Friday, May 3, 2013

The Snowstorm of May, 2013

May 2, 2013 Snowstorm
Our deck, yard, and barn

Sorry I haven't been responding to your comments for the past couple posts. We had a huge snowstorm which dropped 17 inches of heavy, wet snow on us, caused branches to come down all over the place, and resulted in a widespread power outage. 

So rather than respond to comments, I was playing pioneer woman for the 32 hours that our power was out. I'll never get caught up on the emails, so I hope you will forgive me. I will start from here. Thank you to all for commenting on the Vintage Wisconsin Postcards post and the National Day of Prayer post. Sorry I missed Anglophile Friday. It will be back next week, unless we have another power outage!

May 3, 2013

Next week I'm going to be writing a post about preparing for a power outage. I hope you'll stop in, for I'd like you to offer your ideas of other things a person or family might need to have on hand. Winter storms and 32 hours without power don't hold a candle to the real disasters that have hit parts of our country in the recent past, but regardless, we need to be thinking and preparing. It's amazing how the priorities shift when the power goes out and it gets cold in the house.

See you next week. I promise I'll be stopping in. Just need to catch up on some of the stuff I didn't get done the past couple days, like laundry and cleaning. I'll have to admit, once I had a good fire going and a source of light for a nightlight, it was kinda fun to sit on the couch and read 'Snobs' by Julian Fellowes.  See what I mean by 'priorities'??  lol

Have a great weekend, everyone!

This post is linked to Barn Charm



Terri D said...

Don't worry about catching up! I'm just glad you have power again and are okay! I just can't imagine that much snow in May! Oh my!

podso said...

Oh My!!!! the snow is just unreal.

We were without power for almost two weeks after a hurricane but at least it wasn't winter.

there is something sweet, for awhile anyway, about having down time when the power is off. there's not much one can do but sit by the fire!
Have a restful weekend!

Trace4J said...

Oh my goodness.
Hope you were warm.
Sure is pretty.
Woolie Blesssings

Chatty Crone said...

I wondered if you got snow today - some others did up there too. Sorry. sandie

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

Oh my goodness we got snow to!! I'm so glad your ok and your power is back on. We didn't lose power out this way but yes that snow was wet and very heavy. Our snow has almost melted I hope yours does to just as quick.

Kathe said...

We got snow and sent it your way (sorry) but didn't get as much as you and didn't loose power. Hopefully we will now send our sunshine and warmth to you :-)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I heard about all the snow in Western Wisconsin and was wondering how much you got. Glad you have your power back on. Not a lot you can do without it except read or put puzzles together if you have enough light.

Eileen H said...

I'm glad you're OK and with power again. That certainly is a lot of snow, I hope it melts quickly for you.
I'm so pleased you sent me an email during your catchup time, I really appreciate it. I will look out for the book you told me about, I know I would enjoy reading that. Thank you.
Take care x

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I was thinking of you, Judy. We got hit with 3" so I knew you probably were bombarded with this crazy snow in May. I'm glad your power is back and as you look out at the snow, just remember, it's Spring! Lol!

Joyce said...

Oh wow! More than a day without power becomes uncomfortable, more than two is difficult. We were without power for a week following Hurricane Sandy and it certainly makes you appreciate so many things you normally take for granted. I can't imagine snow like that in May...spring is underneath all of that and I hope it shows up soon for you all!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Oh MY that's alot of snow at any time let alone in MAY!!!! Ugh!

Unknown said...

Now that is A LOT of snow. Losing power isnt fun for sure, but sitting by the fire the first few hours is! Hope you get back to normal soon.

Diane said...

Oh boy! Sorry about the power outage! We were once out for 3 days-- at least it was in the summer. All concerns aside, I did appreciate the quiet during those days (except for the neighbors' generator!!) Hope all stays well now-- what crazy weather!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not even see this on the news, we have turned off the news because we are sick of what they talk about over and over. 32 hours without power is beyond scary... my life runs on power being available. add Kindle power to your list of things to prepare for. no power no books to read. shudder shudder.. i do hope this all melts soon and spring comes for your area.

jennyfreckles said...

Goodness me. I was feeling like our winter had been long until I saw this! Glad all is OK now. Spring at last seems to have arrived here; though it is dull today, the last few days have been sunny and warmer.

Muffy's Marks said...

We have invested in a generator. Its been a blessing. But all that snow in May what the heck?
Before the generator, we seemed to think being without water was more of a hardship than electricity Fill the bathtub!!!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

It is nice too be forced to slow down sometimes. But a snowstorm in May - no thank you :-)
Hope it all melts soon!

GretchenJoanna said...

I'm glad you were able to appreciate your opportunities! May Spring and Summer make up for their tardiness with brightness and warmth.

Empty Nester said...

Judy- I can't believe it! I saw the radar for your area but thought, 'No. Surely not!' Wow. As much as I love snow, I'm thinking you are :) Hope you see spring soon!

Ruth Kelly said...

I've seen it snow in June here but never that amount of snow and it usually melts right off. Will warm weather ever come? I am getting snatches of sun here and there but we had a snow storm last Wednesday but were lucky that it just melted away.

Unknown said...

My brother and I almost got snowbound up in northern WI-
at least further south by us it only was wind, sleet and rain. Pretty icy but nothing like what we beat out from there before the worst.

Suzan said...

Ohhh Judy!! All that snow? We've had rain all day and for the next two days - but snow??? That's quite a bit different!

Olive said...

I thought of you when I heard about the snow storm. Glad you cozied up to a fire and a book. Do not worry about catching up. I had my laptop crash and did not do one blog thing for seven days. Olive

Denise said...

Wow, stay warm, and safe.

Amy Burzese said...

Oh, dear. So much snow! I think I just said this a few days ago, but I sure hope you get warm spring weather very soon.

Debra Hawkins said...

Oh my! WOW! Mother Nature totally forgot it is MAY!

Mari said...

That's too much snow for May - actually any snow is too much for May! The barn looks good in the snow though.

Rose said...

What a mess this must have been, but it is oh so beautiful!

Nell at njschout said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow for May!

Unknown said...

Wow,,glad you were able to find your way out of the snow!! There is always some kind of adventure living in the country! Makes us appreciate all the conveniences we have as well ;) Take care! Coming over from Barn Charm today...

Tanya Breese said...

wow, this weather has certainly been crazy hasn't it?! glad your power is back on, that must have been difficult!

Pamela Gordon said...

You sure did get some May snow! That's incredible. I hope it's pretty well gone now. Great photos but it's not pleasant being in the midst of it with the power off I'm sure. We are always prepared for power outages in winter but they rarely happen here. Take care. Pamela

J_on_tour said...

Sorry to hear about your latest snowfall. It must be hard to accept so late in the year.

Anonymous said...

17" of snow on May 2nd? YiKeS! That's one snow covered barn & bench =)


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