Moore, Oklahoma.

Eugenie said...

I am joining your prayers.

Your photo is beautiful and meaningful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is beautiful and i like the green leaf and the story. i have not turned the TV on at all today so don't know if anything new is happening.

Chatty Crone said...

I am praying with you as well. sandie

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

We are praying also, Love your beautiful post!!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful metaphor Judy - I can't imagine what these poor people are going through - every time I see it I cry - it's too much - how does one pick up the pieces ( literally in this case )and yet I know they do -
one piece at a time...........

Susie said...

Judy, It's hard to not think of all those people who lost their loved ones and their homes. Bless their hearts. xoxo,Susie

podso said...

Striking photo and thoughtful post today, Judy. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful post, photo and Bible verse. Joining all of you in prayer.

Carla from The River said...

We are praying with you. xx oo

koralee said...

Your photo says it all....where would we be without HOPE. Thank you for this and for visiting me the other day...

Unknown said...

Chris's sister in law's grandparents were exactly 1 mile from where the tornado hit in Moore. They know how unbelievably fortunate they were! I'm praying for everyone too!

Denise said...

Praying with you.

Candace said...

Praying. Beautiful post, Judy. <3

Cynthia said...

Beautiful post and picture. I have been praying my little heart out for everyone there.


Rachel said...

My heart breaks watching the news about Oklahoma. I have friends that live in OK. The tornado touched down five miles from their house. One of the subdivisions completely destroyed is one they almost moved to. I still can't watch the news without crying.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Beautiful sentiment.

The Farmers Daughter said...

A heartfelt post that says it all.

Debra Hawkins said...

Absolutely beautiful.


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