Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Vintage Treasures, 1913 Home Comfort Wood Burning Range

Good morning! Yea, it's March 1st. That means spring to most everyone else, but in NW Wisconsin it means maybe spring, maybe more winter. We'll see how it goes, but I've stopped hoping for spring to arrive March 21st. I now think of April as the arrival of spring. It makes me happier that way, for if warmer weather arrives earlier than April, I'll be pleasantly surprised. And if not, I won't be as sorely disappointed. Any way you look at it, May is the real month of springtime around here. Green grass, planting potatoes, peas, and onions, and the alfalfa field coming back to gloriously green life.

Okay, back to the subject: I've always liked the little cast iron train (above) that I bought out in Pennsylvania years ago (I think), but the real vintage item is the box behind it, of course. I've always liked different kinds of wood boxes - cheese boxes, chalk boxes, nail boxes, TNT boxes, etc.

These are definitely vintage - both my collection of cast iron skillets and our 1913 Home Comfort wood-burning range. The stove works, but we usually don't fire it up unless it hits 25 below zero. Short of that, our Quadrafire in the livingroom heads the house adequately. When it gets to 25 below, it's nice to take the edge off with the auxiliary heat from the Home Comfort range.

So here's a photo of the hay rack clamps box. The jar on the left holds coriander seed from my garden and the one on the right holds dried cayenne peppers. The right side of the box contains some heavy cast iron object and an old oil can.

Mr. C. suspects that the cast iron weight on the left is some sort of counterweight for inside a window frame. Sounds reasonable. If you have a better idea, let me know.

Some roses I finally parted with. I had to get their photo before I threw them out. I've got way too much of that kind of thing around here and have spent the last few days going through closets, dresser drawers, etc. pitching and organizing.

You've probably seen this before, but in case you haven't it's a photo of our Home Comfort wood-burning range. The dog cookie jar no longer lives on the stove and the teapot (with its cupcake cozy) is in the hutch. It looks like I have a bag of oranges and a towel on the kitchen counter. I really should remember to tidy up before taking photos.

Just a few more shots of the same, except for the sunlight on the hill, taken from our front porch. I love that view in every season.

Linking to Tom's Tuesday's Treasures
and Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration

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Have a wonderful day, everyone!



Arlene G said...

I love all things vintage and I hope to have a rustic little house in Georgia. My brother in law texted me yesterday to say he found an old oak beam in the barn that we hope to use for our mantle. I saw a painting of three cows at a local store yesterday( holstein) and I wanted it so badly until I found out it was $500. Maybe it will be reduced!!:)

The Cranky said...

These are all things I adore; especially your Home Comfort range.

Karen said...

Everything looks so inviting and cozy at your house. Have a wonderful March 1.

Elizabethd said...

But the oranges simply show that yours is a real home!

Lynne said...

Wonderful vintage treasures there Judy . . .
I bet the warmth in your home is the best . . .
Nothing like the warmth from a wood burning stove in my book.

I have been enjoying the "bits and bobs" of springtime things happening being reported in others places in blog land of late.
Not happening in Michigan yet, a new snowstorm came through during the night and covered us with white again.
I too look to April as the time to maybe see some sprouting.
Until then, if it happens it will just be a happy surprise.
I'll plan on this month to continue my time of cleaning, sorting, tossing and recycling things. (It seems like that never stops.)

Happy March Days!

Marcia said...

What a collection! When you do fire up that stove I see you have to move everything. Another reason to do it only when absolutely needed. And I too forget to move things out of view when taking photos.

Christine said...

I haven't seen your awesome stove before so thanks for sharing this treasure again! It is a great piece for your kitchen and your home!
Hope you have a mild March! Enjoy your day!

Jackie McGuinness said...

Very inviting!! I hear they are getting a snowstorm back home in Toronto.

The Furry Gnome said...

I remember a stove like that atmy grandparents, and it was fired up all the time.

Sunny Simple Life said...

What a cool space. Like back in time. Do you ever cook on it?

Susie said...

Judy, I love that beautiful stove of yours. You certainly have it decorated sweetly. Stay warm , spring is popping up here and there. Yesterday was wonderful today we will have rain and then later tonight or this week, we will have snow. LOL. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

Anonymous said...

Glad you have those great stoves for added comfort in your home. It's fun to get a peek into your space. I love old boxes, too. I enjoyed your Tuesday Treasures!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that stove and have said that before. i love the crate the jars are in and that is my favorite of all your beautiful things you have collected...

genie said...

I have seen some beautiful iron cookstoves, but have never owned one. You are so fortunate to have that one. It is a beauty and I bet it really warms that end of the house when it gets so very cold. Loved your post with all of the vintage items...the train is precious.

Debby Ray said...

Judy, I love all you vintage goodies you have shared and I do love anything that is cast iron. Your stove is amazing and I love the way you have decorated it. It is a beautiful March 1 here in NC but I will not get too excited yet...last year on March 3rd, we had 8 inches of snow! And the year before Ice Storm Ulysses came through...not fun! If March is coming in like a lamb (and it is) we know how it's supposed to go out, right??? Watch out! :)

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Judy, what amazing vintage treasures. The train is special!! I love cast iron and have just a few little pieces myself and enjoy them. Your stove is a fabulous piece. What an amazing treasure it is. We have a wood stove on the patio in cast iron and we enjoy it. Wishing you a wonderful March. Blessings xo

21 Wits said...

Happy March 1st to you as well! Wow, I'm still dreaming about your most lovely capture for your blog header. That is one stunning view! As was this entire fun post. Cool old train! Enjoy your day, take good care of you!

Debbie said...

oooooh i have never seen any of this, it is all so lovely!!! my home is a little more modern/contemporary but i adore this comfortable, welcoming look. your home is awesome, i would love to see more of it!!!!

Tom said...

Wow, what a great collection of treasure you have for us this week Judy, thanks! I have an Amish friend who is a Griswold cast iron frying pan collector. I hope that you hurry back soon.

Stephanie said...

Oooh, what delightful vintage charm, my friend! Everything looks wonderful and your old stove reminds me of the one my grandparents had in their home :)

Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration...your posts always bring a smile to my face. Hugs!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Love your wood burning stove!!! I love cast iron too. Have a great week, Judy!

Anita Johnson said...

Your house looks so warm and inviting! I keep toys and our wood for the fireplace in a box. I woke up to a dusting of snow and thought the weathermen were wrong about all the snow here...now we have a blizzard. I like April too!

Pamela Gordon said...

What a wonderful old cook stove! I'm kind of glad we don't have to fire one up and cook in it today. I imagine it would take a lot to get used to getting the temperature just right to bake in it. The old train is wonderful too, but I love old things anyway and find toys so interesting. Spring is in May for us up here too although this year may be different. March has rolled in like a lamb here.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I love your beautiful wood burning stove and all the cast iron pans! I've always wanted one of those old cook stoves, but alas.....no room, although I do have two wood stoves that we use all winter. It's so nice to have the cook stove for supplemental heat and for cooking when the electricity goes out. I actually do cook on my wood stove when we have power outtages and have made some fine meals (smile), but to be able to bake would be wonderful! Love all your collectibles, too - the box is really nice. I did have a little laugh when you mentioned TNT boxes, though......I do remember when farmers always had some on hand to blow up those pesky tree stumps, but I have never seen the boxes. Hope spring comes earlier, rather than later for you this year. xx Karen

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh that old train is just wonderful ... some special things you've shared here.
I can't believe it's March already-
Have a good month

All the best Jan

podso said...

I have a cheese box similar to what you show here; and I wish I hadn't gotten rid of my 3 cast iron pans--looking just about like your sizes. That becomes my purging dilemma, seems there are always regrets, but I guess we can live with them. Have I mentioned I love your new header?

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Judy, your Home Comfort range is a beauty! The old boxes caught my attention as well. The sweet little cast iron train with the coal car is just charming. Thank you for showing your lovely pieces. ♥

Terri D said...

I love seeing collections and vintage treasures!! I have a thing about boxes with lids... not sure what that says about me wanting lids, but there you have it. :)

Anonymous said...

Seems I'm here every day here lately! The cutest stove -envious! Yeah, I have difficulty throwing flowers away too! Since you're doing spring cleaning, would you please add a pic of this post to Seasons, because anything in the season goes! My link of Seasons-curious about March is open Mon-Wed 7pm (Pacific time) hope to see you there - and thanks so much!

Daniela said...

That's the vintage atmosphere I just love to surround myself with, my sweetest Judy, thank you for sharing such lovely photographs of yours !

Sending blessings on your day, today,
and may your Mrch be filled with so much love and joy, darling friend,
with all my heart

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I have seen the stove before but I loved it then and love it now! :)

TexWisGirl said...

really like the cast iron. and like your new header, too.

Rose said...

I LOVE that stove!

Michelle said...

I am in LOVE with your stove! What a beauty!

A Colorful World said...

Just glorious! I adore your woodburner, and the wood box and iron train & skillets. Would love to have them all in my house!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

Lorrie said...

You have some great vintage treasures there. A wood stove that is actually used is a wonderful thing. I've cooked on a few of them and enjoyed it very much, but I'm so glad that we have our electric or gas ranges now. I enjoy standing next to a warm stove.

betty-NZ said...

In my younger days in the Chicago area, I could appreciate your extra bit of heat. Many winter days had the heater going 24/7. But now, I don't think I could ever go back.

JES said...

I adore your range!!! This has been on my wish list for many years! I would love to actually use it on the homestead come winter... Thank you for sharing this!

Vee said...

Wonderful range! It perfectly fits that spot. You and I have similar tastes so I very much enjoyed peeking around. And I do love that pop of color that the oranges provide. Snow here this morning, but it will be gone this afternoon.

Carla from The River said...

I think Mr. C is right about the weight for the window frame. We have that style of window in our home. We have replaced some of them and yes, that looks like what was inside the system. :-)

uberrhund said...

I love your wooden crate, those things were really made to last! I have a real soft spot for them too.
My most recent wooden box prize is a corned beef box which is currently residing in my laundry room!

Anonymous said...

Cute little train. My sister-in-law cooked on one of those stoves for several years. It probably wasn't much fun in the summertime. Cleaning the counter never enters my mind until after I take the picture and see crumbs!


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