Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Thrift Find - Now What??

I am not a regular thrift store shopper, and the following story will explain why. I purchased this lined jacket about a year ago for almost nothing. As you can see, it's made of several types of fabric sewn together, and for some reason made me think of Joseph's coat of many colors. Velvet, satin, brocade...It's really beautiful.

And I wouldn't be caught dead in it. Seriously. But it's a long way from my typical gray or olive green T-shirt.

So why did I buy it?

Because it was really cheap and because it looked like something.

I still don't know for sure what that something is, however.

I can see it made into little zippered clutch purses (a lot of work), or a sofa pillow cover...

I know this is ridiculous. And it's certainly not how one goes about downsizing. But surely there's something useful that could be made from that jacket. Have you ever purchased anything from a thrift store just because it was such a good deal, even though you had no idea how you were going to use it?

How about a piece of fabric you couldn't pass up because it was perfect for something...and you've still not made it into anything?

I know you.

And that's why I seldom go to the thrift store. It's far too easy to pick up stuff I don't need.


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Before gray or green T-shirts
My all-time favorite outfit
made by my mom
Roy Rogers/Dale Evans



Susie said...

Judy, I love your cowgirl outfit. I wanted one when I was young. I think a purse would make your buy worth it. Once a bought a sparkly top. I was going to turn it into a pumpkin for fall...never got that I gave it to my daughter. She wore it two weeks ago .LOL xoxo,Susie

The Cranky said...

I shop thrift stores on occasion, and usually come home with something or another. If I don't have an immediate use for something, inspiration comes along sooner or later.
Love your cowgirl outfit!

Debby Ray said...

This is very pretty, Judy. I probably would have bought this too if I would have found it for a good price! I have done this a few times too...with the idea that I would make something lovely. A pillow would probably be my first thought too and I do love the idea of the little purses...or maybe a table scarf...or a delightful stuffed animal...or a pin cushion! I just bet you will come up with a great idea!

Linda Kay said...

I'm not a thrift shop shopper as a rule, but it is fun to wander through. I have a friend who, like you, picks up all sorts of things, then gives them away later. I think it can be addictive!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

I picture a beautiful pillow for a bedroom - maybe a roll shape. You could even make in no sew and just tie the ends with some pretty cord.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Male perspective - I'm trying to figure out why you don't wear it; it looks absolutely splendid. But I think you should consider pushing the boat out and seeing if you can get hold of a pair of 70s flares to go with it. At a knockdown price, of course. Or - raffle it. Love the cute picture!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am always buying something to use later! lol One thing I've been doing to cut down...making pillow covers. This would be a gorgeous pillow cover. Take a throw pillow you already own and do an envelope style pillow case. Tassels on the corners would be pretty, too! I like tote bags and this would make a beautiful, simple bag with a braided handle! Have fun! Hugs!

Diane said...

I usually do the opposite-- leave something behind at a thrift store only to think of a great use for it later. Maybe we balance each other out! Super cute cowgirl outfit! Your mom must have been quite a crafter.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

PS I love your cowgirl outfit, too! I always wanted to be Annie Oakley! All we need is a stick horse! Hugs!

Balisha said...

First things that came to mind for me is a vest or a purse. It's really a pretty fabric. although a little fancy for my taste too. How about a table runner?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you made and adorable mini dale rogers... i can say i have never bought anything in a thrift store or any other store that i did not need or have a purpose for. i am ultr cheap and practical and almost spartan, got that word from you... and i don't make anything out of anything. i only go to thrift stores when i need something, like a lamp or a frame or my hubby a new gym bag. i am looking for a specific item when i go...

TexWisGirl said...

hope you can do something cool with it!

Amy Burzese said...

Guilty. I think the purse idea is great, but agree that it would be a lot of work. It is beautiful.

Cheryl said...

I like the purse idea too...if you're up for the work involved.

I rarely thrift. We used to go to yard sales fairly often, but we stopped going when we realized that it is not a deal if you don't need it! And it's too easy to find "good deals"!)

My oldest daughter is a great thrifter, however! She is extremely careful about what she brings into her home (she likes things simple), but when she wants a particular item, she'll hunt for her specifications until she finds! She recently bought an end table for $15 which she painted and made into a nature table for their homeschool.

Amy Burzese said...

Guilty. I think the purse idea is great, but agree that it would be a lot of work. It is beautiful.

Heide at ApronHistory said...

We generally stay out of thrift stores, now antique shops are another thing! Lol! I have way too many antiques that don't have a place or use because they were just too interesting!
I hope you figure out what to do with the jacket. It is very elegant and not my taste either. I think the best idea is to make it into a purse (or send it back where it came from :)!

Vee said...

Exactly! I refuse to enter another flea market or thrift store until I am looking for something specific. I have no room for serendipity just now. You wear green and gray tees? I wear white ones...must switch asap. May have to visit a thrift store.

podso said...

It looks like it could be a "throw" for a throne. You could probably use it to make several things. Cute picture of you!

Debbie said...

Oh how I can identify...with the fabric buying anyway. Sometimes I just can't resist even though I have more fabric then I can honestly store well. It's the same thing with thrift stores...there is ALWAYS something i can't pass up. Truthfully now that I dwell on this a bit, I can go into ANY store and find something to buy soo easily. Good thing I rarely shop anymore, lol. Enjoy your day!

Linda said...

We love the thrift store and antiquing. I'm the same way, I am constantly collecting depression glass or old dishware. My husband says I have issues, LOL. (whatever could he mean?)wink

Thanks for the great post, sure made me smile and go "huhhuh". Blessings

L. D. said...

I have bought clothes, new ones, thinking that it was a great look. Yes it would have been if I were 20 years younger then I wonder where was my brain when I picked this up. Old guys don't wear this stuff. You will find something wonderful to do with it.

Arlene G said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog today!! I love making new friends in the blogosphere.

Stephanie said...

Yes, you are right, I have done the same thing. . .

I will say that your find is very pretty and hopefully someday we will get to something that you have made from it :)

Hugs to you!

Terri D said...

Love your cowgirl photo, Judy! My mom made most of our clothes when I was growing up, but Dad went to Wyoming on business once, and brought my brother and me a cowboy and cowgirl outfit. I loved that silly thing, with fringe all over! Sure wish I still had it. I am sure I have a photo or two of us wearing them. Need to get busy with my scanning!!

The jacket fabric is beautiful and I can see why you bought it. Clutch purses would be nice, but so would a pillow cover or two. It is too pretty to toss, that's fore sure!! How about a table runner? I love consignment and thrift stores, but do my best to resist. There is ALWAYS something I have to have. Always.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i have never had much luck with thrifting ... i know many who do ... glad you found a keeper. ( :

Sue McPeak said...

Yes, I would have bought it in a heart beat, and yes I do the same it cause it's cheap and beautiful and stash it away. Someday I may need it and if not when I do a Stash Buster, I send it back to Goodwill where when I see it I like it all over again. Buy some things just for the buttons.

Cute as a are in that cowgirl outfit. Fun memory!
Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Recently discovered the joys of a thrift store. Got new $60 jeans for $3.50!

I am very much a clothing minimalist. Brother looked in my closet once as he was helping me pack for a trip because I had been FELLED by the flu.
Him: Where are your clothes?
Me: In the closet.
Him: No, I mean where are the REST of your clothes?
Me: In the closet.
Him: ?!?!

Donna said...

Oh yes, I am addicted to fabric. That's why I stay out of fabric and thrift stores these days, LOL.

Gail Dixon said...

Before I read your post, I, too, was reminded of Joseph's coat! Understandable why you became smitten with it. I decided about a year ago that I have enough stuff. I no longer get that shopping fever or high. I guess I traded shopping for photography.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

How sweet, you look like a miniature Dale Evans in the photo. When I was young my parents took me to the Canadian National Exhibition every year and the highlight one time was Roy and Dale there with their horses doing little skits and riding tricks. Not many people would appreciate my telling this. :-)
The beautiful fabric may not be made into something else but at least you have the option of passing the jacket on.

Unknown said...

Hi Judy,
That is a beautiful fabric and would look very nice as a purse and even pillow. Have a great day!


Cynthia said...

Hi Judy, I'm back, I have done that several times. I am a fabric lover. What about an ottoman??


Valerie said...

What a cute cowgirl you were! =) Love the idea of making that into a purse or clutch. How lovely! I do the same thing. Buy something and then not sure what to do with it. LOL
Blessings, Valerie

Eileen said...

I think it would look great with a pair of jeans.............Eileen

Eileen H said...

I can see why you were drawn to the material it's lovely. I'm guilty of buying things because they are cheap, no sense to it really :)

Suzan said...

Now Judy, Don't laugh - but I would probably wear that if it were the right size!! I love colors and textures!! Almost makes me think of a crazy quilt!

Warratahstree said...

Hi I think I would make a pillow out of it....unless i could dress it down by wearing it with jeans. Then I like to wear colourful things
Thanks for sharing this on the blog linky party.

Handmade at Warratahstree


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