Farm somewhere along Highway 29
between Chippewa Falls and Green Bay, WI
(and a very uncomfortable looking cow)
Join Joyce and the Gang
She writes the questions;
we write the answers.
Plug them into your own post
and join in!
Thank you, Joyce.
1. What would you say is the best and worst thing about moving house?
The best would be moving to England for 6 months. You did say that, right? The worst would be trying to sort out 27 years' worth of accumulated 'treasures.'
Teddy Bear Puppies??
I miss my huge German Shepherd.
2. What's moved you recently?
The movie 'Sully.' It's nice to be reminded that there really are some decent people out there who aren't simply striving for power and fame.
Ye Olde Farmhouse
Within probably a 20 mile radius of Shawano, WI
(not pronounced 'shaWANo' as one might think,
but SEAN-o (SHAWN-o)
I guess the second 'a' is silent.
3. Do you feel your life is moving forward, backward, or is on hold? How so?
I'm hoping that it's moving forward, certainly not backward or I wouldn't be seeing as many wrinkles when I look in the mirror. It still feels a bit on hold, but overall, I'd say progress.
Awwww, the fam
on Shell Beach
4. On the move,move mountains, get a move on, it's your move, or bust a move...which phrase best applies to some aspect of your life right now? Explain
I've never heard the term 'bust a move.' Maybe 'it's your move,' in that I've been given the go-ahead for some exercises that should strengthen my leg.
Shell Beach, the beach made of itty bitty shells of
zebra mussels
5. What song makes you want to get up and move?
As I'm writing this after 11:23 PM, there isn't much that makes me want to get up and move. My next move will be to take a quilt out of the washer, hang it out, and go to bed.
It was a bit nippy, but a beautiful day nonetheless.
6. Your favorite snack to grab when you're 'on the move'?
Olives, cheese, almonds, dark chocolate.
Remember those zebra mussels' shells?
This is what the beach is made of. Tiny, razor-sharp shells.
7. What one accessory makes your house feel like home?
d) the 1913 Home Comfort range
b) books
c) wood-burning stove in the living room
a) cat(s) or dog(s)
e) all of the above
I liked the juxtaposition of the colorful, beautiful, and natural woods
behind the colorful, not so beautiful,
but useful equipment.
If you squint, it looks better.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
We enjoyed the past weekend with our daughter and son-in-law who live in Green Bay. Can you believe we were THIS close to Lambeau Field and got detoured to Seroogy's chocolate shop instead. (Please forgive me, Packers fans.) I enjoyed seeing Green Bay for the first time, staying with our 'kids' in their new home, visiting the sandy beach at Two Rivers, Shell Beach at Green Bay, going to watch 'Sully' at the movie theater, stopping in at Seroogys for chocolates, and just spending time with family before Beautiful Autumn turns to Wretched Winter.
Audrey, looking rather smug.
Very pleased to see us return, and even posed for a selfie.
No, I haven't forgotten Tuppence.
I'll take her picture as soon as she retracts her claws quits hissing.
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Theresa's Good Fences
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