Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wisconsin Barns, Good Fences and The Hodgepodge

Barns and Fences on 1 1/2 Avenue, Barron County, WI

With the weather we're currently enjoying, our neighbors might not need the remaining woodpile. Oh, who am I kidding. We'll have a lot more snow. These few warm days in the 50s and 60s are just a teaser.

Fence and culvert on D

And now, on to the Hodgepodge:

Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own blog
and follow along!

1. March is National Women's History Month. In that vein, who are three women who've been influential in your life? How so?

My mom, my mother-in-law, and both of my grandmas (I know, that's four).
My mom instilled in me a strong work ethic (play also, but duty, and definitely work before play), and a sense of responsibility and perseverance. My mother-in-law also instilled a strong work ethic and the importance of life-long learning, including everything from music to Scripture. My paternal grandma instilled a love of a wry sense humor, consistent Christian living, and unwavering faith. My maternal grandma especially patterned Jesus. Love for others, giving of her time and energies, and enjoying fun. All of those women exhibited a rock solid faith in God.

Glorious March sunlight on a couple of favorite pottery pieces

2. In what ways do you think women have it easier than men?

In my case, I am sitting at home working on a blog post, making soap, and tending to the wants of the dog and cat while my husband is out making an actual living wage. I wonder if he'll catch on one of these days and throw me out. 

3. What do you need most right now: faith, love, hope, or peace?

Peace is highly overrated. Even in the Christian life, we were never promised peace. Jesus' words, 'Take up your cross and follow me' aren't reflected in the health, wealth, and prosperity 'gospel' that is so often preached today. I've been reading Prayers of the Early Christians and none of those true followers of Christ had peace in their lives. They were always at odds with the state (sometimes even their families), were persecuted, tortured, driven from their homes, and many were killed for their faith in God.  BUT, they had faith to the bitter end...and hope. Hope is an absolute for the follower of Christ.  I could use more love for others, and I always could use more faith. 

 (The deep, abiding peace in our hearts, given to us by God, is not the peace I'm referring to in the paragraph above. That peace should be without question for those who trust God. I'm referring more to circumstantial peace. I know several who are going through real struggles in their lives right now, and they're definitely not  experiencing circumstantial peace.)

Fences and Reflections in March
1 1/2 Avenue, Barron County, WI

4. Do you have a collection? If so, what do you collect and why?

I actually do collect more than dog hair and dust bunnies, although they're most prevalent. I collect coffee mugs (and finally did part with several a while back, when they were crowding me out of my home) - and I have a smallish collection of refrigerator magnets. Why? Because they make good souvenirs, take up little space in my carry on, and cost less than a sweater or a rug or a discarded phone box.

5. Plaids, checks, polka dots, stripes...your favorite?

None of the above. I prefer solid colors and rarely stray from that. Checks are nice for a picnic tablecloth. Stripes look good on a zebra, and in my opinion, plaids don't look good anywhere - except on a Scottish kilt. 

I rest my case.
And she probably has a 10" waist.

6. In what ways are you the same as your childhood self?

I still love animals, especially dogs (and yes, cats too, Tuppence!); I love the outdoors and all of God's beautiful creation. I'm much the same in ways too numerous to mention, only bigger, grayer, and bearing the battle scars of life (wrinkles). And I haven't climbed a pine tree with a book in one hand for a very long time.

Still living in the land of snow and loving the outdoors -
I only got bigger and could afford a coat or two.

7. You're a contestant on the TV game show Jeopardy. What category will you ace?

My knowledge is too minimal and eclectic to ace any category. 

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

I can't believe how March has brought such cheer to my life. There is something about February that is so dark and dreary and cold and loooooong. But then comes March and some melting of the snow, more hours of daylight, and it's so encouraging. Plus, we saw the grandkids last week (yesterday's post) and are flying to Texas on Saturday to spend a week with our daughter and our SIL. What a wonderful March!

Also Linked to Theresa's Good Fences 
and Tom's Barn Collective


Check out my natural, handcrafted vegan soap!
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My shops will be closed March 11-20

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Have a wonderful Wednesday!



Sylvia said...

Love old barns.

Daniela said...

I also love old barns, and your Wisconsin is filled with so many of them !
As for questions you asks, we also, in Italy, have celebrated the Women's Day ...happy belated celebration to you, by the way, my darling Judy !
Here are my answers to your questions:
1 -The most important women's in my life is my Mother, and was, not less, until she was alive, Grandma, they both grew me up and taught me such a lot;
2 - probably women are more patient than men ...
3 - Faith, love, hope, peace ... I think them all to be so important and cannot live one withouth the othet faith, love, hope, or peace;
4 - I collect everything is ancient or old, and more ancient it is, better it is !
5 - I do prefer little flowers, for sure !

I thank you so much for this amusement, may your day be as wonderful as you, sweetest friend
sending hugs

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I agree about the month of March vs February. I see signs of Spring all around me and it makes me so happy. Love your photos of barns. Have a great week.

Deb said...

Love your photos, as always. And I love the old black and whites of our childhood. Your fridge looks similar to mine although mine is mostly photographs. It's a bit of a party for the eyes. :) I'd have to say my faith has grown as I have aged and living now on my grandmother's land reminds me of what a wonderful influence she and my mom were to me. They were both strong women who had a good, solid faith. I feel very lucky for that. Deb

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I always enjoy seeing a barn. My husband's family farm still has a good strong barn but everything is painted in grays and I'd so love to see the barn in a nice red- not too bright. We've melted down to the ground in most areas here- and I'm just eating it up. I know there's a distinct possibility of more snow but even so it won't last long (that's the optimist in me speaking!). It's acting like the first part of April here right now- crazy but considering how mild the winter was in general I'm not surprised. Have a great rest of the week!

Anonymous said...

I love your answers. I really agree with you about peace. Yes, you are so very right. This Hodge Podge is fun, and you do it well.

Arlene G said...

Girl, I love that you have a dust bunnie and dog hair collection. I am right with you with the bunnies. Now you know you would ace The Bible on Jeopardy. It is my favorite category as my hubs and I watch it every night Being an old nurse, I do well on the medical categories as well. And lately I have been on a roll with final Jeopardy for some reason. I even beat my PhD husband on those!!lol I also love that you had strong ladies who raised you! A great testimony.

April said...

I tend to pick up magnets for our fridge when we go places, too. Yes, I was so happy to send February packing! March has been pretty outstanding, so far! Have a wonderful time in Texas, travels!

podso said...

I love the street name that beautiful red barn is on! You have a wonderful heritage that influenced you greatly as I did. I guess I'd have to add my father also as a great influence. I am so grateful for these dear ones that have "gone before me." I was thinking we didn't have enough winter, but now that the sun is shining and the days are longer and the trees are budding and the daffodils are smiling, I'm not looking back. It's amazing how much energy comes with spring. I hope you have a wonderful time with your kids next week. Enjoyed your post--as usual!

Joyce said...

I think we can be sure our circumstances will be fraught with something other than peace but deep inside, in spite of what is happening to us or around us, peace is possible. I am loving all your magnets! Cheers!

Debbie said...

What a blessing it no doubt was to have such a godly influence on your young life...I have soo wanted to be that for my children and now my grandchildren. I do believe that God's peace is what I strive for in spite of and no matter what my circumstances might be as it really is something that can come only from Him, and can't really be explained, and is outside of our understanding. I have experienced it a few times and it really is all these things. More of that in my life as I age and look at the world around us is what I need I think. Enjoy your trip to see your grands! How exciting!

Pamela Gordon said...

I love the photo of the red barn (on 1 1/2 Avenue?-- an interesting name for a road). I think I need more faith lately. Funny how our faith wavers when we have trials in our lives. Our friend's loss of their 18 year old son to alcohol poisoning has shaken us (her family, friends and church family) to the core. Life's lessons are hard sometimes and we carry on wondering why. I hope you and Mr. Cranberry have a wonderful visit with your daughter and son-in-law in Texas! Blessings to you.

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, love your ansers and that big old red barn.Blessings Francine.

Anonymous said...

I love your collection of refrigerator magnets! I have a few of my own, most of them coca cola or picture magnets. I'm glad you are enjoying your March Have fun on your trip :)

Kathy (Reflections)

Carla from The River said...

We collect magnets too. :-) Magnets are our go to souvenir.
Enjoy Texas!!

Ana Love Craft said...

Wonderful photos! Beautiful place! I also love magnets, I have one from each place I visit, already a big collection ^_^
Hope you are having a lovely week!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

Really enjoyed your answers today and always enjoy your photography. Also appreciated your answer regarding peace and love. I certainly could also use more love for others. I'm with you on loving solids. I select my patterns very carefully, and there sure won't be any checks, stripes, dots or plaids among them. I am in Dallas this week babysitting a nine year old granddaughter. Be grateful your trip in next week and not this very wet one.

Unknown said...

Always love seeing them Wisconsin barns!
Blessings and hugs to you,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the last time i wore plaid was a madras skirt in 1962 and before that plaid flannel shirts when we lived in KY and walked to school in the snow. i got a big kick out of that plaid coat and the 10 inch waist. i did have a few polkadot dresses way back when but would not wear them now... i am very hard to influence, think hard headed to nth degree... but if i had to answer the women question, it would be my aunt Helen and my mom

Linda Kay said...

Judy, hope your visit to my Texas is a good one. The weather has been a bit rainy, but the bluebonnets are up and trees are leaving out. It's a great time of year to visit.

Chatty Crone said...

My mom instilled in me a strong work ethic too. And maybe spring is right around the corner - it is 80 here today and Andy went to school in shorts. I think men do more physical work - women do more mental(?) type work - lol. I know God doesn't promise us peace, but it would be nice for more peace!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the red barn and reading all your answers. Glad you enjoyed March more than February. I am off tomorrow to see my daughter on the I.O.W. and looking forward that.

Theresa said...

What a blessing to have such godly women in your life. Well said in your answer about peace. Off to read about your visit with your grandkids :)

Susie said...

The women in our families absolutely shape us. When I was ten , God sent a guardian angel into my life...via my mother's divorce lawyer ( she was his wife).. She started taking me to church with her, taught me manners, showed me a better life than what I had at home. She was and forever and always will be someone I love. She has been gone to heaven a very long time, but she is always in my heart. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Anonymous said...

Oh those barns look beautiful in the snow! It enriches your life if you have significant women who have influenced you:)
Just a reminder the link list for SEASONS is open till 7 pm, pacific time today. Hope you'll join the fun!Every week it has been growing:) In my post "March is On."

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Love your beautiful photos and wit as always Judy! But bite your tongue on the comment about neighbors needing their wood pile! Lol!! Spring has to come EARLY!! Please!!!

I especially loved your comment about HOPE - almost above all. Couldn't agree more.

I also loved that you had such wonderful women so close to you that were strong and influential. It shows. ;)


Lowcarb team member said...

I've just read your last paragraph!
Indeed a lovely March - enjoy every moment!

All the best Jan

Denise said...

nice answers.

Deborah Montgomery said...

I always enjoy these hodgepodges; maybe I should join in sometime. You were very blessed to have four faith-filled women as mentors in your life. What a wonderful legacy!
And I'm with you on solids. The only prints I wear are in my scarves. My mind is always so busy, that I can't wear busy clothes. It just gets too noisy, if you know what I mean!!
And yes, 70 degree weather here in Michigan -- love, love it! Especially having the windows open and getting the fresh breeze blow through. But I know better than to expect it to last!
Enjoy your trip to Texas! Blessings, Deborah

Michelle said...

Gotta love a classic, red barn.

~Pam~ said...

Hi Judy,
Fabulous blog post! Be blessed!!

Terri D said...

A thoughtful Hodgepodge. Love (always) your photos. Have a wonderful trip!!

Cheryl said...

I am not buying your answer to #7 for a minute!! Do you and Mr. C. watch Jeopardy? I'll bet you ace the word categories! (Oh, but I do buy your answer on circumstantial peace versus the peace of God!)

Enjoy your trip to Texas! Happy March!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I enjoyed reading your answers. The collection of magnet is nice. I love the first red barn photo. Have a fun week with your family in Texas! This weather feels like summer here, enjoy! Have a happy day and weekend ahead!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE LOVE your fences. Hug B

Vee said...

Oh I know...I used to think that I could ace the Bible categories...nope. And forget anything concerning current culture. I suppose your children have listened to the stories of your childhood..."I walked uphill to school both ways with only a sweater against winter cold." Ha! I used to dream of wearing cute outfits when ice skating. Instead, my mother had me bundled up so much that I looked like a marshmallow. Really, she took all the joy out of ice skating for me.

TexWisGirl said...

always enjoy your winter views (since i don't live them any more.) :)

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Judy, love the barn. Makes me want to paint one!! Great fence shots and the winter views remind me of growing up in Michigan. We just don't see that here in Texas. I skated everyday in the winter. Haven't in years now.
So glad Feb. is gone and March half way over. Spring is here!!
Enjoy the day!

Breathtaking said...

Hello! Nice fence and barn image, but I also enjoyed reading your answers. My mum and grandma were the two women who influenced me more than anyone.I enjoy game shows where brains over luck is required, but I'm still happy when people win prizes that change their lives.

Karen said...

I enjoyed your post today and loved the barn dusted with snow!

Christine said...

Thanks so much, Judy for this post. You are so bang on with your answer re faith & love & peace. I have just been reading Hebrews 11 & 12.
Have a wonderful trip & time with your loved ones.

Jean | said...

Loved your photos and answers, Judy. I wear only solids these days, too, but in my younger years I enjoyed the occasional quiet plaid, check, dotted, striped or otherwise patterned garment. We have similar collecting habits as well, only mine are dust bunnies and cat (rather than dog) hair. Love it when the cat goes into some far corner and comes out with dust bunnies! :D

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Oh Judy the U.S. Has the best barns and that barn red paint colour is my favourite!
Pure white snow - it's exciting for me but I imagine whenMarch arrives you've had enough!

This is an interesting meme with thought provoking questions and I'm in tune with many of your answers, even though we're World's apart in distance!
I'll try and link up one day!

Happy weekend and to your fur balls and hubby too!

carol l mckenna said...

wonderful wintry shots with beautiful barns and neat fences ~

Happy Weekend coming to you ~ ^_^

Ida said...

Brrr...those are very nice wintry scenes but I am so glad that we are pretty much through with winter weather in my neck of the woods. I really liked your fences/reflections shot.

As always I enjoyed the hodgepodge answers.

Ruth Kelly said...

I learned a lot from my grandma and my mom. At least they are at rest and out of pain.

Rose said...

I love the barns...and enjoyed your thoughts. Your answer about what about you as a child and you as an adult...I could have written part of that myself. I would say that i loved all fuzzy, furry critters then and now...loved the outdoors and still do...and oh so much more.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I hope these warm temperatures (here in Ontario too) are not a teaser. My husband asked me once why I feel the need to have a pet and my answer was simply that women have a nurturing gene and once the children are gone they need a replacement. As children I guess we practiced with our pets for the children to come. :-)
Don't you think of wrinkles as character lines Judy? Have a safe trip to see your family.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful post! I enjoyed reading your answers and looking at all these lovely photos.

Capri K said...

Your magnets are so cute and a great idea!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Beautiful answers. I like your mom answer. xoxo Su

J said...

Beautiful pictures - you certainly captured the bleakness that is winter. I am loving March, too! Easter is just ahead, and with that day, the promise of light and sunshine brought home by the risen Lord.
We share the same love for animals - my pets mean the world to me, too!
Your grandchildren - in the previous post - are just beautiful and so full of life! My pictures of my own always have at least one blurry head - they do move so fast!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such lovely photos - always! So sweet to see you as a child - a cutie patootie! You've had some lovely inspirational women in your life. Our Mothers and Grandmothers surely did have an excellent work ethic. When you are responsible for your own welfare, you do learn to work hard ! I so admire these hardworking women who came before us. I like solid colors, too, although I do love a sweet flower print or gingham blouse in the summertime. I just can't understand why you wouldn't love that plaid ensemble you've shown us! LOL! I especially don't like plaid pants.....The plaid always ends up all distorted on my butt. :) Seriously, though, I love what you said about the women in your life. I'm sure you have made them very proud. xx Karen

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I wish I had women like that in my life who influenced me like that! I have a large collection of magnets but haven't been able to use them on the frig in our home. I miss seeing them, they are in a box. Glad your loving March and enjoy your trip.

Anonymous said...

Pretty snow pictures. I enjoyed reading your answers to Hodgepodge, and your sense of humor.


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